Chanticleer (USA)
Purcell, Henry -
Full Anthem `Hear my prayer, O Lord` (before 1683), Z 15
Purcell, Henry -
Full Anthem `Remember not, O Lord, our offences`, Z 50
Purcell, Henry -
Hymn `Now that the Sun hath veil`d his Light` (1688), Z 193, Z 193
Purcell, Henry -
Verse Anthem `I was glad when they said unto me` (c. 1682–83), Z 19
Purcell, Henry -
Verse Anthem `My heart is inditing` (1685), Z 30
Purcell, Henry -
Verse Anthem `Praise the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me` (c. 1682–85), Z 47
Purcell, Henry -
Verse Anthem `Rejoice in the Lord alway` (c. 1682–85), Z 49
Sumaya, Manuel de -
Albricias mortales
Sumaya, Manuel de -
Celebren publiquen, villancico (1740s?)
Sumaya, Manuel de -
Hieremiae Prophetae Lamentationes (1717)
Sumaya, Manuel de -
Sol-fa de Pedro (1715)
Tavener, John -
Lamentations and Praises (2000)