Piano Sonata Sz. 80 (1926), BB 88 (Bartok)

Bela Bartok (1881–1945)

Piano Sonata Sz. 80 (1926), BB 88

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I. Allegro moderato.
II. Sostenuto e pesante.
III. Allegro molto.

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Recordings 1978-79, Amsterdam (live).


Taken from a LP recorded by ORION MASTER RECORDINGS (USA) in 1973. NEVER RE-ISSUED ON CD.


Recorded at Beethovensaal, Hannover (Germany), January 1955.



Taken from a LP recorded by CONNOISSEUR SOCIETY (USA) in 1962.

Released in 1964.

Recorded live at the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition, 1969.

Recorded at the Capitol Records Melrose Studio, Hollywood, California (USA), December 1956.


Recorded by VOX (USA) in 1963.

Rec. 2 Jānuārius 2016, London.




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