Škampa Quartet
Sune Waldimir`s Orchestra
A cappella Leopolis Ensemble
A Far Cry (ensemble)
Aalborg Symphony Orchestra
Aarhus Symphony Orchestra
Abegg Trio
Academia Montis Regalis (Mondovì, Italy)
Academic choir of Gnesin`s Academy
Academic large choir `Masters of Choral Singing`
Academic Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra
Academic Symphony orchestra of the Novosibirsk state Philharmonic
Academic Symphony Orchestra V.I.Safonova
Academica Quartet
Academy of Ancient Music (Cambridge, England)
Academy of St. Martin in the Fields
Accademia Bizantina
Accademia Daniel
Accademia degli Erranti ensemble (Italy)
Accademia degli Imperfetti
Accademia dei Solinghi
Accademia del ricercare
Accademia d`Arcadia
Accademia Farnese
Accademia Hermans
Accademia I Filarmonici di Verona
Accademia Musicale dell`Annunciata
Accademia Ottoboni ensemble
Accademia per musica
Accademia Strumentale Italiana Ensemble
Accentus Austria
Accordone Ensemble
Adaskin String Trio
Adelaide Symphony Orchestra
Affetti Musicali Ensemble
Aglaia Ensemble (Milan)
Air Lyndhurst Orchestra
Akademia Ensemble
Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin (Akamus)
Al Ayre Espanol Ensemble
Alamire vocal consort
Albalonga ensemble
Alban Berg Quartet
Albany Symphony Orchestra
Alberni Quartet
Albert Schweitzer Quintet
Alder String Quartet
Alessandro Stradella Consort
Alexander String Quartet
Alexandrov Ensemble for Song & Dance of the Russian Army
Algarve Orchestra
Alla Francesca
Alla Polacca Choir
Allabastrina Choir and Consort
Alma Trio
Alsfeld Vocal Ensemble
Altai Regional Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra
Altay state philharmonic orchestra
Alter Ego Ensemble
Amadeus Ensemble Wien
Amadeus Orchestra (UK)
Amadeus Quartet
Amadeus Trio
Amadeus Winds (UK)
Amadinda Percussion Group
Amadis Brass
Amar Corde String Quartet
Amar Quartet
Amaryllis Consort
Amaryllis Quartett
Amati Orchester
Amati Quartet
Amati Quartett Zurich
Amati-Ensemble Munchen
Ambrosian Opera Chorus
Ambrosian Singers
American Bach Soloists
American Baroque Ensemble
American Chamber Orchestra
American Composers Orchestra (ACO)
American String Quartet
American Symphony Orchestra
American Theatre Orchestra
Ames Piano Quartet
Amsel Trio
Amstel Quartet
Amsterdam Bach Soloists
Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Amsterdam Guitar Trio
Amsterdam Loeki Stardust Quartet
Amsterdam Mozart Players
Amsterdam Philharmonic Orchestra
Amsterdam Sinfonietta Ensemble
Amsterdam String Quartet
Amsterdam Vivaldi Players
Anagnoson & Kinton, duo pianos
Ancient Music Ensemble of Armenia `Tagaran
Anderson and Roe piano duo
Angelicum de Puebla
Anhaltische Philharmonie Dessau
Anima Vocal Ensemble
Anno Musica
Anonymous 4
Antigone Quartet (France)
Anton Rubinstein Grand Symphony Orchestra of Saint Petersburg State Conservatory
Apotheosis Orchestra
Aquel Trovar
Aradia Ensemble
Arcadia Quartet (Romania)
Arcadia Trio
Arcadian Academy
Arcanto Quartett
Archaeus Quartet
ARCO Chamber Orchestra (Moscow, since 1995 USA)
Ardeo Quartet
Ardinghello Ensemble
Arditti String Quartet
Aria Quartett
Arianna Art Ensemble
Arianna String Quartet
Arion Baroque Orchestra
Arion Wind Quintet
Armenian National Philharmonic Orchestra
Armenian Radio And Television Symphony Orchestra
Armenian State Honored Ensemble of Song and Dance
Armenian State String Quartet
Armenian State Symphony Orchestra
Armida Quartet
Armonia Atenea
Armonia delle Sfere
Armonico Consort Ensemble
Armonico Tributo Austria
Armoniosoincanto (Italy)
Arnhem Philharmonic Orchestra
Arnold Schîånberg-Chor
Aron Quartett
Arriaga String Quartet
Ars Antigua (Chicago)
Ars Antiqua Austria
Ars Cantica Choir
Ars Longa de la Habana Ensemble
Ars Nova Copenhagen
Ars Nova Ensemble (Mexica)
Ars Nova Ensemble Nürnberg
Ars Rediviva Ensemble (Prague)
Ars Ultima
Arte dei Suonatori (Poland)
Arte dei Suonatori Piano Quartet
Artefactum Ensemble
Artehatta Chamber Ensemble
Artemis Quartet
Artis-Quartett Wien
Artkronos ensemble (Italy)
Artur Rubinstein Philharmonic Orchestra (Poland)
ASKO | Schönberg Ensemble
Asmatikon-ensemble (Moscow Conservatoire)
Association of student classical music clubs of Russia
Astreja Ensemble
Atalanta Fugiens ensemble
Atelier XX-XXI siecle
Athens Philharmonia Orchestra
Athesinus Consort Berlin, vocal ensemble
Atlanta Symphony Orchestra
Atlantis Trio
Atrium Musicae de Madrid Ensemble
Attacca Quartet
Auer String Quartet
Augsburg Boys` Choir
Augsburger Philharmoniker
AUKSO Chamber Orchestra
Aulos Wind Quintet
Aura Musicale (Budapest)
Aurata Fonte
Aurora Orchestra (London)
Aurora String Quartet
Auryn Quartet
Auser Misici
Australian Brandenburg Orchestra
Australian Chamber Orchestra
Australian Opera and Ballet Orchestra
Austrian Chamber Orchestra
Austrian Symphony Orchestra
Austro-Hungarian Haydn Philharmonic
Authentic Quartet
Ave Sol Chamber Chior
Avison Ensemble
Aviv String Quartet
Azahar Ensemble (Spain)
Azerbaijan Garayev State Chamber Orchestra
Azerbaijan State Radio & Television Symphony Orchestra
Azerbaijan Uzeir Gajibekov State Symphony Orchestra
Aziman Ensemble
Bach Aria Group Ensemble
Bach Choir of Bethlehem
Bach Chorus & Orchestra of the Amsterdam Philharmonic Society
Bach Collegium Japan
Bach Festival Chorus & Orchestra (Hong Kong)
Bach Festival Orchestra
Bach Santiago
Bach Society of Minnesota (choir & orcherstra)
Bach-Collegium Berlin
Bach-Collegium Praha Ensemble
Bach-Collegium Stuttgart
Bach-Kantaten-Club Wurzburg Orchestra and Chorus
Bach-Mozart Ensemble Tokyo
Bach-Orchester Berlin
Bach-Orchester Mainz
Bach-Orchester Stuttgart
Bachsolisten Seoul Ensemble
Baden-Baden Symphony Orchestra
Badinage Ensemble
Badische Staatskapelle, Karlsruhe
BaKaRa ensemble
Bakfark Bálint Lute Trio
Bakfark Consort
Balanescu Quartet
Baltic Baroque
Baltic Festival Orchestra
Baltic Sea Philharmonic
Baltimore Chamber Orchestra
Baltimore Symphony Orchestra
Bamberg Symphony Orchestra
Bamberg Trio
Bamberger Chorus
Banchetto Musicale
Bang On a Can All-Stars
Barchet Quartett
Barocco Boreale
Barockorchester La Banda
Barockorchester L`Arco
Barockwerk Hamburg
Baroque Academy Of The Netherlands Symphony Orchestra
Baroque Ensemble «Novaya Gollandia» (Russia)
Baroque Orchestra `Collegium 1704` (Prague)
Baroque Orchestra `Les Muffatti`
Bartholdy Piano Quartet
Bartok Quartet
Barylli Quartet
Basel Sinfonietta
Basler Streichquartett
Bath Festival Orchestra
BATTALIA Baroque Ensemble
Batzdorfer Hofkapelle
Bavarian Radio Chamber Orchestra
Bavarian Radio Choir
Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra
Bavarian State Opera Choir
Bavarian State Orchestra
Bayerische Kammerphilharmonie
Bayerische Staatskapelle
Bayerische Staatsoper Orchester
Bazzini Consort (Brescia)
BBC Concert Orchestra
BBC Filharmonikus Zenekara
BBC National Chorus of Wales
BBC National Orchestra of Wales
BBC Philharmonic Orchestra
BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra
BBC Singers Chamber Choir
BBC Symphony Chorus
BBC Symphony Orchestra
Beaux Arts Trio
Beethoven Orchester Bonn
Beethoven String Trio of London
Beethoven Trio Ravensburg
Beijing New Music Ensemble
Beijing Symphony Orchestra
Belcanto Strings Trio
Belcea Quartet
Belgorod Philharmonic Orchestra
Belgorod State Philharmonic Orchestra
Belgrade Chamber Orchestra
Belgrade chamber orchestra `Ljubica Maric`
Belgrade Instrumental Ensemble
Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra
Belgrade Radio & Television Choir
Belgrade Radio & Television Symphony Orchestra
Belgrade String Orchestra of Dushan Skovran
Belgrade Wind Quintet
Bellingham Festival of Music
Bell`Arte Ensemble
Belorussian National Philharmonic Orchestra
Belorussian State Chamber Orchestra
Benyounes Quartet
Bergen Barokk
Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra
Bergische Symphony Orchestra
Berlin Chamber Orchestra
Berlin Philharmonic Octet
Berlin Philharmonic Wind Quintet
Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra (RSB)
Berlin State Opera Orchestra
Berliner Barock Solisten
Berliner Barock-Compagney
Berliner Camerata Ensemble
Berliner Domkapelle Orchestra
Berliner Philharmoniker
Berliner Sinfonie-Orchester
Berliner Symphoniker
Berliner Vokalensemble `Carl Maria von Weber`
Berner Streichquartett
Berner Symphonie-Orchester
Big Band of Krasnoyarsk School of Arts No. 2
Big Choir of Central Television and All-Union Radio of the USSR
Bilbao Symphony Orchestra
Bilkent Symphony Orchestra (Ankara)
Bingham String Quartet
Birmingham Contemporary Music Group (BCMG)
Bläser Ensemble Mainz
Blair String Quartet
Boccherini Quartet
Bochumer Symphoniker
Bohuslav Martinů Philharmonic Orchestra (Czech Republic)
Bolshoi Theatre Chamber Orchestra
Bolshoi Theatre Children`s Choir
Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra (Moscow)
Bolshoi Theatre Quartet
Boomerang Ensemble
Boris Lyatoshinsky Classical Music Ensemble
Boris Pevzner`s Choral Theater
Bornus Consort Vocal Ensemble
Borodin Quartet
Borromeo String Quartet
Boston Baroque
Boston Camerata
Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra
Boston Modern Orchestra Project
Boston Pops Orchestra
Boston Symphony Chamber Players
Boston Symphony Orchestra
Bournemouth Sinfonietta
Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra
Bowling Green Philharmonia
Boyd Meets Girl
Boys Air Choir
Boys` Choir of Kiev Revutsky Academic Male Chapel
Boys` Choir of Moscow State Choir College
Boys` Vocal Group `Libera`
Brandeis University Chamber Choir
Brandenburgisches Staatsorchester Frankfurt (Oder)
Brandis Quartet
Brasil Guitar Duo
Bratislava Symphony Orchestra
Brazilian Guitar Quartet
Brecon Baroque
Brecon Baroque Ensemble
Bremer Bach Orchestra
Bremer Baroque Orchestra (BBO)
Bretagne Orchestra
Breve Woodwind Ensemble
Brevis Chamber Choir
Brewer Baroque Chamber Orchestra
Bridgehampton Chamber Music Festival Ensemble
Bright Bows Violin Ensemble
Brindisi String Quartet
British Symphony Orchestra
Britten Quartet
Britten Sinfonia
Brno State Philharmonic Orchestra
Brodsky String Quartet
Brussels Philharmonic
Brussels Symphony Orchestra of the Royal Opera House La Monnaie
Bucharest Radio Symphony Orchestra
Buchberger Quartet
Budapest Chamber Symphony
Budapest Festival Orchestra
Budapest Madrigal Chior
Budapest Philharmonic Orchestra
Budapest String Trio (München)
Budapest Strings
Budapest Symphony Orchestra
Budapest Wind Ensemble
Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra
Bulgarian National Svetoslav Obretenov Choir
Bulgarian State Philharmonic
Bulgarian Television and Radio Symphony Orchestra
Busch Quartet
Butter Quartet (NL)
C. Courtly Consort
Cabrillo Festival Orchestra
Café Zimmermann
Calamus Ensemble
Calder Quartet
Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra
Cali Philharmonic Orchestra
Callipygian Players (Chicago)
Callithumpian Consort
Camber orchestra of Leningrad conservatory
Cambini Winds ensemble (USA)
Cambridge St. John`s College Choir
Cambridge Trinity College Choir
Camerata Academia Ensemble
Camerata Aguascalientes
Camerata Antonio Luco
Camerata Anxanum
Camerata Bachiensis
Camerata Bern
Camerata Boccherini
Camerata Budapest
Camerata Cassovia
Camerata de Lausanne
Camerata Florianopolis Ensemble
Camerata Hungarica
Camerata Köln
Camerata Labacensis Ensemble
Camerata Lysy Gstaad (Switzerland)
Camerata Musica Ensemble
Camerata of the 18th Century
Camerata Polifonica Siciliana
Camerata Quartet
Camerata Roman (Sweden)
Camerata Romana (Bucharest)
Camerata Romeu
Camerata Rousseau
Camerata Salzburg
Camerata Schulz Ensemble
Camerata Schweiz
Camerata Silesia
Camerata Slavonica
Camerata Trajectina
Camerata vocaIis of the University of Tubingen
Camerata Vocale Gunzburg
Camerata Zürich
Camesina Quartett
Canada`s National Arts Centre Orchestra
Canadian Brass
Canadian Chamber Ensemble
Canadian Guitar Quartet
Canadian Opera Company Orchestra
Canadian String Quartet
Canta Libre Chamber Ensemble
Cantica Symphonia
Cantilena childrens choir
Cantores Minores Wratislavienses
Cantus Cölln
Cantus Firmus Consort
Cantus Novus Wien
Cantus Sacred Music Ensemble
Cantus Thuringia & Capella Thuringia
Cape Philharmonic Orchestra
Capella Academica Wien
Capella Agostino Steffani
Capella Augustina Ensemble
Capella Brugensis Chamber Choir
Capella Bydgostiensis
Capella Claromontana
Capella Cracoviensis
Capella de la Torre
Capella de Ministrers (Valencia)
Capella Fidicinia Leipzig
Capella Frisiae (ñhamber choir, Netherlands)
Capella Istropolitana (Bratislava)
Capella Lipsiensis
Capella Piccola
Capella Regia Ensemble
Capella Sancti Georgi (Germany)
Capella Sancti Michaelis
Capella Savaria
Capella Tiberina
Capet String Quartet
Capilla Antigua de Chinchilla
Capilla de Indias (Chili)
Capilla Flamenca
Capital BrassWorks
Cappella Academica Frankfurt
Cappella Artemisia Ensemble
Cappella Augustana
Cappella Cervantina
Cappella Coloniensis (Cologne)
Cappella Gabetta
Cappella Mediterranea (France)
Cappella Musicale della Cattedrale di Verona
Cappella musicale Miklos Jozsef Esterhazy
Cappella Nova
Cappella Sagittariana
Cappella Santa Cecilia
Cappella Strumentale del Duomo di Novara
cappella ` Moldova`(Kishinev)
Capriccio Barockorchester (Basel)
Capriccio Stravagante Ensemble (USA)
Capricorn Ensemble
Capricornus Concort Basel
Cardiff University Symphony Orchestra and Chorus
Carducci String Quartet
Carmina Quartet
Carmine Celebrat Orchestra
Carpe Diem String Quartet
Casal Quartett
Catalonia National Orchestra (Barcelona Symphony Orchestra)
Catalyst Quartet (USA)
Cathedral of Christ the Saviour Choir
CBC Radio Orchestra (Vancouver)
CBC Symphony Orchestra
CBC Vancouver Chamber Orchestra
Cecilia String Quartet
Celestial Sirens
Cello Ensemble (Canada)
Cello Street Quartet San Francisco
Central Military Orchestra of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
Central Washington University Wind Ensemble
CHAARTS ensemble
Chamber Orchestra `Consonancia` (Portugal)
Chamber chapel `Academy of Russian Music` (Moscow)
Chamber choir Festino
Chamber Choir of Europe
Chamber choir of the Academy of Choral Art named after V.S. Popov
Chamber Choir of the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music
Chamber choir of the Ukrainian music `Vidrodgennia`
Chamber Choir Salutaris
Chamber choir `Academy`
Chamber Choir `Accentus`
Chamber choir `Domestic`
Chamber choir `Khreschatyk`
Chamber choir `Kyiv`
Chamber Choir `Magna Voce`
Chamber Choir `Petersburg Serenades`
Chamber Choir `Petersburg Voices`
Chamber Choir `Russkiy Partes`
Chamber Choir `SONORUS`
Chamber Choir «Gloria»
Chamber Choir “Cappella Amsterdam”
Chamber Chorus of the University of California
Chamber ensemble of medieval music from Porto Alegre (Brazil)
Chamber ensemble of soloists of the Leningrad Philharmonic
Chamber ensemble operated by V.M. Rafaelov
Chamber ensemble `Capriccio`
Chamber Ensemble `Ile Theleme`
Chamber Ensemble `Pizzicar Galante` (Italy)
Chamber Music Northwest
Chamber orchestra of the Staatskapelle Berlin
Chamber Orchestra (Busan, Korea)
Chamber Orchestra I TEMPI
Chamber Orchestra of Copenhagen
Chamber Orchestra of Europe
Chamber Orchestra of Gnessin Russian Academy of Music
Chamber Orchestra of Modern Music `Orbit`
Chamber Orchestra of Philadelphia
Chamber Orchestra of Polish Radio
Chamber orchestra of the Krasnodar musical theatre
Chamber Orchestra of the National Soloists Ensemble `Kyiv Camerata`
Chamber Orchestra of the Pavel Slobodkin`s Centre
Chamber Orchestra of the Tver Philharmonic Society `Russian Camerata`
Chamber orchestra Russian Camerata
Chamber orchestra StereoOrchestra
Chamber Orchestra Zilina
Chamber Orchestra `Amadeus`
Chamber orchestra `Genesis Baroque` (Melbourne)
Chamber orchestra `I Virtuosi Italiani`
Chamber Orchestra `Kremlin`
Chamber Orchestra `Moscovia`
Chamber Orchestra `Musica Viva`
Chamber Orchestra `Novaya Muzika (New Music)`
Chamber Orchestra `Ostravská Banda`
Chamber orchestra `VIRTUOSOS OF LVOV`
Chamber Orchestra “Northern Sinfonietta” (St.Petersburg)
Chamber orchestra “Offerta Musicale” (Venice)
Champ d`Action
Chandos Baroque Players
chant 1450
Chanticleer (USA)
Chapel Royal Choir
Chapel `Tauris` Choir
Chapel `Tauris` International Youth Orchestra
Chapel `Tauris` Symphony Orchestra
Chapel `Taurus` International Grand Symphony Orchestra
Chapelle du Roi
Chatham Baroque (USA)
Cherepovets Governor`s Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments
Cherepovets Symphony Orchestra
Chernivtsi Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra
Chicago Baroque Ensemble
Chicago Lyric Opera Orchestra
Chicago Pro Musica
Chicago Symphony Orchestra
children`s choir belfry
Children`s Choir `Alye Parusa`
Children`s choir `Bambini di Praga`
Children`s choir `Mandragora`
Children`s Choir `Martve`
Children`s Choir `Vesna` (Moscow)
Chilingirian String Quartet
Chineke! Orchestra
Chisinau National chamber choir, Organ hall.
