User: musicmaniac50

About user musicmaniac50 (offline )


Theme:Балет `Родео` (1942)
(03.05.2015 09:44)
5 movements of course!
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Theme:Торжественная увертюра `1812 год` (1880)
(30.11.2014 13:06)
My 100th upload! Something very special to celebrate!
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Theme:Концерт для скрипки с оркестром (1909-10)
(29.11.2014 12:22)
Conducted by Henry Wood.
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(26.11.2014 12:11)
RichardH91151 wrote:
They are certainly
compatible with iTunes
Download a free audio converter program
(Pajera. Switch are both good) or convert them in an audio editor
program such as Audacity (free) or MixPad (free for non-commercial
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Theme:Опера `Саломея` (1903-1905)
(26.11.2014 12:05)
Catherine Malfitano gives one of the most acclaimed performances of
Salome, in this this ROH staging. the description shown indicates `2
Songs` which is obviously incorrect.
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(25.11.2014 18:45)
ray101 wrote:
Hi What a brilliant site!
But I download to cd sometimes.Is it possible break
down larger files,operas etc to smaller parcels so they can be fitted
onto several cds

What you need to do is download the complete file and save it. Then
open an audio editing program (Adobe Audition, you pay for this) or
MixPad (free non-commercial version from NCH software) and you can
split the files at convenient points, then save each part separately,
to put them onto CDs.
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(25.11.2014 18:44)

What you need to do is download the complete file and save it. Then
open an audio editing program (Adobe Audition, you pay for this) or
MixPad (free non-commercial version from NCH software) and you can
split the files at convenient points, then save each part separately,
to put them onto CDs.
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Theme:Discussions about musical compositions
(06.10.2014 19:12)
The performer is The Edison Symphony Orchestra.
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Theme:Discussions about musical compositions
(06.10.2014 19:12)
The performer is The Edison Symphony Orchestra.
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Theme:Jamestown Concerto for Cello and Orchestra
(04.10.2014 12:29)
The work has five movements:
1. London 1606. The Virgina Company
2. Settlements Along The River
3. The Long Winters
4. Pocohontas in London
5. Jamestown: Four Hundred Years On
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Theme:Camilla Wicks
(16.09.2014 22:04)
Does anyone have a recording of the legendary Hollywood Bowl
performance by Camilla wicks of the Tchaikovsky concerto? I think it
was 1950, conducted by Arthur Fiedler.

If so, please upload it!!
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