1. Largo - Allegro
2. Adagio
3. Allegretto


(31.03.2012 23:24) íå â ñåòè offline
Wilhelm Kempfs piano style is so different than others.its so
beethovens piano style,its so great.
(15.07.2012 19:12) íå â ñåòè offline
Why do you think Kempff is so Beethovenian.
What is meant by this ?
I know many think of Kempff as a master Beethoven interpreter. Who am
I to disagree.
But we should be clear when we say such things.

For instance, A. Schiff, waiting long years before recording the
Beethoven cycle is simply superb.
More Beethovenian, I don`t know, but he lets every voice in the score
speak, as a Bach phenomenon he can do this
This is something very new for me. Sometimes older generations, or
some of them pianists, tend to snow under voices.

I try to be as clear as possible.

But yes, Kempff is awesome. But ranking him against Brendels,
Schiffs, Pollinis, Lewis,... we cannot, as this is impossible and too

Do you have a favourite Beethoven interpreter in our age ?



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