Páleníček, Jan (cello) (Czech Republic)
Páleníček, Josef (piano) (Czech Republic)
Pélassy, Frédéric (violin) (France)
Pérez, Carlos (guitar) (Chile)
Périn, Ida-Marie-Louise (piano) (France)
Přibyl, Karel (violin) (Czech Republic)
Přibyl, Vilém (Tenor) (Czech Republic)
Païta, Carlos (conductor) (Argentina)
Paal, Louis van der (harpsichord) (Belgium)
Paasikivi, Lilli (Mezzo-soprano) (Finland)
Paavola, Satu (piano) (Finland)
Pabst, Paul (piano) (Russia)
Pabyan, Amanda (soprano) (USA)
Paccagnella, Luca (cello) (Italy)
Pace, Andrea (guitar) (Italy)
Pace, Enrico (piano) (Italy)
Pace, Ian (piano) (Great Britain)
Pace, Marco (conductor) (Italy)
Pacetti, Iva (soprano) (Italy)
Pacey, Prunella (viola) (Great Britain)
Pachmann, Vladimir de (piano) (Russia)
Pacht, Nurit (violin)
Paciariello, Maurizio (harpsichord) (Italy)
Pacini, Sophie (piano) (Germany)
Pacitti, Daniel (conductor) (Italy)
PACK, Sang Hyuk (cello) (South Korea)
Packer, Janet (violin) (USA)
Padalko, Anna (mezzo-soprano) (Russia)
Padalko, Juliana (flute) (Russia)
Paderewski, Ignacy Jan (piano)
Padinki, Asko (basson) (Finland)
Padmore, Mark (tenor) (Great Britain)
Padova, Andrea (piano) (Italy)
Padova, Gioacchino de (conductor) (Italy)
Padovani, Francesco (flute) (Italy)
Paduch, Arno (cornetto/conductor) (Germany)
Padurariu, Mircea (conductor) (Romania)
Paemurru, Peeter (cello) (Estonia)
Pagano, Caio (piano)
Page, Christopher (lute, conductor) (Great Britain)
Page, Gill (vocal/harp) (Great Britain)
Page, Ian (conductor) (Great Britain)
Page, Kenneth (conductor) (Great Britain)
Page, Robert (conductor) (USA)
Paggioro, Fabio (violin) (Italy)
Pagin, Diego (violin) (Switzerland)
Paglia, Elisabetta (mezzo-soprano) (Italy)
Pagliani, Stefano (violin) (Italy)
Pagliughi, Lina (soprano) (Italy)
Pagnini, Francesca (flute) (Italy)
Pagny, Patricia (piano)
Paguirigan, Gabriel (piano) (Philippines)
Pahar, Mariya (soprano) (Russia)
Paharev, Pyotr (horn, conductor) (Russia)
Pahota, Ivan (Piano) (Ukraine)
Pahud, Emmanuel (flute) (Switzerland)
Paiberdin, Oleg (conductor) (Russia)
Paiement, Nicole (conductor, music director) (USA)
Paik, Haesun (piano)
Paik, Kun Woo (piano) (South Korea)
Paik, Nam June (electronics) (South Korea)
Paillard, Jean-François (conductor) (France)
Pailthorpe, Daniel (flute) (Great Britain)
Pailthorpe, Emily (oboe) (Great Britain)
Pajala, Pia (soprano) (Finland)
Pajevic, Branko (violin) ()
Pakhomenko, Maria (vocal) (Russia)
Pakhomova, Elizaveta (soprano) (Russia)
Pakura, Barbara (piano) (Poland)
Pal, Tamas (conductor) (Hungary)
Pala-, Milan (viola, violin) (Slovakia)
Palacio, Ernesto (tenor) (Peru)
Palacios, Moises (vocals) (Mexico)
Palameta, Christopher (oboe, conductor) (Canada)
Palamidessi, Stefano (guitar) (Italy)
Palaruan, Eudenice (conductor) (Philippines)
Palashin, Yuri (Conductor) (Russia)
Palatchi, Stefano (bass) (Spain)
Palazzo, Francesco (accordion) (Italy)
Palcic, Rok (piano)
Paleari, Davide (organ) (Italy)
Paleczny, Piotr (Piano) (Poland)
Palenicek, Josef (conductor) (Czech Republic)
Paley, Alexander (piano) (USA)
Palfi, Ladislav (piano) (Macedonia)
Paliashvili, Vakhtang (conductor)
Palikarov, Grigor (conductor) (Bulgaria)
Paliy, Maxim (bass) (Russia)
Palkin, Igor (conductor) (Ukraine)
Palliser, Esther (soprano) (USA)
Pallo, Imre (baritone) (Hungary)
Pallo, Imre (conductor) (Hungary)
Pally, Zenaida (mezzo-soprano) (Romania)
Palm, Mati (basso) (Estonia)
Palm, Siegfried (cello) (Germany)
Palm, Stefan (harpsichord) (Germany)
Palm, Thomas (piano) (Germany)
Palma, Donald (conductor) (USA)
Palma, Sandro de (Piano) (Italy)
Palma-Nidel, Susan (flute) (USA)
Palmer, Brittany (soprano) (USA)
Palmer, Felicity (soprano) (Great Britain)
Palmer, Jono (conductor) (New Zealand)
Palmer, Matt (guitar) (USA)
Palmer, Michael (conductor) (USA)
Palmer, Nicholas (conductor) (USA)
Palmer, Rudolph (conductor) (USA)
Palmer, Todd (clarinet) (USA)
Palmeri, Alessandro (baroque violoncello) (Italy)
Palmiero, Tiziana (conductor, harp) (Chile)
Palmov, Vadim (piano) (Russia)
Palmu, Mikaela (violin) (Finland)
Palomares, Joaquin (violin) (Spain)
Palombi-, Luigi (piano) (Italy)
Palosz, Mikolaj (cello) (Poland)
Palotai, Vilmos (cello) (Hungary)
Palou, Josep-Francesc (flute) (Spain)
Palovičová, Jordana (piano) (Slovakia)
Palovic, Ivan (piano) (Slovakia)
Pals, Herman (organ) (Austria)
Pals, Tobias van der (cello) (Sweden)
Paltajyan, Shaliko (conductor) (Armenia)
Palter, Morris (vibraphone) (Canada)
Paludetto, Roberto (conductor) (Italy)
Palumbo, Beatrice (soprano) (Italy)
Palumbo, Massimo (piano) (Italy)
Palumbo, Renato (condurtor)
Palymsky, Oleg (conductor) (Russia)
Pameijer, Eleonore (flute) (Germany)
Pampanini, Rosetta (soprano) (Italy)
Pan, Michelle (oboe) (USA)
Panayotopoulos, Alkis (Conductor) (Greece)
Panayotov, Pavlin (clarinet) (Czech Republic)
Pancetti, Davide (piano) (Italy)
Panchenko, Elizaveta (Russia)
Pancik, Josef (choirmaster) (Czech Republic)
Pancrazi, Eleonore (mezzo-soprano) (France)
Pandit, Meeta (vocal) (India)
Pandolfi, Emile (piano) (USA)
Pandolfo, Paolo (voila da gamba) (Italy)
Pane, Joseph (harpsichord) (USA)
Panenka, Jan (piano) (Czech Republic)
Panerai, Rolando (baritone) (Italy)
Panfilov, Anton (guitar) (Russia)
Panfilova, Ulyana (guitar) (Russia)
Panhofer, Walter (piano) (Austria)
Pani, Maria Grazia (soprano) (Italy)
Paniagua, Eduardo (director of the ensemble) (Spain)
Paniagua, Gregorio (director of the ensemble, cello, viola da gamba, lute) (Spain)
Panico, Danilo (piano) (Italy)
Panikhina, Tatiana (piano) (Russia)
Panin, Petr (gitara) (Russia)
Panina, Varvara (Barbara) (contralto) (Russia)
Panitsky, Ivan (Bayan) (Russia)
Paniyeva, Liana (piano) (USA)
Panizello, Fabian (conductor) (Spain)
Panizza, Alexander (piano) (Argentina)
Panizza, Ettore (conductor) (Argentina)
Pank, Siegfried (viola da gamba) (Germany)
Pankova, Natalya (piano) (Russia)
Pankratov, Vladimir (baritone) (Russia)
Pann, Carter (piano) (USA)
Pannetier, Gwendoline (harp)
Panni, Marcello (conductor) (Italy)
Panocha, Jiri (violin) (Czech Republic)
Panomariovaite, Vita (piano) (Lithuania)
Panourgia, Daphne (vocal) (Greece)
Panova, Irina (violin) (Russia)
Panshina, Vera (soprano) (Russia)
Pansolin, Simone (archilute) (Italy)
Panteleev, Martin (conductor) (Bulgaria)
Panteleeva, Nina V. (soprano) (Russia)
Pantelli, Carlo (conductor) (Italy)
Pantelyat, Julia (cello)
Panthaki, Sherezade (soprano) (USA)
Pantieri, Filippo (harpsichord) (Italy)
Pantillon, Louis (violin) (Switzerland)
Pantillon, Marc (piano) (Switzerland)
Pantofel-Nechetskaya, Debora (soprano) (Russia)
Pantulu, Parupalli Ramakrishnayya (vocal, sitar) (India)
Panufnik, Andrzej (conductor) (Poland)
Panula, Jorma (conductor) (Finland)
Panzarella, Anna Maria (soprano) (France)
Panzarella-, Barbara (piano)
Panzera, Charles (baritone) (France)
Paoletti, Roberto (conductor) (Italy)
Paoli, Antonio (tenor) (Italy)
Paolini, Adriano (piano) (Italy)
Paolini, Luca (violin) (Italy)
Pap, Ljudevit (violin) ()
Papadakis, Raphaela (soprano)
Papadiamandis, Mathie (piano) (France)
Papadimitriou, Nicholas (organ) (Netherlands)
Papadopoulos, Marios (piano) (Cyprus)
Papageorgiou, Tatiana (Piano) (Greece)
Papandreou, Elena (guitar) (Greece)
Papantoniou, Vasso (soprano) (Greece)
Papapetropoulou, Maria (Piano) (Greece)
Papasergio, Jeremie (bassoon) (France)
Papavassiliou, Vassilis (double bass) (Greece)
Papavrami, Tedi (violin) (Albania)
Papazian, Arutyun (piano) (Armenia)
Pape, Rene (bass) (Germany)
Paperno, Dmitry (fortepiano) (USA)
Papi, Gennaro (conductor) (Italy)
Papian, Hasmik (Soprano) (Armenia)
Papillon, Andre (flute) (Canada)
Papis, Christian (tenor) (France)
Papoyan, Ilya (piano) (Russia)
Papp, Sandor (viola) (Hungary)
Pappano, Antonio (piano) (Great Britain)
Pappano, Antonio (conductor) (Great Britain)
Pappas, Iakovos (harpsichord) (France)
Papyan-, Yakov (viola) (Armenia)
Papyrin, Vitaly (bass-clarinet) (Russia)
Paquin, Andreanne Brisson (soprano) (France)
Paradiso, Anna (harpsichord) (Italy)
