The Baltimore Consort
Anonymous, -
16th Century
Anonymous, -
17th century Music from the collections of John Playford (England)
Anonymous, -
Sepharad. Songs of the Spanish Jews.
Encina, Juan del -
Cucu, cucu, cucucu
Encina, Juan del -
Hoy comamos y bebamos
Encina, Juan del -
Levanta, Pascual
Encina, Juan del -
Qu`es de ti, desconsolado?
Encina, Juan del -
Una sanosa porfia
Encina, Juan del -
`Baila, nena`
Flecha, Mateo -
Riu, riu, chiu, villansico
Negri, Cesare -
La catena d`Amore (The Chain of Love)
Ortiz, Diego -
Recercada segunda sobre tenore el passamezzo moderno, 5.2
Pisador, Diego -
`La mañana de Sant Juan`, romance, 08
Playford, John -
A Scots Rant
Playford, John -
A Trip to Killburn
Playford, John -
All in a Garden Green
Playford, John -
An Italian Rant
Playford, John -
Jenny Pluck Pears
Playford, John -
John Come Kiss Me Now
Playford, John -
Lull Me Beyond Thee
Playford, John -
Merry, Merry Milkmaids
Playford, John -
Playford, John -
Parsons Farewell
Playford, John -
The Beautiful Shepherdess of Arcadia (tune of The Sheperd`s Daughter or Parson Upon Dorothy)
Playford, John -
The Famous Ratcatcher (tune of Tom a Bedlam or The Jovial Tinker)
Playford, John -
The Joviall Broome Man (tune of Jamaica)
Playford, John -
The Mulberry Garden
Ravenscroft, Thomas -
Remember, O Thou Man, song (a 4)
Torre, Francisco de la -
Danza alta (II)