The Julian Bream Consort
Allison, Richard -
Alison`s Knell
Allison, Richard -
De la Tromba Pavin
Allison, Richard -
Goe from my Window
Allison, Richard -
The Bachelar`s Delight
Anonymous, -
16th Century
Anonymous, -
English Folk Songs
Bacheler, Daniel -
Daniel`s Almain
Byrd, William -
Dowland, John -
Lachrimae Pavan, P. 15
Dowland, John -
Songs from the collection `A Pilgrimes Solace` (1612): No. 9, Go nightly cares
Dowland, John -
The First Booke of Songs or Ayres (1597): ¹ 5 `Can she excuse my wrongs`
Dowland, John -
The First Booke of Songs or Ayres (1597): ¹ 6 `Now, O now, I needs must part` = `The Frog Galliard`
Morley, Thomas -
The Sacred End Pavin and Galliard
Morley, Thomas -
Thirsis and Milla
Nicholson, Richard -
The Jewes Dance
Philips, Peter -
Pavan in G major (1580)
Strogers, Nicholas -
In Nomine Pavine