Adam, Adolphe Charles -
Ballet-pantomime `The Devil with four`
Adams, John Coolidge -
City Noir (2009)
Adams, John Coolidge -
Concerto for Violin and Orchestra (1993)
Addinsell, Richard -
Warsaw Concerto
Ades, Thomas -
Asyla (1997), Op.17
Ades, Thomas -
Brahms, Op.21
Ades, Thomas -
In Seven Days: Concerto for Piano with Moving Image (2008)
Ades, Thomas -
Polaris Voyge for Orchestra
Ades, Thomas -
Tevot (2007)
Albeniz, Isaac -
`La Vega` from the Suite `Alhambra`, op.deest
Alnaes, Eyvind -
De Hundrede Violiner
Alnaes, Eyvind -
Februarmorgen Ved Golfen
Alnaes, Eyvind -
Nu brister alle de klofter
Alnaes, Eyvind -
Alwyn, William -
Piano Concerto No.1 in c-moll (1930)
Alwyn, William -
Symphony No.1 (1948-49)
Antill, John Henry -
Arditi, Luigi -
Arensky, Anton -
Variations on a Theme by Tchaikovsky for the orchestra (1894), op. 35a
Arnold, Malcolm -
The Sound Barrier, A Rhapsody for Orchestra, op. 38
Auber, Daniel-Francois -
Silent Woman of Portici, opera arias and fragments
Auric, Georges -
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Concerto for 2 Keyboards C-dur, BWV 1061
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Màss in h-moll, BWV 232
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Orchestral Suite No.2 in h-moll, BWV 1067
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Violin Concerto No.1 in a-moll (1729?), BWV 1041
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Violin Concerto No.2 in E-dur (ca. 1718-20?), BWV 1042
Balakirev, Mily -
Tamara, symphonic poem by Lermontov, BM 78
Balakirev, Mily -
`Rus`, symphonic poem, BM 52
Balfe, Michael -
Balfe, Michael -
Opera `The Bohemian Girl` (arias, fragments)
Barber, Samuel -
Adagio for Strings, op.11a
Barber, Samuel -
Knoxville: Summer of 1915, op.24
Barber, Samuel -
Piano Concerto, op.38
Barber, Samuel -
Violin Concerto, op.14
Bartok, Bela -
Concerto for Orchestra, BB123
Bartok, Bela -
Concerto for piano and orchestra ¹ 1, BB 91
Bartok, Bela -
Concerto for Two Pianos, Percussion and Orchestra, BB121
Bartok, Bela -
Hungarian Peasant Songs for Orchestra, BB107
Bartok, Bela -
Music for Strings, Percussion and Celesta, BB114
Bartok, Bela -
Opera `Bluebeard`s Castle`, BB 62
Bartok, Bela -
Piano Concerto ¹ 3, BB127
Bartok, Bela -
The Miraculous Mandarin, Suite, BB 82b
Bartok, Bela -
Violin Concerto ¹ 1, BB 48a
Bartok, Bela -
Violin Concerto ¹ 2, BB117
Bax, Arnold -
Coronation March (1952)
Bax, Arnold -
Symphony No. 2 in E minor
Beethoven, Ludwig van -
Ballet `Die Geschöpfe des Prometheus`, op. 43
Beethoven, Ludwig van -
Cantata `Meeresstille und glückliche Fahrt` for Mixed Choir and Orchestra in D-dur, op.112
Beethoven, Ludwig van -
Concerto for Violin, Cello, Piano & Orchestra in C-dur (1803-04), op. 56
Beethoven, Ludwig van -
Elegischer Gesang, op.118
Beethoven, Ludwig van -
Fantasia for Piano, Chorus and Orchestra in c-moll, op. 80
Beethoven, Ludwig van -
Mass in C major, op. 86
Beethoven, Ludwig van -
Missa Solemnis for 4 Soloists, Choir, Orchestra and Organ in D-dur (1819-23), op.123
Beethoven, Ludwig van -
Musik zu Goethe`s Trauerspiel `Egmont` for soprano and orchestra, op. 84
Beethoven, Ludwig van -
Opera `Fidelio` (arias), op. 72
Beethoven, Ludwig van -
Oratorio `Christus am Ölberge` for 3 soloists, choir and orchestra, op. 85
Beethoven, Ludwig van -
Overture `Coriolan` in c-moll, op. 62
Beethoven, Ludwig van -
Overture `Die Weihe des Hauses` (1822), op.124
Beethoven, Ludwig van -
Overture `Fidelio`, op. 72c
Beethoven, Ludwig van -
Overture `Leonore ¹2`, op. 72a
Beethoven, Ludwig van -
Overture `Leonore ¹3`, op. 72b
Beethoven, Ludwig van -
Parts of compositions
Beethoven, Ludwig van -
Piano Concerto No.1 in C-dur (1795-98), op. 15
Beethoven, Ludwig van -
Piano Concerto No.2 in B-dur (1795), op. 19
Beethoven, Ludwig van -
Piano Concerto No.3 in c-moll (1800-02), op. 37
Beethoven, Ludwig van -
Piano Concerto No.4 in G-dur (1805–1806), op. 58
Beethoven, Ludwig van -
Piano Concerto No.5 in Es-dur (`Emperor`, 1809), op. 73
Beethoven, Ludwig van -
Romance for Violin and Orchestra ¹ 1 in G-dur, op. 40
Beethoven, Ludwig van -
Romance for Violin and Orchestra ¹ 2 in F-dur, op. 50
Beethoven, Ludwig van -
Rondo for Piano and Orchestra in B-dur (c.1795), WoO 6
Beethoven, Ludwig van -
Song `Bundeslied` for soprano, alto, 3-voiced choir and winds, op.122
Beethoven, Ludwig van -
Symphony in Es-dur (¹ 10) (unfinished, reconstruction Barry Cooper on drafts), Bia.838 (Unv. 3)
Beethoven, Ludwig van -
Symphony No. 1 in C-dur (1799-1800), op. 21
Beethoven, Ludwig van -
Symphony No. 2 in D-dur (1801-02), op. 36
Beethoven, Ludwig van -
Symphony No. 3 in Es-dur `Eroica` (1803-04), op. 55
Beethoven, Ludwig van -
Symphony No. 4 in B-dur (1806), op. 60
Beethoven, Ludwig van -
Symphony No. 5 in c-moll (1804-08), op. 67
Beethoven, Ludwig van -
Symphony No. 6 in F-dur `Pastorale` (1807-08), op. 68
Beethoven, Ludwig van -
Symphony No. 7 in A-dur (1811-12), op. 92
Beethoven, Ludwig van -
Symphony No. 8 in F-dur (1811-12), op. 93
Beethoven, Ludwig van -
Symphony No. 9 in d-moll for Soloists, Choir and Orchestra `Ode an die Freude` (1822-24), op.125
Beethoven, Ludwig van -
Violin Concerto in C-dur (fragment, 1790-92), WoO 5
Beethoven, Ludwig van -
Violin Concerto in D-dur (1806), op. 61
Beethoven, Ludwig van -
Wellingtons Sieg oder die Schlacht bei Vittoria, op. 91
Beethoven, Ludwig van -
`Die Ruinen von Athen` (1811), op.113
Beethoven, Ludwig van -
`König Stephan`, overture and incidental music (1811), op.117
Beethoven, Ludwig van -
`Opferlied` (2nd version), op.121b
Bellini, Vincenzo -
Opera `Beatrice di Tenda` (1833), B I. 9
Bellini, Vincenzo -
Opera `Beatrice di Tenda` (fragments, arias), B I. 9
Bellini, Vincenzo -
Opera `I puritani` (1835), B I.10
Bellini, Vincenzo -
Opera `La straniera` (fragments, arias), B I. 4
Bellini, Vincenzo -
Opera `Norma` (1831), B I. 8
Bellini, Vincenzo -
Opera `Norma` (arias), B I. 8
Benedict, Julius -
Berg, Alban -
Chamber Concerto for piano, violin and 13 winds (1923-25)
Berg, Alban -
Five songs for voice and orchestra on postcards by Peter Altenberg, Op. 4
Berg, Alban -
Opera `Wozzeck` (1914-1922, excerpts)
Berg, Alban -
Sieben fruehe Lieder for Voice and Orchestra (1905-1907)
Berg, Alban -
Three Pieces for Orchestra, Op. 6
Berg, Alban -
`Lulu-Suite`, symphonische stücke aus der Oper `Lulu` for soprano and orchestra (1934)
Berio, Luciano -
Concerto II - Echoing curves for piano and two ensembles (1989)
Berio, Luciano -
Nones, for orchestra (1954)
Berio, Luciano -
Rendering for Orchestra (1989-1990)
Berlioz, Hector -
Cantata `Herminie` for soprano and orchestra (1828), H 29
Berlioz, Hector -
Cléopâtre, scène lyrique for soprano and orchestra (1829), H 36
Berlioz, Hector -
Grande symphonie funèbre et triomphale (1840), op. 15
Berlioz, Hector -
Opera dilogy `Les Troyens` (1856-58), H133
Berlioz, Hector -
Opera dilogy `Les Troyens` (arias, fragments)
Berlioz, Hector -
Opera `Béatrice et Bénédict` (1862), H138
Berlioz, Hector -
Opera `Beatrice and Benedict` (overtures, arias, fragments)
Berlioz, Hector -
Opera `Benvenuto Cellini` (overtures, arias, fragments)
Berlioz, Hector -
Overture `King Lear` (1831), op. 4 (H 53)
Berlioz, Hector -
Overture `Le Corsaire` (1846-51), op. 21 (H 101)
Berlioz, Hector -
Overture `Les Francs-juges` (1826), op. 3 (H 23a)
Berlioz, Hector -
Overture `Roman Carnival` (1844), op. 9 (H 95)
Berlioz, Hector -
Overture `Waverly` (1827-28), op. 1 bis (H 26)
Berlioz, Hector -
Requiem for tenor, choir and orchestra (1837), op. 5
Berlioz, Hector -
Sacred Trilogy `The Childhood of Christ` (1853-54), op. 25
Berlioz, Hector -
Song Cycle `Les Nuits d`été` (1841), op. 7 (H 81)
Berlioz, Hector -
Song Cycle `Les Nuits d`été` (excerpts)
Berlioz, Hector -
Song Cycle `Tristia`, op. 18, H 119
Berlioz, Hector -
Symphonie fantastique (1830), op. 14
Berlioz, Hector -
`Harold in Italy` - symphony for Viola and Orchestra (1834), op. 16
Berlioz, Hector -
`Lélio, ou le retour à la vie`, monodrame lyrique for narrator, tenor, baritone, chorus and orchestra (1831/1855), op. 14b
Berlioz, Hector -
`La Damnation de Faust` (arias & fragments)
Berlioz, Hector -
`La Damnation de Faust` - Dramatic Legend for Soloists, Chorus and Orchestra (1846), op. 24
Berlioz, Hector -
`Roméo et Juliette`, symphonie dramatique for chorus, soloists and orchestra (1839), op. 17
Berlioz, Hector -
`Te Deum` for tenor, 2 mixed chorus, boy`s choir, organ and orchestra (1848-1849; 1852, 1855), op. 22
Bernstein, Leonard -
Arias and barcaroles for mezzo-soprano, baritone and piano in 4 hands (1988)
Bernstein, Elmer -
Guitar Concerto (`For Two Christophers`)
Bernstein, Leonard -
Overture to the opera Candide for symphony orchestra (1956)
Bernstein, Leonard -
Prelude, Fugue and Riffs for Clarinet and Jazz Ensemble (1949)
Bernstein, Leonard -
Serenade after Plato`s Symposium (1954)
Bernstein, Leonard -
Sonata for clarinet and piano (1942)
Bernstein, Leonard -
The Musical `Wonderful Town`
Bernstein, Leonard -
The opera `Candid` (1956)
Birtwistle, Harrison -
Donum Simoni MMXVIII (A Gift for Simon 2018), for orchestra (2018)
Bizet, Georges -
Carmen-Suite ¹ 1, WDdeest
Bizet, Georges -
Opera `Carmen` (1873-74), WD 31
Bizet, Georges -
Opera `Carmen` (overtures, arias, fragments), WD 31
Bizet, Georges -
Opera `Les pêcheurs de perles` (arias), WD 13
Bizet, Georges -
Opera `Perth Beauty` (1866), WD 15
Bizet, Georges -
Suite from music for the drama `Arlezianka` ¹ 1 (1872), WD 40
Bizet, Georges -
Suite from music for the drama `Arlezianka` ¹ 2, WDdeest
Bliss, Arthur -
A Colour Symphony (1922)., F.106
Bliss, Arthur -
Bloch, Ernest -
`Baal Shem` for Violin and Orchestra (1939)
Bloch, Ernest -
`Shlomo` - Hebraic Rhapsody for Violoncello and Orchestra (1916)
Boccherini, Luigi -
Cello Concerto ¹ 7 in G-dur, G.480
Boccherini, Luigi -
Cello Concerto ¹ 9 in Â-flat major, G.482
Boito, Arrigo -
Îpera `Mephistopheles`
Borodin, Alexander -
Symphony No.2 h-moll `Warriors` (1869-76), AB 24
Borodin, Alexander -
The musical painting `In Central Asia` (1880), AB 32
Bottesini, Giovanni -
Duo Concertante for two double basses and orchestra on themes of Bellini`s opera I Puritani
Bottesini, Giovanni -
Elegy No.1
Bottesini, Giovanni -
Passioni amorose, for two double basses and orchestra
Boulez, Pierre -
Livre pour cordes
Bowie, David -
Life On Mars?
