Pablo, Luis de
(born 1930) (Spain)
Pabst, Pavel
(1854-1897) (Russia)
Pace, Carmelo
(1906-1993) (Malta)
Pacheco, John Manuel
(born 1982) (USA)
Pachelbel, Johann
(1653-1706) (Germany)
Pachelbel, Karl (Charles) Theodore
(1690-1750) (Germany)
Pacher, Josef Adalbert
(1818-1871) (Czech Republic)
Pachman, Jason
(born 1971) (USA)
Pachu, Jovan
(1847-1902) ()
Pacini, Giovanni
(1796-1867) (Italy)
Paciorkiewicz, Tadeusz
(1916-1998) (Poland)
Pacius, Fredrik
(1809-1891) (Finland)
Paderewski, Ignace Jan
(1860-1941) (Poland)
Padilla, Jose Sancho
(1889-1960) (Spain)
Padilla, Juan Gutierrez de
(1590-1664) (Spain)
Padova, Bartolino da
(1340-1405) (Italy)
Padova, Marchetto da
(1274-1325) (Italy)
Padovano, Annibale
(1527-1594) (Italy)
Padovec, Ivan
(1800-1873) (Croatia)
Padre Davide da Bergamo,
(1791-1863) (Italy)
Padula, Jose Luiz
(1893-1945) (Mexico)
Paer, Ferdinando
(1771-1839) (Italy)
Paganelli, Giuseppe Antonio
(1710-1762) (Italy)
Paganini, Niccolo
(1782-1840) (Italy)
Pagh-Paan, Younghi
(born 1945) (South Korea)
Pagola, Beltran
(1878-1950) (Spain)
Pagotto, Mario
(born 1966) (Italy)
Pahissa, Jaume
(1880-1969) (Spain)
Pahmutova, Alexandra
(born 1929) (Russia)
Pahulsky, Genrich
(1859-1921) (Russia)
Paiberdin, Oleg
(born 1971) (Russia)
Paik, Nam June
(1932-2006) (South Korea)
Paine, John Knowles
(1839-1906) (USA)
Paisiello, Giovanni
(1741-1816) (Italy)
Paix, Jacob
(1556-1623) (Germany)
Paixao Cearense, Catulo da
(1863-1946) (Brazil)
Pajaro, Eliseo
(1915-1984) (Philippines)
Pakhota, Ivan
(born 1988) (Ukraine)
Paladilhe, Emile
(1844-1926) (France)
Paladin, Jean-Paul
(1500-1560) (Italy)
Palau, Manuel
(1893-1967) (Spain)
Palazol, Berenguier de
(1130-1210) (France)
Palella, Antonio
(1692-1761) (Italy)
Palenicek, Josef
(1914-1991) (Czech Republic)
Palester, Roman
(1907-1989) (Poland)
Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da
(1524-1594) (Italy)
Paliashvili, Zakaria Petrovich
(1871-1933) (Georgia)
Pallasz, Edward
(1936-2019) (Poland)
Pallavicino, Benedetto
(1551-1601) (Italy)
Pallavicino, Carlo
(1630-1688) (Italy)
Palma, Silvestro
(1754-1834) (Italy)
Palmer, George Alfred
(born 1947) (Australia)
Palmer, Robert
(1915-2010) (USA)
Palmer, Lynn
(1918-2010) (USA)
Palmgren, Selim
(1878-1951) (Finland)
Palmieri, Silvio
(1957-2018) (Canada)
Palomo, Lorenzo
(born 1938) (Spain)
Pals, Leopold van der
(1884-1966) (Switzerland)
Palschau, Johann Gottfried Wilhelm
(1741-1815) (Denmark)
Palymski, Oleg
(born 1966) (Moldova)
Panayotov, Milen
(1967-2022) (Bulgaria)
Panchenko, Elizaveta
(born 1987) (Russia)
Panchenko, Semyon
(1887-1937) (Russia)
Panchin, A.
