
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Chorale prelude `Vor deinen Thron tret` ich hiermit`, BWV 668
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Chorale Prelude `Wir glauben all`an einen Gott, Schopfer`, BWV 680
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Chorale Preludes: I. `Orgelbuchlein` (exerpts), BWV 599-644
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Dies sind die heil`gen zehn Gebot, BWV 678
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Goldberg-Variations (1741-1742), BWV 988
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Passacaglia and Fugue for Organ in c-moll, BWV 582
Bach, Johann Sebastian - The Art of the Fugue, BWV 1080
Bevin, Elway - Browning à 3
Byrd, William - Constant Penelope
Byrd, William - Content is Rich
Byrd, William - Fantasia a4 (III)
Byrd, William - Fantasia a6 (II)
Byrd, William - Fantasia a6 (III)
Byrd, William - Galliard a 6
Byrd, William - My mind to me a kingdom is, Sonnets and pastorals
Byrd, William - My Mistress had a little dog
Byrd, William - O Lord, bow down thine heav`nly eyes
Byrd, William - O lord, how vain
Byrd, William - O you that hear this voice, Sonnets and Pastorals
Byrd, William - Out of the Orient Crystal Skies
Byrd, William - Pavan a 6
Byrd, William - The funeral songs of that honourable Gent., Sir Phillip Sidney, Knight: ¹ 2 `O that most rare breast`
Byrd, William - Truth at the first
Byrd, William - While Phoebus Us`d to Dwell
Dowland, John - Songs from the collection `A Pilgrimes Solace` (1612): No. 9, Go nightly cares
Dowland, John - Songs from the collection `A Pilgrimes Solace` (1612): No.11, Lasso vita mia
Dowland, John - Songs from the collection `A Pilgrimes Solace` (1612): No.12, In this trembling shadow
Dowland, John - The First Booke of Songs or Ayres (1597): ¹ 9 `Go crystal tears`
Dowland, John - The First Booke of Songs or Ayres (1597): ¹21 `Away with these self-loving lads`
Parsons, Robert - In Nomine IV a 7
Parsons, Robert - In Nomine V a 7
Purcell, Henry - Fantasia I for 3 viols, Z 732
Purcell, Henry - Fantasia II for 3 viols, Z 733
Purcell, Henry - Fantasia III for 3 viols, Z 734
Purcell, Henry - Fantasia IV for 4 viols g-moll, Z 735
Purcell, Henry - Fantasia IX for 4 viols a-moll, Z 740
Purcell, Henry - Fantasia V for 4 viols Â-dur, Z 736
Purcell, Henry - Fantasia VI for 4 viols F-dur, Z 737
Purcell, Henry - Fantasia VII for 4 viols c-moll, Z 738
Purcell, Henry - Fantasia VIII for 4 viols d-moll, Z 739
Purcell, Henry - Fantasia X for 4 viols e-moll, Z 741
Purcell, Henry - Fantasia XI for 4 viols G-dur, Z 742
Purcell, Henry - Fantasia XII for 4 viols d-moll, Z 743
Purcell, Henry - Fantasy for Five Violas F-dur, Z 745
Purcell, Henry - In nomine g-moll, Z 747
Purcell, Henry - In nomine g-moll, Z 746
Roberday, Francois - Fugue 11e
Roberday, Francois - Fugue 8e et Caprice sur le mesme sujet
Roberday, Francois - Fugue 9e et Caprice sur le mesme sujet

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