Orchestre de Paris

Alexander, Leni - Ils se sont perdus dans l`epace ètoile
Andre, Mark - Im Entschwinden, for Orchestra (2022)
Audran, Edmond - Gillette of Narbonne, operetta
Audran, Edmond - Uncle Celestin, opera-buff
Bartok, Bela - Opera `Bluebeard`s Castle`, BB 62
Bartok, Bela - Piano Concerto ¹ 2 in G-dur, BB101
Bartok, Bela - Violin Concerto ¹ 2, BB117
Beethoven, Ludwig van - Piano Concerto No.1 in C-dur (1795-98), op. 15
Beethoven, Ludwig van - Piano Concerto No.3 in c-moll (1800-02), op. 37
Beethoven, Ludwig van - Piano Concerto No.4 in G-dur (1805–1806), op. 58
Beethoven, Ludwig van - Symphony No. 6 in F-dur `Pastorale` (1807-08), op. 68
Berlioz, Hector - Cléopâtre, scène lyrique for soprano and orchestra (1829), H 36
Berlioz, Hector - La Marseillaise - arr. for tenor, chorus and orchestra (1830), H 51a
Berlioz, Hector - Opera `Béatrice et Bénédict` (1862), H138
Berlioz, Hector - Overture `Roman Carnival` (1844), op. 9 (H 95)
Berlioz, Hector - Rêverie et Caprice for violine and orchestra (piano) (1823), op. 8
Berlioz, Hector - Requiem for tenor, choir and orchestra (1837), op. 5
Berlioz, Hector - Symphonie fantastique (1830), op. 14
Berlioz, Hector - `Harold in Italy` - symphony for Viola and Orchestra (1834), op. 16
Berlioz, Hector - `La Damnation de Faust` - Dramatic Legend for Soloists, Chorus and Orchestra (1846), op. 24
Berlioz, Hector - `Roméo et Juliette`, symphonie dramatique for chorus, soloists and orchestra (1839), op. 17
Berlioz, Hector - `Te Deum` for tenor, 2 mixed chorus, boy`s choir, organ and orchestra (1848-1849; 1852, 1855), op. 22
Boulez, Pierre - Notations in 4 movements for symphony orchestra (1980)
Boulez, Pierre - Rituel in memoriam Bruno Maderna (1975) for large chamber ensemble in eight groups
Brahms, Johannes - Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in D-dur, Op. 77
Brahms, Johannes - Piano Concerto No.2 in B-dur (1881), Op. 83
Brahms, Johannes - Symphony No.1 in c-moll (1862-76), Op. 68
Bruch, Max - Concerto for Violin and Orchestra No.1 in g-moll, op. 26
Bruch, Max - `Kol Nidrei`, variations for Cello and Orchestra, op. 47
Bruckner, Anton - Symphony No. 9 in d-moll (1887-96), WAB.109
Chabrier, Emmanuel - Rhapsody `Spain` (1883)
Chausson, Ernest - Poème for violin and orchestra (1896), op. 25
Chin, Unsuk - Fanfare chimérique, for two ensembles of wind and brass with electronics (2010)
Chizy, Édith Canat de - Les Rayons du jour
Chopin, Frederic - Piano Concerto No.1 in e-moll (1830), Op. 11
Chopin, Frederic - Piano Concerto No.2 in f-moll (1829), Op. 21
Dalbavie, Marc-Andre - Ciaccona (2002)
Dalbavie, Marc-Andre - Color for orchestra (2001)
Debussy, Claude - Fantasy for Piano and Orchestra (1889-91), L 73
Debussy, Claude - Nocturnes for orchestra and Womens Choir (1897-99), L 91
Debussy, Claude - `La mer`, three symphonic sketches (1905), L 109
Debussy, Claude - `Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun` (`Prélude à l`après-midi d`un faune`), inspired by Mallarme`s poem (1892-94), L 86
Dukas, Paul - `The Sorcerer`s Apprentice` (`L`apprenti sorcier`) - symphonic scherzo for orchestra
Dusapin, Pascal - `Clam` (Solo ¹ 4) for orchestra (1998).
