User: sholohov

About user sholohov (offline )

I. Largo recitativo e molto lugubre-II.Pavane.Andantino sostenuto-III.Allegro con forza-IV.Motet.Lento doloros

1. Allegro moderato.

Interludia. Andante pastorale.- Allegretto I.Duett.Alegretto II. - Menuetto.Allegretto. - Interludia. Andante pastorale

Motto.-She.-Etude.-Etude 2.- Variation.- Nightmare.- Night (fugue).- Morning.- Thought.- Final

First opening.-Construction.-Second opening.-At night.-Little funeral march.-Final


1.Rage of the Priest 2.Seahorse Variation 3.Mass

Epigraph. Allegro moderato.-I. Andante con santimento.-II.Largo lugubre.-III.Allegro con forza e con isterico.-IV. Adagio religioso (`Kyrie eleison`) V. Tkachenko-alto, A. Lubchenko (piano). Recording from the concert, Hall named after. A.K.Glazunova, St. Petersburg Conservatory, 2006


Sale a Poirel, Nancy, France. Live 2012


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