Choeur classique de Montreal
Choeur de chambre de Namur
Choeur de chambre de Namur
Choeur de chambre Les Elements
Choeur de La Madeleine, Paris
Choeur de l`Orchestre de Paris
Choeur de l`Orchestre symphonique de Montreal
Choeur Fiat Cantus
Choir `Frescoes of Kiev`
Choir and Orchestra Bach-cantata of the Academy (Weimar)
Choir and Orchestra of Schola Cantorum Budapestiensis
Choir and orchestra of the All-Union Radio Committee
Choir and Orchestra of the Duomo Castelnuovo di Garfagnana
Choir and Orchestra of the Lutheran University of Brazil (ULBRA)
Choir Chorus Viennensis
Choir Clarion
Choir of Clare College, Cambridge
Choir of Gonville & Caius College (Cambridge)
Choir of Grodno diocese`s priests
Choir of Hungarian Radio and Television
Choir of King`s College, Cambridge
Choir of Rome Radio
Choir of Salzburg Cathedral
Choir of St. Ignatius Loyola
Choir of St. John (Canada)
Choir of students of the National Academy of Sciences named after P.I. Tchaikovsky
Choir of students of the State State Institute of Fine Arts named after Dmitry Hvorostovsky
Choir of the Academy of Choral Art named after V.S. Popov
Choir of the Bolshoi Theater (Moscow)
Choir of the Bulgarian State Opera
Choir of the Cathedral of St. blgv. book. Alexander Nevsky, Nizhny Novgorod
Choir of the Holy Trinity Church of Kemerovo
Choir of the Leningrad Conservatory
Choir of the Moscow church `Joy to all Sorrows`
Choir of the Moscow Sretensky Monastery
Choir of the Music School Varazdin
Choir of the National Radio of Bulgaria
Choir of the Our Lady of Vladimir Church of Leningrad
Choir of the Pochaev Lavra of the Dormition
Choir of the Publishing Department of the Moscow Patriarchate
Choir of the Saint Petersburg Metochion of the Valaam Monastery
Choir of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church
Choir of the State Tretyakov Gallery
Choir of the Valaam Monastery
Choir of the Vienna Volksoper
Choir of the White Trinity Cathedral of Tver
Choir of Turin Radio
Choir of Vladimir
Choir Radio France
Choir Studenter-Sangforeningen
Choir Students of Siberian State Institute of Arts named after Dm. Hvorostovsky
Choir `Axios`
Choir `Prague Singers`
Choir `Tenebrae`
Choir `The Sixteen`
Choir `Viruyu` Church of Saints Olga and Elizabeth in Lviv
Chokhatauri Male Vocal Ensemble `Nabeglavi`
Chor Cantilena Sieradz
Chor der Bayreuther Festspiele
Chor der Deutschen Oper Berlin
Chor der Hamburgischen Staatsoper
Chor der Oper Graz
Chor des Mitteldeutschen Rundfunks
Choral ensemble of Krasnoyarsk Saint Trinity Temple
Choral Ensemble of Soloists `Tebe Poem` (Krasnoyarsk)
Choral ensemble of students of the Siberian State Institute of Arts named after Dmitry Hvorostovsky
Choral ensemble «Letopis» («Chronicle»)
Chorea Kozatska Ensemble
Chorgemeinschaft Neubeuern Chorus
Choro fcadem
Chorus and Orchestra of the Theater `Novaya Opera (New Opera)`
Chorus Musicus Koln
Chorus NNGU
Chorus of the Mariinsky Theatre
Chorus of the Music Academy in Zagreb
Chorus of the Netherlands Radio
Chorus `Jeunesses Musicales` (France)
Chorus `Obilich` named after Branko Krsmanovic
Christ Church Cathedral Choir
Christiania Mannskor
Chronos ensemble
Chung Trio
Church of the Icon `Znameniye - Abalatskaya` Choir
Cikada Ensemble
Cincinnati Pops Orchestra
Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra
Cinquecento Renaissance Vokal
Circolo Artistico Ensemble
Cis Collegium Mozarteum Salzburg
City of Barcelona Orchestra
City of Birmingham Symphony Chorus
City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra
City of London Sinfonia
Ciurlionis Quartet
Claremont Trio
Classic-Avantgarde Soloists Ensemble
Classical Music Vocal Ensemble
Classical Opera Company
Classical Symphony Orchestra
Clemencic Consort
Clergy Choir of the Leningrad Metropolitanate
Clerks` Group Vocal Ensemble
Cleveland Baroque Orchestra `Apollo`s Fire`
Cleveland Orchestra
Cleveland Quartet
Collegium Apollineum
Collegium Aureum
Collegium Cartusianum
Collegium Instrumentale Brugense
Collegium Instrumentale Brugensis Orchestra
Collegium Jaroslav Tuma Ensemble
Collegium Marianum
Collegium Musicum 90
Collegium Musicum Basel
Collegium Musicum Copenhagen
Collegium Musicum Den Haag
Collegium Musicum des Westdeutscher Rundfunk
Collegium Musicum Ensemble (Moscow)
Collegium Musicum van de Nederlandse Bachvereniging
Collegium Musicum Ñhamber Orchestra
Collegium Novum Zürich
Collegium Philharmonicum Chamber Orchestra
Collegium Pro Musica
Collegium Vocale Gent
Collegium Vocale Siegen
Cologne Chamber Orchestra
Colorado Quartet
Colorado Symphony Orchestra
Columbia Symphony Orchestra
Columbus Symphony Orchestra
Combattimento Consort Amsterdam
Complesso da camera Cavalieri
Concentus Hungaricus
Concentus Musicus Wien
Concentus Vocalis Wien Choir
Concert Arban Brass Quintet
Concert choir of St. Petersburg
Concert Choir `The Moscow Bells` of the Moscow Gnessin Music School
Concertando Trio
Concertgebouw Chamber Orchestra
Concerto Amsterdam Ensemble
Concerto Armonico Budapest
Concerto Avenna Ensemble
Concerto Budapest
Concerto Copenhagen Orchestra
Concerto de Bassus Ensemble
Concerto Delle Dame Di Ferrara (Italy)
Concerto de` Cavalieri Orchestra
Concerto Italiano
Concerto Köln
Concerto Polacco
Concerto Rococo
Concerto Rotterdam
Concerto Scirocco
Concerto Soave Ensemble
Concerto Stella Matutina (Baroque Orchestra)
Concerto Vocale
Concilium Musicum Wien
Concordia Orchestra
Conjunto Barroco Emsemble
Conjunto de Camara de la Ciudad de Mexico
Consort of London
Consort of Musicke (Great Britain)
Consortium Classicum
Consortium Musicum
Contemporary Music Ensemble `The XX-th Century`
Continens Paradisi
Continuum ensemble
Coolidge Quartet
Copenhagen Philharmonic Orchestra
Copenhagen Soloists Ensemble
Copenhagen String Quartet
Cordoba symphonic orchestra
Corelli Chamber Orchestra
Coro da Camera di Bratislava
Coro del Teatro alla Scala (Milano)
Coro della Cappella Civica di Trieste
Coro Di Milano Giuseppe Verdi
Coro e Orchestra `G. Verdi” di Busseto
Coro Exaudi de La Habana
Coro Santa Cecilia
Coro Vallicelliano di Roma
Coro `Franz Liszt`
Coro “Michele Novaro”
Corydon Orchestra
Corydon Singers
Covington String Quartet
Cracow Philharmonic Chorus
Croatian Radio & Television Symphony Orchestra (HRT)
Croatian Radiotelevision Choir (HRT)
Cuarteto Casals
Cuarteto Latinoamericano
Currentes Ensemble
Czech Brass Quintet
Czech Chamber Orchestra
Czech Chamber Philharmonic Orchestra Pardubice
Czech Ensemble Baroque
Czech National Symphony Orchestra
Czech Philharmonic Choir of Brno
Czech Philharmonic Chorus
Czech Philharmonic Orchestra
Czech Radio Chorus
Czech Radio Symphony Orchestra
Czech Sinfonietta Ensemble
Da Sonar
Da Vinci Quartet
Dallas Symphony Orchestra
Danel Quartet
Danish National Chamber Orchestra
Danish National Radio Choir
Danish Piano Trio
Danish Quartet
Danish Radio Symphony Orchestra
Danish String Quartet
Dante Quartet
Danubius String Quartet.
