From the Homeland, Two Pieces for Violin and Piano, JB 1:118 (Smetana)

Bedrich Smetana (1824–1884)

From the Homeland, Two Pieces for Violin and Piano, JB 1:118

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1. Moderato (fis-moll)
2. Andantino — Moderato (g-moll)

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George Falkenstein - piano. Recorded: May 11, 1910, New York.

Second variant. George Falkenstein - piano. Recorded: May 13, 1910, New York.

Recorded: February 7, 1916, New York.


Recorded in September 2003.



Recorded: 29 January 1993. Venue: Domovina Studio, Prague, Czech Republic.

¹2.Otto Gref, piano. Recorded 1930





Entry - December 2012, Prague.


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