Moscow Conservatory Chamber Choir
Arzoumanov, Valery -
Sermon on the Mount (Sermon de la Montagne) for violin and mixt choir, op.114
Babintsev, Maxim -
“Let me be killed on the damned day of war” for mixed choir, lyrics by E. Nezhintsev
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Màss in h-moll, BWV 232
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Parts of compositions
Balakirev, Mily -
Thy mouth, Troparion St. John Chrysostom tune of Valaam Monastery, BM.155
Bantock, Granville -
Evening was lost her throne
Bartok, Bela -
Three Rural Scene for female choir and chamber ensemble, BB 87b
Beethoven, Ludwig van -
Fantasia for Piano, Chorus and Orchestra in c-moll, op. 80
Bortniansky, Dmitriy -
Concerto No.16 `Lift Thee, my God, my King`
Bortniansky, Dmitriy -
Concerto ¹ 15 `Come, Let us sing, ye people`
Bortniansky, Dmitriy -
Concerto ¹ 24 `Lifted up my eyes`
Bortniansky, Dmitriy -
Concerto ¹ 30 `Hear, O God, my voice`
Bortniansky, Dmitriy -
Reche Gospod, Russian sacred music
Butsko, Yuri -
The Canon of the Angel Terrible (2009)
Denisov, Edison -
`The arrival of spring` Five Pieces for mixed chorus (1984)
Desyatnikov, Leonid -
`The Gift` Cantata for tenor, male chorus and instrumental ensemble (Verses by G. Derzhavin), 1981
Elgar, Edward -
Good morrow. 1929
Elgar, Edward -
Serenade. 1914
Elgar, Edward -
The Prince of Sleep. 1923
Elgar, Edward -
There is Sweet Music, for unaccompanied choir, lyrics by A.Tennison (1907)
Elgar, Edward -
They are at Rest, Elegy for chorus to the verses of Cardinal Newman (1909)
Eshpai, Andrey -
Three choruses on poems by Arthur Rimbaud (2003)
Eshpai, Andrey -
`Memories` (`Quiet River`) for mixed choir, unaccompanied
Fleishman, Veniamin -
Rotshild Violin, Opera
Glinka, Mikhail -
The Cherubic Hymn, CG 91
Golovanov, Nikolai -
Doors of Mercy
Golovanov, Nikolai -
When thou didst snizshel death
Grieg, Edvard -
Romances and Songs (a word X. K.Andersen 1864), op.18
Grieg, Edvard -
Song `Ave, maris stella` (1898), EG 150b
Gubaidulina, Sofia -
`Now Always Snow` (`Jetzt immer Schnee`) for chamber ensemble and chamber choir based on poems by G. Aiga (in 5 parts) (1993)
Ippolitov-Ivanov, Michail -
Pythagoreans Hymn to the Rising Sun, for choir, 10 flutes, two harps and organ (1901), op. 39
Kalinnikov, Viktor -
The Cherubic Hymn No.1
Kikta, Valeriy -
The Return of Saint Cecilia, a concerto for mixed chorus, treble, harp, organ and percussion
Komissarov, Andrei -
What a Beautiful World, poems by I. Bunin
Ledenyov, Roman -
Choral diptych `Happiness`
Ledenyov, Roman -
Paris Note, Choral Cycle to words of Russian poets-emigrants
Lyadov, Anatoliy -
Ten transcriptions of the everyday life, op. 61
Messiaen, Olivier -
Cinq Rechants pour 12 parties vocales reelles (1948)
Messiaen, Olivier -
`O Sacrum Convivium`, motet for Holy Communion (1937)
Podgaits, Efrem -
`Lacrimosa` (2001, 2002, 2011)
Podgaits, Efrem -
`Laughing Saves` triptych for chorus and piano (poem by N. Delalande) (2022)
Podgaits, Efrem -
`Prayer to the Moon` for a capella choir on African texts (2009)
Podgaits, Efrem -
`Russian Bouquet` cantata for choral theater and piano (2010)
Ponomarev, Vladimir -
`Pushkin`s Groves`, choral cycle on poems by Dmitry Kedrin.