Das Barockorchester Antichi Strumenti
Das Kölner Klavier-Duo
Das Kleine Konzert
Das Leipziger Concerto Vocale
Das neue Orchester
Das Pannonische Blasorchester
Das Ristenpart Kammerorchester
David Oistrakh Quartet
David’s hermitage Male Choir
Davydov Symphony Orchestra
De Parys Trio (UK)
Debrecen Kodaly Chorus
Dekameron Ensemble
Dekany Quartet
Del Sol String Quartet
Delitiæ Musicæ (Verona)
Delmé Quartet
Delray String Quartet (USA)
Delta Piano Trio (Salzburg)
Delta Saxophone Quartet
DeMusica Ensemble
Den Andra Operan
Den Haag Baroque Orchestra
Dennis Brain Wind Ensemble
Der musikalische Garten
Detmold Chamber Orchestra
Detroit Symphony Orchestra
Deutsche Bachsolisten
Deutsche Hofmusik Ensemble
Deutsche Kammer-Virtuosen Berlin (Chamber Instrumental Ensemble)
Deutsche Kammerakademie Neuss
Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen
Deutsche Naturhorn Solisten
Deutsche Radio Philharmonie Saarbrücken Kaiserslautern
Deutsches Streichtrio
Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin (RIAS / DSO Berlin)
Diabelli Trio
Die Freitagsakademie Bern Ensemble
Die Reihe Ensemble
Die Singphoniker
Die Taschenphilharmonie
Diogenes Quartett (Munich)
Discantus Ensemble
Divertimenti of London
Divertimento Ensemble
Divino Sospiro
Dmitry Pokrovsky Folk Ensemble
Dolce & Tempesta Ensemble
Dolezal Quartet
Dominant-Quartet (Moscwa)
Dominante Choir
Domus Ensemble
Don Cossack Choir
Doric String Quartet
Doulce Memoire
Dresden Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra
Dresdner Barockorchesters
Dresdner Barocksolisten
Dresdner Kammerchor
Dresdner Kapellsolisten
Dresdner Kreuzchor
Dresdner Philharmonie
Drezdner Kammerorchester
Drolls Ensemble
Drottningholm Baroque Ensemble
Dublin guitar quartet
Dubna Symphony Orchestra
Duesseldorfer Symphoniker
Dufay Consort
Duisburger Philharmoniker
Dulces Exuviae
Dunedin Consort
Duo AkClardeon
Duo Alambic
Duo Campion-Vachon
Duo Crommelynck
Duo d`Accord
Duo Egri & Pertis
Duo Gaulin-Riverin
Duo Harpverk (Iceland)
Duo Ongarese
Duo Perfetto
Duo Pomerants Mazurkevich
Duo Sandra & Jeroen van Veen
Duo Similia
Duo Sonare
Duo Stump-Linshalm
Duo Tal & Groethuysen
Duo `Les Voix Humaines`
Dussek Piano Trio
Dutch National Opera Choir
Dutch National Opera Orchestra
Dvořák Chamber Orchestra
Dvorak Quartet
D`oyly Carte Opera Company Orchestra
E4TT (Ensemble for These Times)
Early music ensemble Hespèrion XX (Basel)
East of England Orchestra
East-West Chamber Orchestra
Eastman Bach Cantata Singers & Chamber Orchestr
Eastman Philharmonia
Eastman Wind Ensemble
Eastman-Rochester Orchestra
Edding Quartet
Eden Ensemble
Eden Stell Guitar Duo (Great Britain)
Eder Quartet
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Edinburgh Quartet
Edinger Quartet
eighth blackbird
El Afecto Ilustrado ensemble (Valencia)
El Arte Mvsico (Spain)
Elias String Quartet
Elisa Baciocchi String Quintet (Italy)
ELISION Ensemble
Ellerhein Female Choir
Ellipsis Saxophone Quartet
Elman String Quartet
Elora Festival Singers
Els Trobadors Ensemble
Elthin ensemble
Elysée Quartet
Elysian Quartet
Emerson String Quartet
Emmanuel Music Ensemble
Emperor string quartet
Emsemble Anonima Frottolisti
Encarnacion Ensemble
Endellion String Quartet
Endymion Ensemble
Engegård Quartet
Enghave Barok Ensemble
English Baroque Soloists
English Chamber Orchestra
English Cornett & Sackbut Ensemble
English National Opera Orchestra
English Northern Philharmonia
English Symphony Orchestra (ESO)
Ensamble `Höör Barock` (Sweden)
Ensamble `I Strumenti`
Ensamble `Il Pomo d’Oro`
Ensamble `London Bach Society`
Ensamble `Menestreli`
Ensamble `Ottetto Amsterdam`
Ensamble `Piccolo Concerto Wien`
Ensembe Court-Circuit
Ensemble 1700
Ensemble 24
Ensemble 2e2m
Ensemble 360
Ensemble 415 (Basel)
Ensemble Agora
Ensemble Alcatraz
Ensemble Alegria
Ensemble Alternance
Ensemble Amadis
Ensemble Amati
Ensemble Ardi Cor Mio
Ensemble Armonie
Ensemble Ars Nova (Warsaw)
Ensemble Artaserse (Ensemble by Ph. Jaroussky)
Ensemble Arte Musica
Ensemble ascolta
Ensemble Aspecte
Ensemble Aurora
Ensemble Ausonia (Belgium)
Ensemble Avantgarde
Ensemble Aventure Freiburg
Ensemble Bach-Consort (Moscow)
Ensemble BachPlus
Ensemble Barocco Sans Souci
Ensemble baroque de Lemoges
Ensemble Baroque de Limoges
Ensemble Baroque de Zurich
Ensemble Baroque Soloists of Budapest
Ensemble Baroque Stradivaria (France)
Ensemble Baroques-Graffiti
Ensemble Beatus
Ensemble Bella Musica De Vienne
Ensemble BernVocal (Switzerland)
Ensemble Bizzaries
Ensemble Bonne Corde
Ensemble Bàroque de Nice
Ensemble Cairn
Ensemble Cantar alla Viola
Ensemble Cantilena Antiqua
Ensemble Canto, Il
Ensemble Capella Daleminzia
Ensemble Capella Weilburgensis
Ensemble Cappella Romana
Ensemble Caprice
Ensemble Celadon
Ensemble Chamäleon (Zürich)
Ensemble Clément Janequin
Ensemble Clematis
Ensemble Concertant Frankfurt
Ensemble conducted by Jean Rondeau
Ensemble ConSerto Musico
Ensemble Conserto Vago
Ensemble contemporain de Montreal
Ensemble Contraste
Ensemble Contrechamps
Ensemble Convivencia
Ensemble Cordaria
Ensemble Cordevento
Ensemble Cordia (Italy)
Ensemble Correspondances
Ensemble Cristofori
Ensemble Da Pacem
Ensemble DaCuore
Ensemble Daimonion
Ensemble De Caelis
Ensemble De Organographia
Ensemble de Violes Orlando Gibbons (France)
Ensemble Delirio
Ensemble dell` Opera Barocca del Teatro di Guastalla (Italy)
Ensemble Des Minnesangs Frühling
Ensemble Diabolus in Musica
Ensemble Diderot
Ensemble Diferencias
Ensemble Dragma
Ensemble Dufay Collective
Ensemble Echo du Danube
Ensemble Elyma
Ensemble Erwartung
Ensemble Ex Tempore
Ensemble Exposé
Ensemble für frühe Musik Augsburg
Ensemble Fa
Ensemble Fantasticus
Ensemble Fiacorda
Ensemble Fitzwiliam
Ensemble Flatus
Ensemble Flautist
Ensemble for Dance & Music of People`s Democratic Republic of Laos
Ensemble for Folk Song & Dance of Tbilisi Urban Transport
Ensemble Frauenkirche Dresden
Ensemble Freiburger Spielleyt
Ensemble Fursten-Musik
Ensemble Galanterie a Plettiri
Ensemble Giardino di Delizie (Rome)
Ensemble Gilles Binchois
Ensemble Gradiva
Ensemble Graindelavoix
Ensemble Guadagni (United Kingdom)
Ensemble Guidantus
Ensemble I Gemelli
Ensemble Il Mosaico
Ensemble Il narvalo
Ensemble InCanto
Ensemble Initium
Ensemble instrumental de Grenoble
Ensemble Instrumental de Lausanne
Ensemble instrumental Itineraire medieval
Ensemble Intercontemporain
Ensemble Interface
Ensemble Island
Ensemble Italiano di Fiati
Ensemble Kapsberger
Ensemble Kontrapunkte
Ensemble Korus Spontanusz
Ensemble La Camera delle Lacrime
Ensemble La Donna Musicale
Ensemble La Fenice
Ensemble La Fidellisima
Ensemble La Rota
Ensemble La Suave Melodia
Ensemble laBarocca (Milan)
Ensemble Labirinto Armonico
Ensemble Labyrinthus
Ensemble Laus Concentus
Ensemble Le Banquet
Ensemble Le Concert Francais
Ensemble Le Miroir de Musique
Ensemble Leningrad Soloists
Ensemble Leones
Ensemble Les Adieux
Ensemble Les Cyclopes
Ensemble Les Flamboyants
Ensemble Les haulz et les bas
Ensemble Les Nations
Ensemble Les Paladins
Ensemble Les Pléiades
Ensemble Les Surprises
Ensemble Les Temps Modernes
Ensemble Ligeriana
Ensemble Linea
Ensemble Lorenzo Da Ponte
Ensemble L`Amorosa Caccia
Ensemble L`Arpeggiata
Ensemble L`Itineraire
Ensemble Marguerite Louise
Ensemble Masques
Ensemble Matheus
Ensemble Mensa Sonora
Ensemble Mixtum Compositum
Ensemble Modern
Ensemble Modern Orchestra
Ensemble Mosaik
Ensemble Musica Nova
Ensemble Musica Reservata (London)
Ensemble Musique Vivante
Ensemble Musiques Nouvelles
Ensemble Nachtmusique
Ensemble NeoBarock
Ensemble New Art
Ensemble New London Consort
Ensemble Nikel
Ensemble Nobiles
Ensemble Nostri Temporis
Ensemble Obsidienne (Sens, France)
Ensemble Octophoros
Ensemble of ancient instruments held by Callos
Ensemble of soloists of Sochi Symphony orchestra
Ensemble of soloists of The academic Symphony orchestra of the St. Petersburg state Philharmonic named after D. D. Shostakovich
Ensemble of soloists `Hermitage`
Ensemble of students of KGII (now S. Hvorostovsky State Institute of State Institutions)
Ensemble of Znamenskaya Church in Divnogorsk (Russia)
Ensemble Officium
Ensemble Oktoechos
Ensemble Orchestral Contemporain (EOC)
Ensemble Orchestral de Paris
Ensemble Orfarion (Moscow)
Ensemble Organum
Ensemble Ornamente 99
Ensemble Os Musicos do Tejo
Ensemble P.A.N. / Project Ars Nova
Ensemble Palatino87
Ensemble PanArte
Ensemble Parlando
Ensemble Perlaro
Ensemble Petra
Ensemble Phoenix Basel
Ensemble Pian & Forte (Italy)
Ensemble Piffaro
Ensemble Progetto Musica
Ensemble Pygmalion
Ensemble Pyramide
Ensemble Recherche
Ensemble Renaissance Percussion
Ensemble Residencias
Ensemble Respighi
Ensemble Ricercata de Paris
Ensemble Risognanze
Ensemble S:I,C.
Ensemble Sagittarius
Ensemble San Felice
Ensemble Sans Souci Berlin
Ensemble Seicentonovecento (Rome)
Ensemble Setar
Ensemble Sillages
Ensemble Sine Nomine
Ensemble soloists of Lev Markiz
Ensemble Sonnerie
Ensemble Symposium
Ensemble Syntagma
Ensemble Talenti Vulcanici
Ensemble Terpsichore
Ensemble Tetraktys
Ensemble Tre Fontane
Ensemble Tripla Concordia
Ensemble Ulf Hoelscher
Ensemble UnaVolta
Ensemble Unicorn
Ensemble Vanitas
Ensemble Venance Fortunat
Ensemble Villancico
Ensemble Vocal de Lausanne
Ensemble Vocal et Instrumental Roger Blanchard
Ensemble Vocal Jean Sourisse
Ensemble Vocal Modulation
Ensemble Vocal Stephane Caillat
Ensemble Vocale `Secolo XXI`
Ensemble Vox Aurae
Ensemble Weser-Renaissance Bremen
Ensemble Wien
Ensemble Wien - Berlin
Ensemble Zefiro
Ensemble `Cantilena`
Ensemble `Cappella della Pietà de` Turchini`
Ensemble `Charivari Agreable`
Ensemble `Collegium 419`
Ensemble `CordArte`
Ensemble `Currende`
Ensemble `Czech Nonet`
Ensemble `eNsemble` Institute Pro Arte
Ensemble `Florilegium`
Ensemble `Harmonices Mundi`
Ensemble `Hassler-Consort`
Ensemble `His Majesty`s Sagbutts and Cornetts`
Ensemble `Hortus Musicus` (Tallinn)
Ensemble `Il Capriccio`
Ensemble `Il Ruggiero`
Ensemble `La Lira di Orfeo`
Ensemble `La Magnifica Comunita`
Ensemble `La Morra` (Basel)
Ensemble `La Rêveuse`
Ensemble `La Risonanza` (Italy)
Ensemble `Les Basses Råunies`
Ensemble `Les Witches`
Ensemble `LeStrenge Viols`
Ensemble `London Winds`
Ensemble `L`Archibudelli`
Ensemble `L`art pour l`art`
Ensemble `L`Arte dell`Arco`
Ensemble `L’Archicembalo`
Ensemble `Madrigal` (Russia)
Ensemble `Mare Nostrum`
Ensemble `Music Projects/London`
Ensemble `Musica Bohemica`
Ensemble `Musica Gloria`
Ensemble `Musica Pacifica`
Ensemble `Northern Crone`
Ensemble `Odyssee`
Ensemble `Orlando Quartet`
Ensemble `Polyphonia`
Ensemble `Pro anima`
Ensemble `Rebel`
Ensemble `Resonanz`
Ensemble `Ricochet`
Ensemble `Semperconsort` (Florence)
Ensemble `Slavko Osterc`
Ensemble `Sofia Soloists`
Ensemble `Sollazzo
Ensemble `Soloists of Catherine The Great`
Ensemble `Sound Ways`
Ensemble `Tourbillon` (Prague)
Ensemble `Virtuosos of Krasnoyarsk`
Ensemble `Voice of north`
Ensenhas Ensemble
Enso Quartet
Eparchial Male Choir of Saratov Ecclesiastical Province
Epoca Barocca
Erato Quartett
Erdődy Chamber Orchestra
Ernst Senff Chor
Escolania de Montserrat
Esterhazy Ensamble
Esterhazy Ensemble
Esterhazy Quartet
Estonian National Male Choir
Estonian National Symphony Orchestra
Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir
Estonian Radio Choir
Estonian Radio Symphony Orchestra
Estria Woodwind Quintet
Europa Symphony Orchestra
European Brandenburg Ensemble
European Chamber Soloists Chorus
European Festival Orchestra
European Fine Arts Trio
European Sinfonietta Orchestra
European String Quartet
European Union Chamber Orchestra
European Union Chamber Orchestra
European Union Youth Orchestra
EUs Barokkorkeste
Euskadiko Orkestra Sinfonikoa
Evergreen Symphony Orchestra (Taiwan)
Ex Cathedra
Ex Novo Ensemble
Extremadura Symphony Orchestra
Eybler Quartet (Canada)
EÓnsemble of Yale Institute Of Sacred Music
Faenza Ensemble
Failoni Chamber Orchestra
Fanfare de cavalerie de la garde republicaine de Paris
Fanfare principale de l`Arme blindee Cavalerie
Fantasia Quintet
Fantazyas ensemble (Italy)
Far Eastern Academic Symphony Orchestra
Farallon Recorder Quartet
Fazisi Folk Ensemble
Female Chamber Choir `Junona`
Female choir ensemble of students of the Siberian Institute of Arts named after Dmitry Hvorostovsky
Female Choir of Tchaikovski Musical Colledge of Simferopol
Female choir `Renaissance` of the Academy of Music, Theater and Fine Arts. Kichinev, Moldova.
Female Choir `The Bulgarian Voices Angelite`
Female ensemble of the monastery of the Holy Geghard
Ferenc Erkel Chamber Orchestra
Ferrara Ensemble
Festes d`Orphee Ensemble
Festetics String Quartet (Hungaria)
Festival Orchestra `Sinfonieta`
Festival Strings Lucerne
Festival Symphony Orchestra of St. Petersburg
Festive Choir of the Valaam Monastery
Festspiel Orchester Gottingen
FestspielOrchester Gottingen
Fete Galante Baroque Orchestra
Fiati Con Tasto Köln
Fibonacci Sequence
Filarmonica `900 del Teatro Regio di Torino
Filmorchester Babelsberg
Finchcocks String Quartet
Fine Arts Quartet
Finnish Baroque Orchestra
Finnish Baryton Trio
Finnish National Opera Chorus
Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra
Fires of Love (Scotland)
Fitzwilliam String Quartet
Five-Storey Ensemble
Flanders Symphony Orchestra
Flautando Koln
Flemish Radio Choir
Flemish Radio Orchestra
Flonzaley Quartet
Flor Enversa
Florestan Trio
FLUX Quartet
Folk Ensemble College of Arts of the Republic of Komi `Komi sylan`
Folk Instruments Ensemble of Radio of Armenia
Folk Music Ensemble `Gothart` (Czech Republic)
Folk orchestra of St. Petersburg Conservatory
Folklore Ensemble `Cossack Circle` (Moscow)
Forestare Guitar Ensemble
Forma Antiqva
Fort Smith Symphony Orchestra
Fort Wayne Philharmonic
Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra
Fortuna Ensemble
Fouquet-Dollin Cello Duo
Four Centuries of Bach Ensemble
Four String Quartet
Franciscan String Quartet
Frankfurt Philharmonic Orchestra
Frankfurter Kantatenorchester
Frankfurter Kantorei
Frankfurter Opern und Museumsorchester
Frankfurter Streichsextett
Franz Lehar - Orchester
Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra
Franz Schubert Quartett
Freiburger Barockorchester
Freiburger Schlagzeugensemble
Freon Ensemble
Fries Lachrimae consort
Fulbert Ensemble
Gävle Symphony Orchestra
Göbel-Trio Berlin
Gürzenich Orchester Köln
G.A.P. ensemble
Gabrieli Consort & Players
Gabrieli String Quartet
Gachingen Chorale Choir
Gachinger Kantorei Chorus
Gachinger Kantorey Ensemble
GAM-ensemble (`The Gallery for Contemporary Music`)
Gdansk Symphonic Orchestra
Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen
Geoffrey Mitchell Choir
George Enescu Philharmonic Orchestra
Georgian Radio Symphony Orchestra
Georgian State Symphony Orchestra
Geraint Jones Orchestra
Gerald Danovitch Saxophone Quartet
German Chamber Philharmonic of Bremen
German Mozart Orchestra
Gesualdo Consort Amsterdam
Gewandhausorchester Leipzig
Giardino di Delizie Ensemble
Giovane Quartetto Italiano
Glazunov Quartet
Gleindeburn Festival Choir and Orchestra
Gli Incogniti
Gli Incogniti baroque ensemble
Glinka State Academic Chapel of Leningrad
Glinka State Quartet
Gloriae Dei Cantores Chorus
Glyndebourne Festival Orchestra
Gnessin Ensemble of Contemporary Choral Music `Altro coro`
Gnessin Russian Academy of Music Choir
Gnessin Russian Academy of Music Quartet
Gnessin State Musical College Academic Choir
Goldner String Quartet
Good Shepherd Chancel Choir & chamber ensemble
Gordela Vocal Ensemble
Gori Women`s Choir
Gothenburg Quartet
Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra
Gothic Voices
Gottinger Stadtkantorei Chorus
Gottinger Symphony Orchestra
Gould Piano Trio
Governor`s Symphony Orchestra of the Irkutsk Regional Philharmonic
Gowanus Arts Ensemble
Gradus ad Parnassum Wien
Gran Orquesta Sinfonica and Coro de Camara del Orfeon Donostiarra
Grand Brass Ensemble of the Mariinsky Theatre
Grazer Philharmoniker
Greek Byzantine Choir
Gregg Smith Singers
Grieg Trio
Griller String Quartet
Grimethorpe Colliery Band
Gringolts Quartet
Großer Chor des Berliner Rundfunks
Grosses orchester Graz
Groupe vocal de France
Grumiaux Trio
Grupo SEMA (Seminario de Estudios de Música Antigua)
Grupo Vocal Gregor
Gruppo Musica Insieme di Cremona
Gruppo Seicento (Milan)
Gruppo Vocale Àrsi & Tèsi
Gryphon Trio
Guarneri Quartet
Guarneri Trio Prague
Guildford Philharmonic Orchestra
Guildhall New Music Ensemble
Guildhall String Ensemble
Guildhall Symphony Orchestra
Guilet String Quartet
Guitar duo `Deux amis` (Norge)
Guitar Duo `Katona Twins`
Gulbenkian Orchestra
Gustav Mahler Jugendorchester
Gwangju Symphony Orchestra
Gyor Girl`s Choir
Gyor Philharmonic Orchestra.
