`Lyrics of Pushkin`, a song cycle for voice and piano (1972),  (Tchaikovsky)

Boris Tchaikovsky (1925–1996)

`Lyrics of Pushkin`, a song cycle for voice and piano (1972)

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¹2. `A vain gift, a random gift...` 1973.

¹3. Talisman (& Protect me, my talisman...& ) Piano part - Boris Tchaikovsky. Year of recording 1973.

¹4. To the poet (`Poet! Do not value the people`s love...`) Piano part - Boris Tchaikovsky. Year of recording 1973.

¹1. Echo (`Does the beast roar in the deep forest...`). Piano part - Boris Tchaikovsky. Year of recording 1973.

¹5. Your image (`For the last time your image is sweet...`) Piano part - Boris Tchaikovsky. Year of recording 1973.

¹6. `If life deceives you` Piano part - Boris Tchaikovsky. Year of recording 1973.

¹7. Labor (`The longed-for moment has come...`) Piano part - Boris Tchaikovsky. Year of recording 1973.

No.8. From Pindemonti (& I don’t value loud rights dearly...& ) Piano part - Boris Tchaikovsky. Year of recording 1973.


Eugene Gutman (piano) Moscow 2005



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