Paradzik, Bozo (double bass) (Croatia)
Paramonov, Ivan (trombone) (Russia)
Paramonova, Svetlana (harp) (Russia)
Parasceva, Victor (bass) (Russia)
Paraschivescu, Nicoleta (conductor) (Switzerland)
Paraschivescu, Nicoleta (harpsichord) (Switzerland)
Paraskevopoulos, Chris (conductor) (Greece)
Paraskivesco, Theodore (piano) (France)
Paratore, Anthony (piano) (USA)
Paratore, Joseph (piano) (USA)
Paravagna, Paolo (trumpet) (Italy)
Paray, Paul (conductor) (France)
Parcells, Elisabeth (soprano) (USA)
Pardelli, Gianfranco (oboe) (Italy)
Pardo, Ruth (piano) (Bulgaria)
Pardoen, Damien (violin) (Belgium)
Paredes, Boris (violin) (Venezuela)
Paredes, Carlos (guitar) (Portugal)
Paremski, Natasha (piano) (USA)
Parent, Marie-Danielle (soprano) (Canada)
Parent, Yolande (soprano) (Canada)
Parfinovich, Andrey (guitar) (Russia)
Parham, Lucy (piano) (Great Britain)
Parik, Ivan (conductor) (Czech Republic)
Parikian, Levon (conductor) (Great Britain)
Parikian, Manoug (violin) (Great Britain)
Pariman, Alexandr (conductor) (Russia)
Paris, Alain (conductor) (France)
Paris, Daniele (conductor) (Italy)
Paris, Maria (vocal) (Italy)
Paris, Massimo (viola) (Italy)
Parisi, Rocco (clarinet, bass clarinet) (Italy)
Parisi, Vittorio (conductor) (Italy)
Pariskaya, Alyona (Russia)
Parisot, Aldo (cello) (Brazil)
Parisse, Stefano (conductor) (Italy)
Park, Christopher (piano) (Germany)
Park, Chung (conductor) (USA)
Park, Clara (piano) (USA)
Park, Hyeyeon (piano) (South Korea)
Park, Hyeyoon (violin) (Great Britain)
Park, Jeewon (piano) (South Korea)
Park, Jongmin (bass) (South Korea)
Park, June-Sung (conductor) (South Korea)
Park, Samuel Sangwook (piano) (South Korea)
Park, Sun-A (Piano) (South Korea)
Park, Susie (violin) (USA)
Park, Yaegy (violin) (USA)
Parkai, Istvan (choir conductor) (Hungary)
Parkanyi, Istvan (violin) (Hungary)
Parkening, Christopher (guitar) (USA)
Parker, Harlan D (conductor) (USA)
Parker, Ian (piano) (Canada)
Parker, Jamie (piano) (Canada)
Parker, Jim (conductor) (Great Britain)
Parker, Jon Kimura (piano) (Canada)
Parker, William (double bass) (USA)
Parker, William (baritone) (USA)
Parkes, Peter (conductor) (Great Britain)
Parkhomenko, Daria (piano) (Russia)
Parkhouse, David (piano) (Great Britain)
Parkin, Eric (piano) (Great Britain)
Parkins, Robert (organ) (USA)
Parkins, Zeena (harp) (USA)
Parkinson, Zaidee (piano) (Great Britain)
Parkman, Stephane (tenor, conductor)
Parle, Nicholas (harpsichord) (Great Britain)
Parmegiani, Bernard (acousmonium) (France)
Parmentier, Edward (harpsichord) (USA)
Parmerud, Ake (electronics, tape) (Sweden)
Parnas, Leslie (сello) (USA)
Parodi, Armando La Rosa (conductor) (Italy)
Parodi, Giancarlo (organ) (Italy)
Parola, Michael (percussion) (USA)
Parolini, Marcello (conductor) (Italy)
Parr, Patricia (piano) (Canada)
Parra, Alondra de la (conductor) (Mexico)
Parra, Arturo (guitar) (Canada)
Parra, Beatriz (soprano) ()
Parras del Moral, Juan (guitar) (Spain)
Parravicini, Riccardo (conductor) (Italy)
Parrenin, Jacques (violin) (France)
Parrini, Fabio (piano)
Parrino, Francesco (violin) (Italy)
Parrondo, Guadalupe (piano) (Mexico)
Parrott, Andrew (conductor) (Great Britain)
Parry, David (conductor)
Parry, Richard Reed (piano) (Canada)
Parry, Wilfred (Piano) (Canada)
Parsha, Eva (canto) (Latvia)
Parshin, Aleksey (organ)
Parshina, Maria (piano) (Russia)
Parshutkin, Eugene (cello) (Russia)
Parsley, Daniel (conductor) (USA)
Parsons, David (baroque lute) (Great Britain)
Parsons, Geoffrey (piano) (Australia)
Parsons, Paul (harpsichord) (Great Britain)
Partch, Harry (multyinstrumentalist) (USA)
Partington, Adrian (organ) (Great Britain)
Partington, Michael (guitar) (USA)
Partridge, Ian (tenor) (Great Britain)
Partridge, Jennifer (piano) (Great Britain)
Party, Lionel (harpsichord) (USA)
Paruzzo, Roberto (piano) (Italy)
Parz, Bernhard (piano) (Austria)
Pas, Jan (сello) (Belgium)
Pas, Louis (piano) (Belgium)
Pas, Theo van der (piano) (Netherlands)
Pas-Van Riet, Gaby (flute) (Belgium)
Pascal, Aurelien (cello) (France)
Pascal, Denis (piano) (France)
Pascal, Diane (violin) (USA)
Pascal, Léon (viola) (France)
Pascal, Maxime (conductor) (France)
Pascale, Tom (piano) (USA)
Pascual, Joselito (piano) (Philippines)
Pasero, Tancredi (bass) (Italy)
Pasetti, Anna (harp) (Italy)
Pashchan, Borislav (conductor) ()
Pashchenko, Snezhana (violin) (Russia)
Pashinskaya, Irina (harp) (Russia)
Pashinski, Dmitri (clarinet) (Ukraine)
Pashintsev, Ilya (cello) (Russia)
Pashkevich-Dolzhikova, Ella (flute)
Pashkov, Alexandr (piano) (Mexico)
Pashnova, Natalia (Piano) (Russia)
Pashshenko, Olga (piano) (Russia)
Pasichnyk, Olga (soprano) (Ukraine)
Pasini, Marco (piano) (Italy)
Pasini, Silvia (mezzo-soprano) (Italy)
Pasotti, Michele (lute) (Italy)
Pasquale D`Andrea, Dan (conductor) (Italy)
Pasqualotto, Francesco (piano) (Italy)
Pasquet, Nicolas (conductor) (Uruguay)
Pasquet, Olivier (electronics) (France)
Pasquier, Bruno (viola) (France)
Pasquier, Jean (violin) (France)
Pasquier, Régis (violin) (France)
Passamonte, Stefania (piano) (Italy)
Passin, Karl-Heinz (flute) (Germany)
Paster, Maksim (Maxim) (tenor) (Russia)
Pasternack, Benjamin (piano) (USA)
Pasternack, Jonathan (conductor) (USA)
Pasternack, Josef (Conductor) (Poland)
Pastin, John (conductor) (USA)
Pastine, Sara (violin)
Pastor, Jose Hernandez (countertenor) (Spain)
Pastrana, Guillermo (cello) (Spain)
Pastrana, Sandra (soprano)
Pastukh, Andrew (conductor) (Russia)
Pastuszka, Martyna (violin/conductor) (Poland)
Pasveer, Kathinka (flute) (Netherlands)
Pasyukov, Vladimir (basso profundo) (Russia)
Patacca, Claudia (soprano) (Netherlands)
Patane, Franco (Conductor) (Italy)
Patane, Giuseppe (conductor) (Italy)
Patchell, Sue (soprano) (USA)
Patchett, Mary Joy (saxophone) (USA)
Pateau, Claude (conductor) (France)
Patenaude, Gilbert (conductor) (Canada)
Paternoster, Vito (cello) (Italy)
Paternostro, Roberto (conductor) (Austria)
Paterson, Geoffrey (conductor) (Great Britain)
Patipatanakoon, Annalee (violin) (Canada)
Patkolo, Roman (Double Bass) (Slovakia)
Patočka, Roman (violin) (Czech Republic)
Patorzhinsky, Ivan Sergeevich (bass) (Ukraine)
Patras, Karel (harp) (Czech Republic)
Patria, Camilla (cello) (Italy)
Patria, Sergio (Cello) (Italy)
Patrick, David (organ) (Great Britain)
Patrucco, Fabrizio (trumpet) (Italy)
Patrusheva, Maria (mezzo-soprano) (Russia)
Patry, Johanne (guitar) (Canada)
Pattaki, Eva (piano) (Hungary)
Pattamal, Damal Krishnaswamy (vocal) (India)
Patterson, Elizabeth (conductor) (USA)
Patterson, Frank (tenor) (Ireland)
Patterson, Ian (Baritone) (Great Britain)
Patterson, Marjorie (soprano) (Germany)
Patti, Adelina (soprano) (Italy)
Patti, Mariano (conductor) (Italy)
Patuzzi, Mario (piano) (Italy)
Patuzzi, Maristella (violin) (Switzerland)
Patzak, Julius (tenor) (Austria)
Patzakis, Michele (Soprano) (USA)
Pau, Maria de la (piano) (France)
Pauk, Alex (conductor) (Canada)
Pauk, Gyorgy (violin) (Hungary)
Paukert, Karel (organ) (USA)
Paul, Florin (violin) (Germany)
Paul, James (conductor) (USA)
Paul, John (harpsichord) (USA)
Paul, Karl (Baritone) (Germany)
Paul, Pamela Mia (piano)
Paul, Sharon (conductor) (USA)
Paul, Thomas (bass) (USA)
Paul, Tibor (conductor) (Hungary)
Paulauskas, Eugenius (violin) (Lithuania)
Paulavicius, Algirdas (conductor) (Russia)
Pauley, Scott (USA)
Paulig, Hedvig (soprano) (Finland)
Paulik, Anton (conductor) (Austria)
Paulik, Laszlo (violin) (Hungary)
Paulikovics, Pal (guitar) (Hungary)
Pauls, Raimond (fortepiano) (Latvia)
Paulsson, Anders (soprano saxophone) (Sweden)
Paulsson, Fredrik (viola) (Sweden)
Paulu, Norman (violin)
Pauly, Rose (soprano) (Hungary)
Paumgartner, Bernhard (conductor) (Austria)
Pausch, Johannes (conductor) (Germany)
Pausch, Yogo (Percussion) (Germany)
Pauset, Brice (harpsichord, conductor) (France)
Pautov, Anatoliy (conductor) (Russia)
Pauwels, Tom (guitar, e-guitar, zither, banjo) (Belgium)
Pavarotti, Luciano (tenor) (Italy)
Paverman, Marck (conductor) (Russia)
Pavez, Noelia (cello) (Argentina)