(18??-19??) (Russia)
Pandolfi, Giovanni Antonio
(1624-1687) (Italy)
Pandolfo, Paolo
(born 1964) (Italy)
Pang, Chun-Tin
(born 1983) (China)
Panin, Petr
(1938-2011) (Russia)
Panitsky, Ivan
(1907-1990) (Russia)
Panizza, Ettore
(1875-1967) (Argentina)
Pann, Carter
(born 1972) (USA)
Panneton, Isabelle
(born 1955) (Canada)
Panormo, Angelina
(1811-1900) (Brazil)
Pantus, Victor
(born 1950) (Russia)
Panufnik, Andrzej
(1914-1991) (Poland)
Panufnik, Roxanna
(born 1968) (Great Britain)
Panzau, Octavian
(1683-1761) (Germany)
Paon, Philippe
(12??-12??) (France)
Papa-, Francesco
(1740-19 в) (Italy)
Papalexandri-Alexandri, Marianthi
(born 1974) (Germany)
Papandopulo, Boris
(1906-1991) (Croatia)
Papara, Michael
(born 1984) (Poland)
Papineau-Couture, Jean
(1916-2000) (Canada)
Paquet, Bruno
(born 195?) (France)
Parabosco, Hieronimo (Girolamo)
(1524-1557) (Italy)
Parac, Frano
(born 1948) (Croatia)
Paradies, Maria Theresia von
(1759-1824) (Austria)
Paradisi, Pietro Domenico
(1707-1791) (Italy)
Paraskevaidis, Graciela
(1940-2017) (Argentina)
Paray, Paul
(1886-1979) (France)
Pardubi, Arnost z
(1297-1364) (Czech Republic)
Paredes, Hilda
(born 1957) (Mexico)
Paredes, Carlos
(1925-2004) (Portugal)
Paredes, Artur
(1899-1980) (Portugal)
Parfyonov, Igor
(1928-2018) (Russia)
Parga, Juan
(1843-1899) (Spain)
Paris, Francois
(born 1961) (France)
Parish, Mitchell
(1900-1993) (USA)
Parisiensis, Albertus
(1100-1177) (France)
Parisotti, Alessandro
(1853-1913) (Italy)
Park, Maria Hester
(1760-1813) (Great Britain)
Parker, Horatio
(1863-1919) (USA)
Parker, Jim
(1934-2023) (Great Britain)
Parker, Martin
(1600-1650) (Great Britain)
Parkins, Zeena
(born 1956) (USA)
Parma, Santino Garsi da
(1542-1604) (Italy)
Parmegiani, Bernard
(1927-2013) (France)
Parmerud, Ake
(born 1953) (Sweden)
Parra, Violeta
(1917-1967) (Chile)
Parra, Hector
(born 1976) (Spain)
Parras del Moral, Juan
(1889-1973) (Spain)
Parreiras Neves, Ignacio
(1730-1794) (Brazil)
Parrott, Ian
(1916-2012) (Great Britain)
Parry, Hubert
(1848-1918) (Great Britain)
Parry, Richard Reed
(born 1977) (Canada)
Parry, John
Parsadanyan, Boris
(1925-1997) (Estonia)
Parsons, Robert
(1535-1572) (Great Britain)
Parsons, Michael
(born 1938) (Great Britain)
Part, Arvo
(born 1935) (Estonia)
Partch, Harry
(1901-1974) (USA)
Partev, Sahak
(338-439) (Armenia)
Partos, Oedoen
(1907-1977) (Israel)
Partskhaladze, Merab
(1924-2008) (Georgia)
Pasatieri, Thomas
(born 1945) (USA)
Pascal, Claude
(1921-2017) (France)
Pascha, Edmund
(1714-1772) (Slovakia)
Paschenko, Andrey
(1883-1972) (Russia)
Pascoal, Hermeto
(born 1936) (Brazil)
Pasculli, Antonio
(1842-1924) (Italy)
Pashalov, Victor
(1841-1885) (Russia)
Pashkevich, Vasily
(1742-1797) (Russia)
Pasino, Stefano
(1610-1679) (Italy)
Pasquini, Bernardo
(1637-1710) (Italy)
Passuti, Emilio
(18??-18??) (Spain)
Pasta, Carlo Enrico
(1817-1898) (Italy)
Pasternak, Boris
(1890-1960) (Russia)
Pasterwiz, Georg Robert von
(1730-1803) (Austria)
Pastukh, Andrew
(born 1988) (Russia)
Paterno, Dolores
(1854-1881) (Philippines)
Pathie, Rogier
(1510-1565) (Belgium)
Patlayenko, Eduard
(1936-2019) (Russia)
Patouar, Louis Francois Joseph
(1719-1793) (France)
Patriquin, Donald
(born 1938) (Canada)
Patterson, Paul
(born 1947) (Great Britain)
Patti, Adelina
(1843-1919) (Italy)
Pauer, Jiri
(1919-2007) (Czech Republic)
Pauk, Alex
(born 1945) (Canada)
Paul, Gene de Paul photo
(1919-1988) (USA)
Paul, Alan
(1905-1968) (Great Britain)
Paul, Damis
(1827-1913) (Canada)
(?-?) (Russia)
Paulet, Vincent
(born 1962) (France)
(1360-1420) (France)
Paulus, Stephen
(born 1949) (USA)
