Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra

Threni: id est Lamentationes Jeremiae Prophetae

1. De Elegia Prima
`Incipit lamentatio Jeremiae Prophetae` (here begins the lamentation of the prophet Jeremiah).
Chapter 1, verses 1, 2 (first part), 5 (first part), 11 (last part) and 20.
A Hebrew letter precedes each verse used.

2. De Elegia Tertia
Chapter 3. Hebrew letter preceding each block of three verses.
2.1 Querimonia (complaint): verses 1–6 and 16–21.
2.2 Sensus spei (sense of hope): verses 22–27, 34–36, 40–45 and 49–57.
2.3 Solacium (solace): verses 58–64.

3. De Elegia Quinta
`Oratio Jeremiae Prophetae` (prayer of the prophet Jeremiah)
Chapter 5, verses 1, 19 and 21.
No Hebrew letters are associated with this text.
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Live - 18 February 1968 - with Reiner Schweppe, Wim van Gerben, Andrew Foldi - Netherlands Chamber Choir

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