Pavlas, Bohuslav (cello) (Czech Republic)
Pavlenko, Sergey (piano) (Russia)
Pavlicek, Lukas (oboe) (Czech Republic)
Pavlichuk, Tatiana (piano)
Pavlik, Cenek (violin) (Czech Republic)
Pavlikhina, Irina (Violin) (Russia)
Pavlov, Andrey (violin) (Ukraine)
Pavlov, Deyan (Conductor) (Bulgaria)
Pavlov, Martin (Flute) (Bulgaria)
Pavlov, Maxim (tenor) (Russia)
Pavlov, Sergei (Piano) (Russia)
Pavlov, Viacheslav (conductor) (Russia)
Pavlov, Vladimir (piano) (Russia)
Pavlova, Nadezhda (soprano) (Russia)
Pavlovic, Milos (piano) ()
Pavlovich, Aleksandar (conductor) ()
Pavlovich, Aleksandar (violin) ()
Pavlovsky, Alexander (violin) (Israel)
Pavlovsky, Stepan (clarinet) (Russia)
Pavlyuk, Anastasiya (viola) (Russia)
Pavone, Maria Chiana (soprano) (Italy)
Pavri, Fali (piano) (USA)
Pawlik, Markus (piano) (Germany)
Pawlowski, Krzysztof (Cello) (Poland)
Pawlus, Alexandra (soprano) (Canada)
Pay, Antony Charles (clarinet) (Great Britain)
Payan, Paul (bass) (France)
Payare, Rafael (conductor) (Venezuela)
Payer, Ulrike (piano) (Germany)
Payne, Joseph (organ) (USA)
Paynter, John (conductor)
Payvar, Faramarz (santur) (Iran)
Paz, Nacho de (conductor) (Spain)
Paz, Tereza (vocal. conductor) (Cuba)
Paz Zaens, Jonathan de la (bass-baritone) (Philippines)
Pazdera, Jindrich (violin) (Czech Republic)
Paze, Girt (clarinet) (Latvia)
Pazovsky, Ary (conductor) (Russia)
Pchelinsky, Denis (piano) (Russia)
Pchelkin, Vadym (choirmaster) (Russia)
Pe, Raffaele (countertenor) (Italy)
Pečnik, Mia (piano) (Croatia)
Peabody, Paul (violin) (USA)
Peace, John (piano) (Great Britain)
Peacock, Gary (double bass) (USA)
Peacock, Kerenza (violin) (Great Britain)
Pearce, Colman (conductor)
Pearce, Judith (flute) (Great Britain)
Pearce Martin, Joanne (piano) (USA)
Pearl, Adam (harpsichord) (USA)
Pearlman, Martin (conductor) (USA)
Pears, Peter (tenor) (Great Britain)
Pearse, Linda (trombone, artistic director) (Canada)
Pearson, Donald (conductor) (USA)
Pearson, Justin (cello)
Pearson, William (baritone) (USA)
Peaske, Mihkel (flute) (Estonia)
Pecchenini, Ermes (corno) (Italy)
Pecha, Pamela (oboe)
Pechanec, Robert (piano) (Slovakia)
Pechatin, Sergey (cello) (Russia)
Pechefsky, Rebecca (harpsichord) (USA)
Pecherskaya, Lydia (piano) (Russia)
Pecherski, Mikhail (vocal) (Russia)
Pechersky, Lev (bassoon) (Russia)
Pechersky, Peter (piano) (Latvia)
Pechkovsky, Nikolay (tenor) (Russia)
Pechocová, Slávka (piano) (Czech Republic)
Pechvari, Istra (piano) ()
Peck, Donald (flute) (USA)
Peclard, Etienne (cello) (France)
Pecot-Douatte, Sylvie (harpsichord) (France)
Pecou, Thierry (piano) (France)
Pedarnig, Florian (harp) (Austria)
Pedersen, Leif Arne (clarinet) (Norway)
Pedersen Helgerød, Grete (conductor) (Norway)
Pedersoli, Tullia (soprano) (Italy)
Pederzini, Gianna (mezzo-soprano) (Italy)
Pedico, Donatella (oboe) (Italy)
Pedretti, Fausto (conductor) (Italy)
Pedro, Isabel (mezzo-soprano) (Spain)
Pedro, Lucio San (conductor) (Philippines)
Pedrona, Marco (violin) (Italy)
Pedroni, Simone (piano) (Italy)
Pedrotti, Antonio (conductor) (Italy)
Pedrotti, Mark (baritone) (New Zealand)
Pedzialek, Mariusz (oboe) (Poland)
Peebles, Antony (piano) (Great Britain)
Peebles, Charles (conductor) (Great Britain)
Peebo, Annely (mezzo-soprano) (Estonia)
Peelman, Roland (conductor) (Austria)
Peerce, Jan (tenor)
Peeters, Veerle (piano) (Netherlands)
Pegreffi, Elisa (violin) (Italy)
Pehlivanian, George (conductor) (USA)
Pehovich, Igor (voice) (Russia)
Peiko, Nikolay (piano) (Russia)
Peinemann, Edith (violin) (Germany)
Peire, Patrick (conductor) (Belgium)
Peiretti, Rita (harpsichord, conductor) (Italy)
Pejchich, Rade (conductor) ()
Pekarskaya, Irina (Belarus)
Pekarsky, Mark (percussion) (Russia)
Pekhovich, Igor (narrator) (Russia)
Pekinel, Guher (piano) (Turkey)
Pekinel, Suher (piano) (Turkey)
Pelech, Krzysztof (guitar) (Poland)
Pelechaty, Demiyan (conductor) (Ukraine)
Pelecis, Georgs (Latvia)
Peled, Amit (Cello) (Israel)
Peleggi, Valentina (conductor) (Italy)
Pelikanova, Zdenka (violin) (Czech Republic)
Pellarin, Guglielmo (horn) (Italy)
Pelleg, Franck (piano)
Pellegrini, Antonio (violin) (Germany)
Pellegrini, Antonio (violin) (Italy)
Pellerin, Hector (baritone) (Canada)
Pellerin, Louise (oboe) (Canada)
Pelletier, Bruno (ondes Martenot) (France)
Pelletier, Louis-Philippe (piano) (Canada)
Pelletier, Wilfred (conductor) (Canada)
Pelliccia, Arrigo (violin) (Italy)
Pellisa, Joan (guitar) (Spain)
Pellizzari, Guido (organ) (Italy)
Pelnens, Vilnis (oboe) (Latvia)
Peltonen, Samuli (cello) (Finland)
Peltoniemi, Heidi (cello) (Finland)
Peltz, Charles (conductor) (USA)
Peltzer, Dwight (piano) (USA)
Pembaur, Josef (piano) (Austria)
Pena, Adela (violin)
Pena, Angel (double bass) (Philippines)
Penassou, Pierre (cello) (France)
Penderecki, Krzystof (conductor) (Poland)
Penderup, Cathrine (piano) (Denmark)
Pendlebury, Nic (violin) (Great Britain)
Peng, Cao (conductor) (China)
Penin, Jean-Paul (conductor) (France)
Peniugin, Denis (balalaika) (Russia)
Penkov, Dimitar (viola) (Bulgaria)
Pennario, Leonard (piano) (USA)
Pennetier, Jean-Claude (piano) (France)
Penneys, Rebecca (piano) (USA)
Penny, Andrew (conductor) (Great Britain)
Pennycook, Bruce (harpsichord, electronics) (Canada)
Penson, Guy (harpsichord) (Belgium)
Penson, Guy (piano) (Belgium)
Pentcheva, Mariana (mezzo-soprano) (Bulgaria)
Pentland, Barbara (piano) (Canada)
Penttinen, Tiina (mezzo-soprano) (Finland)
Penyugin, Andrey (violin) (Russia)
Penzar, Mario (organ) (Croatia)
Pepicelli, Angelo (piano) (Italy)
Pepicelli, Francesco (cello) (Italy)
Pepin, Catherine (bassoon) (France)
Perényi, Miklós (cello) (Hungary)
Peradze, Nana (conductor) (Georgia)
Perahia, Murrey (piano) (USA)
Perantoni, Daniel (tuba) (USA)
Peraudin, Louis (conductor)
Perceval-Allen, Mod (soprano) (Great Britain)
Percic, Simon (Conductor) (Slovenia)
Peregudova, Rozalia (choirmaster) (Russia)
Pereira, Silva (conductor) (Portugal)
Perelekhov, Sergey (guitar) (Russia)
Perelman, Nathan (piano) (Russia)
Perelygin, Georgy (violin) (Russia)
Perenyi, Eszter (violin) (Hungary)
Perenyi, Peter (recorder) (Hungary)
Perepelkin, Lev (flute) (Russia)
Perepelytsya, Oleksandr (piano) (Ukraine)
Pereplesnin, Mikhail (conductor) (Russia)
Peres, Marcel (choir conductor, vocals) (France)
Peres, Ricardo (piano) (Brazil)
Peresypkin, Alexander (cello) (Russia)
Peretyatko, Olga (soprano) (Russia)
Perevoznikova, Galina (conductor) (Russia)
Perez, Alejo (conductor) (Argentina)
Perez, Carles (french horn) (Spain)
Perez, Karla Donehew (violin) (USA)
Perez, Luis Fernando (piano) (Spain)
Perez, Maria Felicia (conductor, soprano) (Cuba)
Perez, Roberto Moronn (guitar) (Spain)
Perez, Victor Pablo (conductor) (Spain)
Perez Abellan, Antonio (piano) (Spain)
Perez Gonzalez, Luciano (conductor) (Mexico)
Perez Mesa, Enrique (conductor) (Cuba)
Perez-Sierra, Jose Miguel (conductor) (Spain)
Perfetto, Clorinda (piano) (Italy)
Perfilov, Ilya (Viola) (Russia)
Pergamenschikow, Boris (cello) (Germany)
Perianes, Javier (piano) (Spain)
Perillo, Linda (soprano) (Canada)
Perini, Flora (mezzo-soprano) (Italy)
Perisson, Jean (conductor) (France)
Perkins, Julian (piano) (Great Britain)
Perkins, Julian (conductor) (Great Britain)
Perkins, Julian (harpsichord) (Great Britain)
Perkins, Laurence (bassoon) (Great Britain)
Perl, Alfredo (piano) (Chile)
PERL, Hille (viola da gamba) (Germany)
Perl, Marthe (viola da gamba) (Germany)
Perlea, Jonel (conductor) (Romania)
Perlemuter, Vlado (piano) (France)
Perlinski, Pawel (piano) (Poland)
Perlman, Itzhak (violin) (USA)
Perlowski, Sebastian (conductor) (Poland)
Perminova, Anastasiya (soprano) (Russia)
Permuy, Alicia (piano) (Spain)
Perna, Leslie (viola) (USA)
Pernet, André (bass) (France)
Pernoo, Jerome (cello) (France)
Pernot, Louis (lute) (France)
Perocco, Filippo (Conductor)
Perosi, Lorenzo (conductor) (Italy)
Perras, John (conductor) (USA)
Perras, Margherita (soprano)
Perretti, Claudine (piano) (Switzerland)
Perrier-Layec, Chantal (harpsichord) (France)
