The Hilliard Ensemble

Anonymous, - 13th century)
Anonymous, - 16th century. Cancionero de Upsala (Spain): 14.Si la noche haze escura
Arne, Thomas Augustine - Elegy on the death of Mr. Shenstone
Arne, Thomas Augustine - To soften care
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Motet `Der Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf`, BWV 226
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Motet `Fürchte dich nicht`, BWV 228
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Motet `Ich lasse dich nicht, du segnest mich denn`, BWV Anh. 159
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Motet `Jesu mein Freude`, BWV 227
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Motet `Komm, Jesu, komm`, BWV 229
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Motet `Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden`, BWV 230
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Motet `Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied`, BWV 225
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Partita for Violin Solo No.2 in d-moll (Chaconne), BWV 1004/5
Barnby, Joseph - Sweet and Low
Brescia, Provost of - O spirito genti, Ballad
Byrd, William - Ave verum corpus
Byrd, William - Mass for five voices
Byrd, William - Mass for Four Voices
Byrd, William - Mass for Three Voices
Byttering, - En Katerine solennia a 3, motet
Byttering, - Nesciens mater a 3, motet
Cooke, John - Ave regina a 3, motet
Cooke, John - Stella celi a 3, motet
Croix, Pierre de la - Amours qui se me maistrie / Solem iustitie / Solem, motet
Damett, Thomas - Beata Dei genitrix a 3, motet
Damett, Thomas - Salve porta paradisi a 3, motet
Dufay, Guillaume - Gloria ad modum tubae
Dufay, Guillaume - Vergene bella, che di sol vestita
Encina, Juan del - Mas vale trocar
Forest, - Ascendit Christus a 3, motet
Forest, - Qualis est dilectus a 3, motet
Francesconi, Luca - `Gesualdo considered as a murderer`, opera (2004)
Gesualdo, Carlo - Psalm 51 (Vulgata) `Miserere`
Hermann von Reichenau, - Salve Regina
Josquin Desprez, - Chanson `Mille regretz` (A thousand regrets)
Josquin Desprez, - Motet `Absalon, fili mi`
Josquin Desprez, - Petite camusette, chanson
Lason, Aleksander - `Called Back` for vocal ensemble and chamber orchestra
Lassus, Orlando de - Fleur de quinze ans, chanson (a 4)
Lawes, William - Song `She weepeth sore in the night`
Machaut, Guillaume de - Rondeau R14 `Ma fin est mon commencement`
Machaut, Guillaume de - Rondeau R18 `Puisqu`en oubli`
Oliver, - Agnus Dei a 3
Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da - Canticum canticorum, cycle of 29 motets (1584)
Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da - Stanze sopra la Vergine
Part, Arvo - Da pacem Domine, for mixed choir and a cappella soloists (2004)
Part, Arvo - Miserere (Psalm 50), for soloist, choir and ensemble (1989)
Part, Arvo - On the Rivers of Babylon (An den Wassern zu Babel), for soloists or choir and organ or ensemble (1976/1984)
Paullet, - J`aim. Qui? Vous. Moy!
Pearsall, Robert Lucas - O Who Will O`er the Downs So Free for SATB, with piano
Pearsall, Robert Lucas - There is a Paradise on Earth, song for Alto, Tenor, 2 Bass, with piano accompaniment
Pennard, - Credo a 4
Pisano, Bernardo - Madrigal `Che Debb`io Far?`
Pisano, Bernardo - Madrigal `Chiare, Fresche Et Dolci Acque`
Pisano, Bernardo - Madrigal `Ne La Stagion`
Pisano, Bernardo - Madrigal `Nova Angeletta`
Pisano, Bernardo - Madrigal `Or Vedi, Amor`
Pisano, Bernardo - Madrigal `Sí È Debile Il Filo`
Power, Leonel - Beata progenies a 3, motet
Power, Leonel - Credo a 3
Power, Leonel - Sanctus a 3
Pycard, - Gloria a 4
Queldryk, - Gloria a 4
Radulescu, Horatiu - Cinerum, op.108
Ravenscroft, Thomas - There were three ravens
Saint Victor, Godfrey of - Planctus ante nescia
Sancto Johanne, Matheus de - Are post libamina / Nunc surgunt in populo (motet)
Schubert, Franz - 4 Gesänge for men`s choir a cappella, D 983
Schubert, Franz - Quartet `Gesang der Geister uber den Wassern`, D 538
Schubert, Franz - Quintet for Male Chorus `Sehnsucht`, D 656
Schubert, Franz - Quintet `Mondenschein`, D 875
Schutz, Heinrich - Schwanengesang (1671): ¹ 13 `Meine Seele erhebt den Herren` (Deutsches Magnificat), SWV 494
Sciarrino, Salvatore - Responsorio delle tenebre for six voices (2001)
Tormis, Veljo - Kullervo`s Message (1994/2006)
Urrede, Juan de - Nunca fué pena mayor, Song (Never was there greater pain) (1470)
Wycombe, Willelmo de - Alleluya: Dies sanctificatus, motet for three voices
Wycombe, Willelmo de - Sumer is icumen in

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