Melos Archaion Ensemble
Athenaeus, -
The first hymn of Apollo at Delphi (c. 138 BC)
Crete, Mesomedes -
Hymn to Helios
Crete, Mesomedes -
Hymn to Nemesis
Crete, Mesomedes -
Hymn to the Muse
Euripides, Salamis -
A piece of music first antistrophe of the tragedy `Orestes» (III c. BC)
Limenius, -
The second hymn of Apollo at Delphi (Limenius; c. 128 BC)
Marcello, Benedetto -
Homer Hymn to Demetra (1724)
Pindar, Boeotia -
First Pythian Ode
Sappho, -
Sappho`s Wedding Hymn (Epithalamion)
Seikilos, -
Seikilos epitaph (ca. 100-200 AD)