Piano Trio No.1 in d-moll (1894), op. 32 (Arensky)

Anton Arensky (1861–1906)

Piano Trio No.1 in d-moll (1894), op. 32

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1. Allegro moderato - Adagio
2. Scherzo. Allegro molto
3. Elegia. Adagio
4. Finale. Allegro non troppo - Andante - Allegro

Show records by: listenings count | performer's rating | alphabetical
Recorded: October 17, 1963, Hollywood.

1986, UK.

USA, 1994.

2012, Teldex Studio Berlin

Recorded in 1982, London.

The Amsterdam Chamber Music Society. Christiaan Bor - violin. Recorded: November 1989, Amsterdam.

Recorded in 1986.

The Gabrielli Trio: Andrew Jennings - violin, Michael Haber - cello, Andrew Rangell - piano. Live performance recorded in The University of Akron`s Guzzetta Recital Hall in 1988.

TRIO HOCHELAGA: Richard RAYMOND (piano); Anne ROBERT (violin); Benoît LOISELLE (cello). Recorded in Montreal (Quebec), Canada, December 19-20, 2000.



2013, Wyastone Estate

2016 entry.

recorded in 2021 at the concert of the annual Solsberg Festival in Switzerland

recorded 30.11.2022 at the Chamber Hall of the Moscow Philharmonic

Neues Münchner Klaviertrio. Recorded: March 1992, Germany.



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