Bowie, David -
Space Oddity
Brahms, Johannes -
Akademische Festouvertüre (1880), Op. 80
Brahms, Johannes -
Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in D-dur, Op. 77
Brahms, Johannes -
Concerto for Violin, Cello and Orchestra in a-moll, Op.102
Brahms, Johannes -
Hungarian Dance No. 1 in g-moll, WoO 1/ 1
Brahms, Johannes -
Hungarian Dance No. 2 in d-moll, WoO 1/ 2
Brahms, Johannes -
Hungarian Dance No. 3 in F-dur, WoO 1/ 3
Brahms, Johannes -
Hungarian Dance No. 4 in f-moll, WoO 1/ 4
Brahms, Johannes -
Hungarian Dance No. 5 in fis-moll, WoO 1/ 5
Brahms, Johannes -
Hungarian Dance No. 6 in Des-dur, WoO 1/ 6
Brahms, Johannes -
Hungarian Dance No. 7 in A-dur, WoO 1/ 7
Brahms, Johannes -
Hungarian Dance No. 8 in a-moll, WoO 1/ 8
Brahms, Johannes -
Hungarian Dance No. 9 in e-moll, WoO 1/ 9
Brahms, Johannes -
Hungarian Dance No.10 in F-dur, WoO 1/10
Brahms, Johannes -
Hungarian Dance No.11 in d-moll, WoO 1/11
Brahms, Johannes -
Hungarian Dance No.12 in d-moll, WoO 1/12
Brahms, Johannes -
Hungarian Dance No.13 in D-dur, WoO 1/13
Brahms, Johannes -
Hungarian Dance No.14 in d-moll, WoO 1/14
Brahms, Johannes -
Hungarian Dance No.15 in B-dur, WoO 1/15
Brahms, Johannes -
Hungarian Dance No.16 in f-moll, WoO 1/16
Brahms, Johannes -
Hungarian Dance No.17 in fis-moll, WoO 1/17
Brahms, Johannes -
Hungarian Dance No.18 in D-dur, WoO 1/18
Brahms, Johannes -
Hungarian Dance No.19 in h-moll, WoO 1/19
Brahms, Johannes -
Hungarian Dance No.20 in e-moll, WoO 1/21
Brahms, Johannes -
Hungarian Dance No.20 in e-moll, WoO 1/20
Brahms, Johannes -
Hungarian Dances for piano (4 notebooks, a total of 21 dance), WoO 1
Brahms, Johannes -
Piano Concerto No.1 in d-moll (1856-57), Op. 15
Brahms, Johannes -
Piano Concerto No.2 in B-dur (1881), Op. 83
Brahms, Johannes -
Serenade for Orchestra ¹1 in D-dur (1858), Op. 11
Brahms, Johannes -
Serenade for Orchestra ¹2 in A-dur (1859), Op. 16
Brahms, Johannes -
Symphony No.1 in c-moll (1862-76), Op. 68
Brahms, Johannes -
Symphony No.2 in D-dur (1877), Op. 73
Brahms, Johannes -
Symphony No.3 in F-dur (1883), Op. 90
Brahms, Johannes -
Symphony No.4 in e-moll (1884-85), Op. 98
Brahms, Johannes -
Tragic Overture (1880 - 1881), Op. 81
Brahms, Johannes -
Variations on a Theme by Haydn (1873), Op. 56a
Brian, Havergal -
Symphony ¹14
Britten, Benjamin -
Cantata Academica (Carmen Basiliense) for solos, chorus and orchestra (1959), op. 62
Britten, Benjamin -
Cantata misericordium for solos, small chorus and orchestra (1963), op. 69
Britten, Benjamin -
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra in D-dur (1938, 1945), op. 13
Britten, Benjamin -
Concerto for Violin and Orchestra (1939), op. 15
Britten, Benjamin -
Diversions for piano left hand and orchestra, op. 21
Britten, Benjamin -
Nocturne for tenor, seven obbligato instruments and strings (1958), op. 60
Britten, Benjamin -
Occasional Overture (1946)
Britten, Benjamin -
Opera `A Midsummer Night`s Dream` (1964), op. 64
Britten, Benjamin -
Operetta `Paul Bunyan` (1941), op. 17
Britten, Benjamin -
Parts of works
Britten, Benjamin -
Serenade for Tenor, Horn and Strings, op. 31
Britten, Benjamin -
Symphony for Cello and Orchestra, op. 68
Britten, Benjamin -
Variations and Fugue on a Theme of Henry Purcell `Guide to the symphony orchestra for young musicians` for orchestra (1945), op. 34
Britten, Benjamin -
Welcome Ode, op. 95
Britten, Benjamin -
`Spring Symphony`, op. 44
Britten, Benjamin -
`War Requiem` for Soprano, Tenor and Baritone, Chorus, Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra, Boys` Choir and Organ (1962), op. 66
Bruch, Max -
Adagio appassionato for Violin and Orchestra, op. 57
Bruch, Max -
Concerto for Clarinet and Viola & Orchestra in E minor, op. 88
Bruch, Max -
Concerto for Two Pianos and Orchestra in as-moll, op. 88a
Bruch, Max -
Concerto for Violin and Orchestra No.1 in g-moll, op. 26
Bruch, Max -
Concerto for Violin and Orchestra No.2 in d-moll, op. 44
Bruch, Max -
Concerto for Violin and Orchestra No.3 in d-moll, op. 58
Bruch, Max -
Jubilate-Amen - for Soprano, Choir & Orchestra (1858), op. 3
Bruch, Max -
Scottish Fantasy for Violin and Orchestra (1880), op. 46
Bruch, Max -
Symphony No.1 in Es-dur (1870), op. 28
Bruch, Max -
Symphony No.3 in E-dur (1877), op. 51
Bruch, Max -
`Kol Nidrei`, variations for Cello and Orchestra, op. 47
Bruckner, Anton -
Mass No.3 in f-moll for soloists, choir and orchestra (1867-68, 1876, 1877, 1881, 1890-93), WAB. 28
Bruckner, Anton -
Symphony No. 4 in Es-dur `Romantic` (1874, 1878-80, 1887-88), WAB.104
Bruckner, Anton -
Symphony No. 8 in c-moll (1884-87, 1887-90), WAB.108
Bruckner, Anton -
Symphony No. 9 in d-moll (1887-96), WAB.109
Bull, Ole -
Cantabile doloroso e Rondo giocoso
Burgmuller, Friedrich -
La Péri (1843)
Busoni, Ferruccio -
Concerto for piano, orchestra and male choir in C major, BV247 (op. 39)
Busoni, Ferruccio -
Introduction and Allegro for Piano and Orchestra in D Minor, BV236
Butterworth, George -
The Banks of Green Willow (1913)
Byrd, William -
Pavan and galliard `The Earle of Salisbury`, BK 15
Carey, Henry -
God save the Queen, National Hymn of Great Briatain
Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario -
Concerto for Guitar and Orchestra ¹ 1 in D-dur, op. 99
Chabrier, Emmanuel -
Opera `Le Roi malgre lui` (1887)
Chausson, Ernest -
Poème for violin and orchestra (1896), op. 25
Chausson, Ernest -
`Poème de l`amour et de la mer` for Voice and Orchestra(1882-90; 1893), op. 19
Chin, Unsuk -
Violin Concerto No. 2 `Scherben der Stille` (2021)
Chopin, Frederic -
4 Mazurkas (1831-33), Op. 17
Chopin, Frederic -
Grande Polonaise brillant précédée d`un Andante spianato Es-dur (1831/1834), Op. 22
Chopin, Frederic -
Piano Concerto No.1 in e-moll (1830), Op. 11
Chopin, Frederic -
Piano Concerto No.2 in f-moll (1829), Op. 21
Cilea, Francesco -
Opera `L`arlesienne` (arias)
Clarke, Jeremiah -
Trumpet Voluntary
Coates, Eric -
By The Sleepy Lagoon
Coates, Eric -
Summer Days Suite (1937)
Coates, Eric -
The Merrymakers
Coates, Eric -
The Three Bears Phantasy (1926)
Coates, Eric -
The Three Men Suite (1935)
Copland, Aaron -
2 Pieces for String Orchestra (1923, 1928)
Copland, Aaron -
An Outdoor Overture
Copland, Aaron -
Ballet `Rodeo` (1942)
Copland, Aaron -
Concerto for Clarinet, String Orchestra, Harp and Piano (1947-48)
Copland, Aaron -
Cuban Dance
Copland, Aaron -
Dance Symphony
Copland, Aaron -
Fanfare for the Common Man
Copland, Aaron -
John Henry (1940, revised 1952)
Copland, Aaron -
Lincoln Portrait (1942)
Copland, Aaron -
Our Town (1940)
Copland, Aaron -
Quiet City
Copland, Aaron -
Statements (1934-1935)
Copland, Aaron -
Suite from Ballet `Appalachian Spring`
Copland, Aaron -
Suite from Ballet `Billy the Kid`
Copland, Aaron -
Symphonic Ode
Copland, Aaron -
Symphony No.2 (Short Symphony, 1931-33)
Corelli, Arcangelo -
Concerto Grosso op.6 No. 8 in g-moll Christmas
Corigliano, John -
Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra
Corigliano, John -
Lullaby for Natalie
Cottrau, Teodoro -
Barcarola `Santa Lucia` for Voice and Orchestra
Crusell, Bernhard Henrik -
Clarinet Concerto ¹ 1 in Es-dur, op. 1
Crusell, Bernhard Henrik -
Clarinet Concerto ¹ 2 in f-moll, op. 5
Crusell, Bernhard Henrik -
Clarinet Concerto ¹ 3 in B-dur, op.11
Crusell, Bernhard Henrik -
Introduction and Variations on a Swedish Air, op.12
Davies, Peter Maxwell Davies -
Symphony No. 10
Debney, John -
Cutthroat Island, soundtrack (1995)
Debussy, Claude -
Fantasy for Piano and Orchestra (1889-91), L 73
Debussy, Claude -
Images pour orchestre (1906-12), L 122
Debussy, Claude -
Nocturnes for orchestra and Womens Choir (1897-99), L 91
Debussy, Claude -
Opera `Pelleas et Melisande` (1892-1902)., L 88
Debussy, Claude -
Parts of compositions
Debussy, Claude -
Rhapsody for Clarinet & Piano (1909-10), L 116
Debussy, Claude -
`La Damoiselle Elue` poem for two soloists, female choir, and orchestra (1887–1888), L 62
Debussy, Claude -
`La mer`, three symphonic sketches (1905), L 109
Debussy, Claude -
`Le martyre de Saint Sébastien` for Soloists, Chorus & Orchestra (1911), L 124
Debussy, Claude -
`Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun` (`Prélude à l`après-midi d`un faune`), inspired by Mallarme`s poem (1892-94), L 86
Delius, Frederick Teodore Albert -
A Song Of Summer
Delius, Frederick Teodore Albert -
Brigg Fair
Delius, Frederick Teodore Albert -
On Hearing The First Cuckoo In Spring
Delius, Frederick Teodore Albert -
Paris - The Song Of A Great City [1899]
Delius, Frederick Teodore Albert -
Delius, Frederick Teodore Albert -
Walk to the Paradise Garden
Desplat, Alexandre -
Chéri, soundtrack (2009)
Desplat, Alexandre -
Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows - Part 1, soundtrack (2010)
Desplat, Alexandre -
Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows - Part 2, soundtrack (2011)
Desplat, Alexandre -
Largo Winch, soundtrack (2008)
Desplat, Alexandre -
Rise Of The Guardians, soundtrack (2012)
Desplat, Alexandre -
The Danish Girl, soundtrack (2015)
Desplat, Alexandre -
The Ides Of March, soundtrack (2011)
Desplat, Alexandre -
The Imitation Game, soundtrack (2014)
Desplat, Alexandre -
The Monuments Men, soundtrack (2014)
Desplat, Alexandre -
The Queen, soundtrack (2006)
Desplat, Alexandre -
The Special Relationship, soundtrack (2010)
Desplat, Alexandre -
The Tree Of Life, soundtrack (2011)
Desplat, Alexandre -
The Twilight Saga: New Moon, soundtrack (2009)
Desplat, Alexandre -
Zero Dark Thirty, soundtrack (2012)
Dohnanyi, Erno -
Konzertstuck for cello & orchestra in D major, op.12
Dohnanyi, Erno -
Variations on the theme of children`s song (Variationen uber ein Kinderlied) for piano and orchestra (1914), op.25
Donizetti, Gaetano -
Opera `Anna Bolena` (1830)
Donizetti, Gaetano -
Opera `Don Pasquale`
Donizetti, Gaetano -
Opera `Don Pasquale` (arias)
Donizetti, Gaetano -
Opera `Lucia di Lammermoor` (1835)
Donizetti, Gaetano -
Opera `Lucia di Lammermoor` (arias)
Donizetti, Gaetano -
Opera `Lucrezia Borgia` (arias)
Donizetti, Gaetano -
Opera `L`Elisir d`Amore` (arias)
