Reis glorios,  (Bornelh)

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Martin Best (voice, lute, psaltery, pottery drum), Libby Crabtree (soprano), Giles Chabonard (vielle), David Corkhill (hammer dulcimer, tambourine), Robin Jeffrey (cittern, oud, theorbo, laouto), Lucie Skeaping (violin, fidele, rebec, pipe), David Tosh (dulcimer, nakers, tabor), Rebecca Outram (soprano), Caris Lane (soprano), Natanja Hadda (alto), Susannah Spicer (alto), Matthew Vine (tenor), Paul Tindell (tenor) and other / Concert Hall of Nimbus Foundation, 1994


Estelle Nadeau, Florence Lemon, Carolyn Tarrit, Lena Ori (vocals), Angelique Moyo (harp), Guillermo Perez (organetto) - vocals and hands. Laurence Brisset Ensemble CD 2017

Clara Coutouly (soprano), Paulin Bündgen (countertenor, dir. of ensemble), Gwénaël Bihan (recorders), Nolwenn Le Guern (fiddle, rebab), Florent Marie (lute), Ludwin Bernaténé (percussion) / Centeilles, 2013

1988, Stuttgart (CD `Proensa`, ESM Records, 1989)

Recorded in 1990.

Henri Ledroit (countertenor), Ellen Hargis (soprano), Joel Cohen (lute, percussion), Cheryl Ann Fulton (harp), David Douglass (rebec, vielle), Carol Lewis (rebec, vielle), Jesse Lepkoff (flute, recorder), Steven Lundahl (slide trumpet, recorder), Dan Stillman (shawm), Andrea von Ramm (narrator) / 1987

Jean-Luc Madier (vocals, tambourine, mandolin), Herv? Berthou (flute, krumhorn, shalmay), Thomas Bienab (oud), Pascal Lefebvre (organistrum), Maurice Moncuse (flute, shalmay), Jacques Detraz (darbuka, tabla, bendir, saz, drums). Collé

Performed by `Capella de Ministrers`: Ruth Rozik (vocals), David Antic (flute), Efren Lopez (wheel lyre, oud, saz), Octavio Lafourcade (medieval lute), Pau Ballester (psalter, percussion), Fidel and ensemble leader Carles Magraner. The year 2000.


Sandra Hurtado-Ros, Gisela Bellsola, Isabella Bonnadier, Gerard Le Vu (vocals), Robert Guy (oud, lute), Andre Rochard (oud, lute), Gerard Melou (lute, oud), Veronique Condessi (harp), Maurice Moncose (flute, vocals)), Denis Doling (flute), Patrice Villaume (organistrum, timpanon), Valerie Lume (zither, daf), Michel Maldonado (Rebec, Fidel), Dominique Rejef (rebec, fidel), Thierry Gomar (percussion) - vocals and hands. the ensemble of Gerard Zucchetto. CD La Trò


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