Pieces pittoresques,  (Chabrier)

1. Paysage (Landscape)
2. Mélancolie (Melacholy)
3. Tourbillon (Whirlwind)
4. Sous bois (In the Woods)
5. Mauresque (In Moorish Style)
6. Idylle (Idyll)
7. Danse villageoise (Village...Read more
1. Paysage (Landscape)
2. Mélancolie (Melacholy)
3. Tourbillon (Whirlwind)
4. Sous bois (In the Woods)
5. Mauresque (In Moorish Style)
6. Idylle (Idyll)
7. Danse villageoise (Village Dance)
8. Improvisation
9. Menuet pompeux (Festive Minuet)
10. Scherzo-Valse

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Recorded: April 11, 1968, Paris.

Recorded in 1953.


Plays 7-10. Interpretation for the pipe

Recorded: June 2004, Italy.




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