Perrin, Catherine (harpsichord) (Canada)
Perrin, Cecile (soprano) (France)
Perrin, Isabelle (harp) (France)
Perrone, Paolo (concertmaster) (Italy)
Perrot, Benjamin (Conductor,Theorbo) (France)
Perrotta, Maria (piano) (Italy)
Perrotti-Bernardi, Paola (clavicembalo) (Italy)
Perroy, Judicael (guitar) (France)
Perry, David (violin) (USA)
Perry, Janet (Soprano) (USA)
Perry, Martha (violin) (USA)
Persichilli, Angelo (flute) (Italy)
Persinaru, Cristian (violin) (Great Britain)
Persinger, Louis (piano) (USA)
Person, Heidi (soprano) (Great Britain)
Perticaroli, Sergio (piano) (Italy)
Pertile, Aureliano (tenor) (Italy)
Pertis, Attila (piano) (Hungary)
Pertis, Zsuzsa (harpsichord) (Hungary)
Pertsov, Danylo (zink, piano) (Ukraine)
Pertusi, Michele (bass) (Italy)
Perugini, Simone (conductor) (Italy)
Peruska, Jan (viola) (Czech Republic)
Perutski, Roman (organ) (Poland)
Pervushin, Mikhail (Bass-bariton) (Russia)
Perцan, Emilio (violin) (Macedonia)
Peschko, Sebastian (piano) (Germany)
Pesek, Libor (conductor) (Czech Republic)
Peshik, Martin (conductor) (Czech Republic)
Peshko, Zoltan (conductor) (Hungary)
Peshkov, Ivan (violin) (Russia)
Peshkov, Sergei (violoncello) (Russia)
Peshnyak, Vladimir (sinthesizer) (Russia)
Pesin, Vladislav (violin) (Russia)
Pesko, Jozef (folk instruments) (Slovakia)
Pesola, Riitta (cello) (Finland)
Pesonen, Hanna (violin) (Finland)
Pessl, Yella (harpsichord) (USA)
Pestarino, Bruno (bass) (Italy)
Pestova, Xenia (piano) (Canada)
Petash, Valery (piano) (Russia)
Petchersky, Alma (piano) (Argentina)
Petcu-Colan, Ioana (violin) (Ireland)
Peter, Alexander (timpani, conductor) (Germany)
Peteri, Judit (harpsichord) (Hungary)
Peterkova, Lyudmila (clarinet) (Czech Republic)
Petermandl, Hans (piano) (Austria)
Peters, Frank (piano)
Peters, Frank (piano) (Netherlands)
Peters, Jane (violin) (France)
Peters, Maria (soprano) (Spain)
Peters, Reinhard (conductor) (Germany)
Peters, Rob (organ) (Germany)
Peters, Roberta (soprano) (USA)
Peters, Tom (bass) (USA)
Petersen, Ann (soprano) (Denmark)
Petersen, Heidrun (violin) (Denmark)
Petersen, Kay (violin) (Germany)
Petersen, Marlis (soprano) (Germany)
Petersen, Pernille (recorder) (Denmark)
Petersen, Ulrike (violin) (Germany)
Peterson, Donna (mezzo-soprano)
Peterson, George (clarinet) (USA)
Peterson, Glade (tenor) (USA)
Peterson, Oscar (piano) (Canada)
Peterson, Tiit (guitar) (Estonia)
Petibon, Patricia (soprano) (France)
Petit, Annie (piano) (France)
Petit, Francoise (piano) (France)
Petit, Jean-Louis (conductor) (France)
Petit, Roland (choreographer, dancer, ballet master) (France)
Petitdemange, Carole (violin) (France)
Petitdidier, Patrice (horn) (France)
Petitgirard, Laurent (France)
Petkov, Dobrin (conductor) (Bulgaria)
Petkov, Georgy (conductor) (Bulgaria)
Petkov, Preslav (clarinet) (Bulgaria)
Petkova, Penka (cello)
Petkovic, Dragana (piano) ()
Petkovski, Miki (piano) (USA)
Peto, Marcell (piano) (Hungary)
Petrac, Tomaz (piano) (Slovenia)
Petracchi, Franco (double0bass) (Italy)
Petracchi, Franco (conductor) (Italy)
Petrak, Martin (Conductor) (Czech Republic)
Petralia, Daniele (piano) (Italy)
Petrasch, Alexander (cello) (Netherlands)
Petrdlik, Jiri (Czech Republic)
Petrella, Clara (soprano) (Italy)
Petrenko, Andrei (dirigent) (Russia)
Petrenko, Kirill (conductor) (Austria)
Petrenko, Mikhail (bass) (Russia)
Petrenko, Vasily (conductor) (Russia)
Petrescu, Cristian (piano) (France)
Petrescu, Sorin (piano) (Romania)
Petri, Egon (piano) (USA)
Petri, Michala (recorder) (Denmark)
Petric, Ivo (conductor) ()
Petric, Joseph (accordion) (Canada)
Petrinenko, Diana (soprano) (Ukraine)
Petrini, Anna (Paetzold contrabass) (Italy)
Petrinjak, Darko (guitare) (Croatia)
Petrinjak, Darko (guitar) (Croatia)
Petrinsky, Natascha (mezzo soprano) (Austria)
Petrishchev, Sergey (Tenor) (Russia)
Petro, Janos (conductor) (Hungary)
Petropavlovsky, Alexey (guitar) (Russia)
Petrosyan, Ararat (pipe, duduk) (Armenia)
Petrosyan, Avak (tenor) (Armenia)
Petrosyan, Gurgen (conductor) (Russia)
Petrou, George (conductor) (Greece)
Petrov, Alexey (conductor) (Russia)
Petrov, Arseniy (contrabass) (Russia)
Petrov, Boris (piano) (Russia)
Petrov, Boris (baritone) (Russia)
Petrov, Dmitry (piano) (Russia)
Petrov, Evgeny (clarinet) (Russia)
Petrov, Ilya (piano) (Belarus)
Petrov, Ivan (bass) (Russia)
Petrov, Ivan (conductor) (Russia)
Petrov, Nikolai (piano) (Russia)
Petrov, Valeriy (bayan) (Russia)
Petrov, Vassily (bass) (Russia)
Petrov, Vitaly (tenor) (Russia)
Petrov, Vitaly (piano) (Russia)
Petrova, Diana (soprano) (Russia)
Petrova, Elena (domra) (Russia)
Petrova, Lyia (violin) (Bulgaria)
Petrova, Lyubov (soprano) (Russia)
Petrova, Natalia (mezzo-soprano) (Russia)
Petrova, Olesya (mezzo-soprano) (Russia)
Petrova, Stefa (soprano) (Czech Republic)
Petrova, Svetlana (violin) (Russia)
Petrova, Tamara (soprano) (Russia)
Petrova-Forster, Anna (piano) (Switzerland)
Petrova-Zvantseva, Vera (mezzo-soprano) (Russia)
Petrovich, Konstantin (Conductor) (Russia)
Petrovich, Premil (conductor) ()
Petrovsky, Vladimir (Bells ringer) (Russia)
Petrowska Quilico, Christina (piano) (Canada)
Petrozhitskaya, Natalia (soprano) (Russia)
Petrucci, Barbara (cembalo) (Italy)
Petrucci, Gian-Luca (flute) (Italy)
Petrucci, Ginevra (flute) (Italy)
Petrucciani, Michel (piano) (France)
Petrusenko, Oksana (soprano) (Ukraine)
Petrusenko, Olga (soprano) (Belarus)
Petrushansky, Boris (piano) (Russia)
Petrychenko, Violina (Piano) (Russia)
Petryshak, Anastasiya (violin) (Ukraine)
Pettigrew, Gisele (conductor) (Canada)
Pettinger, Peter (piano)
Petukhov, Aleksandr (conductor) (Russia)
Petukhov, Mikhail (piano) (Russia)
Petushkova, Ekaterina (piano) (Russia)
Peunov, Venedikt (bayan) (Russia)
Peuvion, Jean-Pierre (clarinet) (Belgium)
Pevzner, Boris (conductor) (Russia)
Peyer, Gervase de (clarinet) (Great Britain)
Peyron, Gisele (soprano) (France)
Pezzotti-, Daniel (cello) (Italy)
Pfaender, Matthias (cello) (Germany)
Pfaff, Luca (conductor) (France)
Pfaff, Werner (conductor) (Germany)
Pfammatter, Pfammatter (conductor) (Switzerland)
Pfarrer, Astrid (soprano)
Pfeifer, Boris (tenor) (Austria)
Pfeifer, Ruth (violin) (Germany)
Pfeiffer, John (Electronic Music) (USA)
Pfeiffer, Judith (piano) (USA)
Pfister-Benda, Ariane (violin)
Pfitzner, Hans (conductor) (Germany)
Pfluger, Gerhard (conductor) (Germany)
Pfrimmer, Amy (soprano) (USA)
Phelps, Cinthia (viola) (USA)
Phelps, Colleen (marimba. percussion) (USA)
Phelps, Melissa (cello) (Great Britain)
Philip, David Butt (Tenor) (Great Britain)
Philipp, Gunter (piano) (Germany)
Philippe, Bruno (cello) (France)
Philippens, Rosanne (violin) (Netherlands)
Philippin, Valérie (soprano) (France)
Philippsen, Sven Holger (cello) (Germany)
Phillips, Bill (trumpet) (Canada)
Phillips, Daniel (violin) (USA)
Phillips, Harvey (conductor)
Phillips, Karen (viola) (USA)
Phillips, Leo (violin) (Great Britain)
Phillips, Paul (conductor) (USA)
Phillips, Peter (conductor) (Great Britain)
Phillips, Todd (conductor) (USA)
Phillips, Xavier (cello)
Phillips-Varjabedian, Jean-Marc (violin) (France)
Philogene, Ruby (мezzo-sopranо) (Great Britain)
Philpot, Margaret (mezzo-soprano) (Great Britain)
Piacentini, Riccardo (piano) (Italy)
Piaf, Edith (vocals) (France)
Piana, Roberto (piano) (Italy)
Pianca, Luca (lute/theorba) (Switzerland)
Pianka, Uri (violin) (USA)
Piantelli, Maurizio (lute) (Italy)
Piantoni, Marco (violin) (Italy)
Piasetsky, Erih
Piasetzki, Erich (organ) (Germany)
Piastro, Misha (violin) (USA)
Piatkowska-Nowicka, Karolina (Violin) (Poland)
Piau, Sandrine (soprano) (France)
Piavko, Vladislav (tenor) (Russia)
Piazza, Enrico (conductor) (Italy)
Piazzini, Carmen (piano) (Argentina)
Piazzolla, Astor (bandoneon) (Argentina)
Picard, Carmen (piano) (Canada)
Picard, Eric (cello) (France)
Piccardi, Paolo (flute) (Italy)
Picchi, Mirto (tenor) (Italy)
Picchio, Maurizio (percussion) (Italy)
Piccinini, Marina (flute) (USA)
Piccinini, Monica (soprano) (Italy)
Piccioni, Luca (lute) (Italy)
Piccollo, Silvia (soprano) (Italy)
