Oxford Camerata

Anonymous, - Medieval Carol: England, 15th Century - Ave Maria
Anonymous, - Medieval Carol: England, 15th Century - What tidings bringest thou?
Byrd, William - Mass for Four Voices
Dufay, Guillaume - Mass `L`homme armé`
Flecha, Mateo - Riu, riu, chiu
Gombert, Nicolas - Credo in unum Deum
Gombert, Nicolas - Epitaphium (in Josquinum a Prato)
Gombert, Nicolas - Madia vita in morte sumus
Gombert, Nicolas - Magnificat 5
Gombert, Nicolas - Salve Regina
Gombert, Nicolas - Super flumina Babilonis
Gombert, Nicolas - Tulerunt Dominum meum
Hildegard fon Bingen, - Ave, generosa
Hildegard fon Bingen, - Kyrie
Hildegard fon Bingen, - Laus Trinitati
Hildegard fon Bingen, - O Euchari
Hildegard fon Bingen, - O ignis spiritus Paracliti (Sequence)
Hildegard fon Bingen, - O Pastor Animarum
Hildegard fon Bingen, - O presul vere civitatis
Hildegard fon Bingen, - O vigra mediartix (Alleluia-Antiphon)
Hildegard fon Bingen, - O virga ac diadema
Hildegard fon Bingen, - O viridissima virga
Machaut, Guillaume de - Ballade B32 `Plourez, dames`
Machaut, Guillaume de - Ballade B33 `Nes que on porroit`
Machaut, Guillaume de - Dix et sept, cinc, trese, Rondo R17
Machaut, Guillaume de - L13 Le lay de bonne esperance: Longuement me sui
Machaut, Guillaume de - Messe de Nostre Dame
Machaut, Guillaume de - Rondeau R18 `Puisqu`en oubli`
Machaut, Guillaume de - Sans cuer, dolens, Rondo R4
Purcell, Henry - Full Anthem `O God, Thou art my God` (c. 1680–82), Z 35
Purcell, Henry - Full Anthem ` Lord, how long wilt Thou be angry?` (c. 1680–82), Z 25
Purcell, Henry - Full Anthem `Blow up the trumpet in Sion` (before 1679), Z 10
Purcell, Henry - Full Anthem `Hear my prayer, O Lord` (before 1683), Z 15
Purcell, Henry - Full Anthem `O God, the king of glory` (before 1679), Z 34
Purcell, Henry - Full Anthem `O God, thou hast cast us out` (c. 1680–82), Z 36
Purcell, Henry - Full Anthem `Remember not, O Lord, our offences`, Z 50
Purcell, Henry - Full Anthem, `I will sing unto the Lord` (before 1679), Z 22
Purcell, Henry - Jehova, quam multi sunt [hestes] (c. 1680), Z 135
Purcell, Henry - Music for the Funeral of Queen Mary (1695) Z 860 / Z 27 / Z 17 / Z 58c, Z 860 / Z 27 / Z 17 / Z 58c
Schutz, Heinrich - Kleine geistliche Konzerte I. No. 8 `Erhore mich, wenn ich dich rufe`, SWV 289
Schutz, Heinrich - Kleine geistliche Konzerte II. No. 5 `Ich liege und schlafe und erwache`, SWV 310
Schutz, Heinrich - Psalm 1 `Wohl dem, der nicht wandelt`, SWV 28
Schutz, Heinrich - Psalm 6 `Ach, Herr, straf mich nicht` (op.2, 1619), SWV 24
Schutz, Heinrich - Psalm 84/83 `Wie lieblich sind deine Wohnunge`, SWV 29, SWV 29
Schutz, Heinrich - Psalm 98 `Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied` SWV 35, SWV 35
Schutz, Heinrich - Psalm 103/102 `Lobe den Herren, meine Seele`, SWV 39, SWV 39
Schutz, Heinrich - Psalm 137/136 `An den Wassern zu Babel`, SWV 37, SWV 37
Schutz, Heinrich - Schwanengesang (1671): ¹ 13 `Meine Seele erhebt den Herren` (Deutsches Magnificat), SWV 494
Tomkins, Thomas - Vocal music: Above the stars my saviour dwells
Tomkins, Thomas - Vocal music: Almighty God, the fountain of all wisdom (anthem)
Tomkins, Thomas - Vocal music: Arise, O Lord God, lift up thine hand
Tomkins, Thomas - Vocal music: Behold, the hour cometh and now is
Tomkins, Thomas - Vocal music: Funeral Sentences
Tomkins, Thomas - Vocal music: Great and marvellous are thy works
Tomkins, Thomas - Vocal music: Magnificat
Tomkins, Thomas - Vocal music: My shepherd is the living Lord
Tomkins, Thomas - Vocal music: Nunc dimittis
Tomkins, Thomas - Vocal music: O sing unto the Lord a new song (anthem)
Tomkins, Thomas - Vocal music: Then David mourned (anthem)
Tomkins, Thomas - Vocal music: When David heard (anthem)


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