Hadouk Trio
Hagen Philharmonic Orchestra
Halle Handel Festival Orchestra
Halle Opera House Orchestra (Germany)
Hamburg Chamber Orchestra
Hamburg Soloists Ensemble
Hamburg Strings
Hamburger Blaserkreis fur Alte Musik Ensemble
Hamburger Ratsmusik
Hamburger Symphoniker
Hamburger Telemann-Orchester
Handel and Haydn Society
Handel and Haydn Society Chorus
Hannoversche Hofkapelle Orchestra
Hanover Piano Trio
Harmonie Universelle
Hartley Piano Trio
Haydn Orchestra (Bolzano)
Haydn Philarmonia
Haydn Quartet (Budapest)
Haydn Sinfonietta Wien
Haydn-Trio Wien
Headquarters Band of the Leningrad Military District
Heath Quartet
Heidelberg Symphony Orchestra
Heidelberger Barockensemble
Heidelberger Kammerorchester
Heinrich-Schütz-Chor Heilbronn
Helios 18
Helsingborg Symphony Orchestra
Helsinki Baroque Orchestra
Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra
Helsinki Radio Symphony Orchestra.
Helsinki University Symphony Orchestra
Henschel Quartet
Heutling String Quartet
Himlische Cantorey
Hippocampus Ensemble
Hofkapelle Hannover
Hofkapelle Stuttgart
Hofkapelle Weimar
Hofmusici Baroque Ensemble
Holland Baroque Society
Holland Boys Choir
Holliger Wind Ensemble
Hollywood Bowl Orchestra
Hollywood String Quartet
Holst Singers Choir
Hong Kong City Chamber Orchestra
Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra
Honolulu Symphony
Honoured Academic Symphony Orchestra of the Nathional Radio of Ukraine
Honoured Ensemble for Song & Dance of Georgia `Erisioni`
Honved Male Choir
Hot Springs Festival Symphony Orchestra
Houston Symphony Orchestra
HOVER Chamber choir
Huelgas Ensemble
Hungarian Chamber Orchestra
Hungarian Folk Choir of the Hungarian Folk Army
Hungarian National Philharmonic
Hungarian Radio & Television Chamber Orchestra
Hungarian State Opera Orchestra
Hungarian State Opera Orchestra
Hungarian State Symphony Orchestra
Hungarian String Quartet
Hyperion-Trio (Germany)
Hyvinkaa Orchestra
I Bassifondi ensemble
I Bricconcello
I Ciarlatani Ensemble
I Febiarmonici
I Fiamminghi Orchestra
I Fiori Musicali Ensemble
I Furiosi Baroque Ensemble
I Giovanni di Nuova Cameristica
I Musici (Roma)
I Musici de Montreal
I musici di Santa Pelagia
I Pomeriggi Musicali Orchestra
I Solisti Ambrosiani
I Solisti di Milano
I Solisti di Pavia
I Solisti di Zagreb
I Solisti Italiani
I Solisti Veneti
I Sonatori de la Gioiosa Marca
I Virtuosi della Rotonda (Padua)
I Virtuosi delle Muse
I Virtuosi Italiani
I Vocalisti
Iași `Moldova` Philharmonic Orchestra
Iceland Symphony Orchestra
Ictus Ensemble
Ignaz Pleyel Quintett
Il Bell`Accordo Ensemble
Il Complesso Barocco
Il Concerto Ecclesiastico
Il Coro della Radiotelevisione Svizzera
Il Demetrio ensemble
Il Fondamento
Il Furioso
Il Gardellino Ensemble (Belgium)
Il Gruppo di Roma Orchestra
Il Parnasso Musicale
Il Quartettone orchestra
Il Seminario Musicale ensemble
Il Tempio Armonico Orchestra
Il Tempo Ensemble
Il Trittico Ensemble
Imaginarium Ensemble
In Corpore String Quartet
Indiana University Baroque Orchestra
Indianapolis Baroque Orchestra
Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra
Inegal Ensemble
Ingolstadt Georgian Chamber Orchestra
Insieme Strumentale di Roma
INSO-Lviv academic symphony orchestra
Instrumentalensemble Helga Weber
Instrumentalisten der Schola Cantorum Basiliensis
Insula Magica
Insula Orchestra
Interpreti Veneziani Ensemble
Irish Baroque Orchestra
Isasi Quartet
Israel Chamber Orchestra
Israel Philharmonic Orchestra
Istambul Philharmonic Orchestra Borusan
Italian Classical Consort
Ithaca college wind ensemble (USA)
Ives Ensemble
JACK String Quartet
Jacques Thibaud String Trio
Janáček Quartet
Janacek Philharmonic Orchestra
Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force Band
Japan Philharmonic Orchestra
Jean Sibelius Quartet
Jean-Francois Paillard Chamber Orchestra (France)
Jena Philharmonic Orchestra
Jerusalem Quartet
Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra
Jewish Chamber Orchestra Munich
Joachim Trio
Joculatores Ensemble
Joglaresa Ensemble
Johann Christian Bach-Akademie (Chamber Orchestra)
Johann Rosenmüller Ensemble
Johann Strauss Orchestra
John Alldis Choir
Joseph Mayseder Orchestra (Austria)
Joyful Company of Singers
Juilliard Baroque Ensemble
Juilliard Ensemble
Juilliard String Quartet
Junge Deutsche Philharmonie
Junge Deutsche Philharmonie
Jyvaskyla Sinfonia
Kölner Akademie
Kölner Ensemble Für Neue Musik
Kölner Violen-Consor
Kairos Quartet
Kaiser band
Kaiser Quartett
Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra (USA)
Kalichstein-Laredo-Robinson Trio
Kammerakademie Potsdam
Kammerchor Constant
Kammerchor der Frauenkirche (Dresden)
Kammerchor des Evangelischen Sangerbundes
Kammerchor Michaelstein
KammerChor Saarbrucken (Germany)
Kammerensemble Neue musik Berlin
Kammerensemble Neue Musik Berlin
Kammerorchester Basel
Kammerorchester der Staatskapelle Weimar
Kammerorchester Mannheim
Kammerorchester Musica Bavarica
Kammerorchester `Carl Philipp Emmanuel Bach`
Kammerphilharmonie Mannheim Orchestra
Kammersymphonie Berlin
Kammersymphonie Leipzig
Kanagawa Philharmonic Orchestra
Kanazawa-Admony Piano Duo
Kansas City Chorale (USA)
Kantorei Saarlouis
Kapela Jasnogorska
Kapp Sinfonietta
Karelian Radio Symphony Orchestra
Karlsruher Barockorchester
Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music Symphony Orchestra
Karol Szymanowski Quartet
Kassiopeia Quintet
Kaunas State Choir
Kazakhstan State Symphony Orchestra
KBS Symphony Orchestra (Korea)
Kecskes Ensemble
Kemerovo Philharmonic Orchestra
Kempf Trio
Kertesz Quartet
Kerylos Ensemble
Kesselberg Ensemble (Basel)
Kharkiv Philharmonic Orchestra
Kherson State University Choir
Kiev Chamber Choir CREDO
Kiev Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra
Kiev State Philharmonic Chamber Ensemble `Harmony`
King`s Singers
Kioi Sinfonietta Tokyo
Kirchheimer BachConsort Ensemble
Kirov Orchestra
Kislovodsk Philharmonic Orchestra
Klaipeda Chamber Orchestra
Klangforum Wien
Klenke Quartet
Kliros choir `Orphos`
Knabenchor Hannover
Kocian Quartet
Kodály Quartet
Kodaly Philharmonic Orchestra
Koelner Kammerchor
Kolisch Quartet
Kolner Akademie Chor
Kolner Rundfunk-Sinfonie Orchester
Komitas Quartet
Kontrabande Ensemble
Kontras Quartet
Konzertchor Darmstadt
Konzerthausorchester Berlin
Korean State Symphony Orchestra
Kostroma Gubernski Symphony Orchestra
Krakow Philharmonic Orchestra
Krasni String Quartet
Krasnodar chamber choir
Krasnoyarsk Academic Symphony Orchestra
Krasnoyarsk chamber choir
Krasnoyarsk Chamber Orchestra
Krasnoyarsk Children`s Vocal Ensemble
Krasnoyarsk City Children`s Choir (Russia)
Krasnoyarsk Orchestra of Russian Instruments
Krasnoyarsk State Philharmonic Vocal Quartet
Kremerata Baltica
Kreutzer Quartet
Kristiansand Symfoniorkester (Norge)
Kronos Quartet
Kryptos Quartet
Kuban Cossack Choir
Kubin Quartet
Kuijken String Quartet
Kuopio Symphony Orchestra
Kupina Ensemble
Kupinski Guitar Duo (Poland)
Kurpfälzisches Kammerorchester
Kuznetsov Naval Academy Wind Orchestra
Kvarteto českých filharmoniků
Kwartet Wilanów
Kyiv Chamber Orchestra
Kyiv Virtuosi Symphony Orchestra
KYMATIC ensemble
Léner Quartet
La Bande des Hautbois du Roi
La Canzona
La Capella Ducale Ensemble
La Capella Reial de Catalunya
La Chambre Philharmonique
La Chapelle Royale
La Chapelle Royale Orchestra
La Colombina
La Compagnia del Madrigale
La Compagnie Medievale
La Divina Armonia Ensemble
La Domaine Musical
La Folia Barockorchester (Dresden)
La Fonte Musica Ensemble
La Gaia Scienza
La Ghirlanda Mosicale
La Grande Ecurie et la Chambre du Roy Ensemble
La Magnifica Comunita
La Maitrise de Bretagne Choir
La Maurache
La Nef (Quebec)
La Nuova Musica
La Pastorella
La Petite Bande
La Pieta
La Reverdie
La Ritirata ensemble
La Scala Philharmonic Orchestra
La Serenissima Ensemble
La Stagione Frankfurt
La Stravaganza Köln
La Symphonie du Marais
La Tempête ensemble (France)
La Tempesta Ensemble
La Turbulente ensemble
La Voce Strumentale (Russia)
Labirinti Armonici
Lafayette String Quartet
Lahti Symphony Orchestra
Lajtha String Quartet
LaSalle Quartet
Latvian National Symphony Orchestra
Latvian Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra
Latvian Radio & Television Symphony Orchestra
Latvian Radio Choir
Latvijas Nacionālās operas orķestris
Laudantes Consort (Brussels)
Lausanne Symphony Orchestra
Lautten Compagney Ensemble
Le Banquet Celeste
Le Cercle de l`Harmonie
Le Concert de la Loge
Le Concert de l`Hostel Dieu
Le Concert des Nations
Le Concert d`Astrée
Le Concert d`Astree Ensemble
Le Concert Spirituel Ensemble
Le Consort ensemble (France)
Le Jeune Opera du Quebec
Le Lieder Quartet
Le Parlement de Musique
Le Poeme Harmonique
Le Salon Romantique
Le Tendre Amour Ensemble
Lege Artis Chamber Choir
Leipzig Philharmonic Orchestra
Leipziger Bach-Collegium
Leipziger Kammerorchester
Leipziger Streichquartett
Leipziger Universitatschor
Leningrad Chamber Choir
Leningrad Chamber Orchestra
Leningrad Orchestra of Early and Modern Music
Leningrad Philharmonic Academic Symphony Orchestra
Leningrad Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra
Leningrad Radio & Television Choir
Leningrad Radio Symphony Orchestra
Leningrad Radio Symphony Orchestra
Leningrad State Philharmonic Quartet
Leningrad State University Students Choir
Leningrad Theological Academy and Seminary Choir
Leonore Piano Trio
Leopold String Trio
Lerman Chamber Orchestra
Les Accents
Les Ambassadeurs
Les Amis de Philippe
Les Arts Florissants
Les Boréades de Montréal
Les Boreades de Montreal
Les Buffardins
Les Chantres Musiciens
Les Concerts Straram
Les Cornets Noirs Ensemble
Les Cris de Paris
Les Delices
Les Demoiselles De Saint-Cyr
Les Elements Ensemble
Les Epopees
Les Folies françoises (Orleans)
Les Idees heureuses Ensemble (Montreal)
Les Instants Donnees
Les Jardins de Courtoisie
Les Jeunes Solistes / Solistes XXI
Les Musiciens de Provence
Les Musiciens de Saint-Julien
Les Musiciens Ensemble
Les Nouveaux Caracteres Ensemble
Les Ombres ensemble (Montpellier)
Les Pages et les Chantres
Les Passions
Les Percussions de Strasbourg
Les Philharmonistes de Chateauroux Ensemble
Les Plaisirs du Parnasse
Les Sacqueboutiers ensemble (Toulouse)
Les Talens Lyriques
Les Violons du Roy (Québec)
Les Voix Baroques
Les Voix Baroques Ensemble
Les Voix humaines
Les Voix Humaines
Liepaya Symphony orchestra (Latvia)
LiliumLyra Ensemble
Limburg Symphony Orchestra
Linde-Consort Ensemble
Lindsay String Quartet
Linos Ensemble
Linos Piano Trio (London)
Linz Bruckner Orchestra
Linz Brucknerhouse Symphony Orchestra
Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra
Lithuanian Radio & Television Choir
Lithuanian State Symphony Orchestra
Ljubljana Symphony Orchestra
Locke Consort
Loewenguth Quartet
London Academy Of Ottoman Court Music
London Baroque
London Chamber Orchestra
London Festival Orchestra
London Handel Orchestra
London Harpsichord Ensemble
London Mozart Players
London Musici
London Philharmonic Choir
London Philharmonic Orchestra
London Pops Orchestra
London Sinfonietta
London String Quartet
London Symphony Brass
London Symphony Orchestra
London Virtuosi Chamber Orchestra
London Voices
Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra
Los Angeles Guitar Quartet
Los Angeles Master Chorale
Los Angeles Opera Orchestra
Los Angeles Philharmonic
Los Musicos de Su Alteza
Los Otros
Lotus String Quartet (Stuttgart)
Louisville Îrchestra
Lower Austrian Musicians Orchestra
Lubavitcher Chorus And Instrumental Ensemble
Lubotsky Trio
Lucerne Festival Orchestra
Lucerne Symphony Orchestra
Lucidarium Ensemble
Ludus Instrumentalis
LUDWIG Orchestra
Ludwig Quartet
Ludwigsburg Festival Orchestra
Luigi Cherubini Youth Orchestra
Lux Terrae
Luxembourg Philharmonic Orchestra
Luxembourg Radio Symphony Orchestra
Lviv Symphony Orchestra
Lvov St. George Cathedral Choir
Lyatoshinsky Chamber Choir of Kiev
Lyrebird Ensemble
Lyric Quartet
L`Acheron (France)
L`arpa festante (Munich)
L`Arte del Mondo (Germany)
L`Astrée Ensemble
L`Aura Soave (Cremona)
L`ensemble `Gli Angeli Geneva`
L`Oiseau-Lyre Ensemble
L`Orchestre de l`Opera de Lyon
L`Orfeo Barockorchester
L`Orfeo Ensåmblå di Spolåto
L’Ensemble il Falcone
Münchener Bach-Orchester
Münchener Kammerorchester
Münchner Baryton-Trio
Münchner Philharmoniker
Münchner Rundfunkorchester (BR)
Münchner Symphoniker
Maastricht Orchestra
Madrid Classic Quartet of Spain`s National Radio
Madrigal Sofia Chamber Choir
Maestro Simphonic Orchestra
Magdeburgische Philharmonie
Maggini Quartet
Magnitogorsk State Choral Chapel
Mahler Chamber Orchestra
Mailander Kantorei (Choir & Orchestra)
Main-Barockorchester Frankfurt
Mainz Chamber Orchestra
Mala Punica
Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra
Male chamber choir n / a V. Rybin
Male Choir of the Publishing Department of the Moscow Patriarchate `Old Russian Chant`
Male Choir of the Saint Petersburg Metochion of the Optina Monastery
Male choir of the Vologda Philharmonic
Male choir `Basso Profondo`
Male choir `Laulu-Miehet`
Male Choir `Soglasie` (St. Petersburg)
Male Choir `Valaam`
Male Vocal Ensemble `Skitos`
Male vocal ensemble “Zaporozki Kozaky”
Malmö Symphony Orchestra
Malmo Chamber Choir
Malmo Opera Orchestra
Malta Philharmonic Orchestra
Manchester Camerata Orchestra
Mandelring Quartet
Mandolin Quartet `Fireworks`
Manhattan Chamber Orchestra
Manhattan String Quartet
Manila Symphony Orchestra
Mannerchor des Rundfunkchores Berlin
Mannheim Mozart Orchestra
Mannheim Opera Choir
Mannheimer Philharmoniker
Mannheimer Streichquartett
Mantovani And His Orchestra
Marburger Bachchor
Mari Children`s Symphony Orchestra
Mariinsky New Music Ensemble
Mariinsky orchestra musicians` string quartet
Mark Pekarsky Ensemble of percussion instruments
Marlboro Festival Orchestra
Martin Best Medieval Ensemble
Martin Codax
Martinu Quartet (Czech Republic)
Master musicians
MDI Ensemble
MDR Leipzig Radio Symphony Orchestra
MDR Rundfunkchor Leipzig
Meccore String Quartet (Poland)
Mecklenburgisches Barockorchester `Herzogliche Hofkapelle`
Mediaeval Belorussian Music Band `Stary Olsa` (Minsk)
Meistersinger (Die)
Melante Amsterdam Ensemble
Melbourne Symphony Orchestra
Melodi Cantores
Melos Archaion Ensemble
Melos Quartet
Melos Sinfonia Ensemble
Mendelssohn Quartet
Merlin Ensemble
Merseburger Hofmusik
Metro Voices (London)
Metropolis Ensemble
Metropolitan Choir of Paris
Metropolitan Opera Chorus (New York)
Michael Collins Orchestra
Michael Nyman Band
Michael Thompson Wind Ensemble (London)
Michigan University Symphony Orchestra
Micrologus Ensemble
Midsummer Music Ensemble
Mihaylovsky string quartet
Mikhailovsky Theatre Choir
Mikulski Brothers Guitar Duo (Poland)
Military Band of the Internal Forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Military Band of the Mikhailovsky Military Artillery Academy
Millenarium Ensemble
Millenium Orchestra
Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra
Minetti Quartet
Minguet Quartet (Germany)
Minnesota Orchestra
Minsk Fhilarmonic Orchestra
Miro String Quartet
Mirring Quartet
Mixed choir Academy of choral art
Mixed choir of the Saratov State Conservatory
Model Orchestra of the Honor Guard of the USSR
Modo Antiquo (Florence)
Mogilev Municipal Chapel
Moldavian philharmonic symphony orchestra
Moldavian TV & Radio Symphony Orchestra
Molinari Quartet
Mondriaan String Quartet
Monteverdi Choir
Monteverdi Orchestra
Montevideo philarmonic orchestra
Montréal Baroque Orchestra.
