,  (Smirnov)
Dmitriy Valentinovich Smirnov (Born 1952)








Tracks: 1.Come,2.Dream,3.Annunciation,4.Love you


Chorus Lege Artis






Lege Artis Chamber Choir

Tracks: 1. Theotokos, 2. Through the mountains along the mountains of Zion, 3. My mother, Mother Mary, 5. Lamentation of the Mother of God, 6. Prayer to the Mother of God, 7. Slavnik


1.Quiet light, 2.Praise the name of the Lord


14.02.2011 - concert of the anniversary of the Lege Artis choir in the Small Hall of the Philharmonic.

Anniversary concert of Lege Artis in the small hall of the Philharmonic 02 14 2011





St. Petersburg Academic Chapel named after M.I. Glinka, 1995. The essay is dedicated to Yuri Semenov.

I. 2’30’



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