Paunovic, Milenko
(1889-1924) ()
Pauset, Brice
(born 1965) (France)
Pavcic, Josip
(1870-1949) (Slovenia)
Pavesi, Stefano
(1779-1850) (Italy)
Pavlenko, Sergey
(1952-2012) (Russia)
Pavlorek, Ale
(born 1971) (Czech Republic)
Pavlov, Vladimir
(born 1985) (Russia)
Pavlov, Viacheslav
(1938-1999) (Russia)
Pavlov, Evgeny
(1894-1925) (Russia)
Pavlov-Azancheev, Matvey
(1888-1963) (Russia)
Pavlova, Alla
(born 1952) (Russia)
Pavluchuk, Alexei
(born 1970) (Russia)
Paxton, Stephen
(1734-1787) (Great Britain)
Payer, Hieronymus
(1787-1845) (Austria)
Payes, Carlos
(born 1944) (Mexico)
Payette, Alain
(born 1953) (Canada)
Payne, Anthony
(born 1936) (Great Britain)
Payne, Anthony
(born 1936) (Great Britain)
Pazeller, Jakob
(1869-1957) (Austria)
Pearsall, Robert Lucas
(1795-1856) (Great Britain)
Pearson, Stephen Funk
(born 1953) (USA)
Pearson, Henry Hugh
(1815-1873) (Germany)
Pease, Alfred Humphreys
(1838-1882) (USA)
Pechat, Piter
(born 1990) (Poland)
Pechon, Andre
(1600-1685) (France)
Pecou, Thierry
(born 1965) (France)
Pedersoen, Mogens
(1583-1623) (Denmark)
Pedini, Carlo
(born 1956) (Italy)
Pedrini, Teodorico
(1671-1746) (Italy)
Pedro, Lucio San
(1913-2002) (Philippines)
Pedrotti, Carlo
(1817-1893) (Italy)
Peel, John
(born 1947) (USA)
Peel, Graham
(1878-1937) (Great Britain)
Peerson, Martin
(1572-1651) (Great Britain)
Peeters, Flor
(1903-1986) (Belgium)
Peguilhan, Aimeric de
(1170-1230) (France)
Peiko, Nikolay
(1916-1995) (Russia)
Peintre de Reims, Eustache le
(1195-1250) (France)
Peire, Vidal
(1150-1209) (France)
Pejacevic, Dora
(1885-1923) (Croatia)
Pejman, Ahmad
(born 1935) (Iran)
Pekalytsky, Symeon
(1630-1700) (Ukraine)
Pekarsky, Mark
(born 1940) (Russia)
Pekiel, Bartlomiej
(1610-1670) (Poland)
Pelecis, Georgs
(born 1947) (Latvia)
Pelissier, Victor
(1745-1820) (USA)
Pellegrini, Vincenzo
(1562-1630) (Italy)
Pelletier, Marie
(born 1959) (Canada)
Pelletier, Romain-Octave
(1843-1927) (Canada)
Pembaur, Josef
(1848-1923) (Austria)
Pena, Angel
(1921-2014) (Philippines)
Penaforte, Raimundo
(born 1961) (USA)
Penalosa, Francisco de
(1470-1528) (Spain)
Penderecki, Krzysztof
(1933-2020) (Poland)
Peng, Ed
(born 1998) (China)
Penha, Rui
(born 1981) (Portugal)
Penherski, Zbigniew
(1935-2019) (Poland)
(1365-1425) (Great Britain)
Pennario, Leonard
(1924-2008) (USA)
Pennisi, Francesco
(1934-2000) (Italy)
Pennycook, Bruce
(born 1949) (Canada)
Pentland, Barbara
(1912-2000) (Canada)
Pepin, Clermont
(1926-2006) (Canada)
Pepping, Ernst
(1901-1981) (Germany)
Pepusch, Johann Christoph
(1667-1752) (Great Britain)
Peragallo, Mario
(1910-1996) (Italy)
(1165-1230) (France)
Pereira, David
(born 1953) (Australia)
Pereira, Marco
(born 1950) (Brazil)
Pereira, Clovis
(born 1932) (Brazil)
Pereira, Pedro Sa
(1892-1955) (Brazil)
Peretti, Pierre
(born 1974) (Italy)
Perez, Davide
(1711-1778) (Italy)
Perez, Sergio Aaron
(born 1992) (Spain)
Perez de Gijon, Juan
(14??-15??) (Spain)
Perez Freire, Osman
(1880-1930) (Chile)
Perez Ximeno, Fabian
(1595-1654) (Mexico)
Pergament, Moses
(1893-1977) (Sweden)
Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista
(1710-1736) (Italy)
Peri, Jacopo
(1561-1633) (Italy)
Perich, Tristan
(born 1982) (USA)
Perichich, Vlastimir
(1927-2000) ()
Pericoli, Pasquale
(1720-1775) (Italy)
Perkinson, Coleridge-Taylor
(1932-2004) (USA)
Perle, George
(1915-2009) (USA)
Pernambuco, Jo
(1883-1947) (Brazil)
Perneckher, Franciszek
(17??-1769) (Poland)
Perosi, Lorenzo
(1872-1956) (Italy)
Perotin, Great
(1158-1227) (France)
Perrachio, Luigi
(1883-1966) (Italy)
Perrault, Michel
(born 1925) (Canada)
Perrin, Jean