Donizetti, Gaetano -
Opera `Maria Padilya` (1841)
Downey, John W -
The Edge of Space: Fantasy for Bassoon and Orchestra (1978)
Doyle, Patrick -
Cinderella, soundtrack (2015)
Doyle, Patrick -
Harry Potter & The Goblet Of Fire, soundtrack (2005)
Doyle, Patrick -
The Last Legion, soundtrack (2007)
Dukas, Paul -
`The Sorcerer`s Apprentice` (`L`apprenti sorcier`) - symphonic scherzo for orchestra
Duparc, Henri -
Song `Ecstasy` (1874)
Duparc, Henri -
Song `L`invitation au voyage` for Voice & Piano in c-moll (1870)
Duparc, Henri -
Song `Phidylé` for Voice & Piano in As-dur (1882)
Dvorak, Antonin -
Cello Concerto in h-moll (1895), op.104
Dvorak, Antonin -
Concert Overture Carnival (1891), op. 92 (B169)
Dvorak, Antonin -
Concert Overture Othello (1892), op. 93 (B174)
Dvorak, Antonin -
Concert Overture `In the Nature`s Realm` (1891), op. 91 (B168)
Dvorak, Antonin -
Hussite Overture (1883), op. 67
Dvorak, Antonin -
Overture `Domov můj`, op. 62 (Â125a)
Dvorak, Antonin -
Parts of the compositions
Dvorak, Antonin -
Requiem (1890), op. 89
Dvorak, Antonin -
Rondo for Cello and Piano in g-moll (1893), op. 94 (B181)
Dvorak, Antonin -
Scherzo capriccioso (1883), op. 66
Dvorak, Antonin -
Serenade for Strings E-dur (1875), op. 22
Dvorak, Antonin -
Symphonic poem "Water Goblin" (1896), op.107
Dvorak, Antonin -
Symphonic poem The Golden Spinning Wheel, op.109
Dvorak, Antonin -
Symphonic poem The Noon Witch (1896), op.108
Dvorak, Antonin -
Symphonic Variations (1877), op. 78
Dvorak, Antonin -
Symphony No.1 c-moll `The Bells of Zlonice` (1865), op. 3
Dvorak, Antonin -
Symphony No.2 B-dur (1865), op. 4
Dvorak, Antonin -
Symphony No.3 Es-dur (1873), op. 10
Dvorak, Antonin -
Symphony No.4 d-moll (1874/1887-88), op. 13
Dvorak, Antonin -
Symphony No.5 F-dur (1875), op. 76
Dvorak, Antonin -
Symphony No.6 d-moll (1880), op. 60
Dvorak, Antonin -
Symphony No.7 d-moll (1885), op. 70
Dvorak, Antonin -
Symphony No.8 G-dur (1889), op. 88
Dvorak, Antonin -
Symphony No.9 e-moll `From The New World` (1893), op. 95
Dvorak, Antonin -
Violin Concerto in a-moll (1879), op. 53
Eggen, Arne -
Honour to the Eternal Spring in Life
Elgar, Edward -
Arrangement for Orchestra of Fantasia & Fugue in c-moll BWV 537 by J.S. Bach (1921-22), op. 86
Elgar, Edward -
Cello Concerto, op. 85
Elgar, Edward -
Chanson de Nuit et Chanson de Matin, for small orchestra (1889-90), op. 15
Elgar, Edward -
Cockaigne Overture (In London Town), op. 40
Elgar, Edward -
Introduction and Allegro for Strings (Quartet and Orchestra), op. 47
Elgar, Edward -
Oratorio `The Dream of Gerontius`, op. 38
Elgar, Edward -
Oratorio `The Kingdom` for Soloists, Chorus & Orchestra (1901-06), op. 51
Elgar, Edward -
Scenes from the Bavarian Highlands (1896), op. 27
Elgar, Edward -
Serenade. 1914
Elgar, Edward -
Sospiri, op. 70
Elgar, Edward -
Sursum corda, arranged for violin and piano, op. 11
Elgar, Edward -
Symphony ¹1 in As-dur, op. 55
Elgar, Edward -
Symphony ¹2 in Es-dur, op. 63
Elgar, Edward -
Variations on an Original Theme («Enigma»), op. 36
Elgar, Edward -
Violin Concerto (1909-10), op. 61
Elgar, Edward -
`Falstaff`, symphonic study in C minor, op. 68
Elgar, Edward -
`In the South (Alassio)`, Ñoncert Îverture (1903-04), op. 50
Elgar, Edward -
`Land of Hope and Glory` (arr. Arthur Fagge)
Elgar, Edward -
`Pomp and circumtance marches` (1901; 1904; 1907; 1930), op. 39
Elgar, Edward -
`Sea Pictures` - Song Cycle for Contralto & Orchestra (or Piano), op. 37
Enescu, George -
Romanian Rhapsody ¹1 A-dur, op.11/1
Enescu, George -
Romanian Rhapsody ¹2 D-dur, op.11/2
Falla, Manuel de -
Ballet `El Amor brujo` (1915)
Falla, Manuel de -
La vida breve (1904-13)
Faure, Gabriel -
Messe de Requiem, op. 48
Flotow, Friedrich von -
Opera `Martha` (arias)
Foss, Lukas -
Cello Concerto
Franck, Cesar -
Symphonic Variations for Piano and Orchestra (1885), FWV 46
Franck, Cesar -
`La Procession` - Mélodie pour Voix avec Orchestre, FWV 88
Gade, Niels -
Capriccio for Violin and Orchestra in a-moll (1861)
Gershwin, George -
I Got Rhythm
Gershwin, George -
Rhapsody in Blue for Piano and Orchestra (1924)
Gershwin, George -
Gershwin, George -
The man I love
Gershwin, George -
They All Laughed
Gershwin, George -
`An American in Paris` - Tone Poem for Orchestra (1927)
Gershwin, George -
`Cuban ouverture` for symphony orchestra. (1932)
Ginastera, Alberto -
Estancia Suite, op. 8a
Ginastera, Alberto -
Glosses on Themes of Pablo Casals for orchestra, op.48
Ginastera, Alberto -
Glosses sobre temes de Pau Casals (original version, 1976), op.46
Ginastera, Alberto -
Panambi, op. 1
Gjeilo, Ola -
Gjeilo, Ola -
Sacred Heart
Gjeilo, Ola -
Gjeilo, Ola -
The Crossing
Gjeilo, Ola -
The Ground
Gjeilo, Ola -
The Lake Isle
Gjeilo, Ola -
The Spheres
Gjeilo, Ola -
Gjeilo, Ola -
Ubi Caritas
Glazunov, Alexander -
Parts of Works
Glazunov, Alexander -
Serenade ¹ 2, op. 11
Glazunov, Alexander -
Serenade ¹1, op. 7
Glazunov, Alexander -
Stenka Razin, symphonic poem, op. 13
Glazunov, Alexander -
Symphony No.6 c-moll, op. 58
Glazunov, Alexander -
Symphony ¹ 3 D major, op. 33
Glazunov, Alexander -
`Raymonda`, suite from ballet, op. 57a
Gliere, Reinhold -
Concerto for Voice and Orchestra, op. 82
Gliere, Reinhold -
Harp Concerto in Es-dur (1938), op. 74
Glinka, Mikhail -
Opera `A Life for the Tsar` (`Ivan Susanin`) (vocal fragments), CG 87
Glinka, Mikhail -
Opera `Ruslan and Lyudmila` (orchestral fragments), CG123
Gluck, Christoph Willibald -
Opera `Alceste` (arias)
Goldsmith, Jerry -
Fireworks (A Celebration of Los Angeles) (1999)
Goldsmith, Jerry -
Music for Orchestra
Golijov, Osvaldo -
`Nazareno` for two pianos, percussion and orchestra
Gould, Morton -
Derivations For Clarinet and Band
Gounod, Charles -
Opera `Faust`
Gounod, Charles -
Opera `Faust` (overtures, arias, fragments)
Granados, Enrique -
Spanish dance No. 5: Andaluza
Gray, Steve -
Guitar Concerto
Greenberg, Jay -
Symphony ¹5 (2005)
Grieg, Edvard -
4 Songs text by Bj. Bjornson, op.21
Grieg, Edvard -
5 Songs (Text: Vilhelm Krag), op.60
Grieg, Edvard -
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra in a-moll, op.16
Grieg, Edvard -
Elegiac Songs by John Paulsen (1893-94), op.59
Grieg, Edvard -
Parts of compositions
Grieg, Edvard -
Romances and Songs (a word X. K.Andersen 1864), op.18
Grieg, Edvard -
`Peer Gynt` Suite No.1, op.46
Grieg, Edvard -
`Peer Gynt` Suite No.2 (1892), op.55
Grieg, Edvard -
`Peer Gynt`, music for the H.Ibsen play, op.23
Grieg, Edvard -
`Sigurd Jorsalfar`, incidental music Bjornsons drama, op.22
Gubaidulina, Sofia -
Concerto for Violin and Orchestra ¹2 `In Tempus Praesens` (2007)
Hamauzu, Masashi -
Concerto for piano and orchestra
Handel, George Frideric -
Concerto Grosso Op.6 No. 6 g-moll, HWV 324
Handel, George Frideric -
Opera `Alcina` (1735), HWV 34
Handel, George Frideric -
Opera `Alcina` (arias)
Handel, George Frideric -
Opera `Xerxes` (arias)
Handel, George Frideric -
Oratorio `Judas Maccabaeus` (arias), HWV 63
Handel, George Frideric -
Oratorio `Messiah` (1741), HWV 56
Harutyunyan, Alexander -
Concerto for Trumpet and Orchestra in As-dur
Harvey, Richard -
Concerto Antico for Guitar and Small orchestra
Haydn, Joseph -
Cello Concerto ¹1 in C-dur (1765), Hob VIIb: 1
Haydn, Joseph -
Cello Concerto ¹2 in D-dur (1783), Hob VIIb: 2
Haydn, Joseph -
Mass `Missa in Angustiis` (`Nelsonmesse`) (1798), Hob XXII: 11
Haydn, Joseph -
Oratorio `Die Schöpfung` (1796-98), Hob XXI: 2
Haydn, Joseph -
Symphony No. 45 in fis-moll `Farewell` (1772), Hob I: 45
Haydn, Joseph -
Symphony No. 86 in D-dur (1786), Hob I: 86
Haydn, Joseph -
Symphony No. 92 in G-dur `Oxford`, Hob I: 92
Haydn, Joseph -
Symphony No. 93 in D-dur (1792), Hob I: 93
Haydn, Joseph -
Symphony No.100 in G-dur `Miltärsymphonie` (1794), Hob I:100
Haydn, Joseph -
Symphony No.101 in D-dur `Die Uhr` (The Clock) (1784), Hob I:101
Henselt, Adolf von -
Piano Concerto in f-moll, op. 16
Henze, Hans Werner -
Symphony ¹ 2
Henze, Hans Werner -
Symphony ¹ 3
Henze, Hans Werner -
Symphony ¹ 4
Henze, Hans Werner -
Symphony ¹ 5
Herrmann, Bernard -
Mysterious Island, soundtrack (1961)
Hindemith, Paul -
Cello Concerto (1940)
Hindemith, Paul -
Symphonic Metamorphosis of Themes by C. M. von Weber (1943)
Hindemith, Paul -
Violin Concerto (1939)
Hoddinott, Alun -
Noctis Equi, op.132
Holst, Gustav Theodore -
A Fugal Overture for orchestra (1922), op.40 ¹1
Holst, Gustav Theodore -
Egdon Heath for orchestra (1927), op.47
Holst, Gustav Theodore -
Japanese Suite (1915), op.33
Holst, Gustav Theodore -
Planets, Symphonic Suite, (1914-1916), op.32
Holst, Gustav Theodore -
Somerset Rhapsody ¹ 2 (1907), op.21 ¹2
Holst, Gustav Theodore -
The Hymn of Jesus for 2 choirs, female semichorus and orchestra (1917), op.37
Holst, Gustav Theodore -
The Perfect Fool Ballet Music, op.39
Holst, Gustav Theodore -
Two Songs without Words (1906), op.22
Holst, Gustav Theodore -
`Îáëàêî-âåñòíèê` äëÿ êîíòðàëüòî, õîðà è îðêåñòðà (1913), op.30
Honegger, Arthur -
Cello Concerto in C-dur (1929), H 72
Hooper, Nicholas -
Andes to Amazon, soundtrack (2000)
Horner, James -
Aliens, soundtrack (1986)
Horner, James -
Balto, soundtrack (1995)
Horner, James -
Braveheart, soundtrack (1995)
Horner, James -
Legends Of The Fall, soundtrack (1994)
Horner, James -
The Land Before Time, soundtrack (1988)
Horner, James -
The Pagemaster, soundtrack (1994)
Horner, James -
Willow, soundtrack (1988)
Howells, Herbert -
`In Green Ways` for soprano & orchestra, op. 43 (1915, 1928), op. 43
Hummel, Johann Nepomuk -
Concerto for Trumpet and Orchestra in Es-dur (1803), S 49
Humperdinck, Engelbert -
Hänsel und Gretel, opera (1891-1892; overtures, arias, fragments)
Ibert, Jacques -
Symphonie Concertante for Oboe et Orchestre
Ireland, John -
A London Overture (1936)
Janacek, Leos -
Sinfonietta (1926), JW 6/18
Jarnefelt, Eduard Armas -
Berceuse (1904)
Jarnefelt, Eduard Armas -
Praeludium (1900)
Jenkins, Karl -
River Queen - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (2005)
Jenkins, Karl -
Sarikiz - Concerto for violin and orchestra
Jenkins, Karl -
The Peacemakers
