Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra (Moscow)

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Boris Godunov - E.Nesterenko, Pimen - A.Babykin, Impostor under the name of Grigory - V.Atlantov, Marina Mnishek - E.Obraztsova, Rangoni - Y.Mazurok, Varlaam - A.Eisen, Mistress of the tavern - L.Nikitina, The Fool - A.Maslennikov. 1985 ã

Boris Godunov - Ivan Petrov, Shuisky - Georgy Shulpin, Pimen - Mark Reshetin, Grigory Otrepiev - Vladimir Ivanovsky, Marina Mnishek - Irina Arkhipova, Varlaam - Alexei Geleva. Recorded in 1962

2007. Starring: Boris Godunov - Mikhail Kazakov, Shuisky - Maxim Paster, Pimen - Nikolai Zimnenko, The Impostor - Roman Muravitsky, Marina Mnishek - Marianna Tarasova, The Fool - Vitaly Panfilov, Shchelkalov - Yuri Laptev, Rangoni - Peter Migunov.

Performers: Boris Godunov - A. Pirogov, Ksenia - E. Kruglikova, Fedor - B. Zlatogorova, Ksenia`s Mother - E. Verbitskaya, Shuisky - N. Khanaev, Shchelkalov - I. Bogdanov, Grigory Otrepiev, aka the Pretender - G .Nelepp, Pimen - M. Mikhailov, Fool - I. Kozlovsky, Marina Mnishek - M. Maksakova, Varlaam - V. Lubentsov, Misail - V. Yakushenko, Tavern owner - A. Turchina, Bailiff - S. Krasovsky and others. Choir and orchestra of the State Academic Bolshoi Theater. Conductor Nikolai Golovanov. Record

March 1948. Chorus and orc. Bolshoi Theater. Dir. Nikolai Golovanov. Mark Reisen (Godunov), Bronislava Zlatogorova (Fedor, his son), Elena Kruglikova (Ksenia), Evg.Verbitskaya (mamka), Nikander Khanaev (Shuisky), Ilya Bogdanov (Shchelkalov), Max.Mikhailov (Pimen), Georg.Knapp (The Impostor), Maria Maksakova (Marina Mnishek), you.Lubentsov (Varlaam), you.Yakushenko (Misail), Alexandra Turchina (shinkarka), Ivan Kozlovsky (the fool), Serg. Krasovsky (bailiff), Alexander Peregudov (Khrushchev), Iv

May 1-10, 1963, Moscow. George London sings in Russian with the Bolshoi Theater team. Conductor A.Melik-Pashayev. See the list of performers in the comments.

Record of 1949. Apparently the most complete performance, including a scene `Under the Croms` (in the final).

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