User: evc

About user evc (offline )

Source: YouTube Channel `Astana TV` 12/19/2016

Record from a concert of vocal music of Siberian composers on June 30, 2017 in the Krasnoyarsk House of Arts. Operator Sergey Shestakov.

3 декабря 2018 года, 19-00, Малый академический зал Сибирского гос. института искусств им. Дм. Хворостовского. Концерт камерной музыки в рамках IV Сибирского фестиваля современной музыки посвящённого 35-летию Красноярской региональной орг.-и `Союз композиторов России` (30 ноября - 16 декабря 2018 года).

December 3, 2018, 19-00, Small Academic Hall of the Siberian State Institute of Arts named after Dm. Hvorostovsky. Chamber music concert as part of the IV Siberian Contemporary Music Festival dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Organization `Union of Composers of Russia` (November 30 - December 16, 2018).

Source Video - YouTube Channel: Olga Rayeva -

November 26, 2012, Circulo de las artes de Lugo (Spain). Recording and editing: Antonio Cid. Source Video - YouTube Channel: Wladimir Rosinskij -

December 3, 2018, 19-00, Small Academic Hall of the Siberian State Institute of Arts named after Dm. Hvorostovsky. Chamber music concert as part of the IV Siberian Contemporary Music Festival dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Organization `Union of Composers of Russia` (November 30 - December 16, 2018).

Perf. by Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra (?). Only Audio. Source: YouTube Channel `Octavestorm`.

December 3, 2018, 19-00, Small Academic Hall of the Siberian State Institute of Arts named after Dm. Hvorostovsky. Chamber music concert as part of the IV Siberian Contemporary Music Festival dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Organization `Union of Composers of Russia` (November 30 - December 16, 2018).


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