Joubert, John -
Jane Eyre, opera
Karetnikov, Valeriy -
Symphony No. 4. 1963, op.17
Khachaturian, Aram -
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra in Des-dur (1936), op. 38
Khachaturian, Aram -
Gayane, ballet (1941, 1957), op. 50
Khachaturian, Aram -
Masquerade (Suite from music to drama by Lermontov) (1944), op. 48a
Khachaturian, Aram -
Russian Fantasy for orchesra (1944), op. 59
Khachaturian, Aram -
Suites from the ballet `Gayane`, op. 53-55
Khachaturian, Aram -
Suites from the ballet `Spartacus`, op. 82
Kodaly, Zoltan -
Dances of Galanta (1933)
Kodaly, Zoltan -
Hungarian Psalm (1923), op.13
Koechlin, Charles -
Symphony No.2 (1944), op.196
Korngold, Erich Wolfgang -
Suite aus der Musik zu Shakespeare`s `Viel Lärmen um Nichts` (1919), op.11
Korngold, Erich Wolfgang -
Symphony in F-sharp major (1949-1952), op.40
Korngold, Erich Wolfgang -
Violin Concerto in D major (1945), op.35
Kreisler, Fritz -
(Paganini) La Campanella - a final part of Concerto No. 2 Op. 7
Lalo, Edouard -
Cello Concerto in d-moll (1877)
Lalo, Edouard -
Symphonie Espagnole for Violin & Orchestra, op.21
Leoncavallo, Ruggiero -
Leoncavallo, Ruggiero -
Opera `La Boheme` (arias)
Leoncavallo, Ruggiero -
Opera `Pagliacci` (arias)
Leoncavallo, Ruggiero -
Opera `Zaza` (arias)
Levitin, Yuri -
Suite for Cello and Chamber Orchestra (1965)
Lie, Harald -
The Bat`s Letter (Skinnvengbrev)
Lie, Harald -
The Key (Nykelen)
Ligeti, Gyorgy -
Melodien for orchestra
Liszt, Franz -
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No.1 in Es-dur (1830-56), S.124
Liszt, Franz -
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No.2 in A-dur (1839, 1848-61), S.125
Liszt, Franz -
Concerto for piano and strings E-Minor `Malediction` (after 1833), S.121
Liszt, Franz -
Fantasia on Hungarian Folk Themes for piano and orchestra (1852-55), S.123
Liszt, Franz -
Hungarian Rhapsody ¹ 1 in f-moll (orchestra version) (1857-60), S.359/1
Liszt, Franz -
Hungarian Rhapsody ¹ 2 in d-moll (orchestra version) (1857-60), S.359/2
Liszt, Franz -
Hungarian Rhapsody ¹ 3 in Des-dur (orchestra version) (1857-60), S.359/3
Liszt, Franz -
Hungarian Rhapsody ¹ 4 in d-moll (orchestra version) (1857-60), S.359/4
Liszt, Franz -
Hungarian Rhapsody ¹ 5 in E Minor (orchestral version) (1857-60), S.359/5
Liszt, Franz -
Hungarian Rhapsody ¹ 6 n D Major (orchestral version) (1857-60), S.359/6
Liszt, Franz -
Symphonic poem No. 3 `Les Préludes` (1854-55), S. 97
Liszt, Franz -
`Totentanz` - Paraphrase über Dies irae for piano and orchestra, 2nd version (1852-59), S.126ii
Locke, Matthew -
Music to flutes and cornets the Their Majesties (1661)
Luigini, Alexandre -
Ballet Russe (1900)
MacDowell, Edward -
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No.1 in A minor, op. 15
MacDowell, Edward -
Lamia, Symphonic Poem, op. 29
Maconchi, elizabeth -
Serenata Concertante for violin and orchestra (1962)
Maconchi, elizabeth -
Symphony for Double String Orchestra
Mahler, Gustav -
Cantata `Das klagende Lied` for soloists, chorus and orchestra
Mahler, Gustav -
Song Cycle `Des Knaben Wunderhorn` (1887-90)
Mahler, Gustav -
Symphony No. 6 in a-moll `Tragische` (1903/04, 1906)
Mahler, Gustav -
Symphony No. 8 `Symphonie der Tausend` in Es-dur for 3 sopranos, 2 contralto, tenor, bass, boy`s choir, 2 mixed choirs, organ and orchestra
Mahler, Gustav -
Symphony No.10 in F sharp major (unfinished)
Mahler, Gustav -
Symphony ¹ 1 in D-dur `Titan`
Mahler, Gustav -
Symphony ¹ 2 `Auferstehung` in c-moll for Soprano, Contralto, Mixed Chorus and Orchestra
Mahler, Gustav -
Symphony ¹ 3 in d-moll for alto, women`s chorus and orchestra
Mahler, Gustav -
Symphony ¹ 4 in G-dur (1899/1900, 1901-10)
Mahler, Gustav -
Symphony ¹ 5 in cis-moll
Mahler, Gustav -
Symphony ¹ 7 in e-moll `Lied von der Nacht` (1904/05)
Mahler, Gustav -
Symphony ¹ 9 in D-dur
Mahler, Gustav -
Symphony-cantata `Das Lied von der Erde` a for tenor, alto/baritone and orchestra (1910)
Martini, Jean Paul Egide -
Romance `Plaisir d’Amour` (1784)
Martynov, Vladimir -
The opera `Vita Nuova`, in 3 acts. The plot of Dante (2009)
Mascagni, Pietro -
Opera `Cavalleria Rusticana` (arias)
Massenet, Jules -
Massenet, Jules -
Opera `Le Cid` (1885, arias and fragments)
Massenet, Jules -
Opera `Manon` (1884, arias)
Massenet, Jules -
Opera `Thais` (overtures, arias, fragments)
Mathias, William -
Concerto for harp and orchestra (1970), op. 50
Mathias, William -
Concerto No. 3 for piano and orchestra (1968), op. 40
Mathias, William -
Dance Overture for orchestra (1961), op. 16
Mathias, William -
Invocation and Dance for orchestra (1961), op. 17
Medtner, Nikolay -
Concerto for piano and orchestra ¹ 1 in C minor, op.33
Mendelssohn, Felix -
Konzertstück for Clarinet, Basset horn and Piano in d-moll (1833), op.114
Mendelssohn, Felix -
Konzertstück for Clarinet, Basset Íorn and Piano in f-moll (1833), op.113
Mendelssohn, Felix -
Oratorio `Elijah` (1846), op. 70
Mendelssohn, Felix -
Overture in C Major for Wind Instruments (1824/38), op. 24
Mendelssohn, Felix -
Overture with pipes in C major (1826), op.101
Mendelssohn, Felix -
Overture `Midsummer Night`s Dream` (1826), op. 21
Mendelssohn, Felix -
Overture `Ruy Blas` (1839), op. 95
Mendelssohn, Felix -
Overture `The Hebrides` (`Fingal`s Cave`) (1830/32), op. 26
Mendelssohn, Felix -
Overture `The Tale of the Beautiful Melusine` (1833), op. 32
Mendelssohn, Felix -
Rondo Brilliant Es-dur (1834), op. 29
Mendelssohn, Felix -
Symphony No. 1 in C minor (1824), op. 11
Mendelssohn, Felix -
Symphony No. 2 in B-flat major `Lobgesang` for 2 sopranos, tenor, mixed chorus and orchestra (1840), op. 52
Mendelssohn, Felix -
Symphony No. 3 in A minor `Scottish` (1841-1842), op. 56
Mendelssohn, Felix -
Symphony No. 4 in A major `Italian` (1833, rev. 1834), op. 90
Mendelssohn, Felix -
Symphony No. 5 in D minor `Reformation` (1829-1930, rev. 1832), op.107
Mendelssohn, Felix -
Violin Concerto in e-moll (1844), op. 64
Mendelssohn, Felix -
`Calm Sea and Prosperous Voyage`, a concert overture (1828), op. 27
Messiaen, Olivier -
L`Ascension: Quatre méditations symphoniques (1932/33)
Messiaen, Olivier -
Turangalîla-Symphonie (1946-48, rev. 1990)
Messiaen, Olivier -
`Et expecto resurrectionem mortuorum`, for wind, brass and percussion (1964)
Messiaen, Olivier -
`Poemes pour Mi`, for soprano and piano (1936)
Messiaen, Olivier -
`Quatuor pour la fin du temps` for clarinet, violin, cello and piano (1940-41)
Meyerbeer, Giacomo -
Opera `Dinora` (arias)
Meyerbeer, Giacomo -
Opera «L`Africaine» (arias, fragments)
Meyerbeer, Giacomo -
Parts of compositions
Milhaud, Darius -
Ballet `Le bœuf sur le toit` (1919), op. 58
Milhaud, Darius -
Cello Concerto ¹1 (1934), op.136
Mirzoyan, Edward -
Symphony for string orchestra and kettle-drums, 1962
Monn, Georg Matthias -
Concerto for Harpsichord, strings and b. c. in g-moll
Montemezzi, Italo -
L`amore dei tre re, opera
Moszkowski, Moritz -
5 Spanish Dances for piano, 4 hands, op.12
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Adagio for violin and orchestra E-dur (1776), KV261
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Aria `Alma grande e nobil core` for soprano and orchestra (1789), KV578
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Aria `Clarice cara mia sposa` for tenor and orchestra (1776), KV256
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Aria `Con ossequio, con rispetto` for tenor and orchestra (1775), KV210
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Aria `Misero! O sogno, o son desto` for tenor and orchestra (1783), KV431 (425b)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Aria `Muåßt ich auch durch tausend Drachen` for tenor and orchestra (1783), KV435 (416b)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Aria `Per pieta, non ricercate` for tenor and orchestra (1783), KV420
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Aria `Si mostra la sorte` for tenor and orchestra (1775), KV209
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Aria `Tali e cotanti sono` for tenor and orchestra (1766), KV 36 (33i)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Aria `Va, dal furor portata` for tenor and orchestra (1765), KV 21 (19c)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Aria `Vado, ma dove, oh Dei!` for sopran and orchestra (1789), KV583
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Cantata `Dir, Seele des Weltalls` for tenor, three-part men`s choir and orchestra (1785), KV429 (468a)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Cantate `Die Maurerfreude` for tenor, men`s choir and orchestra (1785), KV471
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Clarinet Concerto in A-dur (1791), KV622
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Concerto for 2 (or 3) pianos and orchestra ¹ 7 F-dur `Lodron-Konzert` (1776/1779), KV242
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Concerto for 2 Pianos and Orchestra ¹10 in Es-dur (1779/1782), KV365 (316a)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Concerto for Flute and Orchestra No.1 in G-dur (1778), KV313 (285c)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Concerto for Flute and Orchestra No.2 in D-dur (1778), KV314 (285d)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Concerto for Flute, Harp and Îrchestra in C-dur (1778), KV299 (297c)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Concerto for Horn and Orchestra No.1 in D-dur (1782/1791), KV412+514 (386b)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Concerto for Horn and Orchestra No.2 in Es-dur (1783), KV417
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Concerto for Horn and Orchestra No.3 in Es-dur (1783), KV447
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Concerto for Horn and Orchestra No.4 in Es-dur (1786), KV495
Mozart, Leopold -
Concerto for Trumpet and Orchestra in D-dur
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Kyrie in d-moll (1780-81), KV341 (368à)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Mass C-dur (1776), KV257
