Taverner Consort and Players
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Cantata `Christ lag in Todesbanden` (1708-08, 1724-25), BWV 4
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Cantata `Lobet Gott in seinen Reichen` (Oratorio for Ascension Day), BWV 11
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Cantata `Nun ist das Heil und die Kraft` (fragment), BWV 50
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Màss in h-moll, BWV 232
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Oster-Oratorium `Kommt eilet und laufet` (1725, 1732/35), BWV 249
Handel, George Frideric -
Oratorio `Israel in Egypt`, HWV 54
Handel, George Frideric -
Psalm `Dixit Dominus` for soloists, choir and orchestra g-moll, HWV 232
Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da -
Stabat Mater, a 8
Purcell, Henry -
Birthday ode for Queen Mary `Come Ye Sons of Art` (1694), Z 323
Purcell, Henry -
Full Anthem `In the midst of life, hymn` (before 1682), Z 17
Purcell, Henry -
Full Anthem `Man that is born of a woman` (c. 1680–82), Z 27
Purcell, Henry -
Music for the Funeral of Queen Mary (1695) Z 860 / Z 27 / Z 17 / Z 58c, Z 860 / Z 27 / Z 17 / Z 58c
Purcell, Henry -
Ode for St. Cecilia`s Day `Welcome to all the pleasures` (1683), Z 339
Purcell, Henry -
Ode `Hail, Bright Cecilia` for Soloists, Chorus, Orchestra and Basso Continuo (1692), Z 328
Purcell, Henry -
Verse Anthem `Thou knowest, Lord, the secrets of our hearts` (1687), Z 58
Vivaldi, Antonio -
Concerto for 2 violins, 2 oboes, strings and basso continuo `Per la Solennita di S. Lorenzo` in C major, RV556
Vivaldi, Antonio -
Concerto for flute, strings and basso continuo `La notte` in G minor, RV439 (op.10/2)
Vivaldi, Antonio -
Concerto for violin, 2 oboes, 2 flutes, bassoon, strings and basso continuo `Per l`Orchestra di Dresda` in G minor, RV577
Vivaldi, Antonio -
Gloria in D-dur for Soli, Choir, Orchestra and basso continuo, RV589