Piccolo, Dan (percussion) (USA)
Piccolomini, Nicole (Mezzo-soprano) (Italy)
Piche, Jean (electronics) (Canada)
Pichkaeva, Tatiana (piano) (Russia)
Pichler, Günther (violin) (Austria)
Pichon, Raphael (conductor) (France)
Picht-Axenfeld, Edith (harpsichord) (Germany)
Pichugin, Andrey (baritone) (Russia)
Pichvari, Arpad (piano) ()
Pickett, Philip (conductor) (Great Britain)
Pickup, Robert (clarinet) (South Africa)
Picotti, Livio (conductor) (Italy)
Pido, Evelino (conductor)
Pidoux, Gabriel (oboe) (France)
Pidoux, Raphael (cello) (France)
Pidoux, Roland (cello) (France)
Pieczara, Patrycja (conductor) (Poland)
Pieczonka, Adrianne (soprano) (Canada)
Piehlmayer, Rudolf (conductor) (Germany)
Piekutowska, Patricja (violin) (Poland)
Piemontesi, Francesco (piano) (Italy)
Piemonti, Emanuela (piano) (Italy)
Pienaar, Daniel-Ben (piano)
Pieper, Johannes (clarinet) (Germany)
Pierami, Filiberto (conductor) (Italy)
Pierard, Tom (cello)
Pierce, Eluned (harp) (Great Britain)
Pierce, Joshua (piano) (USA)
Pierce, Rowan (soprano) (Great Britain)
Pieri, Remo (clarinet) (Italy)
Pieri-, Edoardo (guitar) (Italy)
Pierini, Simone (piano) (Italy)
Pierini, Simone (harpsichord) (Italy)
Pierlot, Antoine (cello) (France)
Pierlot, Philippe (viola da gamba) (Belgium)
Pierlot, Philippe (flute) (France)
Pierlot, Philippe (conductor) (Belgium)
Pierlot, Pierre (oboe)
Pierne, Gabriel (conductor) (France)
Piernik, Zdzislaw (tuba) (Poland)
Pierot, Alice (violin) (France)
Pierre, Fabrice (harp) (France)
Pierre, Fabrice (conductor) (France)
Pierri, Alvaro (guitar)
Pierro, Nahuel di (bass) (Argentina)
Pierront, Noelie Marie-Antoinette (Organ) (France)
Pierson, Alan (conductor) (USA)
Piesk, Günther (bassoon) (Germany)
Pieta, Richard (Violin) (Belgium)
Pieters, Peter (guitar) (Belgium)
Pietilainen, Paui (Organ) (Finland)
Pietrodarchi, Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi (bandoneon) (Italy)
Pietsch, Franziska (violin) (Germany)
Piffka, Thomas (tenor) (Germany)
Pignata, Bruno (violin) (Italy)
Pignon, Paul (saxophone, electronics, voice) (Scotland)
Piguet, Michel (oboe, flute) (Switzerland)
Piirainen, Anne Elisabeth (clarinet) (Finland)
Pijarowski, Marek (conductor) (Poland)
Pikaizen, Viktor (violin) (Russia)
Pikayzen, Tatyana (piano) (Russia)
Pike, Anthony (clarinet) (Great Britain)
Pike, Jennifer (violin) (Great Britain)
Pikler, Charles (violin, viola) (USA)
Pilarczyk, Helga (soprano) (Germany)
Pilat, Richard (piano)
Pilch, Zbigniew (Violin) (Poland)
Pilgrim, Neva (soprano) (USA)
Pili, Roberta (piano) (Italy)
Pilinskaya, Elena (fiddle) (Russia)
Pilipchuk, Evgeny (Violoncello) (Russia)
Pilipiuk, Katarzyna (oboe) (Poland)
Piliptchuk, Tamara (conductor) (Russia)
Pillai, Ashan (viola) (Great Britain)
Pillai, Rajaratnam (nagaswaram) (India)
Pille, Lill (soprano) (Estonia)
Pillot, Laurent (conductor) (France)
Pillow, Sarah (soprano) (USA)
Pilsan, Aaron (piano) (Austria)
Piltti, Lea (Finland)
Pilzecker, Astrid (contralto) (Germany)
Pimenov, Sergey (conductor) (Russia)
Piminova, Tatiana (mezzo-soprano) (Ukraine)
Pinardi, Giangiacomo (guitar) (Italy)
Pinardi, Giangiacomo (lute/theorbo) (Italy)
Pincemaille, Pierre (organ) (France)
Pincetic, Beata (piano) (Greece)
Pinchuk, Dmitry (saxophone) (Russia)
Pinciaroli, Elena (piano) (Italy)
Pineau, Frederic (conductor) (France)
Pinet, Jean-Pierre (flute) (Canada)
Pingel, Otto (tenor) (Germany)
Pingel, Scott (double bass) (USA)
Pinghu, Guan (guqin) (China)
Pini, Anthony (сello) (Great Britain)
Pini, Carl (violin) (Australia)
Pinkas, Jiri (conductor) (Czech Republic)
Pinkas, Sally (piano) (USA)
Pinkerton, Erika (violin)
Pinkett, Eric (conductor) (Great Britain)
Pinkevicius, Vidas (organ) (Lithuania)
Pinkham, Daniel (harpsichord) (USA)
Pinkhasovich, Boris (baritone) (Russia)
Pinner, Sue Ann (conductor) (USA)
Pinney, Greg (violin) (USA)
Pinnock, Trevor (conductor) (Great Britain)
Pinnock, Trevor (harpsichord) (Great Britain)
Pinnock, Trevor (piano) (Great Britain)
Pino, Daniel del (piano) (Spain)
Pino, David del (conductor) (Peru)
Pinter, Brigitte (soprano) (Germany)
Pinter, Margot (piano) (USA)
Pinto, Ana Maria (soprano) (Brazil)
Pinto Fonseca, Carlo Alberto (conductor) (Brazil)
Pintos, Roberto (piano) (Argentina)
Pintscher, Matthias (conductor) (Germany)
Pintveris, Richard (baritone) (Russia)
Pinza, Ezio (basso) (Italy)
Piolanti, Susanna (harpsichord) (Italy)
Piollet, Marc (Conductor) (France)
Piombo, Vittorio (cello) (Italy)
Pionnier, Benjamin (conductor) (France)
Piovani, Nicola (conductor) (Italy)
Piovano, Luigi (conductor) (Italy)
Piovano, Luigi (cello) (Italy)
Piovano, Ugo (flute) (Italy)
Pipa, Luis (piano) (Portugal)
Pique, Alessandro (oboe) (Italy)
Piquemal, Michel (conductor, vocal) (France)
Piquero, Pedro (piano) (Spain)
Piradov, Vladimir (conductor) (Ukraine)
Pires, Maria João (piano) (Portugal)
Pires, Sérgio (clarinet) (Portugal)
Piriev, Aleksandr (violoncello) (Ukraine)
Pirila, Tuomas (conductor) (Finland)
Pirkl, Thorsten (organ) (Germany)
Pirkl, Thorsten (spinett) (Germany)
Pirner, Gitti (piano) (Germany)
Pirogov, Alexander (bass) (Russia)
Pirona, Fabio (conductor) (Italy)
Pironkov, Simeon (conductor) (Bulgaria)
Pirozhenko, Alexander (piano) (Russia)
Pirtle, Kathryne (clarinet) (USA)
Pirzadeh, Maneli (piano) (Canada)
Pisa, Paola (piano)
Pisa, Paola (harpsichord) (Italy)
Pisana-, Susanna (violin) (Italy)
Pisani, Riccardo (tenor) (Italy)
Pisarenko, Dina (piano)
Pisarenko, Galina (soprano) (Russia)
Pisarenko, Vitaly (Piano) (Russia)
Pisarev, Andrey (piano) (Russia)
Pisarevskiy, Denis (piano, organ) (Russia)
Pischner, Hans (harpsichord) (Germany)
Pishchaev, Gennady (tenor) (Russia)
Pishchagina, Iulia (violin) (Russia)
Pishchugin, Sergey (violin) (Russia)
Pisinger, Frantisek (cello) (Czech Republic)
Piskun, Leonid (violin) (Ukraine)
Piskunov, Oleg (balalaika) (Russia)
Pistorius, Andreas (piano) (Germany)
Piszek, Maciej (piano) (Poland)
Pitamic, Alexander von (conductor)
Pitarch, Olga (soprano) (Spain)
Pitcairn, Elizabeth (violin) (USA)
Pitkanen-, Joonas (conductor) (Finland)
Pitko, Petteri (harpsichord) (Finland)
Pitrelli, Alessandro (mandolin) (Italy)
Pitrenas, Modestas (conductor) (Lithuania)
Pitt, Amanda (soprano) (Great Britain)
Pittau, Lucia (piano) (Italy)
Pittel, Harwey (saxophone)
Pittman, Richard (music director) (USA)
Pitts, Antony (conductor) (Great Britain)
Pitzinger, Gertrude (mezzo-soprano) (Germany)
Pitzl, Pierre (guitar) (Germany)
Pitzl, Pierre (conductor) (Germany)
Piva, Franco (conductor) (Italy)
Piva, Massimo (viola) (Italy)
Piveteau, Ivete (conductor/harpsichord/organ) (France)
Pivka, Marian (piano) (Poland)
Pivnenko, Bogdan (violin) (Ukraine)
Pivnicki, Branko (bass) ()
Pivot, Aude (cello) (France)
Pizarro, Arthur (piano) (Portugal)
Pizzetti, Ildebrando (conductor) (Italy)
Pizzo, Oscar (piano) (Italy)
Pizzolato, Marianna (mezzo-soprano) (Italy)
Pizzoli, Maria Chiara (soprano) (Italy)
Placci, Gianfranco (conductor) (Italy)
Plachetka, Adam (bass-baritone) (Germany)
Placidi, Tomasso (conductor) (Italy)
Plagge, Rolf (piano) (Germany)
Plagge, Wolfgang (piano)
Plancon, Pol (France)
Plane, Robert (clarinet) (Great Britain)
Planes, Alain (piano) (France)
Plank, Elisabeth (harp) (Austria)
Plano, Roberto (piano) (Italy)
Plantamura, Carol (soprano) (USA)
Plante, Antoine (conductor) (USA)
Plante, Cyril (piano) (France)
Plante, Denis (bandoneon) (Canada)
Plante, Francis (piano) (France)
Plante, Nathan (trumpet) (Germany)
Plante, Walter (tenor) (Germany)
Plantier, David (violin) (Switzerland)
Planyavsky, Peter (organ) (Austria)
Plasman, Etienne (flute) (Luxembourg)
Plasson, Emmanuel (conductor) (France)
Plasson, Michel (conductor) (France)
Plata, Manitas de (guitar) (France)
Plath, Theo (bassoon) (Germany)
Platonov, Valeriy (conductor) (Russia)
Platteau, Aldo (conductor) (Belgium)
Platts, Susan (mezzo-soprano) (Canada)
Platz, Robert HP (conductor) (Germany)
Platzgummer, Thomas (conductor) (Austria)
Plawner, Piotr (violin) (Poland)
