1. Kol`lyubit` tak bez rassudku When you love then do it madly
Text by Aleksei Konstantinovich Tolstoi 1817 - 1875
2. Vostochnaya pesn Song of the east
Text by N. Minski
3. O jesli b grust` moja Oh if my mourning wouldn`t be
Text by Rosswein
4. Kak v bredu As in a delirium
Text by Daniil Rathaus * 1868
5. Zhit! Budem zhit! Live! We shall live!
Text by G. Galina
6. Ty vesennikh obmanov ne zhdi Don`t expect any spring deceptions
Text by Daniil Rathaus * 1868
7. Vsyo mne grezitsa more ... I am always dreaming of the sea
Text by Konstantin Dmitrjevich Balmont 1867 - 1942
8. Zasmeesh`ja li ty... Will you laugh ...
Text by F. Sologub
9. Ya bol`she yeyo ne lyublyu ... I love her no longer
Text by Konstantin Dmitrjevich Balmont 1867 - 1942
dedicated to Maria Adrianovna Dejscha-Sionizka
10. Vzor tvoj bezemolven Your meaningless look
Text by Myrrha Lochvitzkaja 1869 - 1905
dedicated to Antonina Wasiliewna Neshdanowa
11. Spit more predo mnoy... In front of me the sea is sleeping
Text by Skitalez

11 Songs for Voice and Piano, op. 28 (Gliere)
No. 3. O, jesli b grust` moja (Oh, if my mourning wouldn`t be)


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