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Mass c-moll (`Große Messe` (1782-83), KV427 (417a)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Maurerische Trauermusik (1785), KV477 (479a)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Motet `Ave verum corpus` for chorus, orchestra and organ (1791), KV618
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Motet `Exsulate, jubilate` for soprano and orchestra (1773), KV165 (158a)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Oboe Concerto in C-dur `Ferlendis` (1777), KV314 (271k)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Opera `Cosi Fan Tutte` (overtures, arias, fragments), KV588
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Opera `Der Schauspieldirektor` (1786), KV486
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Opera `Don Giovanni` (overture, arias, fragments), KV527
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Opera `Le Nozze di Figaro` (overtures, arias, fragments), KV492
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Opera `Lo sposo deluso` (1784-84), KV430 (424a/Anh 109c)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Piano Concerto ¹ 5 in D-dur (1773), KV175
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Piano Concerto ¹ 6 in B-dur (1776), KV238
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Piano Concerto ¹ 8 in C-dur `Lützow-Konzert` (1776), KV246
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Piano Concerto ¹ 9 in Es-dur `Jeunehomme` (1777), KV271
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Piano Concerto ¹11 in F-dur (1782/83), KV413 (387a)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Piano Concerto ¹15 in B-dur (1784), KV450
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Piano Concerto ¹16 in D-dur (1784), KV451
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Piano Concerto ¹17 in G-dur (1784), KV453
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Piano Concerto ¹18 in B-dur (1784), KV456
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Piano Concerto ¹19 in F-dur (1784), KV459
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Piano Concerto ¹20 in d-moll (1785), KV466
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Piano Concerto ¹21 in C-dur (1785), KV467
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Piano Concerto ¹22 in Es-dur (1785), KV482
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Piano Concerto ¹23 in A-dur (1786), KV488
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Piano Concerto ¹24 in c-moll (1786), KV491
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Piano Concerto ¹25 in C-dur (1786), KV503
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Piano Concerto ¹26 in D-dur `Krönungskonzert` (1788), KV537
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Piano Concerto ¹27 in B-dur (1791), KV595
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Piano Concertî ¹12 in A-dur (1782), KV414 (386a/385p)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Piano Concertî ¹13 in C-dur (1782-83), KV415 (387b)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Piano Concertî ¹14 in Es-dur (1784), KV449
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Rechitative & Rondo `Chio mi scordi di te - Non temer, amato bene` for soprano, piano and orchestra (1786), KV505
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Rondo for Piano and Orchestra in A-dur (1782), KV386
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Rondo for Piano and Orchestra in D-dur (1782), KV382
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Serenade ¹13 in G-dur `Eine Kleine Nachtmusik` (1787), KV525
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Sinfonia Concertante for Oboe, Clarinet, Horn, Bassoon & Orchestra in Es-dur (1778), KV297b (Anh. 9/C 14.01)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Sinfonia Concertante for Violin, Viola & Orchestra in Es-dur (1779), KV364 (320d)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Symphony ¹25 in g-moll (1773), KV183 (173dB)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Symphony ¹29 in A-dur (1774), KV201 (186a)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Symphony ¹31 in D-dur `Paris` (1778), KV297 (300a)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Symphony ¹32 in G-dur (1779/1782), KV318
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Symphony ¹33 in B-dur (1779/1782), KV319
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Symphony ¹36 in C-dur `Linzer` (1783), KV425
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Symphony ¹39 in Es-dur (1788), KV543
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Symphony ¹40 in g-moll (1788/1791), KV550
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Symphony ¹41 in C-dur `Jupiter` (1788), KV551
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Thamos, König in Ägypten (1774/1779-80), KV345 (336a)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Violin Concerto No.1 in B-dur (1775), KV207
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Violin Concerto No.2 in D-dur (1775), KV211
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Violin Concerto No.3 in G-dur (1775), KV216
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Violin Concerto No.4 in D-dur (1775), KV218
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Violin Concerto No.5 in A-dur (1775), KV219
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Violin Concerto No.7 in G-dur (1777), KV271i (271a)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
`Vesperae solennes de confessore` for soloisten, choir and orchestra (1780), KV339
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Ñantata `Laut verkünde unsre Freude` for 2 tenors, bass, men`s choir and orchestra (1791), KV623
Mussorgsky, Modest -
Opera `Boris Godunov` (arias, fragments), MM 52
Mussorgsky, Modest -
Opera `Sorochinskaya Fair` (arias, scenes), MM 62
Mussorgsky, Modest -
Pictures at an Exhibition, cycle of pieces for piano (1874; orchestral verisons), MM 59
Mussorgsky, Modest -
`Night on Bald Mountain`, a fantasy for orchestra (1866-67), MM 39
Myaskovsky, Nikolay -
Concerto for Cello and Orchestra (1945), op.66
Nielsen, Carl -
Saul and David, Opera, CNW 1
Nielsen, Carl -
Symphony No.1 in g-moll (1889-94), op. 7
Nielsen, Carl -
Symphony No.2 `Four Temperaments` (1901-02), op. 16
Nielsen, Carl -
Symphony No.3 `Sinfonia espansiva`(1910-11), op. 27
Nielsen, Carl -
Symphony No.4 `Inextinguishable` (1914-16), op. 29
Nielsen, Carl -
Symphony No.5 (1920-22), op. 50
Nielsen, Carl -
Symphony No.6 `Sinfonia semplice` (1924-25), CNW 30
Nitzsche, Jack -
St. Giles Cripplegate (ca. 1970)
Novacek, Ottokar -
Perpetuum mobile - concert caprice for violin & piano, op. 5, ¹ 4
Offenbach, Jacques -
Parts of compositions
Ohana, Maurice -
Concerto for Guitar and Orchestra (Tres gráficos)
Orff, Carl -
Cantata `Carmina Burana` (1937)
Paganini, Niccolo -
Concerto for violin and orchestra No.1 in D-dur (1816), MS 21 (op. 6)
Paganini, Niccolo -
Concerto for violin and orchestra No.2 in h-moll `La campanella`, MS 48 (op. 7)
Paganini, Niccolo -
Concerto for violin and orchestra No.3 in E-dur (1826), MS 50
Paganini, Niccolo -
Concerto for violin and orchestra No.4 in d-moll (1829/30), MS 60
Paganini, Niccolo -
Introduction and Variations on `Dal tuo stellato soglio` from Rossini`s `Moses in Egypt`, MS 23 (op.24)
Paganini, Niccolo -
Sonata for Grand Viola and Piano/Orchestra (1834), MS 70
Panufnik, Andrzej -
Cello Concerto
Penderecki, Krzysztof -
Penderecki, Krzysztof -
Concerto for violin and orchestra No.2 `Metamorphosis` (1992-95)
Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista -
Stabat Mater for soprano, alto, choir, strings and organ (1734), P. 77
Persichetti, Vincent -
Divertimento for symphony orchestra, op. 42
Persichetti, Vincent -
Masquerade, for symphony orchestra, op.102
Persichetti, Vincent -
Parable IX for symphony orchestra and percussion ensemble, op.121
Podgaits, Efrem -
Symphony ¹ 2 (2003)
Ponce, Manuel -
Guitar Concerto (Concierto del Sur)
Ponchielli, Amilcare -
Danza delle ore
Ponchielli, Amilcare -
Opera `La Gioconda` (arias)
Popov, Gavriil -
Symphony No.1 (1935), op. 7
Poulenc, Francis -
Parts of Works
Previn, Andre -
Guitar Concerto
Prokofiev, Sergey -
Ballet `Romeo and Juliet` (1935-36), op. 64
Prokofiev, Sergey -
Cantata for the twentieth anniversary of October, for symphonic orchestra, military band, accordion orchestra , percussion orchestra and two choirs (1936-1937), op. 74
Prokofiev, Sergey -
Concertino for Cello and Orchestra in G minor (1952), op.132
Prokofiev, Sergey -
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No.1 D flat major (1911-12), op. 10
Prokofiev, Sergey -
Concerto for piano and orchestra No.2 in G minor (1923), op. 16
Prokofiev, Sergey -
Concerto for piano and orchestra No.3 in C major (1917-21), op. 26
Prokofiev, Sergey -
Concerto for piano and orchestra ¹ 4 in B-flat major (for left hand) (1931), op. 53
Prokofiev, Sergey -
Concerto for piano and orchestra ¹ 5 in G major (1932), op. 55
Prokofiev, Sergey -
Concerto for Violin and Orchestra No.1 in D major (1916-17), op. 19
Prokofiev, Sergey -
Concerto for Violin and Orchestra ¹2 in g-moll (1935), op. 63
Prokofiev, Sergey -
Parts of works
Prokofiev, Sergey -
Shute, symphonic suite for large orchestra (1922), op. 21 bis
Prokofiev, Sergey -
Sinfonia concertante for Cello and Orchestra in E minor (1950-52), op.125
Prokofiev, Sergey -
Symphony No.1 in D major `Classical` (1916-17), op. 25
Prokofiev, Sergey -
Symphony No.2 in D minor (1924), op. 40
Prokofiev, Sergey -
Symphony No.3 in C minor (1928), op. 44
Prokofiev, Sergey -
Symphony No.4 in C (2nd Edition, 1947), op.112
Prokofiev, Sergey -
Symphony No.5 B flat Major (1944), op.100
Prokofiev, Sergey -
Symphony No.6 in E flat minor (1945-47), op.111
Prokofiev, Sergey -
Symphony No.7 in C sharp minor (1951-52), op.131
Prokofiev, Sergey -
`Ala and Lolli` Scythian Suite for large orchestra (1914), op. 20