Poteyenko, Yuri -
`Sea Dogs` Game Soundtrack (1999)
Rachmaninov, Sergei -
Italian Polka, TN 21
Rachmaninov, Sergei -
`Panteley the healer` for mixed choir a capella e-moll (1899), TN 63
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay -
Vzyde Bog, the verse on Ascension, op.posth 10
Sakhnovskiy, Yuriy -
The Cherubic Hymn
Salmanov, Vadim -
'Swan' Concerto for Choir (1966)
Samonov, Anatoly -
A Flower, for female choir, poem by A, Pushkin
Samonov, Anatoly -
Cloud, for female choir, poem by A. Pushkin
Samonov, Anatoly -
Poem of the Unknown Soldier
Samonov, Anatoly -
Sorry, Faithful Oaks, for female choir, poem by A. Pushkin
Shahidi, Tolib Shahidi -
Two poems for chorus, mezzo-soprano and bass for words Byron and Rumi (2013)
Shahidi, Tolib Shahidi -
`Metaphors for the Kreutzer Sonata` for choir and piano (2019)
Shchedrin, Rodion -
4 choir by words of A.Voznesensky (1971), op. 48
Shchedrin, Rodion -
Choral works
Shchedrin, Rodion -
Concertino for mixed choir (1982), op. 63
Shchedrin, Rodion -
Russian folk proverbs for mixed choir a cappella (2017)
Shchedrin, Rodion -
` A Woman Washed Underwear` for chorus a cappella (words by I. Lyapin. 1975), op. 55
Shchedrin, Rodion -
`Mass of remembrance`, for chorus a capella in memory of Maya Plisetskaya (2018), op.151
Shchedrin, Rodion -
`Slow Evening` for choir (words by E. Limonov) (2020)
Shchedrin, Rodion -
`Willow, my little willow` vocalize for mixed chorus, 1954, op. 3
Shchedrin, Rodion -
`` It`s time, my friend, it`s time to `` (lyrics by A. Pushkin), op. 1, ¹1
Sidelnikov, Nikolay -
Cantata `Sacred conversations` (1975)
Sidelnikov, Nikolay -
Death of the Poet, Oratorio
Smirnova, Tatyana -
`Concerto` for mixed choir on the canonical texts (In Memory of parents) , 1989., op. 72 ¹ 1
Taneyev, Sergey -
12 choirs a cappella on the poems of Polonsky (1909), op. 27
Taneyev, Sergey -
2 duets for 2 basses & piano (1879): No. 2 `Fantastic shadows grow, grow`, ST. 32/2
Taneyev, Sergey -
Cherubic Hymn for mixed choir (1880), ST. 41
Tavener, John -
As One Who Has Slept (1996)
Tavener, John -
I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills
Tavener, John -
Ikon of the Nativity (1991)
Tavener, John -
Love bade me welcome (1985)
Tavener, John -
Song for Athene (1993)
Tavener, John -
Svyati, for Cello and Choir (1995)
Tavener, John -
The Lamb (1982)
Tavener, John -
Three Antiphons (1995)
Tavener, John -
Today the Virgin (1989)
Tavener, John -
Two Hymns to the Mother of God (1985)
Viskov, Anton -
Bunin Triptych. For a mixed choir. Poems by I. Bunin
Volkov, Kirill -
My Quiet Homeland, poems by N. Rubtsov. 1984
Volkov, Kirill -
The four sonnets of William Shakespeare for mixed choir (2006-2009)
Volkov, Kirill -
`The Word` - Cantata for chorus, unaccompanied by texts from Slovo o Polku Igoreve (1985)
Vorontsov, Yuriy -
`Revelation`, Concerto for Choir (ed. 2005)
Zuev, Vyacheslav -
`Choir koncert`