Studio for New Music Soloists Ensemble
Afanasov, Oleg -
String Quartet
Babintsev, Maxim -
Planets of Life, for 9 tools (2019)
Babintsev, Maxim -
`Angel or Demon` for violin, viola and cello (2016)
Babintsev, Maxim -
`Astral threads`, antrocosmology for 11 instruments
Babintsev, Maxim -
`L`assurdità e la verità` for 12 instruments
Babintsev, Maxim -
`The Secret`, bagatelle for violin, flute and piano (2015)
Baiterekov, Sanzhar -
Architectonics of Meditation, for ensemble (2014)
Baiterekov, Sanzhar -
Architectonics of Meditations
Baiterekov, Sanzhar -
`El Nino` for ensemble
Baiterekov, Sanzhar -
`Halo` version for five performers
Besogonov, Andrey -
Electra Aura
Besogonov, Andrey -
mind cage 2
Besogonov, Andrey -
The Universe 26 (2015)
Bobylev, Leonid -
Incomplete Bagatelles
Bobylev, Leonid -
Poco a poco, for Cello and Chamber Orchestra
Bobylev, Leonid -
Post auditum, for Piano and Chamver Orchestra
Bodrov, Kuzma Aleksandrovich -
Airplane, for ensemble (2014)
Denisov, Edison -
String Trio (1969)
Denisov, Edison -
`Romantic Music` for oboe, harp and string trio (1968)
Dorokhov, Georgy -
Nazino Island. Memorial for 14 Performers (2011)
Dorokhov, Georgy -
String Trio
Druzhinina, Anastasiya -
Franceschini, Matteo -
La grammatica del soffio, for Basset horn and orchestra
Frid, Grigory -
String Quartet ¹5 (1977)
Furrer, Beat -
Nuun, concerto for two pianos and orchestra (1995-1996)
Gubaidulina, Sofia -
Reflections on the theme B-A-C-H for string quartet (2002)
Gushchyan, Arman -
stillhoerig (2013) for 13 instruments
Herve, Jean-Luc -
Au Dehors for clarinet, piano, violin and cello
Ismagilov, Timur -
`EDES ...` for flute, clarinet, violin, cello and prepared piano (2007)
Kapyrin, Dmitri -
Le chant des morts - Vocal cycle for soprano and chamber orchestra. Text: Pierre Reverdy
Kapyrin, Dmitri -
Lullaby for the Past
Kapyrin, Dmitri -
Kapyrin, Dmitri -
Quiet Waves of Time
Karaev, Faradzh -
Der Stand der Dinge
Karaev, Faradzh -
Hommage a Alexei Lubimov. Musique de Claude Debussy, poesie de Stephane Mallarme
Karaev, Faradzh -
Synthesis. A.Lurie (1914) - F.Karaev (2010)
Karaev, Faradzh -
Tale of Tales or Yesterday`s Tomorrow
Karaev, Faradzh -
Three Bagatelles for Piano and Five Instruments (2003)
Karpenko, Katerina -
Symphogramma The War and Peace
Kasparov, Yuri -
Angel of Disasters
Kasparov, Yuri -
Five photographs of the invisible to 6 performers
Khrust, Nikolay -
Awe (2004/2005) for flute and ensemble
Khrust, Nikolay -
Decaying Street (2006) for baritone and large ensemble
Khrust, Nikolay -
Eugenics I. Italian Concerto
Khrust, Nikolay -
Eugenics II. Roads and Byways
Khrust, Nikolay -
Prometheus. Sliding time (2004/2005) for soprano and ensemble on poems by Ralph Gunther Monschau
Khubeyev, Alexander -
Study for new music, for Ensemble (2014)
Kilin, Andrey -
,Musica affanatta , concertina for piano and chamber ensemble
Kilin, Andrey -
String Quartet
Kourliandski, Dmitri -
Several Readings, for Accordion and Seven Musicians
Krutik, Mikhail -
Wet Pushkin for violin, flute and piano
Ligeti, Gyorgy -
Concerto for Violin and Orchestra
Moustoukis, Andreas -