(1920-1989) (Switzerland)
Perron, Alain
(born 1959) (Canada)
Perrote, Maria
(18_-19__) (Russia)
Perruchon, Etienne
(1958-2019) (France)
Perry, William
(born 1930) (USA)
Persiani, Giuseppe
(1799-1869) (Italy)
Persichetti, Vincent
(1915-1987) (USA)
Persico, Mario
(1892-1977) (Italy)
Perti, Giacomo Antonio
(1661-1756) (Italy)
Pertsov, Danylo
(1973-2021) (Ukraine)
Perucona, Maria Saveria
(1652-1709) (Italy)
Perugia, Matteo da
(1360-1416) (Italy)
Perugia, Niccolo da
(1332-1400) (Italy)
Pescetti, Giovanni Battista
(1704-1766) (Italy)
Peshnyak, Vladimir
(born 1949) (Russia)
Pessard, Emile
(1843-1917) (France)
Pesson, Gerard
(born 1958) (France)
Pesstain, Chaillou de
(1270-1340) (France)
Peter, Johann Friedrich
(1746-1813) (USA)
Petering, Mark
(born 1973) (USA)
Peters, Rob
(born 1969) (Germany)
Petersburski, Jerzy
(1897-1979) (Poland)
Petersen, Wilhelm
(1890-1957) (Germany)
Peterson, Oscar
(1925-2007) (Canada)
Peterson, Malte
(born 1934) (Sweden)
Peterson-Berger, Wilhelm
(1867-1942) (Sweden)
Petin, Nikola
(1919-2004) ()
Petit, Ninot le
(14??-15??) (France)
Petitgirard, Laurent
(born 1950) (France)
Petrali, Vincenzo
(1830-1889) (Italy)
Petrassi, Goffredo
(1904-2003) (Italy)
Petrenko, Sergey
(born 1963) (Russia)
Petric, Ivo
(1931-2018) (Slovenia)
Petrini, Giuseppe
(?-?) (Italy)
Petrini, Francesco
(1744-1819) (France)
Petrosyan, David
(born 1992) (Russia)
Petrov, Andrey
(1930-2006) (Russia)
Petrov, Evgeny
(born 1973) (Russia)
Petrov, Boris
(born 1955) (France)
Petrov, Alexander
(born 1993) (Russia)
Petrova, Olga
(born 1956) (Russia)
Petrovic, Radomir
(1923-1991) (Yugoslavia)
Petrovic-Vratchanska, Albena
(born 1965) (Bulgaria)
Petrovics, Emil
(1930-2011) (Hungary)
Petrovskiy, Vladimir
(born 1957) (Russia)
Petrowski, Boris
(born 1963) (Russia)
Petrucciani, Michel
(1962-1999) (France)
Petrychenko, Yevgen
(born 1976) (Ukraine)
Pettoletti, Pietro
(1795-1870) (Italy)
Petukhov, Mikchail
(born 1954) (Russia)
Petyrek-, Felix
(1892-1951) (Austria)
Petzold, Christian
(1677-1733) (Germany)
Peuerl, Paul
(1570-1630) (Germany)
Peuerl, Paul
(1570-1625) (Germany)
Pevernage, Andreas
(1542-1591) (Belgium)
Peyer, Johann Baptist
(1680-1733) (Austria)
Pez, Johann Christoph
(1664-1716) (Germany)
Pezel, Johann Christoph
(1639-1694) (Germany)
Pfeiffer, John
(1920-1996) (USA)
Pfeiffer, Jogann
(1697-1761) (Germany)
Pfeiffer, George
(18??-18??) (USA)
Pfeiffer, Georges Jean
(1835-1908) (France)
Pfendner, Heinrich
(1590-1631) (Germany)
Pfitzner, Hans
(1869-1949) (Germany)
Pfluger, Andreas
(born 1941) (Switzerland)
Pfluger, Hans Georg
(1944-1999) (Germany)
Phalese, Pierre
(1507-1573) (Netherlands)
Phalesius the Elder, Petrus
(1510-1575) (Belgium)
Phibbs, Joseph
(born 1974) (Great Britain)
Philarmonica, Mrs
(16??-17??) (Great Britain)
Philidor, Andre Danican
(1652-1730) (France)
Philidor, Francois-Andre
(1726-1795) (France)
Philidor, Anne Danican
(1681-1728) (France)
Philidor, Pierre Danican
(1681-1731) (France)
Philidor, Jacques
(1657-1708) (France)
Philip, Achille
(1878-1959) (France)
Philipp, Isidor
(1863-1958) (France)
Philippe Chancelier,
(1160-1236) (France)
Philippot, Michel
(1925-1996) (France)
Philips, Peter
(1560-1628) (Great Britain)
Phillips, Burrill
(1907-1988) (USA)
Phillips, Montague
(1885-1969) (Great Britain)
Phillips, Gordon
(1908-1991) (Great Britain)
Piacentini, Riccardo
(born 1958) (Italy)
Piacentino, Romano Antonio
(17??-17??) (Italy)
Piacenza, Domenico da
(1390-1470) (Italy)
Piani, Giovanni Antonio
(1678-1760) (Italy)
Piantadosi, Al
(1882-1955) (USA)
Piantanida, Giovanni
(1705-1782) (Italy)
