Eparchial Male Choir of Saratov Ecclesiastical Province
Bortniansky, Dmitriy -
Concerto ¹ 15 `Come, Let us sing, ye people`
Chesnokov, Pavel -
God Is with Us, op.40¹6
Chesnokov, Pavel -
Sunday dogmatist of the 5th voice `In the darkness of the sea`. Znamenny chant, op. 9¹16
Chesnokov, Pavel -
The cycle `In days of battle` . `O Sweet and All-Euthan Jesus`, op.45¹2
Degtyarev, Stepan -
Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel
Degtyarev, Stepan -
Idiomelon (samoglasen) of the Pentecost (The Descent of the Holy Spirit)
Gohman, Elena -
And I`ll give him the morning star ...
Grechaninov, Alexander -
Sea Wave, Choral Concerto, op. 19
Kalinnikov, Viktor -
Hymns of the Eucharistic Canon
Kalinnikov, Viktor -
I go from thy spirit
Kalistratov, Valeriy -
Fragments from the oratorio `Transformation`
Kastalsky, Alexandr -
Great Thanksgiving No. 2
Kastalsky, Alexandr -
Lesser Thanksgiving
Kastalsky, Alexandr -
Lord, I cry, The voice of the eighth, The znamenny chant
Kastalsky, Alexandr -
Nyne otpushchaeshi
Kirzin, Nikifor (Igumen) -
I`ll go out at night in the field with a horse
Kotogarov, Maxim -
Praise the name of the Lord. Serbian melody.
Ledkovky, Boris -
Praise the Lord from the Heavens
Mormyl, Matthew (archimandrite) -
Axion Estin, by the Tsar Feodor
Nikolsky, Alexander -
From my youth
Trubachev, Sergey -
Lesser Thanksgiving
Trubachev, Sergey -
The Cross, the Keeper of the Whole Universe
Trubachev, Sergey -
The light of the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord `Shine unchanging, the Word ...`, is similar to `Wives hear `. Znamenny chant.
Trubachev, Sergey -
`Brothers, let this be wise in you. ` From the Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Phillippians