Montreal Symphony Orchestra
Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra
Moravian Teachers Choir
Morriston Orpheus Choir
Moscow Academy of Ancient Music
Moscow Boys` Choir
Moscow Chamber Choir of Vladimir Minin
Moscow Chamber Orchestra
Moscow Chamber Youth Orchestra
Moscow Conservatory Chamber Choir
Moscow Conservatory Concert Orchestra
Moscow Conservatory Students String Quartet
Moscow Conservatory Symphony Orchestra
Moscow Contemporary Music Ensemble
Moscow Orchestra of Chamber Music
Moscow Pachmaninov Trio
Moscow Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra
Moscow Radio Symphony Orchestra
Moscow sacred music ensemble Blagovest
Moscow Soloists Chamber Ensemble
Moscow State Academic Chamber Choir
Moscow State Choir
Moscow State Conservatory Chamber Orchestra
Moscow State Conservatory Students Orchestra
Moscow State Philharmonic Quartet
Moscow State Symphony Orchestra
Moscow String Quartet
Moscow string trio
Moscow Synodal Choir
Moscow Virtuosi Chamber Orchestra
Moscow Youths & Students Choir
Moyzes Quartet (Bratislava)
Mozart Akademie Amsterdam
Mozart Anniversary Orchestra
Mozart Festival Orchestra
Mozart Trio
Mozarteum Orchestra Salzburg
MUKAM violin ensemble
Munchener Bach-Chor
Munchner Cammer-Music
Munich Piano Trio
Municipal chamber choir `Nizhny Novgorod`
Municipal Orchestra BACH
Murmansk Philharmonic Orchestra
Music Studio of the MARKHI `Euterpe`
Musica ad Rhenum Ensemble
Musica Aeterna Bratislava
Musica Aeterna Orchestra
Musica Alchemica
Musica Amphion ensemble (Netherlands)
Musica Angelica Baroque Orchestra
Musica Antigua (Spain)
Musica Antiqua Belgrade
Musica Antiqua Köln
Musica Antiqua Toulon
Musica Aurea
Musica Camerata Montreal
Musica Fiata Köln
Musica Ficta
Musica Fiorita (Basel)
Musica Florea Ensemble
Musica Iberica de Holanda
Musica Perduta Ensemble
Musica Petropolitana
Musica Poetica
Musica Polyphonica
Musica Rara
Musica Romana Ensemble
Musica Saeculorum Ensemble
Musica Secreta
Musica Solare
Musica Vitae Chamber Orchestra
Musicae Antiquae Collegium Varsoviense
musicAeterna chamber choir
musicAeterna orchestra (Perm)
Musici de Praga
Musici di San Marco
Musicians of the Old Post Road
Musik Unserer Zeit München
Musikia Ensemble (Kyiv)
Musiktheater Dingo
Musique De La Garde Republicaine
Mutare ensemble (Frankfurt am Main)
Nadar Ensemble
Naruto Ensemble
Nash Ensemble
Nashville Symphony Orchestra (USA)
National chamber choir of Armenia
National Chamber Ensemble `Kyiv Soloists`
National chamber orchestra of Moldavia. Kishinev.
National Finnish Opera Orchestra
National Music Academy of Ukraine Chamber Orchestra
National Orchestra of Belgium
National Orchestra of Spain
National Philharmonic Orchestra
National Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra
National Radio Orchestra of Romania
National Soloists Ensemble `Kyiv Camerata`
National string quartet of Tatarstan
National Symphony Orchestra (Mexico)
National Symphony Orchestra of Ireland (RTÉ)
National Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine
National Symphony Orchestra Washington
National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain
National Youth Orchestra of the United States of America
National Ñhamber Îrchestra of the Organ Hall of Chisinau (Moldova)
NBC Symphony Orchestra
NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchester
NDR Radiophilharmonie
NDR Sinfonieorchester
Neave Trio
Nederlands Balletorkest
Nederlands Philharmonisch Orkest (Amsterdam)
Nepomuk Fortepiano Quintet
Netherlands Bach Collegium
Netherlands Bach Society
Netherlands Chamber Choir
Netherlands Chamber Orchestra
Netherlands Radio Chamber Orchestra
Netherlands Radio Chamber Philharmonic (RKF)
Netherlands Radio Symphony Orchestra
Netherlands Soloists Ensemble
Netherlands Symphony Orchestra
Netherlands Wind Ensemble
Neubrandenbnurger Philharmonie
Neue Düsseldorfer Hofmusic
Neue Hofkapelle München
Neue Vocalsolisten Stuttgart
Neues Bachisches Collegium Musicum
Neues Kammerorchester Berlin
Neva Festival Orchestra
Nevsky String Quartet
New Brandenburg Philharmonic Orchestra
New Budapest Quartet
New Chamber Opera
New Classical Orchestra (Saint Petersburg)
New England Conservatory Orchestra
New Japan Philharmonic Orchestra
New Jersey Symphony Orchestra
New London Chamber Choir
New Music Ensemble `Gulfstream` (Ukraine)
New Music String Quartet
New Philharmonia Orchestra
New Philharmonic Quartet
New Russia Orchestra
New russian quartet
New Symphony Orchestra
New Symphony Orchestra of London
New Tango Quintet
New World Consort
New World Symphony
New York Baroque
New York Chamber Symphony
New York Concert Choir
New York Concert Orchestra
New York Philharmonic
New York Philomusica
New York Russian Chamber Chorus
New York Sinfonietta Orchestra
New York Vocal Arts Ensemble
New York Woodwind Quintet
New York WOR Radio Orchestra
New York Youth Symphony
New York`s Ensemble for Early Music
New Zealand Chamber Orchestra
New Zealand String Quartet
New Zealand Symphony Orchestra
NHK Symphony Orchestra (Tokyo)
Nielsen Wind Quintet
Nieuw Ensemble
Nieuw Sinfonietta Amsterdam
Nikolaus Esterhazy Sinfonia (Budapest)
Nils Grevillius Orchestra
Nizhny Novgorod Conservatory Female Choir
Nizhny Novgorod Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra
Nizhny Novgorod Russian Orchestra
Niziol Quartet (Zurich)
NoName Ensemble
Nord-Holland Symphony Orchestra
Norddeutschen Rundfunk Chor (NDR Choir)
Nordic Affect
Nordic String Quartet
Nordwestdeutsche Philharmonie (NWD)
Norrbotten NEO Ensemble
Norrköping Symphony Orchestra
North Carolina Symphony
North Hungarian Simphonie Orchestra (Miskolc)
North Texas Wind Symphony
Northern Chamber Orchestra
Northern Crown Soloists Ensemble
Northwest Chamber Orchestra
Northwest Chamber Orchestra Seattle
Northwest Symphony Orchestra
Norwegian Baroque Orchester
Norwegian Chamber Orchestra
Norwegian Radio Orchestra
Norwegian Radio Orchestra
Norwegian String Quartet
Noszferatu Contemporary music collective
Notturna Ensemble
Nouvel Ensemble Moderne
Nouvel Orchestre de Sainte-Etienne
Nova Filarmonia Portuguesa
Nova Schola Gregoriana
Nova Stravaganza
Novak Trio
Novosibirsk Academic Symphony Orchestra
Novosibirsk Camerata
Novosibirsk Chamber Choir
novosibirsk choral chapel
Novosibirsk Philharmonic Chamber Choir
Novosibirsk Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra
Novosibirsk Radio Orchestra of Russian Instruments
Novosibirsk State Opera Orchestra
Nuova orchestra da camera `Ferruccio Busoni` (Trieste)
Nuremberg Symphony Orchestra
Nurnberger Philharmoniker
Odense Symphony Orchestra
Odessa National Philharmonic Orchestra
Oficina Musicum
Oiseaux Bizarres Ensemble
Oistersek Quartett Koln
Oleg Pogudin`s Ensemble
Oliphant Ensemble
Oliver Schnyder Trio
Oltremontano Ensemble
Omsk Academic Symphony Orchestra
Omsk chamber orchestra
Omsk Philharmonic Orchestra
Oni Wytars
Onix Chamber Orchestra
Opella Musica
Opera Lafayette Orchestra
Opera Qvinta (Italy)
Opera Settecento
Opole Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra (Poland)
Opus X Ensemble (Finland)
Orchester der Akademie St. Blasius
Orchester der Bayreuther Festspiele
Orchester der Deutschen Oper (Berlin)
Orchester der Hamburgischen Staatsoper
Orchester der J.S. Bach-Stiftung
Orchester der Komischen Oper Berlin
Orchester der Opernhaus Zürich
Orchester der Staatsoperette Dresden
Orchester der Wiener Staatsoper
Orchester des Nationaltheaters Mannheim
Orchester des Staatstheaters Stuttgart
Orchestra 1703 (Russia)
Orchestra Alessandro Scarlatti di Napoli della RAI
Orchestra American Opera Society
Orchestra Camerata Ducale
Orchestra Citta` Lirica
Orchestra conducted by Paul Whiteman
Orchestra da Camera del Conservatorio di Musica di Mantova
Orchestra da camera della Provincia di Terni
Orchestra da camera Dell`Angelicum Di Milano
Orchestra da Camera di Genova
Orchestra da Camera di Mantova
Orchestra da Camera Di Perugia
Orchestra da camera di Santa Cecilia
Orchestra da Camera Orfeo
Orchestra da camera `Carlo Antonio Marino`
Orchestra da camera `I Filarmonici`
Orchestra da Camera `Salieri`
Orchestra de Camera Alessandro Rolla
Orchestra del Conservatorio `L. Cherubini` di Firenze
Orchestra del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino
Orchestra del Teatro Comunale
Orchestra del Teatro Comunale di Bologna
Orchestra del teatro petruzzelli di bari
Orchestra del Teatro `La Fenice`
Orchestra della Fondazione `Arena di Verona`
Orchestra della Svizzera Italiana
Orchestra della Toscana
Orchestra dell`Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
Orchestra dell`Angellicum di Milano
Orchestra des Concerts Colonne
Orchestra di Padova e del Veneto
Orchestra di Teatro Carlo Felice
Orchestra Donizetti Opera
Orchestra e coro dell accademia diSanta Cecilia, Roma
Orchestra filarmonica di Torino
Orchestra filarmonica di Wurzburg
Orchestra Filarmonica Gioachino Rossini
Orchestra Filarmonica Italiana
Orchestra Filarmonica Marchigiana
Orchestra Filarmonica Siciliana `Franco Ferrara`
Orchestra Internazionale d`Italia
Orchestra Jupiter
Orchestra Les Siècles
Orchestra London Canada (OLC)
Orchestra Luigi Boccherini
Orchestra Lutherania (Budapest)
Orchestra Milano Classica
Orchestra Mozart
Orchestra of folk instruments of the All-Union Radio
orchestra of l`Opera-Comique, Paris
Orchestra of national Zagreb theater
Orchestra of Opera North
Orchestra of St Cecilia
Orchestra of St. Luke`s
Orchestra of Teatro Giuseppe Verdi Trieste
Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
Orchestra of the All-Union Radio (USSR)
Orchestra of the Antipodes
Orchestra of the Astrakhan State Opera and Ballet Theater
Orchestra of the B. A. Pokrovsky Chamber Musical Theater
Orchestra of the Bach Guild
Orchestra of the Bucharest Conservatory `Academica`
Orchestra of the Croatian Music Institute
Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century
Orchestra of the Golden Age
Orchestra of the Hussars Regiment of Sumy
Orchestra of the Kiev Opera and Ballet Theater
Orchestra of the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music
Orchestra Of The Lithuanian Opera
Orchestra of the Maly Opera and Ballet Theater
Orchestra of the Mariinsky Theatre
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera (New York City)
Orchestra of the Ministry of Defence of Russian Federation
Orchestra of the Moscow Bach Centre
Orchestra of the Moscow Operetta Theater
Orchestra of the Musical Chapel of San Petronio (Bologna)
Orchestra of the Musical Institute `Luigi Boccherini` of Lucca;
Orchestra of the National Opera & Ballet of Belarus (formerly the Belorussian SSR)
Orchestra of the National Opera of Romania
Orchestra of the National Theatre Mannheim
Orchestra of the New York City Opera
Orchestra of the Novaya Opera Theater (Moscow)
Orchestra of the Ohio Light Opera