Piatigorsky, Gregor
(1903-1976) (USA)
Piatti, Carlo Alfredo
(1822-1901) (Italy)
Piazzolla, Astor
(1921-1992) (Argentina)
Picard, Pascal
(born 1962) (France)
Picaud, Aymeric
(1100-1170) (France)
Piccardi, Paolo
(born 1966) (Italy)
Picchi, Giovanni
(1571-1643) (Italy)
Piccinini, Alessandro
(1566-1638) (Italy)
Piccinni, Niccolo
(1728-1800) (Italy)
Piccioni, Andrea
(born 19__) (Italy)
(15??-15??) (Great Britain)
Piche, Jean
(born 1951) (Canada)
Piche, Bernard
(1908-1989) (Canada)
Pichl, Vaclav
(1741-1805) (Czech Republic)
Pichler, Melchiore
(born XVII) (Germany)
Pick-Mangiagalli, Riccardo
(1882-1949) (Italy)
Pickard, John
(born 1963) (Great Britain)
Picker, Tobias
(born 1954) (USA)
Pieczonka, Albert
(1828-1912) (USA)
Piefke, Johann Gottfried
(1815-1884) (Germany)
Piere, Robert de la
(1190-1258) (France)
Pierne, Gabriel
(1863-1937) (France)
Pierne, Paul
(1874-1952) (France)
Piero, Maestro
(1300-1350) (Italy)
Pierpont, James Lord
(1822-1893) (USA)
Pieton, Loyset
(15??-1537) (France)
Pietri, Giuseppe
(1886-1946) (Italy)
Pietro, Pietro
(1745-1815) (Italy)
(1417-1497) (Italy)
Pieux, Robert le
(972-1031) (France)
Piganov, Valeriy
(1939-2004) (Russia)
Pigarelli, Luigi
(1875-1964) (Italy)
Pignon, Paul
(born 1939) (Sweden)
Pigouzov, Valery
(born 1948) (Russia)
Pigovat, Boris
(born 1953) (Israel)
Pijper, Willem
(1894-1947) (Netherlands)
Pilati, Mario
(1903-1938) (Italy)
Pilkington, Francis
(1565-1638) (Great Britain)
Pillajo, Gonzalo
(16??-16??) (Spain)
Pilon, Daniel
(born 1957) (Canada)
Pilss, Karl
(1902-1979) (Austria)
Pilutikov, Sergey
(born 1965) (Ukraine)
Pindar, Boeotia
(522-438) (Greece)
Pinel, Julie
(169?-174?) (France)
Ping, Gao
(born 1970) (China)
Pingoud, Ernest
(1887-1942) (Finland)
Pinkevicius, Vidas
(born 1976) (Lithuania)
Pinkham, Daniel
(1923-2006) (USA)
Pino, Pedro Morales
(1863-1926) (Colombia)
Pinsuti, Ciro
(1828-1888) (Italy)
Pintaric, Fortunat
(1798-1867) (Croatia)
Pinto, Luis Alvares
(1719-1789) (Brazil)
Pinto, Octavio
(1890-1950) (Brazil)
Pinto, George
(1785-1806) (Great Britain)
Pintos, Roberto
(born 1965) (Argentina)
Pintscher, Matthias
(born 1971) (Germany)
Piottukh, Alexey
(born 1967) (Russia)
Piovani, Nicola
(born 1946) (Italy)
Pipelare, Matthaeus
(1450-1515) (France)
Pipkov, Lubomir
(1904-1974) (Bulgaria)
Pipkov, Panayot
(1871-1942) (Bulgaria)
Pirani, Eugenio
(1852-1939) (Italy)
Pironkov, Simeon
(1927-2000) (Bulgaria)
Piroye, Charles
(1670-1730) (France)
Pirumov, Alex
(1930-1995) (Russia)
Pisador, Diego
(1510-1557) (Spain)
Pisano, Bernardo
(1490-1548) (Italy)
Pisarevskiy, Stepan
(1780-1839) (Ukraine)
Pisarevsky, Denis
(born 1993) (Russia)
Pisendel, Johann Georg
(1687-1755) (Germany)
Pistocchi, Francesco Antonio
(1659-1726) (Italy)
(1167-1235) (France)
Piston, Walter
(1894-1976) (USA)
Pistoria, Conradus de
(1370-1430) (Italy)
Pistorio, Corrado de
(1410-1500) (Italy)
Pitfield, Thomas
(1903-1999) (Great Britain)
Pitoni, Giuseppe Ottavio
(1657-1743) (Italy)
Pixis, Johann Peter
(1788-1874) (Germany)
Pizzetti, Ildebrando
(1880-1968) (Italy)
Pla, Joan Baptista
(1720-1773) (Spain)
Pla, Josep
(1728-1762) (Spain)
Pla, Manuel
(1725-1766) (Spain)
Plakidis, Peteris
(1947-2017) (Latvia)
Plamondon, Yannick
(born 1970) (Canada)
Planel, Robert
(1908-1994) (France)
Planquette, Robert
(1848-1903) (France)
Planson, Jehan
(1559-1612) (France)
Plante, Cyril
(born 1975) (France)
Planyavsky, Peter
(born 1947) (Austria)
Plate, Anton
(born 1950) (Germany)
Platon, Georgios
(1910-1993) (Greece)
Platonov, Nikolay
(1894-1967) (Russia)
Platti, Giovanni Benedetto
(1697-1763) (Italy)
Platz, Robert H.P.
