Opera `Mireille`,  (Gounod)

Show records by: listenings count | performer's rating | alphabetical
Mireille - Janette Vivalda, Vincent - Nicolai Gedda, Taven - Christiane Gayraud, Ourrias - Michel Dens, Vincenette - Madeleine Ignal, Maître Ramon - André Vessières, Ambroise - Marcello Cortis, Clémence - Christiane Jacquin, Le passeur - Robert Tropin. Chorus - Chorale Elisabeth Brasseur. Recorded: July 27-30, 1954, Théâtre de l`Archevêhé, Aix-en-Provence, France.

Mireille - Andre ESPOSITO - André

1962. Paris. Chorus and orchestra Opera Comique. Dir. Jesus Etsheverri.

Paris, 1948



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