Lamentations and Consolations (1914), op. 17 (Bortkiewicz)

Sergey Bortkiewicz (1877–1952)

Lamentations and Consolations (1914), op. 17

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1. Lamentation in d-moll
2. Consolation in D-dur
3. Lamentation in cis-moll
4. Consolation in Des-dur
5. Lamentation in a-moll, `Le mal du pays`
6. Consolation in A-dur
7. Lamentation in es-moll
8. Consolation in Es-dur, `Sorrento`

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Nos. 1-8

¹ 3 // 28.10.2020, Orléans

album of 2008 release

from the set `Bortkiewicz: Complete Piano Music`, recorded in 2002-2006 in Rotterdam

solo concert on 26.05.2022 at the NIKO Art Gallery, Moscow

from the album `Bortkiewicz: Piano pieces` (2014)


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