A beautiful place, where are you?  |
A complaint  |
A Dream  |
A Flower  |
A girl living in the mountains, crying (Georgian folk song)  |
A girl with black eyes  |
A girl`s dream  |
A lonely moon floated across the sky  |
A Prisoner  |
A Ring  |
A Ring of Girl  |
A tear  |
Advice to a young man  |
Ah, if I had known this before  |
Ah, There Are Many Paths in the Field  |
Along the wide street  |
An old husband, a formidable husband  |
An orphan  |
And My Little Star...  |
Anticipation  |
Awakening  |
Beggar (P.J.Beranger), romance  |
Bewilderment  |
Blessed is he who could do this  |
Bogomolets/Pilgrim  |
Cherkes  |
Cherkes Song from the play `The Prisoner of the Caucasus`, poems of A. Pushkin  |
Cherkeshenka`s Song from the play `The Prisoner of the Caucasus`  |
Choosing a wife  |
Clear eyes, black eyes  |
Coffin  |
Contrdance  |
Dance suite  |
Dark Forest  |
Darling, you`re too careful  |
Desire  |
Disappointment  |
Discouragement  |
Do not believe the crazy temptation ...  |
Do not remember, do not say ...  |
Do not say...  |
Do not think about it, my friend!  |
Drinking song `Come on, first glass ...`  |
Drinking song `Well, friendlier, more cheerful!`  |
Eh, let`s drink, walk, Table hussar song  |
Evening Call  |
Evening Dawn  |
Everything comes its own turn  |
Exciting friendship  |
Eyes  |
Farewell of the Hussar  |
Farewell to the nightingale  |
Farewell to the Nightingale in the North  |
Flower, a Decoration of fields  |
Flower. What does the gift of a flower mean?  |
Folk Songs Processing  |
Forest Rustles...  |
Friends, let`s not be sad ...  |
Frizz  |
From a distant country  |
Fun time  |
Gloomy sky, the wind is noisy  |
Goodbye  |
Grandfather  |
Happiness is in a dream  |
Happy carelessness  |
How happy is he who remembers ...  |
How long have flowers bloomed...  |
How sweet the nightingale sang  |
Hut/Peasant`s house/Izba  |
I am sorry and sad ...  |
I Believe  |
I Love You!  |
I loved life...  |
I loved you  |
I loved you with bliss  |
I parted with you ...  |
I remember a wonderful moment ...  |
I see a butterfly flies  |
I see the image of yours  |
I survived my desires ...  |
I will go out on the porch  |
I will not tell that anyone  |
I will not touch your sadness  |
If life deceives you  |
Insidious friend...  |
Insomnia  |
Instead of separation and sadness ...  |
Introduction and Theme and Variations for Violin in d-moll  |
Irtysh River  |
It is not for me...  |
It`s sad for me to live in this world  |
I`m afraid, I`m afraid! ...  |
I`m in love, nice girl  |
I`m sitting on the river bank  |
I`ve seen her only twice  |
Joy is given to us by fate, friends  |
Kabak  |
Kabardinian Song  |
Kanareechka  |
Kiss of love pledge ... , a duet of comic opera `Moonlit Night, or Domovye`  |
Light Curl  |
Little Orphan  |
Living Dead  |
Loyalty to the grave  |
Lullaby  |
Mazurka for Piano in E Flat Major  |
Mazurka in D Major  |
Memory  |
Miranda Romance from the opera `Storm`  |
My Prayer  |
Mystery ( I will not tell, I do not admit)  |
Never  |
Nezabudochka  |
Nightingale (Solovei)  |
Nightingale is a lover of the rose  |
Northern Prisoner  |
Oh, granddaughter, avoid love.  |
Oh, My Head...  |
Oh, my sweetheart...  |
Oh, My Young Friend  |
Old Man Song (Do you remember, brother...)  |
One more day  |
Open the Gate, Baron! Funeral Song  |
Overture in F moll  |
Overture to the drama "The Departed, or the Siege of Corinth"  |
Overture to the vaudeville "A young mother and fiance of 48 years, or home performance"  |
Overture to the vaudeville "Morning and evening, or the wind changed"  |
Overture to the vaudeville "Three dozens of, or a new two-day adventure  |
Pakhitos  |
Parting  |
Parting with a sweetheart  |
Patience  |
Piano Quintet  |
Piano Sonata  |
Piece in g minor for piano  |
Poor singer/poet  |
Postman  |
Prayer  |
Quadrille for Piano in B Flat Major  |
Ray of hope  |
Romance `I saw her twice` (art. P.Arapova)  |
Romance `My head, my head` (art. A.Delviga)  |
Romance `That`s my song!`(V. V.Alyabyev)  |
Romances and Songs  |
Rondo for Piano  |
Rose  |
Rural elegy  |
Sad Song  |
Sarafanchik  |
Sasha, I`m suffering  |
Secret Sorrow  |
Secular Choirs a cappella  |
She is mine!  |
She`s gone  |
Siberian Song  |
Singer  |
Solemn polonaise  |
Solitude  |
Sonata for Violin and Piano in E moll  |
Song of the disabled person  |
Song of the Don Cossack  |
Song of the poor man  |
Song of the Shepherdess  |
Song of the Unfortunate  |
Sorry, I am sorry!  |
Sorry, Now it is a Midnight  |
Spray sparks  |
Straw  |
String Quartet No.1  |
String Quartet No.3 in G-dur  |
Suite from the ballet "The Magic Drum, or Magic Flute consequence"  |
Symphony No.3 in e-moll  |
Talisman  |
Tell me why the roses are burning ...  |
Tell Me, My Friend...  |
The Cherubic Hymn  |
The fiery eyes  |
The long way is over  |
The longing of sick Nina  |
The one who likes the fun is happy  |
The Song of the Robber  |
The village is located across the river  |
There are many girls in our mountains...  |
To Adel  |
To be together ...  |
To her...  |
To perish or to love  |
To Sasha  |
Traveler  |
Trio for piano, violin and cello in a-moll  |
Trio for piano, violin and cello in Es-dur (1815)  |
Troubadour  |
Under Blue Sky  |
Variations on a Ukrainian theme "Cossack Rode beyond the Danube" for violin and orchestra  |
Village Watchman  |
Waltz  |
We came to a noble person  |
What are you singing, a beautiful girl  |
What I miss  |
When I recognized you  |
Where are you, where are you, my dear friend...  |
Who is there in the distance?  |
Who passionately loves  |
Why do you need to know my name  |
Why does she shine with her beauty  |
Why he admired me...  |
Winds Blow  |
Winter Road, romance (lyrics by A. Pushkin)  |
You forgot the past ...  |
You stood leaning against the rock, Barcarola  |
You swore an oath  |
You, Fyodor, were a glorious hussar  |
Yuliya. Voice from the Other World  |
`Ah, boring, sad ...`, Ivan`s song from the opera `The fisherman and the mermaid, or the Evil Potion`  |
`Blue eyes, a mazurka with a choir  |
`On pebbles, on the yellow sand `, the song of Melnik`s daughter from the play` The Mermaid`  |
`Song of Bayan` (`Fighters sit on horses`)  |
`Song of Bayan` (`O night, O night, fly with an arrow!`), For voice and chorus with piano  |
`Song of Bayan` (`War, war, goodbye, Siana`)  |
`Storm`, symphonic picture  |