(born 1951) (Germany)
Playford, John
(1623-1686) (Great Britain)
Plaza, Juan Bautista
(1898-1965) (Venezuela)
Plekhanov, Sergey
(born 1969) (Russia)
Pletnev, Mikhail
(born 1957) (Russia)
Pleyel, Ignaz Josef
(1757-1831) (France)
Pleyel, Camille
(1788-1855) (France)
Plog, Anthony
(born 1947) (USA)
Plotnikov, Boris
(?-?) (Russia)
Plummer, John
(1410-1483) (Great Britain)
Podbielski, Jan
(16??-1650) (Poland)
Podelsky, Gennady
(1927-1983) (Russia)
Podgaiskaja, Olga
(born 1981) (Belarus)
Podgaits, Efrem
(born 1949) (Russia)
Podgorny, Vladimir
(1928-2010) (Ukraine)
Podkowa, Marek
(born 197_) (Poland)
Podprocky, Jozef
(1944-2021) (Slovakia)
Podzorova, Alina
(born 1989) (Russia)
Poenitz, Franz
(1850-1912) (Germany)
Poglietti, Alessandro
(1620-1683) (Italy)
Pohjola, Seppo
(born 1965) (Finland)
Pohjonen, Kimmo
(born 1964) (Finland)
Pohl, Richard
(1826-1896) (Germany)
Pohle, David
(1624-1695) (Germany)
Poklad, Nadejda
(born 1984) (Ukraine)
Poklad, Igor
(born 1941) (Ukraine)
Pokorny, Franz Xaver
(1729-1794) (Germany)
Pokrass, Samuel
(1897-1939) (USA)
Pokrass, Dmitriy
(1899-1978) (Russia)
Polak, Jakub
(1545-1605) (Poland)
Poldini, Ede
(1869-1957) (Hungary)
Poledouris, Basil
(1945-2006) (USA)
Polenov, Vasily Dmitrievich
(1844-1927) (Russia)
Poleukhina, Marina
(born 1989) (Russia)
Poleva, Victoria
(born 1962) (Ukraine)
Polikarpov, Nokolay
(1921-2002) (Russia)
Polionny, Vladimir
(born 1961) (Russia)
Politano, Antonio
(born 1969) (Italy)
Politykin, Roman
(born 1978) (Russia)
Poliziano, Angelo
(1454-1494) (Italy)
Pollarolo, Carlo Francesco
(1653-1723) (Italy)
Polledro, Giovanni Battista
(1781-1853) (Italy)
Pollini, Cesare
(1858-1912) (Italy)
Pollini, Francesco
(1762-1846) (Italy)
Polonsky, Artur
(1899-1989) (Russia)
Polonsky, Vsevolod
(born 1970) (France)
Polovinkin, Leonid
(1894-1949) (Russia)
Poltoratsky, Viktor
(1949-1985) (Russia)
Poluboyarov, Nikolay
(born 1974) (Russia)
Polunin, Yuri
(1913-1982) (Russia)
Polyachek, Abram S.
(1889-1976) (Russia)
Polyakov, Dmitry
(born 1984) (Russia)
Pomazansky, Evgeny
(1883-1948) (Russia)
Pomozov, Viktor
(1949-1986) (Belarus)
Ponce, Manuel
(1882-1948) (Mexico)
Ponce de Leon, Juan
(14??-1521) (Spain)
Ponchielli, Amilcare
(1834-1886) (Italy)
Ponomarenko, Grigory
(1921-1996) (Russia)
Ponomarev, Vladimir
(born 1960) (Russia)
Ponsa, Maria Lluisa
(1875-1919) (Spain)
Pont, Charles
Pook, Jocelyn
(born 1960) (Great Britain)
Poos, Heinrich
(1928-2020) (Germany)
Poot, Marcel
(1901-1988) (Belgium)
Pop, Adrian
(born 1951) (Romania)
Popkov, Aleksey
(born 1992) (Russia)
Poplyanova, Elena
(born 1961) (Russia)
Popov, Andrey
(born 1966) (Russia)
Popov, Nikolay
(born 1986) (Russia)
Popov, Gavriil
(1904-1972) (Russia)
Popov, Alexander
(born 1957) (Russia)
Popov, Andrey Vladimirovich
(born 1958) (Russia)
Popov, Victor
(1934-2008) (Russia)
Popov, Sergey
(born 1987) (Russia)
Popp, Andre
(1924-2014) (France)
Popp, Wilhelm
(1828-1903) (Germany)
Poppe, Enno
(born 1969) (Germany)
Popper, David
(1843-1913) (Czech Republic)
Popplewell, Richard
(1935-2016) (Great Britain)
Poppy, Andrew
(born 1954) (Great Britain)
Poradowski, Stefan Boleslaw
(1902-1967) (Poland)
Porcairagues, Azalais de
(1140-1177) (France)
Porena, Boris
(1927-2022) (Italy)
Porfyriadis, Alexios
(born 1971) (Greece)