Player, Steve (baroque guitar) (Great Britain)
Pleasants, Virginia (piano) (USA)
Pleeth, Anthony (cello) (Great Britain)
Pleeth, William (cello) (Great Britain)
Plejdrup, Magnus (conductor)
Plekhanov, Evgeny (Bass) (Russia)
Pleshakov, Vladimir (piano) (USA)
Plessing, Kaja (alto)
Plessis, Christian du (Baritone) (South Africa)
Pletnev, Mikhail (piano) (Russia)
Pletnev, Mikhail (conductor) (Russia)
Plevitskaya, Nadazhda (Mezzo-soprano) (Russia)
Plewniak, Stefan (conductor) (Poland)
Pligovka, Vladislav (Bayan) (Belarus)
Plish, Bogdan (precentor (choirmaster)) (Ukraine)
Pliskovsky, Alexander (flute) (Russia)
Plitmann, Hila (soprano) (Israel)
Pliyeva, Miliana (soprano) (Russia)
Pljaskina, Elena (choirmaster) (Russia)
Plock, Felix (baritone) (Germany)
Ploskina, Victor (conductor) (Ukraine)
Plotino, Antonio (conductor) (Italy)
Plotino, Giulio (violin) (Italy)
Plotkin, Alexander (piano) (Belarus)
Plotnikov, Boris (Harmonica) (Russia)
Plotnikov, Boris (Vocal) (Russia)
Plotnikova, Irina (piano) (Russia)
Plouffe, Helene (violin) (Canada)
Plouvier, Jean-Luc (piano, keyboard instruments) (Belgium)
Plowright, Jonathan (piano) (Great Britain)
Plowright, Rosalind (mezzo-soprano) (Great Britain)
Plubeau, Christine (viola da gamba) (Canada)
Pludermacher, Georges (piano) (France)
Pluhar, Christina (conductor) (Austria)
Pluhar, Christina (theorbo) (Austria)
Plunk, Elizabeth (flute) (USA)
Plutz, Eric (organ) (USA)
Pluzhnikov, Konstantin (tenor) (Russia)
Plyusnin, Sergei (baritone) (Russia)
Pobbe, Marcella (Soprano) (Italy)
Pober, Mia (vocal) (Russia)
Poblocka, Ewa (piano) (Poland)
Pochapsky, Vladislav (bass) (Russia)
Pochekin, Ivan (violin) (Russia)
Pochikovsky, Arthur (baritone) (Russia)
Pochkhua, Archil (conductor) (Spain)
Pocitari, Dumitru (violin)
Podejko, Krzysztof (violin) (Poland)
Podgaiskaja, Olga (Organ) (Belarus)
Podger, Julian (tenor) (Great Britain)
Podger, Rachel (conductor) (Great Britain)
Podger, Rachel (violin) (Great Britain)
Podhoransky, Jozef (cello) (Slovakia)
Podles, Ewa (contralto) (Poland)
Podobedov, Sergei (piano) (Great Britain)
Podrug, Vesna (piano) (Croatia)
Poduschka, Wolfgang (violin) (Austria)
Podutiu, Alexandru (flute) (Romania)
Podvalova, Marie (soprano) (Czech Republic)
Podyapolskaya, Olga (piano) (Russia)
Podyelskii, Vyacheslav (choirmaster) (Russia)
Podyomov, Ivan (oboe) (Russia)
Poel, Cees van der (organ) (Netherlands)
Poel, Truike van der (contralto) (Netherlands)
Poell, Alfred (bariton) (Germany)
Poeluev, Alexander (Accordion) (Russia)
Poga, Andris (conductor) (Latvia)
Poggi, Gianni (Tenor) (Italy)
Pogodin, Arkady (tenor) (Russia)
Pogorelaya, Ksenia (organ)
Pogorelić, Ivo (piano) (Croatia)
Pogorelov, Dmitri (violin) (USA)
Pogoretsky, Vladimir (Violin) (Russia)
Pogosbekova, Karina (Piano) (Russia)
Pogossian, Movses (violin) (Armenia)
Pogostkina, Alina (violin) (Germany)
Pogozih, Taisia (soprano) (Russia)
Pogrmilovic, Bojan (conductor) ()
Pogudin, Oleg (tenor) (Russia)
Pohanka, Silos (trumpet) (Slovakia)
Pohitonov, Daniil (piano) (Russia)
Pohjola, Erkki (conductor) (Finland)
Pohjonen, Juho (piano) (Finland)
Pohjonen, Kimmo (accordion) (Finland)
Pohjonen, Mika (Tenor) (Finland)
Pohl, Carla (Soprano) (South Africa)
Pohl, Helene (violin) (New Zealand)
Pohl, Michael (organ) (Germany)
Pohl, Oliver (piano) (Germany)
Pohl, Rudolf (conductor) (Germany)
Pohlers, Christian (tenor) (Germany)
Poirier, Jean-Marie (viol, lute, theorbo) (France)
Poirier, Josee (flute) (Canada)
Poirier, Rejean (organ) (Canada)
Poisson, Odile (piano) (France)
Poke, James (multi-instrumentalist) (USA)
Pokki, Niklas (piano) (Finland)
Pokorna, Jirina (organ) (Czech Republic)
Pokorna, Mirka (Czech Republic)
Pokorny, Jiri (piano) (Czech Republic)
Pokrass, Dmitry (piano) (Russia)
Pokrovskaya, Natalia (percussion) (Russia)
Pokrovsky, Alexande (piano) (Russia)
Pokrovsky, Dmitri (conductor) (Russia)
Pokrovsky, Mikhail (piano) (Russia)
Pokrovsky, Nikolay Ivanovich (conductor) (Russia)
Polak, Lukas (cello) (Czech Republic)
Polanski, Marek (violin) (Poland)
Polaski, Deborah (soprano) (USA)
Polato, Pier Luigi (lute) (Italy)
Polay, Bruce (Conductor) (USA)
Polda, Heldur Harry (boy soprano) (Estonia)
Poledouris, Basil (conductor) (USA)
Polekh, Valeriy (french horn) (Russia)
Polenzani, Matthew (tenor)
Poletaev, Ilya (piano)
Poletayev, Anatoliy (conductor) (Russia)
Poleukhina, Marina (multiinstrumentalist) (Russia)
Poleva, Victoria (piano) (Ukraine)
Polevaya, Natalia (violin) (Russia)
Polevtsova, Jeanna (mezzo-soprano) (Russia)
Polgár, François (conductor) (France)
Polgar, Laszlo (baryton) (Hungary)
Polhamus, John (baritone) (USA)
Poli, Liliana (soprano) (Italy)
Poli, Roberto (piano) (Italy)
Poli Cappelli, Cristiano (guitar) (Italy)
Poliakov, Vadim (Piano) (Russia)
Polifka, Gerhard (conductor) (Germany)
Polikarpova, Anna (voice) (Russia)
Polikarpova, Natalia (mezzo-soprano) (Ukraine)
Polimanti, Enrico Maria (piano) (Italy)
Polin, Marian (cembalo) (Germany)
Polischuk, Alexander (conductor) (Russia)
Polisoidis, Dimitrios (viola) (Greece)
Politi, Roberto (conductor) (Italy)
Politikov, Sergey (conductor) (Russia)
Politkovsky, Igor (violin) (Russia)
Politkovsky, Vladimir (bass) (Russia)
Polito, Clara (sopran) (Italy)
Politykin, Roman (piano) (Russia)
Polk, Joanne (piano) (USA)
Pollack, Cristian (сonductor) (Germany)
Pollack, Daniel (piano)
Pollak, Marie-Sophie (soprano) (Germany)
Pollastri, Paolo (oboe) (Italy)
Pollert, Emil (bass) (Czech Republic)
Pollerus, Eva Maria (harpicord) (Germany)
Pollet, Françoise (soprano) (France)
Pollick, Karen Bentley (violin) (USA)
Pollini, Daniele (piano) (Italy)
Pollini, Mauricio (piano) (Italy)
Pollini, Mauricio (conductor) (Italy)
Polmear, Jeremy (oboe) (Great Britain)
Polo, Asier (cello) (Spain)
Polonek, Krzysztof (concertmaster) (Germany)
Polonska, Elvira (piano) (Russia)
Polonsky, Anatoly (piano) (Russia)
Polonsky, Anna (piano) (USA)
Polonsky, Vitaly (choirmaster) (Russia)
Polonsky, Vsevolod (conductor) (Russia)
Polovinkina, Anna (soprano) (Russia)
Polovnikova, Yulia (conductor) (Russia)
Polovyanov, Vyacheslav (conductor) (Russia)
Polovynka, Natalia (canto, soprano) (Ukraine)
Polster, Hermann Christian (bass) (Germany)
Poltavsky, Sergey (viola) (Russia)
Poltera, Christian (cello) (Switzerland)
Poltevsky, Oleg (conductor) (Russia)
Poltoratsky, Victor (piano) (Russia)
Poltronieri, Alberto (violin) (Italy)
Polubelov, Yuriy (piano) (Russia)
Polubentsev, Alexander (choreographer) (Russia)
Poluboyarov, Nikolay (Piano) (Russia)
Polukhin, Pyotr (guitar) (Ukraine)
Polunov, Mikhail (trumpet) (Russia)
Polverelli, Laura (mezzo-soprano) (Italy)
Poly, Francois (cello) (France)
Polyaev, Konstantin (baritone) (Russia)
Polyakin, Miron (violin) (Russia)
Polyakov, Alexandr (piano) (Belarus)
Polyakov, Dmitry (Conductor) (Russia)
Polyakov, Leonid (violin) (Russia)
Polyakov, Vladimir (piano)
Polyakova, Olga (soprano) (Germany)
Polyakova, Tatyana (violin) (Russia)
Polyakova-, Alexandra (piano) (Russia)
Polyanichenko, Aleksandr (conductor) (Russia)
Polyanichko, Sergey (conductor) (Russia)
Polyanitskaya, Elizaveta (harpsichord) (Russia)
Polyanskaya, Tatiana (piano) (Russia)
Polyansky, Oleg (piano) (Germany)
Polyansky, Valeriy (conductor) (Russia)
Polyzoides, Elisabeth (violin) (USA)
Polzer, Julius (Tenor) (Austria)
Pomarico, Emilio (conductor) (Argentina)
Pomerants, Dana (violin) (USA)
Pommer, Max (conductor) (Germany)
Pommers, Leon (piano) (USA)
Pommier, Jean-Bernard (piano) (France)
Pompa-Baldi, Antonio (piano) (USA)
Pompili, Alessandra (piano)
Pompili, Enrico (piano) (Italy)
Pomponio, Graciela (guitar) (Argentina)
Pomykalo, Ferdo (conductor) (Croatia)
Pon, Juan Nogués (guitar) (Spain)
Ponce, Alberto (guitar) (Spain)
Poncet, Paola (harpsichord) (Italy)
Poncet, Tony (tenor) (France)
Pongrácz, Péter (oboe) (Hungary)
Ponkin, Vladimir (conductor) (Russia)
Ponnelle, Pierre-Dominique (conductor) (Germany)
Ponochevny, Andrey (piano) (Russia)
Ponomarchuk, Natalia (Conductor) (Ukraine)
Ponomarenko, Igor (conductor) (Russia)