Orchestra Of The Old Fairfield Academy
Orchestra of the Opéra de Rouen - Haute Normandie
Orchestra of the Pavlovsk Military School
Orchestra of the Polish National Opera
Orchestra of the Primorsky Stage of the Mariinsky Theater (Vladivostok)
Orchestra of the Royal Opera House
Orchestra of the S.E.M. Ensemble
Orchestra of the San Francisco Opera Company
Orchestra of the Sofia National Opera
Orchestra of the State Academic Bolshoi Theater of the USSR
Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera
Orchestra of the Wurttemberg State Opera
Orchestra of the Yerevan International Music Festival
Orchestra Senzaspine (Bologna)
Orchestra Sinfonica dell`Emilia Romagna `Arturo Toscanini`
Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano della RAI
Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano Giuseppe Verdi
Orchestra Sinfonica di Piacenza
Orchestra sinfonica di Roma
Orchestra Sinfonica di Roma della RAI
Orchestra Sinfonica di Sassari
Orchestra Sinfonica di Savona
Orchestra Sinfonica di Torino
Orchestra Sinfonica di Torino della RAI
Orchestra Sinfonica G. Rossini
Orchestra Slovak Sinfonietta
Orchestra Teatro alla Scala (Milano)
Orchestra Teatro Colon
Orchestra Teatro dell`Opera di Roma
Orchestra Teatro Lirico Giuseppe Verdi (Triest)
Orchestra Teatro San Carlo di Napoli
Orchestra Teatro `Massimo`
Orchestra Theater `Massimo Bellini` (Catania)
Orchestra `Anima Eterna` (Brugge)
Orchestra `Cantus Firmus`
Orchestra `Classic Music Studio` (St. Petersburg)
Orchestra `Europa Galante`
Orchestra `Hof-Capelle Carlsruhe`
Orchestra `I Barocchisti`
Orchestra `Il Giardino Armonico`
Orchestra `Il Pomo d`Oro`
Orchestra `La cetra` (Basel)
Orchestra `La Scintilla`
Orchestra `La Stagione Armonica`
Orchestra `Les Agremens`
Orchestra `New Philarmonia` (St. Petersburg)
Orchestra `New York Session Musicians`
Orchestra `Pro Musica` (Belgrade)
Orchestra `RTE Sinfonietta`
Orchestra `Sinfonietta Riga`
Orchestra `Wiener Akademie`
Orchestre de chambre Appassionata
Orchestre de chambre de la Monnaie
Orchestre de Chambre de Lausanne
Orchestre de Chambre de Radio France
Orchestre de chambre de Toulouse
Orchestre de Chambre de Waterloo
Orchestre de chambre Hewitt
Orchestre De Chambre Paris
Orchestre de Chambre Pelleas
Orchestre de la Garde republicaine
Orchestre de la Societe des concerts du Conservatoire
Orchestre de la Suisse Romande (OSR)
Orchestre de l`Academie baroque europeenne d`Ambronay
Orchestre de l`Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris
Orchestre de l`Opéra Bastille (France)
Orchestre de L`Opéra de Paris
Orchestre de l`Opéra Royal de Wallonie
Orchestre de Paris
Orchestre de Picardie
Orchestre des Cento Soli
Orchestre des Champs-Élysées
Orchestre Du Domaine Musical
Orchestre du Festival Belgique
Orchestre du Teatro Real de Madrid
Orchestre du Theatre du Chatelet de Paris
Orchestre d`Auvergne
Orchestre Francais de Flutes
Orchestre Francais D`Oratorio
Orchestre Lamoureux
Orchestre le College de Musique Sacree
Orchestre Lyrique de la Radiodiffusion Television Francaise
Orchestre lyrique de région Avignon Provence
Orchestre Métropolitain de Montreal
Orchestre Municipale de Strasbourg
Orchestre Musique des Lumieres
Orchestre National Bordeaux Aquitaine
Orchestre National de France (ORTF)
Orchestre National de Lille
Orchestre National de Lorraine (Metz)
Orchestre National de Lyon
Orchestre National de Montpellier Languedoc-Roussillon
Orchestre National des Pays de la Loire
Orchestre national du Capitole de Toulouse
Orchestre National d`Île-de-France
Orchestre Palladium
Orchestre Pasdeloup
Orchestre Paul Kuentz
Orchestre Philharmonique de Craiova
Orchestre Philharmonique de Liege
Orchestre Philharmonique de Monte-Carlo
Orchestre Philharmonique de Nice
Orchestre philharmonique de Paris
Orchestre philharmonique de Radio France
Orchestre philharmonique de Strasbourg
Orchestre Poitou-Charentes (France)
Orchestre Régional de Cannes Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur
Orchestre Revolutionnaire et Romantique
Orchestre symphonique Bienne
Orchestre symphonique de la Monnaie (Brussel)
Orchestre Symphonique De La R.T.B.
Orchestre symphonique de Mulhouse
Orchestre symphonique de Paris
Orchestre symphonique du Conservatoire royal de Liege
Orchestre symphonique et lyrique de Nancy
Orebro Chamber Orchestra
Oregon Bach Festival Chamber Orchestra
Orenburg Municipal Chamber Choir
Orfei Farnesiani (Italy)
Orfeo 55 Chamber Orchestra
Orfeo Orchestra
Orfeon Terra a Nosa
Orford String Quartet
Original C.M.Ziehrer Orchester
Orkest de Ereprijs
Orkest de Volharding
Orkiestra Muzyki Nowej w Katowicach
Orlando Consort
Orlando Quartet
Orpheus Chamber Orchestra (NY)
Orpheus Radio Symphony Orchestra
Orpheus string quartet
Orpheus Trio
Orpheus Vokalensemble
Orquesta Barroca de Sevilla (OBS)
Orquesta de Cadaques
Orquesta de Camara Buenos Aires
Orquesta de Extremadura
Orquesta Filarmónica de Málaga
Orquesta Filarmonia de Espana
Orquesta Filarmonica de Mexico
Orquesta Sinfónica de Euskadi
Orquesta Sinfónica de Galicia
Orquesta Sinfónica de Madrid
Orquesta Sinfónica de Navarra (Pamplona)
Orquesta Sinfónica del Estado de México
Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional de Chile (OSNCH)
Orquesta Sinfonica de Aguascalientes
Orquesta Sinfonica de Castilla y Leon
Orquesta Sinfonica del Principado de Asturias
Orquesta Sinfonica Metropolitana de Sevilla
Orquesta Sinfonica Provincial de Rosario
Orquestra Barroca Catalana
Orquestra de Camara de Madrid
Orquestra de la Comunitat Valenciana
Orquestra do Teatro Municipal de Sao Paulo
Orquestra Simfònica del Gran Teatre del Liceu
Orquestra Sinfônica da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Orquestra Sinfônica do Teatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro
Orquestra Sinfonica Brasileira (OSB)
Orquestra Sinfonica de Tenerife
Orñhestra of `Helikon-opera`
Osaka Philharmonic Orchestra
Oscar Peterson Trio
Osiris Trio
Oslo Filharmoniske Kor
Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra
Oslo string Quartet
Ostrava Janacek Chamber Orchestra
Ostrobothnian Chamber Orchestra (Finland)
Ottetto Italiano
Oulu Symphony Orchestra
Oviedo Filarmonia
Oxalys enasemble
Oxford Camerata
Pacific Baroque Orchestra (Vancouver)
Pacific Chorale
Pacific Symphony (USA)
Pacifica Quartet (USA)
Paganini Quartet
Page LA Studio Voices
Palestrina Choir
Palkin Chamber Choir of Kharkiv Philharmonic
Pallade Musica Ensemble
Palladian Ensemble
Pannon Philharmonic Festival Choir
Pannon Philharmonic Orchestra
Panocha Quartet
Pardubice Junior Chior
Paris Chamber Orchestra
Paris Symphony Orchestra
Parkanyi Quartet
Parnassi Musici
Parnassus Ensemble
Pasific Simphony Orchestra (Vladivostok, Russia)
Paul Hofhaimer Consort
Paul Kuentz Chamber Orchestra (France)
Paul Mauriat Orchestra
Paul Whiteman Orchestra
Paulavičius Youth Symphony Orchestra
Pauliner Baroque Ensemble
Pavel Haas Quartet
Pentaedre Ensemble
Per-Sonat Ensemble
Perceval Ensemble
Percussion duet Lucid Duo
Peregrina Ensemble
Perez Quartet
Perm Opera and Ballet Theatre Choir
Perm Opera and Ballet Theatre Orchestra
Perpetuum Mobile Chamber Orchestra
Perpignan Festival Orchestra
Persius Ensemble
Pesniary folk rock band (Minsk)
Petersen-Quartett (Berlin)
Petershof Orchestra (Saint Petersburg)
PetRo Duet
Phantasm Ensemble
Philadelphia Baroque Orchestra `Tempesta di Mare`
Philadelphia Orchestra
Philadelphia Woodwind Quintet
Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra (San Francisco)
Philharmonia Cassovia
Philharmonia Chor Stuttgart
Philharmonia Hungarica
Philharmonia Orchestra
Philharmonia Quartett Berlin
Philharmonia Slavonica
Philharmonia Virtuosi
Philharmonic Orchestra Altenburg-Gera (Germany)
Philharmonic Orchestra Plovdiv
Philharmonica String Quartet
Philharmonie de Lorraine
Philharmonie Festiva
Philharmonie Sudwestfalen
Philharmoniker Hamburg
Philharmonische Chor Munchen
Philharmonisches Orchester Bremerhaven
Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Bremen
Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Mainz
Philip Glass Ensemble
Philip Jones Brass Ensemble
Philippine Madrigal Singers
Philippine Philharmonic Orchestra
Philippine Symphony Orchestra
Philomusica of London Orchestra
Piano duet Victor Bouchard - Renee Morisset
Piano duo Baltica (Russia, Kaliningrad)
Piano duo Bracha Eden and Alexander Tamir
Piano Duo Caron
Piano Duo Genova & Dimitrov (Germany)
Piano duo Goldstone & Clemmow
Piano duo Taskov - Tsanev
Piano duo Taskov-Georgieva
Piano quartet `Anno Domini`
Piano Quartet «Anno Domini»
Piano sextet Orford Six Pianos
Piano Trio LOM
Piano Trio of Bologna
Piano Trio `Cascades`
Piano trio `Latitude`
Pianoduett Uriarte-Mrongovius
Piatti Quartet
Piccolo Concerto Wien.
Pilsen Philharmonic Orchestra
Pilsen Radio Symphony Orchestra
Pirasti Trio
Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra
Platypus Ensemble
Pleyel Quartett Köln
Plovdiv Philharmonic Orchestra
Podolsk Philarmonic Choir
Polish Chamber Choir
Polish Chamber Orchestra
Polish Chamber Philharmonic Orchestra Sopot
Polish Festival Orchestra
Polish Radio Choir, Cracow
Polish Radio National Symphony Orchestra (NOSPR)
Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra of Krakow
Polish State Philharmonic Orchestra
Polska Orkiestra Radiowa
Polyphonia Ensemble of Early Music
Polyphony Orchestra
Polyphony, vocal ensemble (UK)
Pori Sinfonietta (Finland)
Portland String Quartet
Portuguese Radio Symphony Orchestra
Portuguese Symphony Orchestra
Poznan Philharmonic Orchestra
Prades Festival Orchestra
Prague Chamber Choir
Prague Chamber Orchestra
Prague Chamber Soloists
Prague Madrigal Singers
Prague National Theatre Orchestra
Prague Philharmonia
Prague philharmonic choir
Prague Piano Duo
Prague Radio Chorus
Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra
Prague Soloists Ensemble
Prague String Quartet
Prague Symphony Orchestra (FOK)
Pratum Integrum Orchestra (Moscow)
Prazak Quartet
Presidental Symphony Orchestra of Turkey
Prima Vista (String Quartet)
Primavera Chamber Ensemble
Private Military Orchestra of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
Pro Arte Antiqua Prague
Pro Arte Orchesta Munich
Pro Arte Orchestra Of London
Pro Arte String Quartet
Pro Cantione Antiqua
Pro Musica Kiev
Pro Musica New York Ensemble
Pro Musica Orchester Stuttgart
Profili Barocchi ensemble (Italy)
Prokofieff`s school Symphony orchestra
Prokofiev String Quartet
Prometeo String Quartet
Psallentes Ensemble
Pskov Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra
Publick Musick (Choir & Orchestra)
Pueri Cantores della Cappella Musicale Pontificia detta Sistina
Pulcinella ensemble
Purcell Choir (Budapest)
Purcell Quartet:
Qatar Philharmonic Orchestra
Quartet Apollon
quartet of students from the Dmitri Hvorostovsky State Research Institute.