Porotskiy, Vladimir
(born 1944) (Germany)
Porpora, Nicolo
(1686-1768) (Italy)
Porrino, Ennio
(1910-1959) (Italy)
Porsile, Giuseppe
(1680-1750) (Italy)
Porta, Ercole
(1585-1630) (Italy)
Porta, Johannes de
(1350-1420) (France)
Porta, Giovanni
(167?-1755) (Italy)
Portella, Sylvia Regina
(1900-1908) (Brazil)
Porter, Cole Albert
(1891-1964) (USA)
Porter, Quincy
(1897-1966) (USA)
Porter-Brown, Reginald
(1910-1982) (Great Britain)
Portman, Rachel
(born 1960) (Great Britain)
Portnoff, Leo
(1875-1940) (USA)
Portnov, Georgy
(1928-2017) (Russia)
Portugal, Sancho of
(1154-1212) (Portugal)
Portugal, Marcos
(1762-1830) (Portugal)
Porumbescu, Ciprian
(1853-1883) (Romania)
Posadas, Alberto
(born 1967) (Spain)
Posford, George
(1906-1976) (Great Britain)
Pospelova, Anna
(born 1986) (Russia)
Pospisil, Juraj
(1931-2007) (Slovakia)
Posse, Wilhelm
(1852-1925) (Germany)
Possinger, Franz Alexander
(1767-1827) (Austria)
Potapov, Vladimir
(born 1963) (Russia)
Poteyenko, Yuri
(born 1960) (Russia)
Potokina, Svetlana
(born 1960) (Russia)
Potolovsky, Nikolay
(1878-1927) (Russia)
Pott, Francis
(born 1957) (Great Britain)
Potter, Archibald James
(1918-1980) (Ireland)
Potter, Cipriani
(1792-1871) (Great Britain)
Poulard, Gabriel
(born 1954) (France)
Poulenc, Francis
(1899-1963) (France)
Pousseur, Henri
(1929-2009) (Belgium)
Povolotsky, Yuri
(born 1962) (Israel)
Powell, John
(1882-1963) (USA)
Powell, Morgan
(born 1938) (USA)
Powell, Baden
(1937-2000) (Brazil)
Power, Karen
(born 1977) (Ireland)
Power, Leonel
(1377-1445) (Great Britain)
Power, Teobaldo
(1848-1884) (Spain)
Pozdejev, Vsevolod
(born 1979) (Estonia)
Pozdro, John Walter
(1923-2009) (USA)
Pozzoli, Ettore
(1873-1957) (Italy)
Pradas, Daude de
(1190-1282) (France)
Prado, Almeida
(1943-2010) (Brazil)
Praeger, Ferdinand
(1815-1891) (Germany)
Praeger, Heinrich Aloys
(1783-1854) (Germany)
Praetorius, Michael
(1571-1621) (Germany)
Praetorius, Hieronymus
(1560-1629) (Germany)
Praetorius, Jacob
(1586-1651) (Germany)
Prag, Muelich von
(1270-1340) (Czech Republic)
Pragensis, Adalbertus
(955-997) (Czech Republic)
Prasolova, Ksenia
(born 1970) (Russia)
Praszczalek, Tomasz
(born 1981) (Poland)
Prates, Luigi
(?-?) (Italy)
Prati, Alessio
(1750-1788) (Italy)
Pratsch, Iwan
(17??-1818) (Russia)
Pratten, Catharina Josepha
(1824-1895) (Germany)
Predieri, Luca Antonio
(1688-1767) (Italy)
Preger, Léo
(1907-1965) (USA)
Preis, Ferdinand
(1784-1838) (Czech Republic)
Preisner, Zbigniew
(born 1955) (Poland)
Prelovec, Zorko
(1887-1939) (Slovenia)
Premrl, Stanko
(1880-1965) (Slovenia)
Prentzl, Johannes
(16??-17??) (Germany)
Presti, Ida
(1924-1967) (France)
Prestini, Paola
(born 1975) (USA)
Preston-, Simon
(1938-2022) (Great Britain)
Preussen, Louis Ferdinand (Ludwig Friedrich von)
(1772-1806) (Germany)
Preussen, Joachim Albrecht von
(1876-1939) (Germany)
Previn, Andre
(1929-2019) (USA)
Prevost, Andre
(1934-2001) (Canada)
Prezament, Wendy
(born 1955) (Canada)
Pribylov, Aleksandr
(born 1953) (Russia)
Price, Florence
(1887-1953) (USA)
Prigozhin, Lyutzian
(1926-1994) (Russia)
Prigozhiy, Jakov
(1840-1920) (Russia)
Prihoda, Vasa
(1900-1960) (Czech Republic)
Prikhodovskaya, Ekaterina
(born 1984) (Russia)
Primak, Vladimir
(1957-2019) (Russia)
Primosch, James
(born 1956) (USA)
