For Queen Elizabeth I

When Phoebus first did Daphne love
and no means might her favour move
he crav`d the cause. The cause quoth she
is I have vow`d virginity.
Then in a rage he sware and said
Past fifteen none but one should live a maid.

If maidens then shall chance be sped
ere they can scarcely dress their head
yet pardon them for they be loath
to make good Phoebus break his oath.
And better `twere a child were born
than that a god should be foresworn.

By this they get sweet mother`s name
and are not barren which were blame
besides by this procure they can
the world a child the prince a man.
Now Stoick tell me if in this
that anything be done a-miss.

The Third and Last Booke of Songs or Aires (1603): ¹ 6. `When Phoebus first did Daphne love`,  (Dowland)
April 2004, Sweden.

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