Antiphon `Salve Regina` for Soloists, Strings and Organ, Hob XXIIIb: 2 (Haydn)

Joseph Haydn (1732–1809)

Antiphon `Salve Regina` for Soloists, Strings and Organ, Hob XXIIIb: 2

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Soprano I - Krisztina Laki, Contralto - Hildegard Laudrich, Tenor - Aldo Baldin, Bass - Richard Anlauf.

Elisabeth von Magnus - mezzo-soprano, Herbert Lippert - tenor, Oliver Widmer - baritone. 1996

London Chamber Choir. The Argo Chamber Orchestra. Alfreda Hodgson - mezzo-soprano, Gwynne Howell - bass. Recording - February 1979, London.



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