Prokofiev, Sergey -
`Alexander Nevsky`, cantata for mezzo-soprano (solo), mixed chorus and orchestra (1938-39), op. 78
Prokofiev, Sergey -
`Autumn`, a symphonic sketch for small orchestra (1910), op. 8
Prokofiev, Sergey -
`Lieutenant Kije` Symphonic Suite from motion picture soundtreck (1934), op. 60
Prokofiev, Sergey -
`Peter and the Wolf`, a symphonic tale for children (1936), op. 67
Prokofiev, Sergey -
`Seven of them` Cantata for a dramatic tenor, mixed chorus and large orchestra (1917-18), op. 30
Prokofiev, Sergey -
`The Love for Three Oranges`, Symphonic Suite from the opera in 6 parts (1924), op. 33 bis
Puccini, Giacomo -
Messa for solists, chorus and orchestra (1880), S. 6
Puccini, Giacomo -
Opera `Gianni Schicchi` (1917), S. 87
Puccini, Giacomo -
Opera `Gianni Schicchi` (arias)
Puccini, Giacomo -
Opera `Il Tabarro` (the first part of the `Il Trittico`), S. 85
Puccini, Giacomo -
Opera `La Boheme` (1896), S. 67
Puccini, Giacomo -
Opera `La Boheme` (arias, fragments)
Puccini, Giacomo -
Opera `La Fanciulla del West` (arias)
Puccini, Giacomo -
Opera `Madama Butterfly` (arias)
Puccini, Giacomo -
Opera `Manon Lescaut` (arias)
Puccini, Giacomo -
Opera `Swallow`, S. 83
Puccini, Giacomo -
Opera `Turandot` (1926), S. 91
Puccini, Giacomo -
Symphonic Prelude, S. 32
Puccini, Giacomo -
`Crisantemi` for String Quartet, S. 65
Rachmaninov, Sergei -
Opera `Aleko` (arias), TN 70
Rachmaninov, Sergei -
Piano Concerto No. 1 in fis-moll (1890-91, 1917), op. 1
Rachmaninov, Sergei -
Piano Concerto No. 2 in c-moll (1900-01), op.18
Rachmaninov, Sergei -
Piano Concerto No. 3 in d-moll (1909), op.30
Rachmaninov, Sergei -
Piano Concerto No. 4 in g-moll (1926, 1928, 1941), op.40
Rachmaninov, Sergei -
Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini for piano and orchestra (1934), op.43
Rachmaninov, Sergei -
Symphonic Dances for Orchestra (1940), op.45
Rachmaninov, Sergei -
Symphony No.1 (1895), op.13
Rachmaninov, Sergei -
Symphony No.2, op.27
Rachmaninov, Sergei -
Symphony No.3 in a-moll, op.44
Rachmaninov, Sergei -
The Rock, fantasia or symphonic poem for orchestra (1893), op. 7
Rachmaninov, Sergei -
`Isle of the Dead`, symphonic poem (1908), op.29
Rachmaninov, Sergei -
`The Bells`, choral symphony (1913), op.35
Ranjbaran, Behzad -
Ranjbaran, Behzad -
Seven Passages
Ranjbaran, Behzad -
The Blood of Seyavash
Rathaus, Karol -
Dramatic Vision for Orchestra (1945), op. 55
Rathaus, Karol -
Symphonic Polonaise (1943), op. 52
Ravel, Mauãice -
Ballet `Daphnis and Chloe` (1909-12), M 57
Ravel, Mauãice -
Ballet `Mother Goose` (Ma mire l oye), M 62
Ravel, Mauãice -
Bolero, for orchestra (1928), M 81
Ravel, Mauãice -
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra ¹ 2 in D-dur (for Left Hand, 1929-30), M 82
Ravel, Mauãice -
Pavane pour une infante dåfunte (for Piano (1899); Orchestra (1910)), M 19
Ravel, Mauãice -
Piano Concerto ¹ 1 in G-dur (1929-31), M 83
Ravel, Mauãice -
Song Cycle `Sheherazade` for Soprano (or Tenor) & Orchestra (1903), M 41
Ravel, Mauãice -
Valse, a choreographic poem (La valse) (1920), M 72
Ravel, Mauãice -
`Daphnis et Chloe`, Suite for orchestra No.2 (1912), M 57b
Ravel, Mauãice -
`Fanfare`, a dance for the children`s ballet `L`éventail de Jeanne`(1927), M 80
Ravel, Mauãice -
`Le Tombeau de Couperin` Suite for Piano (1914-17), M 68
Ravel, Mauãice -
`Miroirs`, cycle of pieces for piano (1904-05), M 43
Ravel, Mauãice -
`Rapsodie espagnole` for Orchestra (1907), M 54
Ravel, Mauãice -
`Scheherazade`, overture (1898), M 17
Ravel, Mauãice -
`Tzigane`, rhapsody for violin and piano/orchestra (1924), M 76
Ravel, Mauãice -
`Valses nobles et sentimentales` for piano (1911), orchestra (1912), M 61
Rawsthorne, Alan -
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No.2 (1951)
Respighi, Ottorino -
Impressioni Brasiliane (1928), P. 153
Respighi, Ottorino -
`Feste Romane`, tone poem for orchestra (1928), P. 157
Respighi, Ottorino -
`Fontane di Roma`, tone poem for orchestra (1916), P. 106
Respighi, Ottorino -
`Gli Uccelli (Birds`, suite for small orchestra), P. 154
Respighi, Ottorino -
`La Boutique fantasque`, ballet, based on piano pieces by Rossini (1919), P. 120
Respighi, Ottorino -
`Pini di Roma`, tone poem for orchestra (1924), P. 141
Ricci, Federico -
Opera `Crispino e la comare` (arias)
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay -
Capriccio Espagnol, op. 34
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay -
Opera `Mlada` (1889-90), op.deest 34
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay -
Opera `May Night` (arias), op.deest 18
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay -
Opera `Sadko` (arias), op.deest 39
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay -
Opera `Snow Maiden` (arias, fragments), op.deest 19
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay -
Opera-ballet `Mlada` (arias, fragments), op.deest 34
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay -
Symphony No.3 in C-dur (1866–73, rev. 1886), op. 32
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay -
`Easter Festival` overture (1888), op. 36
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay -
`Fairy Tale` for symphony orchestra, op. 29
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay -
`Scheherazade`, symphonic suite (1888), op. 35
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay -
`The Golden Cockerel`, concert suite of the opera, op.deest 53a
Rodgers, Richard Charles -
Rodrigo, Joaquin -
Concerto en modo galante for cello and orchestra (1949)
Rodrigo, Joaquin -
Concerto for Violin and Orchestra (Concerto de estio)
Rodrigo, Joaquin -
Concertî-Madrigal for Two Guitars and Orchestra (1966)
Rodrigo, Joaquin -
Zarabanda lejana y Villancico
Rodrigo, Joaquin -
`A la busca de mas alla` (1976)
Rodrigo, Joaquin -
`Concierto de Aranjuez` for Guitar and Orchestra (1939)
Rodrigo, Joaquin -
`Musica para un jardin` (1957)
Rodrigo, Joaquin -
`Per la flor del Iliri blau` (1934)
Rossini, Gioachino -
Introduction, Theme and Variations for Clarinet and Orchestra in B-dur (1819), GR V.10
Rossini, Gioachino -
Opera `Guillaume Tell` (arias), EC 39
Rossini, Gioachino -
Opera `Il Barbiere di Siviglia` (1816), EC 17
Rossini, Gioachino -
Opera `Il Barbiere di Siviglia` (overtures, arias, fragments), EC 17
Rossini, Gioachino -
Opera `La Cenerentola` (1817), EC 20
Rossini, Gioachino -
Opera `La gazza ladra` (overtures, fragments, arias), EC 21
Rossini, Gioachino -
Opera `Otello` (excerpts), EC 19
Rossini, Gioachino -
Opera `Promissory note for marriage` (1810) (arias), EC 2
Rossini, Gioachino -
Opera `Semiramide` (1823), EC 34
Rossini, Gioachino -
Opera `Semiramide` (overtures, arias, fragments), EC 34
Rossini, Gioachino -
Opera `The Siege of Corinth` (overtures, arias, fragments), EC 36
Rossini, Gioachino -
Stabat Mater per soli, coro a quattro voci miste e orchestra (1831-1841), GR IIIb. 6
Roussel, Albert -
Padmavati, the opera-ballet, op. 18
Rubbra, Edmund -
Soliloquy for cello and orchestra, op. 57
Rubinstein, Anton -
Concerto for piano and orchestra No.4 in d-moll (1864), op. 70
Ruiz-Pipo, Antonio -
Tablas para guitarra
Rutter, John -
Rutter, John -
Saariaho, Kaija -
Opera `Innocence` (2018)
Saint-Saens, Camille -
Concerto for Cello and Orchestra No.1 in a-moll (1872), op. 33
Saint-Saens, Camille -
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No.2 in g-moll (1868), op. 22
Saint-Saens, Camille -
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No.4 in c-moll (1875), op. 44
Saint-Saens, Camille -
Concerto for Violin and Orchestra No.3 in h-moll (1880), op. 61
Saint-Saens, Camille -
Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso for violin and orchestra (1863), op. 28
Saint-Saens, Camille -
Opera `Samson et Dalila` (1877), op. 47
Saint-Saens, Camille -
`Carnival of the Animals` for chamber ensemble (or piano and orchestra) (1886), R.125
Saint-Saens, Camille -
`Havanaise` for violin and orchestra (1887), op. 83
Salieri, Antonio -
26 variations on the theme of `La Folia di Spagna` (1815)
Sandoval, Arturo -
Concerto for Trumpet & Orchestra
Sarasate, Pablo de -
Concert Fantasy on themes of Bizet`s opera Carmen, op. 25
Sarasate, Pablo de -
Spanish Dance ¹ 3 - Andalusian Romance, op. 22/1
Sarasate, Pablo de -
Zigeunerweisen, op. 20
Sarasate, Pablo de -
`Navarra`, op. 33
Schifrin, Lalo -
Concerto for Guitar and Orchestra (1985)
Schifrin, Lalo -
Tropicos for Orchestra
Schnittke, Alfred -
Concerto for Cello and Orchestra ¹ 2 (1990), op.211
Schnittke, Alfred -
Concerto Grosso ¹ 1 for two violins, harpsichord, prepared piano and string orchestra (1977), op.119
Schnittke, Alfred -
In memoriam (orchestral version of the Piano Quintet) (1972-1978), op.127
Schnittke, Alfred -
`Nagasaki`, oratorio for mezzo-soprano, mixed chorus and orchestra (1958), op. 19
Schoenberg, Arnold -
5 pieces for orchestra (1909), op. 16
Schoenberg, Arnold -
Chamber Symphony ¹1 for 15 solo instruments (1906), op. 9
Schoenberg, Arnold -
Concerto for Violin and Orchestra, op. 36
Schoenberg, Arnold -
`Gurre Lieder` for soloist, chorus and orchestra (1900, orchestrated 1911)
Schubert, Franz -
3 Militärmärsche (Op. 51), D 733
Schubert, Franz -
6 Moments musicaux, Op.94, D 780
Schubert, Franz -
7 Lieder `Das Fräulein vom See`: ¹ 6 - Ellens Song III (`Ave Maria`), op. 52, ¹ 6, D 839
Schubert, Franz -
Concert Piece for Violin and Orchestra, D 345
Schubert, Franz -
Parts of compositions
Schubert, Franz -
Rondo for Violin and String Orchestra in A-dur, D 438
Schubert, Franz -
Symphony No.6 in C-dur (1818), D 589
Schubert, Franz -
Symphony No.8 in h-moll `Die Unvollendete` (1822-23), D 759
Schubert, Franz -
Symphony No.9 in C-dur `Die Große` (1825-58), D 944
Schubert, Franz -
`Rosamunde, Princess of Cyprus` - Incidental Music, D 797
Schumann, Robert -
Cello Concerto in a-moll (1850), Op.129
Schumann, Robert -
Introduction & Concert allegro for Piano and Orchestra in D-dur, Op.134
Schumann, Robert -
Konzertstück for Piano and Orchestra G-dur (1849), Op. 92
Schumann, Robert -