Ponomarenko, Igor (domra Alto) (Russia)
Ponomarev, Aleksandr (Conductor) (Russia)
Ponomarev, Alexander (Percussion instruments) (Russia)
Ponomarev, Andrey (piano) (Russia)
Ponomarev, Sergey (tenor) (Russia)
Ponomarev, Svyatoslav (choral conductor) (Russia)
Ponomarev, Viktor (flute) (Russia)
Ponomarev, Vladimir (choir conductor) (Russia)
Ponomarev, Vladimir (piano) (Russia)
Ponomarev, Vladislav (tenor) (Russia)
Ponomareva, Galina (choir conductor) (Russia)
Ponomareva, Valentina (vocals) (Russia)
Ponomariova, Mariya (soprano) (Russia)
Ponomaryova, Irina (Piano) (Russia)
Pons, Josep (conductor) (Spain)
Pons, Juan (baritone)
Pons, Lily (soprano) (France)
Pons-Estel, Maria Antonia (violin) (USA)
Ponseele, Marcel (oboe) (Belgium)
Ponseele, Marcel (conductor) (Belgium)
Ponselle, Rosa (USA)
Ponsford, David (harpsichord) (Great Britain)
Ponsford, David (organ) (Great Britain)
Pontecorvo, Laura (flute) (Italy)
Ponten, Loren (conductor) (USA)
Pontet, Joël (harpsichord) (France)
Ponthus, Marc (piano)
Ponti, Michael (piano) (USA)
Pontinen, Roland (piano) (Sweden)
Pontvik, Peter (conductor) (Sweden)
Pook, Jocelyn (viola) (Great Britain)
Poole, Elissa (flute, conductor) (Canada)
Poole, John (conductor) (Great Britain)
Poole, Oliver (piano) (Great Britain)
Poon, Tiffany (Piano) (China)
Poortinga, Robert (Piano) (Netherlands)
Popa, Aurelian-Octav (clarinet) (Romania)
Pope, Stanley (conductor) (Great Britain)
Popelka, Josef (organ) (Czech Republic)
Popescu, Annamaria (mezzo-soprano) (Canada)
Popescu, Paul (conductor) (Romania)
Popiałkiewicz, Łukasz (conductor) (Poland)
Popken, Ralf (choirmaster) (Germany)
Popkov, Igor (Violin) (Russia)
Poplavskaya, Marina (soprano) (Russia)
Poplavsky, Alexander (flute) (Russia)
Poplawski, Janusz (tenor) (Poland)
Pople, Ross (conductor)
Poplutz, Georg (tenor) (Germany)
Popoff, Pavel (guitar) (Russia)
Popov, Alexander (piano) (Russia)
Popov, Andrey (multi-instrumentalist) (Russia)
Popov, Artem (tenor) (Russia)
Popov, Ivan (violin) ()
Popov, Lark (piano) (Canada)
Popov, Nikolay (flute) (Russia)
Popov, Pavel (Violin) (Russia)
Popov, Sergey (trumpet) (Russia)
Popov, Stefan (cello) (Bulgaria)
Popov, Stoyan (bariton) (Bulgaria)
Popov, Vadim (Accordeon) (Russia)
Popov, Valeriy (bassoon) (Russia)
Popov, Vasily (cello) (Russia)
Popov, Viktor (choirmaster) (Russia)
Popov, Vladimir (conductor) (Russia)
Popova, Alla (soprano) (Estonia)
Popova, Anastasiya (piano) (Ukraine)
Popova, Evgenia-Mariа (violin) (Bulgaria)
Popova, Irina (piano) (Russia)
Popova, Ludmila Mikhajlovna (soprano) (Russia)
Popova, Natalia (violin) (Russia)
Popova, Olga (saxophone) (Russia)
Popova, Tamara (soprano) (Russia)
Popovic, Dusan (baritone) ()
Popovskaya, Elena (piano, organ, harpsichord) (Russia)
Popowa-Zydron, Katarzyna (piano) (Poland)
Popp, Lucia (soprano) (Slovakia)
Poppe, Enno (conductor) (Germany)
Poppen, Christoph (conductor) (Germany)
Poppen, Christoph (violin) (Germany)
Poppen, Irmgard (cello) (Germany)
Popper-Keizer, Rafael (cello) (USA)
Poprugin, Viacheslav (piano) (Russia)
Popsavov, Miroslav (conductor) (Bulgaria)
Porcelijn, David (сonductor) (Netherlands)
Porcellini, Simone (clarinet) (Italy)
Pordoy, Mathieu (piano) (France)
Porochovnik, Yuriy (conductor) (Ukraine)
Poroshina, Inna (piano) (Russia)
Porozhny, Alexander (Trio) (Russia)
Porqueddu, Cristiano (guitar) (Italy)
Porras, Alejandro Garrido (сonductor)
Porshneva, Tatiana (violin) (Russia)
Porta, Enzo (violin) (Italy)
Portal, Michel (clarinet) (France)
Porte, Elizabeth de la (harpsichord) (South Africa)
Porter, Amy (flute) (USA)
Porter, Lowri (violin) (USA)
Porter, Marcia (soprano) (USA)
Porter, Simone (violin) (USA)
Porter, William (organ) (USA)
Portilla Arriola, Sergio (recorder) (Peru)
Portugheis, Alberto (piano) (Argentina)
Porumb, Romana (violin) (Germany)
Posada, Alejandro (conductor) (Colombia)
Posch, Michael (conductor, flute) (Austria)
Poschner, Markus (conductor) (Germany)
Poshehov, Stanislav (fluto) (Russia)
Poshta, Frantishek (double bass) (Czech Republic)
Posikera, Alexander (bassoon) (Russia)
Posikera, Olga (piano) (Russia)
Poskotinova, Maria (Domra, Mandolina) (Russia)
Poskute, Vilija (piano) (Lithuania)
Posnak, Paul (piano) (USA)
Posnjakow, Nikolai (Piano) (Germany)
Pospelopva, Tatyana (violoncello) (Ukraine)
Pospelov, Sergey (Violin) (Russia)
Pospelova, Margarita (piano) (Russia)
Pospichal, Jan (violin)
Pospisil-Borodulina, Aleksandra (piano) (Latvia)
Posselt, Ruth (violin) (USA)
Post, Joseph (conductor) (Australia)
Post, Roman (dulcimer)
Postavnicheva, Nina (Voice) (Russia)
Poster, Tom (piano) (Great Britain)
Postnikova, Victoria (piano) (Russia)
Postnov, Kirill (Piano) (Russia)
Postolovskaya, Nina (piano) (Russia)
Posulihin, David (tenor) (Russia)
Posvanecz, Eva (виола) (Hungary)
Posviatovska, Iryna (piano) (Ukraine)
Posypanov, Yuriy (Percussion) (Russia)
Potapov, Alexey (guitar) (Russia)
Potapov, Vladimir (piano) (Russia)
Potekhina, Olga (piano) (Russia)
Potenza, Alessandro (oboe) (Italy)
Potmesilova, Jaroslava (organ) (Czech Republic)
Potokina, Svetlana (piano) (Russia)
Potter, Alex (hautecontre) (Great Britain)
Potter, John (tenor) (Great Britain)
Potvlieghe, Ghislain (tangent piano, clavichord, harpsichord) (Germany)
Potyomin, Dmitry (violin) (Russia)
Pou, Jody (soprano)
Poucel, Yves (oboe) (France)
Pougnet, Jean (violin) (Great Britain)
Poulain, Loic (flute) (France)
Poulard, Gabriel (electronics, tape) (France)
Poulenard, Isabelle (soprano) (France)
Poulenc, Francis (piano) (France)
Poulet, Gérard (violin) (France)
Poulet, Gaston (conductor) (France)
Poulin de Courval, Sophie (saxophone) (Canada)
Poulter, David (organ) (Great Britain)
Pouska, Jan (lute, vocal) (Czech Republic)
Pousseur, Henri (electronics) (Belgium)
Pousseur, Marianne (soprano) (Belgium)
Poutiatin, Ilia (piano) (Russia)
Poutnikova, Helene (violin) (Russia)
Povaly, Taisia (Voice) (Ukraine)
Povalyaev, Sergio (vocal) (Russia)
Povolotsky, Yuri (piano) (Israel)
Powell, Amanda (soprano) (USA)
Powell, Jonathan (piano) (Great Britain)
Powell, Maud (violin) (USA)
Powell, Ross (clarinet) (USA)
Power, Clement (conductor) (Great Britain)
Power, Lawrence (viola) (Great Britain)
Power, Patrick (tenor) (New Zealand)
Power, Victoria (piano) (Sweden)
Power Biggs, Edward George (organ) (USA)
Pozajic, Mladen (conductor) (Croatia)
Pozarski, Robert (conductor) (Poland)
Pozdejev, Vsevolod (piano) (Estonia)
Pozo, Rodrigo del (tenor) (Chile)
Pozzi, Davide (harpsichord) (Italy)
Pozzi, Davide (organ) (Italy)
Pozzi, Davide (conductor) (Italy)
Pozzi, Pina (piano) (Italy)
Prégardien, Julian (tenor) (Germany)
Prada, Kinga (flute) (Romania)
Prada, Rodney (viola da gamba) (Italy)
Pradella, Massimo (conductor) (Italy)
Prado, Gildas (hautbois) (France)
Pradzed, Veronika (whiterussian dulcimer (cymbalum)) (Belarus)
Pramsohler, Johannes (violin) (France)
Pramsohler, Johannes (conductor) (France)
Prandelli, Giacinto (tenor) (Italy)
Prandi, Giulio (conductor) (Italy)
Prandina, Luisa (harp) (Italy)
Prantl, Pavel (conductor) (Czech Republic)
Prasolov, Vyacheslav (conductor) (Russia)
Prasolova, Ksenia
Prati, Patrizia (piano) (Italy)
Prats, Olga (piano) (Portugal)
Prats Costa, Cristina (violin) (Spain)
Prats Soca, Jorge Luis (piano) (Cuba)
Pratt, Awadagin (piano) (USA)
Pratt, Jessica (soprano) (Australia)
Pratz, Albert (violin) (Canada)
Prausnitz, Frederick (conductor) (USA)
Pravdic, Milko (clarinet) (Croatia)
Praxmarer, Vinzenz (conductor) (Germany)
Preda, Alexander (piano) (Romania)
Preda, Maurizio (guitar) (Italy)
Predele, Maija (Cello) (Latvia)
Predvechnova, Ekaterina (piano) (Russia)
Pregardien, Cristoph (tenor) (Germany)
Preger, Andreja (piano) ()
Prego, Ignacio (conductor) (Spain)
Prego-, Ignacio (harpsichord) (Spain)
Preiß, Christoph (piano) (Germany)
Preimesberger, Daniela (violin) (Germany)
Preinfalk, Gerald (saxophone) (Austria)
Preinfalk, Gottfried (conductor) (Austria)
Preis, Klaus (Germany)
Preisler, Frantisek (conductor) (Czech Republic)