Quarteto Amazonia
Quarteto Bessler-Reis
Quarteto latinoamericano
Quarteto Lopes-Graca
Quartetto Bazzini (Brescia)
Quartetto di Cremona
Quartetto di Milano
Quartetto di Roma
Quartetto di Venezia
Quartetto Eleusi
Quartetto Energie Nove (Lugano)
Quartetto Gelato
Quartetto Italiano
Quartetto Italiano di Viole da Gamba
Quartetto Joseph Joachim
Quartetto Klimt
Quartetto Leonardo
Quartetto Luigi Tomasini
Quartetto Noûs (Italy)
Quartetto Noferini
Quartetto Rolla
Quartetto Santórsola (Italy)
Quartetto Vanvitelli
Quatuor Alcan
Quatuor Alexandre
Quatuor Bottesini
Quatuor Calvet
Quatuor Cambini-Paris
Quatuor de Guitares de Versailles
Quatuor de saxophones contemporain
Quatuor Debussy
Quatuor Diotima
Quatuor Enesco
Quatuor Giardini
Quatuor Gong (Belgium)
Quatuor Joachim
Quatuor La Flute enchantee
Quatuor Louvigny
Quatuor Malibran
Quatuor Mosaïques
Quatuor Parisii
Quatuor Parrenin
Quatuor Ruggieri
Quatuor Sine Nomine
Quatuor Stanislas
Quatuor Van Kuijk
Quatuor Via Nova
Quatuor Viotti
Quatuor Ysaÿe
Quebec Symphony Orchestra
Queensland Symphony Orchestra
Quentin Le Jeune Ensemble
Questa Musica
Quink Vocal Ensemble
Quintessence Saxophone Quintet
Quintet Cuesta
Quintetto Bibiena (Italy)
Quintetto Chigiano
Quintetto Vocale Italiano
Rachmaninov Chamber Choir
Radio Filharmonisch Orkest (Hilversum)
Radio France Children`s Choir
Radio Symphony Orchestra Ljubljana
Radio Television Serbia Symphony Orchestra (RTS)
Radio-Sinfonie-Orchester Frankfurt
RAI National Symphony Orchestra
Rami Musicali Orchestra
Raphael Quartet
Raphael Quartet
Raphael Trio
Rascher Saxophone Orchestra
Rascher Saxophone Quartet
Rasumowsky Quartett (Bern)
Rautio Piano Trio
Razumovsky Symphony Orchestra
RCA Italiana Orchestra
RCA Victor Chamber Orchestra
RCA Victor Orchestra
RCA Victor Symphony Orchestra (RCA Italiana Orchestra)
Real Compania Opera de Camara
Real Filarmonia de Galicia
REbaroque / Stockholm Baroque Orchestra
Recondita armonia ensemble
Regensburger Domspatzen
Regina Iberica Ensemble
Reinhold Quartett
Remix Ensemble
Renaissance Ensemble Serbia
Republican Academic Russian Choir Capella
Residente orchestra the Hague (the Hague Philharmonic)
Residenz-quintett Munchen
Retrospect Ensemble
Revutski string quartett
Rheinische Kantorei
Rheinische Kantorei (Germany)
Rheinisches Kammerorchester Koln
Rheintaler Bach-Orchester
RIAS Kammerchor
RIAS Sinfonietta Berlin
Ricercar Consort Ensemble
Ricercare Antico (Italy)
Rigas Chamber Players (chamber orchestra)
Robert Schumann Trio
Robert Shaw Chorale
Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra
Rodin Quartet
Rollin` Phones Saxophone Quartet
Roman Radio Orchestra
ROMANESCA ensemble
Romanian Chamber Orchestra
Romantique Quartet
Rombouts Quartet
Ronald Roseman and Friends
Roomful of Teeth
Rosa Incaica (Argentina)
Rosamunde Quartett
Rose Consort of Viols
Rosso Verona Baroque Ensemble
Rostov Academic Symphony Orchestra
Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra
Royal Albert Hall Orchestra
Royal Ballet Sinfonia
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra
Royal Danish Orchestra
Royal Flemish Philharmonic
Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Choir
Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra
Royal Northern Sinfonia
Royal Opera House Covent-Garden Choir
Royal Opera Orchestra, Stockholm
Royal Philharmonic Chamber Ensemble
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Royal Scottish National Orchestra
Royal Scottish Opera Orchestra
Royal Seville Symphony Orchestra
Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra
Royal String Quartet
Royal String Quartet Copenhagen
RTÉ Concert Orchestra
RTÉ Sinfonietta
RTE Concert Orchestra
RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra
Rubin Quartet
Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Saarbruken
Rundfunkchor Berlin
RusQuartet String Quartet
Russian Baroque Ensemble
Russian Concort Ensemble of Soloists
Russian Federal Orchestra
Russian Folk Orchestra of All-Union National Radio Service and Central Television Networks
Russian Horn Orchestra
Russian Instruments Orchestra
Russian National Orchestra
Russian National Youth Symphony Orchestra (RNYSO)
Russian Partes
Russian Philharmonia
Russian Philharmonic Orchestra
Russian Radio & Television Academic Orchestra of Russian Instruments
Russian Radio & Television Grand Academic Choir
Russian Saxophone Quartet
Russian song ensemble `Babkiny vnuki` (Bryansk)
Russian State Academic folk ensemble `Rossiya` named after Liydmila Zykina
Russian State Academic Symphony Chapel
Russian State Chamber choir KOMI
Russian State Cinematography Symphony Orchestra
Russian Symphony Orchestra
Ruysdael Quartet
Ryazan Governor`s Symphony Orchestra (Russia)
São Paulo Symphony Orchestra
Sångkraft Chamber Choir (Umeå, Sweden)
Sérénade à trois
Südwestdeutsches Kammerorchester Pforzheim
Saar Chamber Orchestra
Sabine Meyer Bläserensemble
Sachsischer Staatsopernchor Dresden
Sachsisches Vocalensemble
Safri Duo
Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra
Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra
Saint Petersburg Chamber Choir
Saint Petersburg Chamber Orchestra
Saint Petersburg Chapel Choir
Saint Petersburg Conservatory Chamber Orchestra
Saint Petersburg Conservatory String Quartet
Saint Petersburg Conservatory`s Theatre Grand Symphony Orchestra
Saint Petersburg Male Choir `Russ`
Saint Petersburg Philharmonic Academic Symphony Orchestra
Saint Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra
Saint Petersburg Radio & Television Symphony Orchestra
Saint Petersburg State Academic Symphony Orchestra
Saint Petersburg State Chapel Symphony Orchestra
Saint Petersburg State Russian Concert Orchestra
Saint Petersburg Youth Department of the Russian Union of Composers (MolOt) Ensemble
Saito Kinen Orchestra
Saito Kinen Orchestra
Salomé Chamber Orchestra (New York City)
Salzburg Baroque Orchestra
Salzburger Baryton Trio
Salzburger Haydn-Quintett
Salzburger Hofmusik Ensemble
Salzburger Kammerphilharmonie Orchestra
Salzburger Solisten-Ensemble
Samara Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra
San Diego Symphony Orchestra
San Francisco Conservatory Orchestra
San Francisco Symphony
Sans-Souci Berlin Ensemble
Santa Fe Festival Orchestra
Sao-Paolo Symphony Orchestr
Sarasa Ensemble (Boston)
Sarastro Quartet
Saratov Academic Opera Symphony Orchestra
Saratov Philharmonic Orchestra
Saratov Province Theatre of Choir Music
Sarband Ensemble
Sator Musicae Ensemble
Savaria Baroque Orchestra
Savaria Symphony Orchestra
Saxon Baroque Orchestra
Saxophone Quartet `KENARI QUARTET`
Scherzi Musicali Ensemble
Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival Orchestra
Schlierbacher Kammerorchester
Schneider Quartet
Schoenberg Quartet
Schola Cantorum de Mexico
Schola Cantorum of Oxford Choir
Schola Cantorum Stuttgart
Schola Gregoriana Mediolanensis
Schola Gregoriana Pragensis
Schola Hungarica
Schola Seconda Pratica
Schubert Ensemble of London
Schumann Quartett
Schuppanzigh-Quartett (Germany)
Schutz Choir of London
Schwabischer Singkreis (Chorus)
Schweizer Bläserquintett
Scottish Chamber Orchestra
Scottish Ensemble
Scottish National Orchestra
Seasons String Orchestra
Seattle Baroque Orchestra
Seattle Chamber Players
Seattle Symphony Orchestra
Sebastian String Quartet
Seicento Italiano
Selmer Saxharmonic
Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra
Sequentia Ensemble
Seraphin Trio
Serbian Radio-Television Choir (RTS)
Serbian String Quartet
Sex Chordæ Consort of Viols (USA)
Shanghai Conservatory Symphony Orchestra
Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra
Shanghai Quartet
Shanghai Symphony Orchestra
Sharakan Early Music Ensemble
Sharon Quartet
Shevchenko National Opera of Ukraine Chamber Orchestra
Shinsei Nihon Symphony Orchestra
Shonan Chamber Orchestra
Shostakovitch Quartet
Sibil•la Ensemble
Sifia chamber orchestra
Silesian Chamber Soloists Ensemble
Silesian String Quartet
Silver strings
Simon Bolivar Symphony Orchestra
Simon Mayr Chorus
Sine Nomine
Sinfónica Juvenil Teresa Carreño de Venezuela
Sinfonia da Camera (USA)
Sinfonia Lahti Chamber Ensemble
Sinfonia Of London
Sinfonia Varsovia
Sinfonia Verdi Orchestra
Sinfonie Orchester Biel Solothurn
Sinfonie-Orchester Winterthur (Musikkollegium Winterthur)
Sinfonieorchester Aachen
Sinfonieorchester Liechtenstein
Sinfonietta Cracovia
Sinfonietta Vorarlberg
Singapore Symphony Orchestra
Singer Pur
Sitkovetsky Trio
Skomorokhi Ensemble
Slavenski String Quartet
Slobozhanskiy Academic Symphony Orchestra
Slovak Chamber Orchestra
Slovak National Symphony Orchestra
Slovak Philharmonic
Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra (Bratislava)
Slovak State Philharmonic Orchestra (Kosice)
Slovene Philharmonic Orchestra
Slovenian Chamber Choir
Slovenian Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra
Smetana String Quartet
Smetana Trio
Smithsonian Chamber Orchestra
Smolensk Chamber Orchestra
Smolniy Cathedral Choir
Sochi Symphony Orchestra
Societa cameristica di Lugano
Societa Italiana di Musica da Camera `Carme`
Sofia Boys` Choir
Sofia Chamber Orchestra
Sofia Orthodox Choir
Sofia Soloist Chamber Orchestra
Solamente Naturali Bratislava
Solistenensemble Stimmkunst Vocal Ensemble
Soloists ensemble of Bolshoi Theatre
Soloists Ensemble of Kiev T. Shevchenko Opera & Ballet Theatre
Soloists Ensemble of Leningrad Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra
Soloists Ensemble of Symphony Orchestra of the Moscow Conservatory
Soloists Ensemble of the USSR All-Union Radio & Central Television Grand Symphony Orchestra
Soloists Ensemble of the USSR State Symphony Orchestra
Soloists Ensemble `Blagovest`
Soloists Ensemble `CONCERTINO`
Soloists Ensemble `SOLO-PLUS`
Solomon`s Knot baroque Ensemble
Sonar Quartett
Sonare-Quartet (Frankfurt)
Sonatori de La Gioiosa Marca
SONIC.ART Saxophone Quartet
SoNoR ensemble
Sophia Philharmonic Orchestra
Sorrel Quartet
South Jutland Symphony Orchestra
Southbank Sinfonia Ensemble
Southwest German Philharmonic Constance
Spanish Radio & Television Symphony Orchestra (RTVE)
Spectrum Concerts Berlin
Speculum musicae
Spirit of Musicke
St Petersburg String Quartet
ST-X Ensemble
St. Albans Cathedral Choir
St. Christopher Chamber Orchestra (Vilnius)
St. Lawrence String Quartet
St. Petersburg Chamber Ensemble
St. Petersburg Hermitage Orchestra
Staatskapelle Berlin
Staatskapelle Dresden
Staatskapelle Halle
Staatskapelle Weimar
Staatsorchester Braunschweig
Staatsorchester Rheinische Philharmonie
Staatsorchester Stuttgart
Stadler Quartet
Stadtisches Berlin Orchestra
Staff Orchestra of the Moscow Military District
Stamitz Quartet
Stanford String Quartet
Starling Chamber Orchestra Orchestra (Cincinnati)
State Academic Choir Capella of the Republic of Belarus named after G. Shirmy
State Academic Ensemble Rustavi
State academic Kozhevnikov choir
State Academic Philharmonic of Astana
State Academic Russian Concert Orchestra `Boyan`
State Academic Symphony Orchestra of Russia
State Brass Orchestra of Russia
State capella of St.Petersburg
State Chamber Choir of the Republic of Belarus
State chamber orchestra of Armenia
State Chamber Orchestra of Georgia
State Chamber Orchestra of Russia (ex-Moscow Chamber Orchestra)
State Philharmonic of Rhineland-Palatinate
State Philharmonic Orchestra of Arad (Romania)
State Small Symphony Orchestra conducted by V. Ponkin
State String Quartet of Georgia
State String Quartet of P.I. Tchaikovsky
State Symphony Orchestra of Georgia
State Symphony Orchestra Of Moscow
State Symphony Orchestra of Sakha Republic
State Symphony Orchestra of the Armenian SSR
State Symphony Orchestra of the Estonian SSR
State Symphony Orchestra of the Georgian SSR
State Symphony Orchestra of the Ukrainian SSR
State Symphony Orchestra of Uzbekistan
State Symphony Orchestra `Klassika`
State Symphony Orchestra `Novaya Rossiya`
Staunton Bach Festival Orchestra & Chorus
Stavanger Symphony Orchestra
Steinberg Duo
Stenhammar Quartet
Steve`s Bedroom Band
Stichting Bachcantates Tilburg (Choir & Orchestra)
Stiftsbarock Stuttgart Ensemble
Stile Antico
Stocholm Festival Orchestra
Stockholm Bach Choir
Stockholm Radio Symphony Orchestra
Stockholm Sinfonietta
Stockholmer Kammerchor
Stokowski Symphony Orchestra
Storioni Trio
Stradivari Ensemble of the Mariinsky Theater
Strasbourg Opera Orchestra
Streicherakademie Bozen Orchestra
String Orchestra of the Music Academy from Zagreb
String orchestra `Tele-radio Moldova`
String quartet Kaiser Band (Moldova)
String Quartet named after N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov
String Quartet `Harmonies of the World` (Odessa)
String Quartet `Le Ricordanze` (Italy)
String quartet `Letaniya`
String Quartet `Sofia` of the Bulgarian National Radio
String Quatuor Muir
Students Chorus at the Mogilev Branch of the Belorussian State Academy of Music
Studio de musique ancienne de Montreal
Studio der fruhen Musik
Studio di Musica Antica Antonio Il Verso of Palermo
Studio ensemble
Studio for New Music Soloists Ensemble
Studio Vocale Karlsruhe
Stuttgart Baroque Ensemble
Stuttgart Chamber Choir
Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra
Stuttgart Choral Society Chorus
Stuttgart Philharmonic Orchestra
Stuttgart Piano Trio
Stuttgart Radio Symphony Orchestra
Stuttgart Solisten Orchestra
Stuttgarter Philharmoniker
Stuyvesant Quartet (String Quartet)
Stylus Phantasticus
Sudwestdeutsches Kammerorchester Pforzheim
Suk Chamber Orchestra
Suk Quartet
Suk Trio
Sveshnikov State Russian Choir
Svetilen Church Choir
Svetlanov State Symphony Orchestra
Swedish Chamber Orchestra
Swedish Radio Choir
Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra
Swingle II Vocal Group
Swiss Army Band
Swiss Festival Orchestra
Swiss Piano Trio
Swiss Radio Choir
SWR Symphonieorchester
SWR Vokalensemble Stuttgart
Sydney Symphony Orchestra
Symphonia Perusina
Symphonica of London
Symphonica Toscanini Solo Players
Symphonie-Orchesters Graunke
Symphonieorchester Philharmonie der Nationen
Symphonieorchester Vorarlberg
Symphony Of The Air
Symphony Orchestra Basel
Symphony Orchestra CDC `Moskovsky`
Symphony Orchestra Krasnoyarsk State Institute of Arts
Symphony Orchestra of Bulgarian National Radio
Symphony Orchestra of Donetsk Regional Philharmonic
Symphony Orchestra of National Philharmonic of Ukraine
Symphony Orchestra of Nizhny Novgorod Glinka Conservatory
Symphony Orchestra of Norrlands Opera
Symphony Orchestra of Pécs (Hungary)
Symphony orchestra of radio and television of the Republic of Belarus
Symphony orchestra of Saint-Peterburg Conservatory
Symphony Orchestra of San Remo
Symphony Orchestra of St. Gallen
Symphony Orchestra of State Primorsky Opera and Ballet Theatre
Symphony Orchestra of the Irkutsk Regional Philharmonic
Symphony Orchestra of the Karelian State Philharmonic
Symphony Orchestra of the Kharkov National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater. N.V. Lysenko
Symphony Orchestra of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
Symphony Orchestra of the Moscow Academic Musical Theater of Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko
Symphony Orchestra of the Moscow State Philharmonic
Symphony Orchestra of the National State Broadcasting Company of the Republic of Belarus
Symphony Orchestra of the Saratov Conservatory