Overture `Manfred`, Op.115
Schumann, Robert -
Piano Concerto in a-moll (1841-45), Op. 54
Schumann, Robert -
Symphony No.1 in B-dur (Frühlings-Symphonie) (1841), Op. 38
Schumann, Robert -
Symphony No.2 in C-dur (1845-46), Op. 61
Schumann, Robert -
Symphony No.3 in Es-dur `Rhein` (1850), Op. 97
Schumann, Robert -
Symphony No.4 in d-moll (1841, 1851), Op.120
Schumann, Robert -
Violin Concerto in d-moll (1853), WoO 23
Scriabin, Alexander -
Symphony No.2 in c-moll, Op. 29
Scriabin, Alexander -
Symphony ¹ 1, Op. 26
Shahidi, Tolib Shahidi -
`Sado`, Symphonic Poem (1984)
Shankar, Ravi -
Concerto for Sitar and Orchestra ¹ 1 (1976)
Shaw, Artie -
Concerto For Clarinet
Shchedrin, Rodion -
Ballet `Carmen-Suite` (1967), op. 36
Shchedrin, Rodion -
Cello Concerto `Sotto voce` (1994), op. 87
Shchedrin, Rodion -
Concerto Cantabile for Violin and Strings. 1997, op.103
Shield, William -
Opera `Rosina` (1782)
Shostakovich, Dmitriy -
Concerto for Cello and Orchestra No.1 in Es-dur (1959), op.107
Shostakovich, Dmitriy -
Concerto for Cello and Orchestra No.2 in G-dur (1966), op.126
Shostakovich, Dmitriy -
Concerto for violin and orchestra No. in cis-moll (1967), op.129
Shostakovich, Dmitriy -
Concerto for violin and orchestra No.1 in a-moll (1947-48), op. 77
Shostakovich, Dmitriy -
Festive Overture in A major (1954), op. 96
Shostakovich, Dmitriy -
Suite from music to film `The Gadfly`, op. 97a
Shostakovich, Dmitriy -
Symphony No. 1 in f-moll (1924-25), op. 10
Shostakovich, Dmitriy -
Symphony No. 5 in d-moll (1937), op. 47
Shostakovich, Dmitriy -
Symphony No. 6 in h-moll (1939), op. 54
Shostakovich, Dmitriy -
Symphony No. 8 in c-moll, op. 65
Shostakovich, Dmitriy -
Symphony No.10 in e-moll, op. 93
Shostakovich, Dmitriy -
Symphony No.15 in A-dur (1971), op.141
Shostakovich, Dmitriy -
Symphony ¹ 12 in d-moll `1917` (1961), op.112
Shostakovich, Dmitriy -
`The Gadfly`, motion picture soundtrack (1955), op. 97
Sibelius, Jean -
Öinen ratsastus and auringonnousu (Night Ride and Sunrise), Symphonic Poem, op. 55
Sibelius, Jean -
2 Songs for Voice & Guitar (or Piano) for Shakespeare`s `The Twelfth Night` (1909), op. 60
Sibelius, Jean -
5 songs for voice and piano, op. 37
Sibelius, Jean -
5 songs for voice and piano, op. 38
Sibelius, Jean -
6 Songs for Voice and Piano, op. 36
Sibelius, Jean -
7 songs to words by Runeberg (1891/92), op. 13
Sibelius, Jean -
7 songs to words by Runeberg, Tavaststjerna and others (1891-1904), op. 17
Sibelius, Jean -
Aallottaret (The Oceanides), symphonic poem for orchestra (1914), op. 73
Sibelius, Jean -
Belshazzar`s Feast, suite for orchestra (or piano) (1907), op. 51
Sibelius, Jean -
En Saga, a symphonic poem for orchestra, op. 9
Sibelius, Jean -
Fragments of cycles & parts of compositions
Sibelius, Jean -
Karelia music (1893), op. 11
Sibelius, Jean -
Kullervo, Symphony for soprano, baritone, male choir and orchestra (1892), op. 7
Sibelius, Jean -
Luonnotar, symphonic poem for soprano and orchestra, op. 70
Sibelius, Jean -
Pohjolan tytär (Pohjola`s Daughter), symphonic fantasy for orchestra (1906), op. 49
Sibelius, Jean -
Symphonic poem for orchestra `Finlandia` (1900), op. 26
Sibelius, Jean -
Symphony No.1 in e-moll (1898-99), op. 39
Sibelius, Jean -
Symphony No.2 in D-dur (1901-02), op. 43
Sibelius, Jean -
Symphony No.3 in C-dur (1907), op. 52
Sibelius, Jean -
Symphony No.4 in a-moll (1911), op. 63
Sibelius, Jean -
Symphony No.5 in Es-dur (1914-15, 1916, 1919), op. 82
Sibelius, Jean -
Symphony No.6 in d-moll (1923), op.104
Sibelius, Jean -
Symphony No.7 in C-dur (1924), op.105
Sibelius, Jean -
Tapiola, symphonic poem for orchestra (1926), op.112
Sibelius, Jean -
Valse triste, op. 44/1
Sibelius, Jean -
Violin Concerto in d-moll (1905), op. 47
Sibelius, Jean -
`Arioso` for voice and string orchestra to words by Runeberg, op. 3
Sibelius, Jean -
`Karelia`, overture for orchestra (1893), op. 10
Spohr, Ludwig -
Clarinet Concerto No.1 in c-moll, op. 26
Still, William Grant -
Sahdji, balet (1930)
Still, Robert -
Symphony No.3 (1960)
Strauss, Richard -
4 last songs (1948), TrV296
Strauss, Johann Sr. -
Alice-Polka, op.238
Strauss, Johann Sr. -
Almacks-Quadrille, op.243
Strauss, Richard -
Burlesque for Piano and Orchestra in d-moll, TrV145
Strauss, Franz -
Concerto for Horn and Orchestra in C Minor, îð. 8
Strauss, Richard -
Concerto for Horn and Orchestra No.1 in Es-dur (1882-83), op. 11
Strauss, Richard -
Concerto for Horn and Orchestra ¹ 2 in Es-dur (1942), TrV283
Strauss, Johann Sr. -
Exeter-Polka, op.249
Strauss, Johann Sr. -
Frederica-Polka, op.239
Strauss, Johann Jr. -
Kaiser-Walzer, op.437
Strauss, Richard -
Opera `Salome` (1902-1905), op. 54
Strauss, Eduard -
Polka `Old England for ever!`, op.239
Strauss, Johann Jr. -
Potpourri from Ritter Pásmán, op.deest
Strauss, Johann Jr. -
Waltz `Erinnerung an Covent-Garden`, op.329
Strauss, Johann Sr. -
Waltz `Huldigung der Konigin Victoria von Grossbritannien`, op.103
Strauss, Richard -
`Don Juan`, tone poem (1888), op. 20
Strauss, Richard -
`Ein Heldenleben`, tone poem for orchestra (1898), op. 40
Strauss, Richard -
`Metamorphosen`, study for 23 string instruments (1945), TrV290
Strauss, Richard -
`Till Eulenspiegels lustige Streiche`, tone poem (1895), op. 28
Strauss, Richard -
`Tod und Verklärung`, tone poem for orchestra (1888-1889), op. 24
Strauss III, Johann -
Kronungs-Walzer, op. 40
Stravinsky, Igor -
Apollo [Musagetes], a ballet in two scenes for string orchestra (1927-28), K048
Stravinsky, Igor -
Ballet `Jeu de cartes` (1936-37), K059
Stravinsky, Igor -
Ballet `L’oiseau de feu` (1910), K010
Stravinsky, Igor -
Ballet `Orpheus` (1947), K076
Stravinsky, Igor -
Ballet `Pulcinella` (1920), K034
Stravinsky, Igor -
Ballet `The Rite of Spring`s` (1913/1947/1967), K015
Stravinsky, Igor -
Chant du Rossignol - Symphonic Poem for orchestra (1917), K026
Stravinsky, Igor -
Concerto for Piano and Wind Instruments (1923-24), K042
Stravinsky, Igor -
Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in D major (1931), K053
Stravinsky, Igor -
Four studies for orchestra (1928-29), K051
Stravinsky, Igor -
Opera `The Rake`s Progress` (1947-51), K078
Stravinsky, Igor -
Pastorale (1907), K006
Stravinsky, Igor -
Scherzo a la russe to symphonic jazz orchestra (1945), K070
Stravinsky, Igor -
Symphonies of Wind Instruments. To the memory of Claude Achille Debussy 1920, rev. 1947), K036
Stravinsky, Igor -
Symphony en Ut (1938-40), K061
Stravinsky, Igor -
Symphony in Three Movements (1942-45), K073
Stravinsky, Igor -
Symphony of Psalms for chorus and orchestra in three parts on the Latin texts of the Old Testament (1930), K052
Stravinsky, Igor -
Tango for 19 instruments (1953), K062b
Stravinsky, Igor -
`Agon` (`Contest`), ballet for 12 dancers in three parts (1953-57), K088
Stravinsky, Igor -
`Ebony Concerto` for Clarinet & Jazz Ensemble (1945), K074
Stravinsky, Igor -
`Fireworks` - A fantasy for large orchestra (1908), K007
Stravinsky, Igor -
`Ode` for orchestra (1943), K066
Stravinsky, Igor -
`Petrouchka`, funny scenes in the 4 paintings by Igor Stravinsky and Alexander Benois, ballet (1911), K012
Szymanowski, Karol -
Concerto for violin and orchestra No.1, op. 35
Szymanowski, Karol -
Symphony No.3 `Song of the Night`, op. 27
Tarrega, Francesco -
Recuerdos de la Alhambra (1899), TF.102
Tavener, John -
The Protecting Veil for cello and string orchestra
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr -
Ballet `Nutcracker` (1891-92), Op. 71
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr -
Ballet `Sleeping Beauty` (1888-89), Op. 66
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr -
Ballet `Swan Lake` (1875-77), Op. 20
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr -
Concert-Fantasy for Piano and Orchestra in G-dur (1884), Op. 56
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr -
Italian Capriccio (1880), Op. 45
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr -
Opera `Eugene Onegin` (arias, fragments), Op. 24
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr -
Opera `Iolanta` (arias), Op. 69
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr -
Overture `1812` (1880), Op. 49
Tchaikovsky, Boris -
Partita for Cello, Harpsichord, Piano, Guitar & Percussion (1966)
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr -
Parts of Compositions
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr -
Piano Concerto No. 1 in b-moll (1874-75/1876-79/1888-90), Op. 23
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr -
Piano Concerto No. 2 in G-dur (1879-80), Op. 44
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr -
Piano Concerto No. 3 in Es-dur (1893), Op. 75 posth
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr -
Sérénade Mélancolique for Violin and Orchestra in b-moll (1875), Op. 26
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr -
Serenade for the name day of N. G. Rubinstein for orchestra (1872), TH 43
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr -
Slavonic March (1876), Op. 31
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr -
Symphony No.1 g-moll `Winter Dreams` (1866-68/1874), Op. 13
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr -
Symphony No.2 c-moll (1872-73/1879-80), Op. 17
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr -
Symphony No.3 D-dur (1875), Op. 29
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr -
Symphony No.4 f-moll (1877), Op. 36
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr -
Symphony No.5 e-moll (1888), Op. 64
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr -
Symphony No.6 h-moll (1893), Op. 74
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr -
Valse-Scherzo for Violin and Piano (Orchestra) in C-dur (1877), Op. 34
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr -
Variations on a Rococo Theme for cello and orchestra (1876-77), Op. 33
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr -
Violin Concerto in D-dur (1878), Op. 35
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr -
`Francesca da Rimini`, Symphonic Fantasy after Dante (1876), Op. 32