Murail, Tristan -
L`Esprit des dunes for ensemble (1993-94)
Musaev, Balasagyn -
Koz irmemder I
Musaev, Balasagyn -
Koz irmemder II
Musaev, Balasagyn -
Koz irmemder IV
Musaev, Balasagyn -
Musaev, Balasagyn -
Nadzharov, Alex -
Pareidolia, for ensemble (2014)
Newski, Sergej -
2013 for ensemble (Memory of the composer Georgy Dorokhov)
Ozerskaya, Olga -
Galaxies, for 14 Performers
Ozerskaya, Olga -
Rainbow, for Eight Performers
Ozerskaya, Olga -
Sketches for String Quartet. In the Gorge. Mountain Spring
Ozerskaya, Olga -
The Breath, for Two Violins and Viola
Paiberdin, Oleg -
Vox, for ensemble
Pauset, Brice -
Four Variations, for six instruments (2007)
Pauset, Brice -
Les Voix humaines, for Clarinet, Piano and String Trio (2006)
Popov, Alexander -
Singing Fish for Violin, Cello and Piano
Prokopenko, Natalia -
Dusk Rays for chamber ensemble and electronics (2018)
Radvilovich, Aleksandr -
Leaving in the fog
Rannev, Vladimir -
Error. Try again
Rannev, Vladimir -
Three Lines for Voice and 15 Instruments (Step, by A. Chekhov)
Reich, Steve -
You are (Variations), for chorus, four pianos and ensemble
Romitelli, Fausto -
An Index of Metals
Roslavets, Nikolay -
Chamber Symphony No.1
Schnittke, Alfred -
Cantata `Songs of War and Peace` for soprano, mixed choir and symphony orchestra (words by A. Leontiev and A. Pokrovsky) (1959)
Sciarrino, Salvatore -
Introduzione all `oscuro for 12 instruments (1981)
Shchedrin, Rodion -
Three Shepherds for flute, oboe and clarinet (1990)
Sofronow, Fedor -
`Pierrot and His Shadow` (2014)
Sysoev, Alexey -
Plankton Songs, for Ensemble (2013)
Tarnopolsky, Vladimir -
Tarnopolsky, Vladimir -
Foucault"s Pendulum for chamber orchestra
Tarnopolsky, Vladimir -
Perpetuum Moebius
Tejera, Januibe -
Hors Cadre for saxophone, piano, violin and cello (2023)
Timofeev, Alexander -
Fantasme for Orchestra, chamber version
Umansky, Kirill -
String Quartet (2009)
Umansky, Kirill -
`Long and Short Lines` for 2 Cellos (2004)
Vorontsov, Yuriy -
Amulet (2006)
Vorontsov, Yuriy -
Buffatore (2011)
Vorontsov, Yuriy -
Vorontsov, Yuriy -
`32` (2012) for Violin, Clarinet and Piano
Vorontsov, Yuriy -
`Aquagrafica` for ensemble (2011)
Vorontsov, Yuriy -
`Drift` for ensemble (2012)
Vorontsov, Yuriy -
`Status quo`
Weinberg, Mieczysław -
Sinfonietta No. 2 (1960), op. 74
Wustin, Alexander -
Credo for ensemble (2004)
Wustin, Alexander -
Spem in alium for piano, voices (violas, basses) and ensemble based on a text from a motet by T. Tallis (2002)
Wustin, Alexander -
Veni Sancte Spiritus for choir, percussion and ensemble (1999)
Wustin, Alexander -
`In Memory of Boris Klusner` for voice, violin, viola, cello and double bass, to a text by Yu. Olesha (1977)
Wustin, Alexander -
`Offering` for the ensemble (2004)
Wustin, Alexander -
`Post Scriptum` for the ensemble (2019)
Wustin, Alexander -
`The Wind` for choir and instrumental ensemble based on poems by A. Blok from the poem `Twelve` (2012)
Wustin, Alexander -
`Theater` for voice (mezzo-soprano) and ensemble based on poems by D. Shchedrovitsky (2006)
Wyschnegradsky, Ivan -
Composition for String Quartet, op.43
Zhukov, Sergey -