Preisner, Katarzyna (piano) (Poland)
Prejsnar, Magdalena (piano) (Poland)
Prelicz, Jonathan (bariton) (Switzerland)
Prelipcean, Bujor (violin) (Turkey)
Prentice, Aric (chorus master) (Great Britain)
Preobrazhenskaya, Sophia (mezzo-soprano) (Russia)
Preobrazhensky, Mikhail (piano) (Russia)
Presland, Carole (piano) (USA)
Presley, Elvis (vocal) (USA)
Presnell, Harve (Baritone) (USA)
Pressler, Menahem (piano) (Israel)
Presti, Ida (guitar) (France)
Prestini, Paola (conductor) (USA)
Preston, Mary (organ) (Great Britain)
Preston, Robert (piano) (USA)
Preston, Simon (organ)
Preston, Simon (conductor) (Great Britain)
Preston, Stephen (flute) (Great Britain)
Presutti, Cristiana (soprano) (Italy)
Presutti, Gian Rosario (piano) (Italy)
Pretre, Georges (conductor) (France)
Pretto, Giampaolo (flute) (Italy)
Preucil, William (violin) (USA)
Previn, André (conductor) (USA)
Previn, André (piano) (USA)
Previtali, Fernando (conductor)
Prey, Florian (baritone) (Germany)
Prey, Hermann (baritone) (Germany)
Price, Julie (bassoon) (Great Britain)
Price, Leontyne (soprano) (USA)
Price, Margaret (soprano) (Great Britain)
Price, Paul (conductor, percussion) (USA)
Prick, Christof (conductor) (Germany)
Pridmore, Helen (soprano) (Canada)
Priem-Bergrath, Hans (conductor) (Germany)
Pries, Manfred (saxophone/clarinet) (Germany)
Priestman, Brian (Conductor) (Great Britain)
Prieto, Carlos (Cello)
Prieto, Carlos Miguel (conductor) (Mexico)
Prieur, lorraine (piano) (France)
Prihoda, Vasa (violin) (Czech Republic)
Prihodko, Angela (vokal) (Russia)
Prikhodko, Denis (piano) (Russia)
Prikhodko, Igor (trumpet) (Russia)
Prikhodovsky, Ekaterina (director) (Russia)
Primak, Sergey (conductor) (Ukraine)
Primak Khoury, Tatiana (Piano)
Primakov, Vassily (piano) (Russia)
Primosch, James (piano) (USA)
Primrose, William (viola) (Great Britain)
Prin, Yves (conductor) (France)
Prina, Sonia (contralto) (Italy)
Prince-Joseph, Bruce (harpsichord) (Lebanon)
Pringle, Peter (lyra) (Germany)
Prins, Stefan (piano, electronics) (Belgium)
Printemps, Yvonne (soprano) (France)
Prinz, Alfred (clarinet) (Austria)
Prinz, Maria (piano) (Germany)
Prior, Alexander (conductor) (Great Britain)
Pripuskova, Ekaterina (domra) (Russia)
Prischepa, Anton (clarinet) (Russia)
Prishchepenko, Natascha (violin) (Germany)
Pritchard, Barbara (piano) (Canada)
Pritchard, Eric (Violin) (USA)
Pritchard, John (conductor) (Great Britain)
Pritchin, Aylen (violin) (Russia)
Pritsker, Gene (guitar) (USA)
Privarskaya, Natalya (piano) (Russia)
Prizeman, Robert (choirmaster) (Great Britain)
Prjevalskaya, Marianna (piano) (Russia)
Procaccini, Nicola (cembalo) (Italy)
Procaccini, Teresa (piano) (Italy)
Procaccini, Teresa (conductor) (Italy)
Prochac, Eugene (cello) (Slovakia)
Prochazka, Pavol (conductor) (Slovakia)
Prochorowa, Xenia (piano) (Russia)
Procter, Norma (сontralto) (Great Britain)
Profanter, Hans-Jorg (trombone) (Germany)
Prohaska, Anna (soprano) (Austria)
Prohaska, Felix (conductor) (Austria)
Prokhvatilova, Helena (Soprano) (Russia)
Prokina, Elena (soprano) (Russia)
Prokofiev, Sergey (piano) (Russia)
Prokofiev, Sergey (conductor) (Russia)
Prokofieva, Polina (flute) (Russia)
Prokopenko, Natalia (piano) (Russia)
Prokopenko, Rouslana (cello) (Ukraine)
Prokopetz, Helena (conductor) (Ukraine)
Prokopova, Daria (Cello) (Russia)
Prokoshina, Alexandra (Vokal) (Russia)
Prominski, Wlodzimierz (violin) (Poland)
Promoe, Semyon (violin) (Russia)
Proniewicz, Voytek (violin) (Poland)
Pronina, Tamara (soprano) (Russia)
Pronina-Zeleneva, Maria (vocal) (Russia)
Pronko, Veronika (piano) (Russia)
Prontera, Cosimo (conductor) (Italy)
Proosdij, Hanneke van (conductor) (USA)
Proosdij, Hanneke van (recorder) (USA)
Propper, Daniel (piano) (Netherlands)
Prosalovskaya, Inessa (soprano) (Russia)
Prosseda, Roberto (piano) (Italy)
Prosseda, Roberto (pedal piano) (Italy)
Prosser, Pietro (tiorba) (Italy)
Prost, Nicolas (saxophone) (USA)
Prostitov, Oleg (piano) (Russia)
Prostitova, Xenia (piano) (Russia)
Protasov, Prokhor (Conductor) (Russia)
Protasov, Vitaly (conductor)
Protheroe, Guy (conductor) (Great Britain)
Protich, Svetla (piano) (Bulgaria)
Protopopescu, Dana (piano) (Romania)
Protopopov, Sergey (conductor) (Ukraine)
Protschka, Josef (tenor) (Germany)
Protsyuk, Daniil (organ) (Russia)
Protti, Aldo (baritone) (Italy)
Proud, Malcolm (harpsichord) (Ireland)
Proulx, Jean-Guy (organ) (Canada)
Prouvost, Gaëtane (violin) (France)
Prouvost, Gaetane (violin) (France)
Provatorov, Gennady (conductor) (Belarus)
Provost, Serge (piano) (Canada)
Provost, Yvan (conductor) (Canada)
Provotar, Vladislav (cello) (Russia)
Prudencio-, Francisca (soprano) (Germany)
Prudenskaya, Marina (mezzo-soprano) (Russia)
Pruewer, Julius (conductor) (Austria)
Prunnbauer, Sonja (guitar) (Germany)
Prunyi, Ilona (piano) (Hungary)
Prutsman, Steven (piano) (USA)
Pryce-Jones, John (conductor) (Great Britain)
Prygl, Boris (baritone) (Czech Republic)
Prygun, Elena (piano) (Russia)
Prykhodko, Olga (vocal) (Ukraine)
Prynn, Gabriel (cello) (Canada)
Pryor, Arthur (trombone, conductor) (USA)
Prytz, Eva (soprano) (Norway)
Przedbora, Piotr (guitar) (Poland)
Przybylska, Agnieszka (piano) (Poland)
Przybylski, Dariusz (organ) (Poland)
Przytocki, Pawel (conductor) (Poland)
Pschenitschnikova, Natalia (flute, voice) (Germany)
Ptacnik, Jiri (conductor) (Czech Republic)
Ptitsa, Klavdy (choral conductor) (Russia)
Puccini, Sergio (guitar) (Italy)
Puccio, Antonio (conductor) (Italy)
Puchelt, Gerhard (piano) (Germany)
Puchhammer-Sedillot, Jutta (viola) (Canada)
Puddy, Keith (clarinet) (Great Britain)
Pudersel, Natalia (choir conductor) (Russia)
Pudinov, Alexey (piano)
Pudlak, Miroslav (conductor) (Czech Republic)
Pudova, Olga (soprano) (Russia)
Pugachov, Vitaliy (bayan) (Russia)
Pugatch, Yaroslav (piano)
Pugliese, Paolo (guitar) (Italy)
Pugno, Raoul (Piano) (France)
Pugsley, Richard (conductor) (USA)
Pui-Yuen, Lui (guqin) (China)
Puig-Roget, Henriette (piano)
Puig-Roget, Henriette (organ) (France)
Pujuila, Florent (clarinet) (France)
Pukhlianko, Maria (piano) (Ukraine)
Pukst, Katsiaryna (violin) (Belarus)
Pulakka, Lauri (cello) (Finland)
Pulcyn, Wojciech (double bass) (Poland)
Pulkkinen, Janne (basson) (Finland)
Puls, Gerd (conductor) (Germany)
Pulsipher, Clay (conductor) (USA)
Punder, Neeme (flute) (Estonia)
Puntos, Didier (Piano) (Switzerland)
Punzi, Giovanni (clarinet) (Italy)
Puodziukas, Aidas (piano)
Pupkova, Evgenia (piano) (Russia)
Puppato, Daniele (conductor) (Italy)
Purcell, Kevin (conductor) (USA)
Purgalina, Esfir (vocal) (Russia)
Purgina, Anna (violin) (Russia)
Purits, Joseph (Bayan) (Russia)
Purizhski, Maxim (piano) (Russia)
Purser, David (trombone) (Great Britain)
Purves, Christopher (bass-baritone) (Great Britain)
Purvis, Peter (piano) (USA)
Purvis, William (french horn) (USA)
Pusca, Iulia (Panflute) (Ireland)
Puschnig, Wolfgang (saxophone) (Austria)
Puschnigg, Heimo (piano) (Austria)
Pushkaryov, Vladimir (trumpet) (Russia)
Pushkin, Anton (contrabass) (Russia)
Pushkov, Evgeny (Conductor) (Ukraine)
Pushnoy, Yuri (vibraphone) (Russia)
Puskas, Notburga (harp)
Puskunigis, Andrius (oboe) (Lithuania)
Pustijanać, Ingrid (choir director) (Italy)
Pustilnik, Monica (lute) (Argentina)
Pustynnikov, Oleg (piano) (Russia)
Putilin, Nikolai (bariton) (Russia)
Putnins, Kaspars (conductor, choirmaster) (Latvia)
Putz, Ruth-Margret (soprano) (Germany)
Putzolu, Loredana (soprano) (France)
Puxeddu, Luigi (cello) (Italy)
Puyana Michelsen, Rafael (harpsichord) (Colombia)
Puzakov, Aleksey (conductor) (Russia)
Puzynia, Viktar (clarinet) (Belarus)
Pyankova, Natalya (violin) (Russia)
Pyasetsky, Valery (piano) (Russia)
Pyatigorskaya, Larisa (mezzo-soprano) (Russia)
Pyatigorsky, Grigoriy (cello) (USA)
Pyatigorsky, Leonid (conductor) (Russia)
Pyatt, David (Horn)
Pyka, Agnes (violin) (France)
Pylatyuk, Ihor (Сonductor) (Ukraine)
Pyras, Olaf (percussion) (Poland)
Pyshnov, Lev (piano) (Great Britain)
Pystin, Gennady (piano) (Russia)
Pyzhov, Anton (Violino) (Russia)