Cantata `Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam` (1724), BWV    7 (Bach)

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750)

Cantata `Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam` (1724), BWV 7

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Soloists: Alto, Tenor, Bass; 4-part Chorus
Orchestra: 2 oboes d’amore, 2 violins, concertante violin, viola, continuo (partly with organ)

1. Coro `Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam`
2. Aria...Read more
Soloists: Alto, Tenor, Bass; 4-part Chorus
Orchestra: 2 oboes d’amore, 2 violins, concertante violin, viola, continuo (partly with organ)

1. Coro `Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam`
2. Aria (basso) `Merkt und hört, ihr Menschenkinder`
3. Recitativo (tenor) `Dies hat Gott klar mit Worten`
4. Aria (tenor) `Des Vaters Stimme ließ sich hören`
5. Recitativo (basso) `Als Jesus dort nach seinen Leiden`
6. Aria (alto) `Menschen, glaubt doch dieser Gnade`
7. Choral `Das Aug allein das Wasser sieht`

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Holland Boys Choir. Countertenor - Sytse Buwalda, Recorded: October/November 1999, Elburg, Holland.

Barbara Scherler - contralto, Georg Jelden - tenor, Jakob Stämpfli - bass. Recorded: July 1966, Schwaigern, Germany.

Wilke te Brummelstroete - contralto. Recorded: June 24, 2000, London.

Òhe Àmsterdam baroque orchestra & choir. Annette Markert - contralto. Recorded: October 1999, Amsterdam.

Tenor - Adalbert Kraus, bass - Wolfgang Schöne. Recorded: February 1979, Stuttgart.

Contralto - Melinda Heiter, tenor - Dávid Szigetvári, bass - Domonkos Blazsó. Purcell Choir. Orfeo Orchestra. Recorded: February 18, 2012, Budapest.

Recorded: April 19-23, 2002, Japan.

Soprano - Franziska Bobe, contralto - Sophie Harmsen, tenor - Andreas Weller, bass - Benjamin Appl. Stuttgarter Kantorei. Stiftsbarock Stuttgart (Konzertmeisterin: Christine Busch). June 21, 2013, Stuttgart.

Soprano - Sarah Wegener, contralto - Benno Schachtner, tenor - Sebastian Kohlhepp, bass - Thomas E. Bauer. Chorus Musicus Köln. Das Neue Orchester. Recorded: February 2-6, 2016, Cologne.

Paul Esswood - countertenor. Chorus Master - David Willcocks. Recorded: January 1971, Amsterdam.

Countertenor - Daniel Taylor, bass - Stephan MacLeod. Recorded: June 2004, Quebec.

Contralto - Felicity Smith, tenor - Ewandro Stenzowski & Dann Coakwell, bass - Daniel Raschinsky & Edwing Tenias. Gächinger Kantorei Stuttgart. Recorded: September 7, 2011, Stuttgart (live).

Countertenor - Alex Potter, tenor - Julius Pfeiffer, bass - Dominik Wörner. Recorded: June 22, 2012, Trogen, Switzerland (live).

Soprano - Noémi Kiss, contralto - Éva Lax, tenor - Péter Marosvári. Tamás Sackaliczky - organ. Lutherania Choir & Chamber orchestra. Recorded: June 7, 1998, Budapest.

Countertenor - Alex Potter, tenor - Markus Brutscher, bass - Wolf-Matthias Friedrich. La Capella Ducale. Musica Fiata. Recorded: August 9-11, 2012, Arnstadt.

Contralto - Eva Bornemann, tenor - Johannes Feyerabend, bass - Wolfgang Büssenschütt. Bremer Kantatenchor. Bremer Bach-Orchester. 1960, Bremen.

Contralto - Gabriele Vasiliauskaite, tenor - Martin Fleitmann, bass - Chan Il Seok. Cappella Piccola Hohenwestedt. Winterbeker Kammerorchester. Recorded & filmed live January 8, 2017, Peter-Pauls-Kirche, Hohenwestedt, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.

Mezzo-soprano - Kristina Rodel Sorum, tenor - David Bremer, baritone - Daniel Greco. Festival Choir & Orchestra. Recorded & filmed live July 14, 2019, Chapel of Resurrection, Valpariso University, Valpariso, Indiana, USA, in the frame of Lutheran Summer Music (LSM) 2019.

Soprano - Molly Quinn, contralto - Timothy Parsons, tenor - Steven Caldicott Wilson, bass - Jonathan Woody. Choir of Trinity Wall Street. Trinity Baroque Orchestra, Wall Street. Recorded: April 15, 2019, New York (live). Video:

Contralto - Cécile van de Sant, tenor - Jasper Dijkstra, bass - Daniël Hermán Mostert. Residentie Bachkoor. Residentie Bachorkest. Recorded: June 26, 2022, Den Haag, Netherlands (live). Video:

Soprano - Iwona Lubowicz, contralto - Aneta Łukaszewicz, tenor - Sylwester Smulczyński, bass - Paweł Michalczuk. Krzysztof Garstka - harpsichord. Capella Regia Polona. Ensemble of Historical Instruments of the Polish Royal Opera Capella Regia Polona. Recorded: December 1, 2020, Warsaw, Poland (live). Video:

Contralto - Irene Schneider, tenor - Shimon Yoshida, bass - Wolfram Teßmer. Studiochor Karlshorst & Kantorei Karlshorst. Junges Bach Ensemble Berlin. Recorded: August 22, 2021, Berlin (live). Video:

Contralto - Rosemarie Lang, tenor - Christian Vogel, bass - Gothart Stier. Mid 1970`s?

Contralto - Iris Bouman, tenor - André Pérez Muiño, bass - Bas Cornelissen. Choir & orchestra Bachcantatediensten. Recorded: February 6, 2022, Utrecht, Netherlands, in the frame of Bachcantates Utrecht (live). Video:


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