Dutilleux, Henri - Concerto for Cello and Orchestra `Tout un monde lointain` (1970)
Dvorak, Antonin - Symphonic Variations (1877), op. 78
Dvorak, Antonin - Symphony No.8 G-dur (1889), op. 88
d`Indy, Vincent - Symphonie sur un chant montagnard francais for piano and orchestra (1886), op. 25
Faure, Gabriel - Berceuse for Violine and Piano (1878/79), op. 16
Faure, Gabriel - Cantique de Jean Racine For the choir and orchestra in D-flat major, op. 11
Faure, Gabriel - Elegy for Cello and Piano, op. 24
Faure, Gabriel - Messe de Requiem, op. 48
Faure, Gabriel - Pavane, op. 50
Faure, Gabriel - `Super flumina Babylonis` - for Choir and Orchestra (1863)
Franck, Cesar - Nocturne for Voice and Piano (1884), FWV 85
Franck, Cesar - Symphonic poem `Le chasseur maudit`, FWV 44
Franck, Cesar - Symphonic poem `Psyche` for choir and orchestra (1887-88), FWV 47
Franck, Cesar - Symphony in D minor (1886-1888), FWV 48
Glazunov, Alexander - Minstrel`s Song for cello & orchestra (1900), op. 71
Hahn, Reynaldo - Opera `Mozart` (1925)
Hahn, Reynaldo - Operetta `Ô mon bel inconnu` (1932-33)
Hahn, Reynaldo - Operetta `Malvine` (1935)
Hindemith, Paul - Concerto for Viola and Orchestra `Der Schwanendreher` (1935)
Honegger, Arthur - Symphony N2 for string orchestra and pipes (1941), H153
Ives, Charles - `The Unanswered Question`, S. 50
Janacek, Leos - Glagolitic Mass (Glagolská mše), for soloists, double chorus, organ and orchestra (1926), JW 3/9
Janacek, Leos - `Taras Bulba` - Rhapsody for Orchestra (1915-1918), JW 6/15
Khachaturian, Aram - Concerto for Piano and Orchestra in Des-dur (1936), op. 38
Lalo, Edouard - Cello Concerto in d-moll (1877)
Lalo, Edouard - Scherzo for orchestra in d-moll
Lalo, Edouard - Symphonie Espagnole for Violin & Orchestra, op.21
Ligeti, Gyorgy - Lontano for large orchestra
Lindberg, Magnus - Piano Concerto No. 3 (2022)
Liszt, Franz - Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No.1 in Es-dur (1830-56), S.124
Liszt, Franz - Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No.2 in A-dur (1839, 1848-61), S.125
Liszt, Franz - Fantasia on Hungarian Folk Themes for piano and orchestra (1852-55), S.123
Liszt, Franz - Symphonic poem No. 2 `Tasso: Lamento e Trionfo` (1849-54), S. 96
Liszt, Franz - Symphonic poem No. 3 `Les Préludes` (1854-55), S. 97
Liszt, Franz - Symphonic poem No.13 `From the Cradle to the Grave` (1881-82), S.107
Liszt, Franz - `Totentanz` - Paraphrase über Dies irae for piano and orchestra, 2nd version (1852-59), S.126ii
Lutoslawski, Witold - Concerto for Cello and Orchestra
Mahler, Gustav - Symphony ¹ 1 in D-dur `Titan`
Mahler, Gustav - Symphony ¹ 2 `Auferstehung` in c-moll for Soprano, Contralto, Mixed Chorus and Orchestra
Manoury, Philippe - 60e parallèle for 9 singers, large orchestra and electronics (1995–96)
Mascagni, Pietro - Opera `Cavalleria Rusticana` (1890)
Massenet, Jules - Opera `Werther` (1892)
Mendelssohn, Felix - Overture `Ruy Blas` (1839), op. 95
Messager, André - Bearnezca, operetta
Messager, André - Little Mishu, operetta
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Piano Concerto ¹20 in d-moll (1785), KV466
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Piano Concerto ¹23 in A-dur (1786), KV488
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Piano Concertî ¹12 in A-dur (1782), KV414 (386a/385p)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Requiem in d-moll (1791), KV626
Mussorgsky, Modest - Pictures at an Exhibition, cycle of pieces for piano (1874; orchestral verisons), MM 59
Offenbach, Jacques - Ba-To-Can, operetta
Offenbach, Jacques - Operetta `Pepito`
Paganini, Niccolo - Concerto for violin and orchestra No.1 in D-dur (1816), MS 21 (op. 6)
Pintscher, Matthias - Herodiade Fragmente for soprano and orchestra (1999)
Poulenc, Francis - Deux marches et un intermède for chamber orchestra, FP 88
Poulenc, Francis - Gloria for soprano, mixed choir and orchestra G-dur, FP177
Poulenc, Francis - Litanies à la Vierge noire, for choir and orchestra, FP 82b
Poulenc, Francis - Sinfonietta (1947-48), FP141
Poulenc, Francis - Stabat Mater, FP148
Poulenc, Francis - Suite française d`après Claude Gervaise, FP 80a
Poulenc, Francis - `Les mariés de la tour Eiffel`, FP 23
Prokofiev, Sergey - Concerto for piano and orchestra No.3 in C major (1917-21), op. 26
Prokofiev, Sergey - Opera `The Fiery Angel` (1919-27), op. 37
Rachmaninov, Sergei - Symphony No.2, op.27
Ravel, Mauãice - Ballet `Daphnis and Chloe` (1909-12), M 57
Ravel, Mauãice - Bolero, for orchestra (1928), M 81
Ravel, Mauãice - Concerto for Piano and Orchestra ¹ 2 in D-dur (for Left Hand, 1929-30), M 82
Ravel, Mauãice - Parts of Works