Symphony orchestra of the St. Petersburg Academy
Symphony Orchestra of the Theater N. I. Sats
Symphony Orchestra of the Volgograd State Theater Tsaritsynskaya Opera
Symphony Orchestra Vorarlberg (Austria)
Symphony Orchestra `The Young Belarus`
Symphony orchestra `Ukraine`
Symposium Musicum Ensemble
Synodal choir
Szekszard Madrigal Choir
Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra (Toronto)
Tafelmusik Chamber Choir
Tagor String Trio
Taiwan Philharmonic
Takács Quartet
Talea Ensemble
Talich Quartet
Tallinn Chamber Chorus
Tallinn Chamber Orchestra
Tambov choir
Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra
TANA Quartet
TAPESTRY Vocal Ensemble
Tapiola Choir
Tapiola Sinfonietta
Tapiola Sinfonietta (Finland)
Tartini Quartet
Tashi Quartet
Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra
Tatarstan State Symphony Orchestra
Tatrai Quartet
Taverner Consort and Players
Tbilisi Symphony Orchestra
Tchaikovski Grand Symphony Orchestra (Moscow)
Tcheboxary Female Vocal Quartet
Teatro Armonico Stuttgart
Teatro del Giglio di Lucca Orchestra
Teatro la Fenice di Venezia
Teatro Regio di Torino
Tehran Symphony Orchestra
Tempera Quartet
Tenerife Symphony Orchestra
Terem Quartet
Thürmchen Ensemble
The Aeolian String Quartet
The All Star Percussion Ensemble
The Allegri Quartet
The Ambache
The Andreyev State Russian Orchestra
The Angeles String Quartet
The Armenian SSR State Academic Chapel
The Bach Choir (London)
The Bach Ensemble
The Badke Quartet
The Baltimore Consort
The Barocco Ensemble
The Barton Workshop
The Belgrade Strings
The Belorussian SSR State Folk Orchestra
The Borodin Trio
The Boy Choir Of The Glinka Choir College (Saint Petersburg)
The Boyd Neel Orchestra
The Brandenburg Consort
The Bridge String Quartet
The Budapest String Quartet
The Busch Chamber Players
The California EAR Unit
The California Guitar Trio
The Cambridge Singers
The Cantata Singers (Chorus)
The Cardinall`s Musick
The Carmirelli Quartet
The Castle Trio
The Chamber Choir of the PSTGU by Priest A. Zaitsev
The Chamber Orchestra `B-A-C-H` (Ekaterinburg)
The Chilingirian Quartet
The Choir and Orchestra of The Academy of Ancient Music
The Choir of New College, Oxford
The Choir of Westminster Abbey
The Choral Arts Society of Washington
The City Waites
The Coull Quartet (London)
The Czech Nonet
The Deller Consort
The Divertissement String Orchestra
The Drottningholm Court Theatre Orchestra
The Duke Quartet
The Early Music Consort of London
The English Concert Orchestra
The ensemble `Melody`
The Eroica Quartet
The Estonian SSR State Academic Male Choir
The Estonian SSR Union of Composers Experimental Chorus
The exemplary band of the headquarters of VUMD
The Finzi Singers
The First Symphony Orchestra
The Folger Consort
The Four Nations Ensemble
The Gaudier Ensemble
The Goldberg Ensemble
The Grand Flute Ensemble
The Hague Percussion / Slagwerk Den Haag
The Hallé Orchestra (Manchester)
The Hanover Band
The Harmonious Society of Tickle-Fiddle Gentlemen
The Harp Consort
The Hartwick Trio
The Hilliard Ensemble
The Hollywood Film Chorale
The Hollywood String Quartet
The Hollywood Studio Symphony
The Holywell Ensemble
The Imperial Great Russian Orchestra
The Israel Camerata Jerusalem
The Israel Flute Ensemble
The Italian Chamber Orchestra
The Jacques Orchestra
The Johann Strauss Orchestra (UK)
The Julian Bream Consort
The King`s Consort
The King`s Noyse
The Kohon String Quartet
The Kontra Quartet
The Kopelman Quartet
The Lark Quartet
The Latvian SSR State Academic Choir
The Latvian SSR State Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra
The Latvian SSR State Symphonic Orchestra
The Lithuanian SSR National Philharmonic Orchestra
The Little Light Consort
The Locatelli Trio
The London Classical Players
The London Fortepiano Trio
The London Handel Players
The London Haydn Quartet
The London Metropolitan Orchestra
The London Session Orchestra
The London Symphony Chorus
The Lysenko String Quartet
The male folklore ensemble of the Cossack song «Bratina» (St. Petersburg)
The McCapra Quartet
The Medici Quartet
The Medieval Ensemble of London
The Melos Ensemble of London
The Metropole Orchestra
The Montreal Players
The Moscow New Choir
The Mozartists
The Mullova Ensemble
The Musicians of the Louvre
The New Orleans Musica da Camera
The New World Symphony (USA)
The New York Renaissance Band
The Newberry Consort
The Northwest Sinfonia
The Omnibus Ensemble
The Orchestra of Naples
The Orchestra of the Franz Liszt University of Music Weimar
The Orpheus Singers Choir
The Ossipov Balalaika Orchestra
The Pablo Casals Trio
The Parley of Instruments
The Parley of Instruments Ensemble (London)
The Pascal String Quartet (Quatuor Pascal)
The Pasquier Trio
The Peabody Conservatory Wind Ensemble
The Philharmonic Chorus
The Philharmonic Promenade Orchestra
The Phoenix Symphony
The Portland Opera Orchestra
The Prospero Ensemble
The Queen`s Chamber Band
The Raglan Baroque Players
The Ramsey Singers
The Raphael Ensemble
The Rasumovsky Quartet (Great Britain)
The Rawlins Piano Trio
The Revolutionary Drawing Room
The Rome Philharmonic Orchestra
The Rose Ensemble
The Royal Wind Music
The Rubio Quartet
The Saga Quartet
The Salomon Quartet
The Scholars (London)
The Scholars Baroque Ensemble
The Seven Saints Chamber Choir
The Sibelius Academy Quartet
The Silesian Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra
The Sirius Viols
The Sixteen
The Smith Quartet
The Sofia Ecclesiastic Choir
The Soldier String Quartet
The South Dakota Chorale
The state of Mexico Symphony Orchestra
The Steve Reich Ensemble (Steve Reich and Musicians)
The Swingle Singers
The Symphony of Harmony and Invention
The Tale Quartet
The Tallis Scholars
The Taneyev Quartet
The Texas Festival Orchestra (TFO)
The Travnicek Quartet
The Turin String Quartet
The Ugra Symphonic Band
The United States Navy Band
The USSR All-Union Radio & Central Television Big Band
The USSR All-Union Radio & Central Television Chamber Orchestra
The USSR All-Union Radio & Central Television Choir
The USSR All-Union Radio & Central Television Concert Big Band
The USSR All-Union Radio & Central Television Grand Children`s Choir
The USSR All-Union Radio & Central Television Grand Symphony Orchestra
The USSR Lithuanian National Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra
The USSR Ministry of Culture Chamber Choir
The USSR Ministry of Culture Symphony Orchestra
The USSR Soloists Ensemble of Bolshoi Theater Symphony Orchestra
The USSR State Academic Russian Choir
The USSR State Beethoven Quartet
The USSR State Committee for Cinematography Symphony Orchestra
The USSR State Radio & Television Orchestra of Russian Instruments
The USSR State Symphony Orchestra
The USSR Union of Composers String Quartet
The USSR Violin Ensemble of Bolshoi Theatre
The Wallfisch Band
The Wilkomirski Trio
The Wren Orchestra
The Yale Cellos
The Yggdrasil Quartet
The Yuval Trio
The `Baroque Soloists` ensemble
Theatre of Early Music Ensemnle
Theatre Of New Music
Theatre of Voices
Theatro Comunale di Bologna Choir
Theatrum Instrumentorum
Thessaloniki State Symphony Orchestra
Thirteen Strings Chamber Orchestra
Thomanerchor Leipzig
Thuringen Philharmonie Gotha-Eisenach (Germany)
Thuringer Bach Collegium
Thuringian Chamber Orchestra (Weimar)
Tibor Serly String Orchestra
Tiento Nuovo (Spain)
Time for Three (Tf3)
Timisoara Philharmonic Orchestra
Tippett Quartet
Tiroler Symphonieorchester Innsbruck
Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra
Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra
Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra
Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra
Tokyo String Quartet
Tokyo Symphony Orchestra
Tokyo-Bruxelles Trio
Tolzer Knabenchor
Tolzer Knabenchor
Tomkins Vocal Ensemble, Budapest
Tomsk Academic Symphony Orchestra
Ton-Studio Orchestra Stuttgart
Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich
Tonkünstler Orchestra
Tonkunstler Orchestra (Tonkunstler-Orchester Niederosterreich)
Tonus Peregrinus Ensemble
Toronto Camerata
Toronto Chamber Orchestra
Toronto Chamber Winds
Toronto Consort
Toronto Symphony Orchestra
Trío Arbós
Transnistria State Choir
Transylvania State Philharmonic Orchestra of Cluj-Napoca
Trefoil Trio
Trinity Cathedral of Alexander Nevsky Lavra Choir
Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius Choir
Trio Élégiaque (France)
Trio 1790
Trio A Cordes Français
Trio Accanto
Trio Anima Mundi (Australia)
Trio Arche
Trio Arriaga
Trio Cantabile
Trio con Brio Copenhagen
Trio Cristofori
Trio de Madrid
Trio des Iscles
Trio di Bassetto
Trio di Milano
Trio di Parma
Trio Di Trieste
Trio d`anches de Monte-Carlo
Trio Echnaton
Trio Fontenay Piano Trio
Trio Franz Joseph
Trio Galanterie (USA)
Trio Goya
Trio Hochelaga
Trio Italiano
Trio Italiano D`Archi
Trio Jean Paul
Trio Ma non troppo
Trio Metamorphosi
Trio Metral
Trio Novanta
Trio Opus 8
Trio Owon
Trio Parnassus
Trio Parnassus
Trio Portici (Belgium)
Trio Rafale
Trio Recherche
Trio Santoliquido
Trio Sonata Ensemble
Trio Stadler
Trio Stradivari (Italy)
Trio Van Bruggen - Van Hengel - Veenhoff
Trio Vivente
Trio Wajnberg
Trio `Bekova Sisters`
Trio `Europa Galante`
Trio `Sestry Baiko`
Trio `Wanderer`
Triple Forte Trio
Troitsk chamber choir
Trondheim Soloists
Trondheim Symphony Orchestra
Troubadours Art Ensemble
Trouvere Medieval Minstrels
Tudor Singers of Montreal
Tureck Bach Players Ensemble
Turicum Ensemble
Turin Radio Orchestra
Turku Philharmonic Orchestra
Turtle Creek Chorale
Tyumen Philharmonic Orchestra
Tzigane Piano Trio
Uakti Ensemble
Ukrainian Radio & Television Symphony Orchestra
Ukrainian Radio Symphony Orchestra
Ukranian State Big Band
Ulbrich string quartet
Ulster Orchestra
Ulyanovsk Philharmonic Orchestra
Umbach und Consorten
Umea Symphony Orchestra (Sweden)
United Continuo Ensemble
United States Marine Band
University of Helsinki Choir
University of Mexico Philharmonic Orchestra
University of Santo Tomas Symphonic Orchestra
Uppsala Chamber Orchestra
Ural Philharmonic Orchestra
Ural State Orchestra of Russian Instruments `Stars of Ural`
Ural Youth Symphony Orchestra
Uspensky Monastery Male Choir of Krasnoyarsk
USSR Defense Ministry Band
Utah Symphony
Utrecht String Quartet
UVA Chamber Singers
Valencia Baryton Project
Valerius Ensemble
Van Baerle Trio
Van Swieten Trio
Vanadzor Chamber Choir
Vancouver New Music Ensemble
Vancouver Symphony Orchestra
Varsovia Quartet
Vegh Quartet
Venice Baroque Orchestra
Verbier Festival Orchestra
Vermeer Quartet
Versailles Baroque Music Choir
Vertavo String Quartet
Vestisches Kammerorchester
Victoria Symphony
Vienna Brahms Trio
Vienna Chamber Choir
Vienna Chamber Orchestra
Vienna Classical Players
Vienna Festival Orchestra
Vienna Konzerthaus Quartet
Vienna Mozart Academy
Vienna Piano Trio
Vienna Pro Musica Orchestra
Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra (ORF)
Vienna State Opera Choir
Villa Musica
Vilnius Holy Ghost Orthodox Monastery Male Choir
Vilnius String Quartet
Violini Capricciosi
Virelai Band
Virginia Symphony Orchestra
Virtuosi di Praga
Virtuosi di Roma
Virtuosi of England
Virtuosi Saxoniae
Virtuosi Slobozhanshchina
Viuelist duet `Duo Chambure` (USA)
VIVAT Chamber Choir
Vivete Felici
Vlaams Radio Orkest (VRT)
Vlach Quartet Prague
Vladimir Philharmonic Chamber Ensemble
Vladimir Symphony Orchestra
Vocal ensemble Alter Ratio
Vocal Ensemble of the Mayakowsky District of Georgia
Vocal ensemble singing Church in honour of the icon of the `Liberator` Zhodino.
Vocal ensemble `Colortalea` (Spain)
Vocal ensemble `Contrepoint`
Vocal ensemble `Diskantores` (The Hague)
Vocal ensemble `La Venexiana`
Vocal Ensemble `Melody`
Vocal ensemble `Vox Clamantis`
Vocal ensemble «Intrada» (Moscow)
Vocal Européen de la Chapelle Royale
Vocal quartet Ross-Antique
Vocalconsort Berlin
Vogler String Quartet
Voices of Ascension
Voices of Music
Vokalensemble Ingolstadt
Volgograd State Academic Symphony
Vologda Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra
Voronezh Academic Symphony Orchestra
Voronezh Russian Folk Choir
Vox Luminis Ensemble
Vox Orchester (Baroque Orchestra)
Voz Latina
Vozrozhdenie vocal ensemble
Württemberg Chamber Orchestra
Württembergische Philharmonie Reutlingen
Waldegrave Ensemble
Walsingham Ensemble
Wanderer Guitar Duo
Warmia National Orchestra
Warsaw Chamber Opera Orchestra
Warsaw Chamber Orchestra
Warsaw Philharmonic Choir
Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra
Waverly Consort
WDR Rundfunkchor Köln
WDR Sinfonieorchester Chamber Players
West Australian Symphony Orchestra
West Kazakhstan Philharmonic Orchestra
West Side Chamber Orchestra
West-Eastern Divan Orchestra
Westfalische Kantorei Ensemble
Westminster Cathedral Choir
Westminster Choir
Westphalia New Philharmonic Orchestra
Westphalian Symphony Orchestra
Wiener Johann Strauss-Orchester
Wiener Konzertantes Schrammelquartett
Wiener Mozart Ensemble
Wiener Oktett
Wiener Philharmoniker
Wiener philharmoniker trio
Wiener Sängerknaben
Wiener Solisten Orchestra
Wiener Streichsextett
Wiener Streichtrio
Wiener Symphoniker
Wiener Volksopernorchester
Wieniawski String Quartet
Wild Gung`l
Winchester Cathedral Choir
Wind orchestra of the Mariinsky theatre
Windsbach Boys Choir (Windsbacher Knabenchor)
Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra
Winterthur Quartet
Wiren Quartet
Woman`s choir of the Krasnodar Institute of Culture
Woodwind Quintet `Syrinx Quintet`
World Youth Choir
Wroclaw baroque orchestra
Wuppertal Simphony Orchestra
XASAX Saxophone Quartet
Xenia Ensemble
XVIII-21 Musique des Lumieres (Le Baroque Nomade)
Xyrion Trio
Yale Symphony Orchestra
Yaroskaviya Philharmonic Choir
Yaroslavia, capella
Yaroslavl Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra
Yerevan Chamber Choir
Yerevan chamber orchestra
Ying Quartet
YL Male Voice Choir
Yomiuri Nippon Symphony Orchestra
Young Danish String Quartet
Young festival symphony orchestra
Youth Chamber Ñhoir of Moscow
Youth choir `Cantemus` (Moldova)
Youth Choir `Kamer`
Youth Synodal Choir
Youth Vocal Quartet conducted by Svyatoslav Ponomarev
Yugoslav National Army Mixed Choir
Yugoslav National Army Symphony Orchestra
Yulian Baryshnikov & Musicians
Yurlov Russian State Academic Chapel
Zürich Beromünster Orchester
Zagreb Chamber Orchestrà
Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra
Zagreb Radio Television Symphony Orchestra and Chorus
Zagreb Soloists
Zagreb String Quartet
Zagreb Symphony Orchestra
Zapolski Quartet
Zaporozhye Academic Symphony Orchestra
Zehetmair Quartet
Zemlinsky Quartet
Zmeskall Quartet
Zukerman Chamber Players
Zurcher Barockorchester (ZBO)
Zurich Chamber Orchestra
Zurich Ensemble
Zurich New Music Ensemble
Zurich String Quintet
Zurich Symphony Orchestra
`Artemandoline Baroque Ensemble`
`Barokkanerne` ensemble (Oslo)
`Concertino Notturno Praha`
`Contrasto Armonico`
`Die Gruppe Fur Alte Musik Munchen`
`Early Opera Company`
`Filarmonia` Orchestra
`Fiori Musicali`
`Haydn Trio Eisenstadt`
`IMPRESSIONE` Wind quintet
`L`Ecole d`Orphee`
`Musica Alta Ripa`
`Musica da Camera` St. Petersburg Philharmonic Society Ensemble
`Quintetto Boccherini`
`Thimk Collective`
{instead} ensemble
{oh!} Orkiestra (Katowice)
Ñhoir and orchestra of the Academy of the Holy Spirit (Turin)
Òðèî Euterpe
”Virtuosi Brunensis”