Principe, Remy
(1889-1977) (Italy)
Prins, Stephan
(born 1979) (Belgium)
Priolli, Maria Luisa
(1915-2000) (Brazil)
Prior, Alexander
(born 1992) (Great Britain)
Prisovsky, Vasily
(1861-1917) (Russia)
Prisyazhnyuk, Denis
(born 1973) (Russia)
Pritchard, Deborah
(born 1977) (Great Britain)
Pritsker, David
(1902-1978) (Russia)
Pritsker, Gene
(born 1971) (USA)
Priuli, Giovanni
(1575-1626) (Italy)
Prizeman, Robert
(born 1952) (Great Britain)
Procaccini, Teresa
(born 1934) (Italy)
Proch, Heinrich
(1809-1878) (Austria)
Prochazka, Otto von
(1854-1910) (USA)
Proctor, Simon
(born 1959) (Great Britain)
Prokofiev, Sergey
(1891-1953) (Russia)
Prokofiev, Gabriel
(born 1975) (Great Britain)
Prokopenko, Natalia
Prokopowicz, Pheophan
(1681-1736) (Ukraine)
Prokudin, Stanislav
(born 1970) (Russia)
Proselyte, Obadiah
(1070-1150) (Italy)
Prosnak, Karol Mieczyslaw
(1898-1976) (Poland)
Prostitov, Oleg
(1955-2021) (Russia)
Prota, Tommaso
(1727-1768) (Italy)
Protasov, Prokhor
(born 1988) (Russia)
Proto, Frank
(born 1941) (USA)
Protonotaro, Stefano
(1230-1300) (Italy)
Protopopov, Sergei
(1893-1954) (Russia)
Provence, Garsenda of
(1180-1242) (France)
Provenzale, Francesco
(1624-1704) (Italy)
Provins, Guiot de
(1157-12??) (France)
Provost, Serge
(born 1952) (Canada)
Prozorovskiy, Boris
(1891-1937) (Russia)
Prudent, Emile
(1817-1863) (France)
Prussia, Anna Amalie of
(1723-1787) (Germany)
Prytz, Holger
(1928-2011) (Denmark)
Psathas, John
(born 1966) (New Zealand)
Pschenitschnikova, Natalia
(born 19__) (Russia)
Psimikakis-Chalkokondylis, Nikolaos-Laonikos
(born 1989) (Greece)
Pstrokonska-Nawratil, Grazyna
(born 1947) (Poland)
Ptaszynska, Marta
(born 1943) (Poland)
Ptichkin, Evgenij
(1930-1993) (Russia)
Puare, Maria
(1863-1933) (Russia)
Puccini, Giacomo
(1858-1924) (Italy)
Puccini, Jacopo
(1712-1781) (Italy)
Puccini, Michele
(1813-1864) (Italy)
Puccini, Domenico
(1772-1815) (Italy)
Puccini, Antonio Benedetto Maria
(1747-1832) (Italy)
Puccitta, Vincenzo
(1778-1861) (Italy)
Puchinin, Sergey
(born 1971) (Russia)
Puckett, Joel
(born 1977) (USA)
Puget, Loisa
(1810-1889) (France)
Pugliese, James
(born 1952) (USA)
Pugnani, Gaetano
(1731-1798) (Italy)
Pugni, Cesare
(1802-1870) (Italy)
Pugno, Raoul Stephane
(1852-1914) (France)
(born XIII) (Syria)
Puigferrer, Manel Saderra
(1908-2000) (Spain)
Pujol, Emilio
(1886-1980) (Spain)
Pujol, Maximo Diego
(born 1957) (Argentina)
Pulkkis, Uljas Voitto
(born 1975) (Finland)
Pullois, Jean
(14??-1478) (Belgium)
Punto, Giovanni
(1746-1803) (Czech Republic)
(1480-1564) (India)
Purcell, Henry
(1659-1695) (Great Britain)
Purcell, Daniel
(1664-1717) (Great Britain)
Purday, Charles Henry
(1799-1885) (Great Britain)
Pursell, William
(1926-2020) (USA)
Pusch, Alois Maria de
(1801-1900) (Germany)
Puschmann, Josef
(1738-1794) (Czech Republic)
Pushkarenko, Alexander
(born 1952) (Russia)
Pushkov, Venedikt
(1896-1971) (Russia)
Pushkov, Evgeny
(born 1941) (Ukraine)
Pusiex, Egidius de
(1290-1348) (France)
Pustynnikov, Oleg
(born 1987) (Russia)
Puts, Kevin
(born 1972) (USA)
Putten, Jan van
(born 1935) (Netherlands)
Puumala, Veli-Matti
(born 1965) (Finland)
Puzey, Nikolay
(1915-2000) (Russia)
Pyamour, John
(1380-1431) (Great Britain)
(1360-1420) (Great Britain)
(1332-1390) (France)