Ravel, Mauãice - Pavane pour une infante dåfunte (for Piano (1899); Orchestra (1910)), M 19
Ravel, Mauãice - Piano Concerto ¹ 1 in G-dur (1929-31), M 83
Ravel, Mauãice - Valse, a choreographic poem (La valse) (1920), M 72
Ravel, Mauãice - `Daphnis et Chloe`, Suite for orchestra No.2 (1912), M 57b
Ravel, Mauãice - `Le Tombeau de Couperin` Suite for Piano (1914-17), M 68
Ravel, Mauãice - `Menuet antique` for piano (1895), orchestra (1929), M 7
Ravel, Mauãice - `Rapsodie espagnole` for Orchestra (1907), M 54
Ravel, Mauãice - `Scheherazade`, overture (1898), M 17
Ravel, Mauãice - `Tzigane`, rhapsody for violin and piano/orchestra (1924), M 76
Ravel, Mauãice - `Ðoems de Stephane Mallarme` (1913), M 64
Respighi, Ottorino - Adagio con variazioni for Cello and Orchestra (1920), P. 133
Respighi, Ottorino - `Fontane di Roma`, tone poem for orchestra (1916), P. 106
Respighi, Ottorino - `Pini di Roma`, tone poem for orchestra (1924), P. 141
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay - Concerto for Piano and Orchestra (1883), op. 30
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay - Opera `Sadko` (arias), op.deest 39
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay - Opera `The Golden Cockerel` (1906-07), op.deest 53
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay - `Easter Festival` overture (1888), op. 36
Roussel, Albert - Psalm 80 for Tenor, Chorus and Orchestra (1928), op. 37
Roussel, Albert - Symphony No.4 in A major (1934), op. 53
Saariaho, Kaija - Notes on Light (2006; cello concerto)
Saint-Saens, Camille - Concert Piece for Harp and Orchestra (1918), op.154
Saint-Saens, Camille - Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No.1 in D-dur (1858), op. 17
Saint-Saens, Camille - Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No.2 in g-moll (1868), op. 22
Saint-Saens, Camille - Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No.3 in Es-dur (1869), op. 29
Saint-Saens, Camille - Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No.4 in c-moll (1875), op. 44
Saint-Saens, Camille - Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No.5 `Egyptian` in F-dur (1896), op.103
Saint-Saens, Camille - Concerto for Violin and Orchestra No.3 in h-moll (1880), op. 61
Saint-Saens, Camille - Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso for violin and orchestra (1863), op. 28
Saint-Saens, Camille - Opera `Samson et Dalila` (1877), op. 47
Saint-Saens, Camille - Oratorio `The Deluge` (1875), op. 45
Saint-Saens, Camille - Symphonic poem `Danse Macabre` (1874), op. 40
Saint-Saens, Camille - The Swan, from `Carnaval des Animaux`, R.125/13
Saint-Saens, Camille - `Havanaise` for violin and orchestra (1887), op. 83
Sarasate, Pablo de - Zigeunerweisen, op. 20
Schoenberg, Arnold - `Pelleas and Melisande`, tone poem for orchestra (1902-1903), op. 5
Schubert, Franz - Symphony No.4 in c-moll (1816), D 417
Schubert, Franz - Symphony No.9 in C-dur `Die Große` (1825-58), D 944
Schumann, Robert - Oratorio `Paradise and the Peri` (1841-43), Op. 50
Schumann, Robert - Piano Concerto in a-moll (1841-45), Op. 54
Scriabin, Alexander - `Poem of Ecstasy` (1907, Op. 54
Shostakovich, Dmitriy - Piano Concerto No. 1 in C minor (also known as the Concerto in C minor for Piano, Trumpet, and String Orchestra) (1933), op. 35
Shostakovich, Dmitriy - Symphony No.10 in e-moll, op. 93
Sibelius, Jean - Symphony No.1 in e-moll (1898-99), op. 39
Strauss, Richard - Romance for Cello and Orchestra, TrV118
Stravinsky, Igor - Ballet `L’oiseau de feu` (1910), K010
Stravinsky, Igor - Ballet `The Rite of Spring`s` (1913/1947/1967), K015
Stravinsky, Igor - Divertimento from `The Fairy`s Kiss` (1934, 1949), K049a
Stravinsky, Igor - Symphonies of Wind Instruments. To the memory of Claude Achille Debussy 1920, rev. 1947), K036
Stravinsky, Igor - Symphony of Psalms for chorus and orchestra in three parts on the Latin texts of the Old Testament (1930), K052
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Opera `Eugene Onegin` (1877-78), Op. 24
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Piano Concerto No. 1 in b-moll (1874-75/1876-79/1888-90), Op. 23
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Violin Concerto in D-dur (1878), Op. 35
Wieniawski, Henryk - Violin Concerto No.2 in d-moll (1862), op.22
Wolf, Hugo - Italian Serenade for small orchestra (1892), W17/2
Wolf, Hugo - Scherzo and finale. Two pieces for symphony orchestra, W17/1
Wolf, Hugo - Symphonic poem `Penthesilea` (on the eponymous drama by H. von Kleist), W16
Zemlinsky, Alexander von - Lyrische Symphonie for soprano, baritone and orchestra (1922-1923), op.18


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