Arietta „In questa tomba oscura” for voice and piano As-dur, WoO 133 (Beethoven)

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770–1827)

Arietta „In questa tomba oscura” for voice and piano As-dur, WoO 133

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1807, text by Giuseppe Carpani
In questa tomba oscura lasciami riposar;
Quando vivevo, ingrata, dovevi a me pensar,
Lascia che l`ombre ignude godansi pace almen
E non, e non bagnar mie ceneri d`inutile velen.

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Recorded: August 5-8, 1992, Vienna.

2019, London

Clara Butt. The year and place of recording are not specified.

4/1966, Berlin.

Recorded: March 4-6, 1984, Berlin.

Recorded: January 13, 1952, Berlin.

Recorded: March 5, 2005, Stockholm.

Hans Dokoupil - piano. Recordings 1968-69, Vienna.


`In questa tomba oscura` for voice and piano, WoO 133. Rec. 1944. Con. A. Sabino

Rosa Poncel. F-but Igor Chichagov. From the records of R.Ponsel is in her house, at the Villa Pace. 1954.

Franz Rupp - piano. 1932.

Recorded 1970, Dresden.

Recorded: June 17, 1927, London.



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