All-Night Vigil for mixed choir (1915), op.37 (Rachmaninov)

Sergei Rachmaninov (1873–1943)

All-Night Vigil for mixed choir (1915), op.37

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Chamber Choir of the Ministry of Culture of the USSR. Recorded in 1986 in Smolensk.



Academic Big Choir `Masters of Choral Singing`. Moscow, 2008


Recording from the concert in BZK 11 14 2013

Choir of the Church of St. Nicholas in Tolmachi at the State Tretyakov Gallery

Arranged for male voices choir. A 2001 recording.

Julia Scozzafava - mezzo-soprano, Frank Fleschner - tenor. Phoenix Chorale. Recording venue Cathedral of St Peter the Apostle, Kansas City, Kansas, USA; 24 – 26 May 2014.

THE STATE MOSCOW CHAMBER CHOIR with CHILDREN`S CHOIR VESNA (Alexander Ponomariev). Recorded in 2001.


Olga Borusine (soprano), Yuri Korinnik (tenor), Mikhailo Tishchenko (tenor). National Honored Academic Chapel of Ukraine & Dumka&. Recorded: December 2000

Choir of King`s College, Stephen Cleobury / 1998


Latvian Radio Choir, Sigvards Kļava (conductor) / 2011



ACADEMY OF CHORAL ART, MOSCOW with A. TIMOFEEVA (mezzo-soprano) and D. KORTCHAK (tenor). Recorded at Ton-Studio ``Mosfilm``, 2002.


Leningrad Glinka Choir - from Russian Melodia LP - part 1

Bulgarian Choral Chapel named after S.Obretenov conductor - Evgeny Svetlanov Broadcast recording from the Great Hall of the Musikverein, 1983



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