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr -
`Manfred` Symphony h-moll (1885), Op. 58
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr -
`Romeo and Juliet` Overture-Fantasy after Shakespeare (1869/1870/1880), TH 42
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr -
`Souvenir d`un lieu cher` - 3 Pieces for Violin & Piano (1878), Op. 42
Tippett, Michael -
Concerto for Double String Orchestra
Tippett, Michael -
Concerto for Orchestra
Tippett, Michael -
Oratorio `A Child Of Our Time` (1939—1941)
Tippett, Michael -
Suite in D `For the birthday of Prince Charles` (1948)
Tippett, Michael -
Symphony No. 1 (1944-45)
Tippett, Michael -
Symphony No. 2 (1957)
Tippett, Michael -
Symphony No. 3 for Soprano & Orchestra
Tippett, Michael -
Triple Concerto for Violin, Viola, Cello & Orchestra (1978-79)
Tippett, Michael -
`The Rose Lake` for orchestra
Tippett, Michael -
`Visions of St. Augustine` for Baritone, Chorus and Orchestra
Tishchenko, Boris -
Cello concerto ¹1 (1963), op. 23
Tjeknavorian, Loris -
Othello, Symphonic Suite
Tosti, Francesco Paolo -
Arietta `A Vucchella` for Voice and Piano, C.S. 209
Tosti, Francesco Paolo -
Ideale, C.S. 47
Uematsu, Nobuo -
FINAL FANTASY VII: Symphony in Three Movements
Uematsu, Nobuo -
Final Fantasy X Piano Concerto
Uematsu, Nobuo -
Symphonic Poem `Born with the Gift of Magic`
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf -
Ballet `Job: A Masque for Dancing` (1931)
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf -
Benedicite, for soprano, choir and orchestra (1929)
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf -
Cantata `Dona Nobis Pacem` (1936)
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf -
Cantata: A Cotswold Romance (1951) (Concert peformance version of Hugh the Drover (1910-14)
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf -
Concerto Accademico for violin and orchestra
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf -
Concerto for Oboe and Orchestra in a-moll
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf -
Concerto for Tuba and Orchestra
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf -
Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis (1910, 1913, 1919)
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf -
Fantasia on Greensleeves
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf -
Norfolk Rhapsody No. 1 in E minor (1905-06)
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf -
Norfolk Rhapsody No. 2 in D minor (1906)
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf -
Oratorio `Sancta Civitas` (1923-1925)
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf -
Sinfonia Antarctica (Symphony No. 7) for full orchestra, soprano soloist, and women`s chorus
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf -
Suite on themes English Folk Songs
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf -
Symphony No.1 `A Sea Symphony` for soprano, baritone, mixed chorus, and orchestra
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf -
Symphony No.3 A Pastoral for full orchestra with soprano (or tenor) voice (1921)
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf -
Symphony No.4 f-moll
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf -
Symphony No.6 e-moll
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf -
Symphony No.8 in d-moll
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf -
Symphony No.9 in e-moll
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf -
Symphony ¹ 2, A London Symphony
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf -
The England of Elizabeth: Three Portraits (1955) 1. Explorer (Drake) 2. Poet (Shakespeare) 3. Queen (Elizabeth I)
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf -
Variation on the theme of Christmas carols for baritone, chorus and orchestra
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf -
`Hodie` - Christmas cantata for soloists, choir and orchestra (1954)
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf -
`The Death of Tintagiles` (1913) Incidental music to the play by Maurice Maeterlinck
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf -
`The Lark Ascending` - Romance for Violin and Orchestra (1914)
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf -
`The Running Set` (1933): Traditional Dance Tunes for orchestra
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf -
`Wasps` - Arlstophanlc Suite (1909)
Verdi, Giuseppe -
Opera `Aida` (1871)
Verdi, Giuseppe -
Opera `Aida` (overtures, arias, fragments)
Verdi, Giuseppe -
Opera `Attila` (arias)
Verdi, Giuseppe -
Opera `Don Carlos` (arias, fragments)
Verdi, Giuseppe -
Opera `I masnadieri` (arias)
Verdi, Giuseppe -
Opera `Il Trovatore` (1853)
Verdi, Giuseppe -
Opera `Jeanne d`Arc` (1845)
Verdi, Giuseppe -
Opera `La Traviata` (arias, fragments)
Verdi, Giuseppe -
Opera `Les vêpres siciliennes` (arias, fragments)
Verdi, Giuseppe -
Opera `Otello` (overtures, arias, fragments)
Verdi, Giuseppe -
Opera `Rigoletto` (arias)
Verdi, Giuseppe -
Opera `Un ballo in maschera` (arias)
Verdi, Giuseppe -
Opera «La forza del destino» (1862)
Verdi, Giuseppe -
Opera «La forza del destino» (arias)
Verdi, Giuseppe -
Opera «Luisa Miller» (arias)
Verdi, Giuseppe -
Opera «Simon Boccanegra» (arias)
Verdi, Giuseppe -
Requiem (1874)
Vieuxtemps, Henry -
Concerto for Violin and Orchestra No.5 in a-moll «Le Gretry» (1861), op.37
Villa-Lobos, Heitor -
Bachianas brasileiras No.2 for orchestra (1930), W247
Villa-Lobos, Heitor -
Concerto for Guitar and small Orchestra (1951), W501
Vivaldi, Antonio -
Concerto for 2 trumpets, strings and basso continuo in C-dur, RV537
Vivaldi, Antonio -
Concerto for bassoon, strings and basso continuo in B-dur, RV502
Vivaldi, Antonio -
Concerto for oboe, strings and basso continuo in C major, RV447
Vivaldi, Antonio -
Concerto `Four seasons` No.1 `Spring` for violin, strings and continuo in E-dur, RV269 (op.8/1)
Vivaldi, Antonio -
Concerto `Four seasons` No.2 `Summer` for violin, strings and basso continuo in g-moll, RV315 (op.8/2)
Vivaldi, Antonio -
Concerto `Four seasons` No.3 `Autumn` for violin, strings and basso continuo in F-dur, RV293 (op.8/3)
Vivaldi, Antonio -
Concerto `Four seasons` No.4 `Winter` for violin, strings and basso continuo in f-moll, RV297 (op.8/4)
Wagner, Richard -
5 songs on poems by Mathilde Vezendonk (1857-58), WWV 91
Wagner, Richard -
Opera `Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg` (fragments), WWV 96
Wagner, Richard -
Opera `Lohengrin` (1845-48), WWV 75
Wagner, Richard -
Opera `Lohengrin` (orchestral fragments), WWV 75
Wagner, Richard -
Opera `Tannhäuser` (orchestral fragments), WWV 70
Wagner, Richard -
Opera `Tannhäuser` (vocal fragments), WWV 70
Wagner, Richard -
Opera `Tristan und Isolde` (overtures, arias, fragments), WWV 90
Wagner, Richard -
Parts of Compositions
Wagner, Richard -
Tetralogy `Der Ring des Nibelungen.` Part I: Prologue - Opera `Das Rheingold` (fragments), WWV 86a
Wagner, Richard -
Tetralogy `Der Ring des Nibelungen.` Part II: Opera `Die Walküre`, WWV 86b
Wagner, Richard -
Tetralogy `Der Ring des Nibelungen.` Part II: Opera `Die Walküre` (fragments), WWV 86b
Wagner, Richard -
Tetralogy `Der Ring des Nibelungen` (IV): Îpera `Götterdämmerung` (fragments), WWV 86d
Wagner, Richard -
`Das Liebesmahl der Apostel` (1843), WWV 69
Wagner, Richard -
`Siegfried-Idyll` for orchestra (1870), WWV 103
Wallace, William Vincent -
Maritana (opera arias)
Walton, William -
Concerto for Cello and Orchestra (1956)
Walton, William -
Concerto for Viola and Orchestra in a-moll (1929)
Walton, William -
Oratorio `Belshazzar`s Feast` (1931)
Walton, William -
Orb And Sceptre - Coronation March (1953)
Walton, William -
Portsmouth Point, overture (1925)
Walton, William -
Scapino, overture (1940)
Walton, William -
Symphony No.1 (1935)
Walton, William -
Symphony No.2 «Liverpool» (1960)
Waxman, Franz -
Fantasy on Themes from Bizet`s Carmen for violin and orchestra (1946)
Weber, Carl Maria von -
Clarinet Concerto No.2 in Es-dur, op. 74
Weber, Carl Maria von -
Jubilee Overture, op. 59
Weber, Carl Maria von -
Konzertstuck for Piano and Orchestra in f-moll (1821), op. 79
Weber, Carl Maria von -
Opera `Der Freischutz` (overtures, arias, fragments), op. 77
Weber, Carl Maria von -
Opera `Oberon` (overtures, arias, fragments), J.306
Weber, Carl Maria von -
Symphony No. 2 in C-dur (1808), J. 51
Weber, Carl Maria von -
Symphony No.1 in C-dur (1807), op. 19
Webern, Anton von -
Bach-Webern. Musical Offering - Fuga (Ricercata)-A 6 Voci
Webern, Anton von -
Cantata ¹ 2, op. 31
Webern, Anton von -
Cantata ¹1, op. 29
Webern, Anton von -
Concerto for nine instruments, op. 24
Webern, Anton von -
Das Augenlicht (Eyesight) for mixed chorus and orchestra, op. 26
Webern, Anton von -
Five Pieces for Orchestra (1911), op. 10
Webern, Anton von -
Five Pieces for String Quartet (1909), op. 5
Webern, Anton von -
Passacaglia for Orchestra (1908), op. 1
Webern, Anton von -
Six Pieces for large orchestra (1909), op. 6
Webern, Anton von -
Symphony (1927—1928), op. 21
Webern, Anton von -
Two Songs for mixed choir and five instruments (1926), op. 19
Webern, Anton von -
Variations for Orchestra, op. 30
Westlake, Nigel -
`Antarctica` - Suite for Guitar and Orchestra
White, Jose -
Concerto for Violin and Orchestra
Wieniawski, Henryk -
Légende for Violin and Piano, op.17
Wieniawski, Henryk -
Violin Concerto No.1 in fis-moll (1853), op.14
Wieniawski, Henryk -
Violin Concerto No.2 in d-moll (1862), op.22
Williams, Grace -
Carillons, for Oboe and Orchestra (1965)
Williams, John Towner -
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, soundtrack
Williams, John Towner -
Indina Jones and the Lost Ark, soundtrack
Williams, John Towner -
Star Wars Episode I - The Phantom Menace, soundtrack
Williams, John Towner -
Star Wars Episode VI - Return Of The Jedi, soundtrack
Williams, John Towner -
The Five Sacred Trees, concerto for bassoon and orchestra (1995)
Williams, Grace -
Trumpet Concerto (1963)