Herman Bemberg (1859–1931)
After the dream, opera |
Angels cry, song for vocal and piano |
Chant arabe for vocal and piano |
Chant vénitien for vocal and piano |
Come to Me, song for Voice, piano |
Elaine, opera (1892) |
Heart of snow, song for voice and piano |
Hindu song for vocal and piano |
Is it you?, song for vocal and piano |
La fée aux chansons, song for vocal and piano |
Love Me!, song for Voice and Piano |
Marthe`s song for Voice, Piano |
New song on an old air for voice, piano |
Sigh, song for vocal and piano |
Song of dawn for vocal and piano |
Song `Nymphs and Sylvanas` for vocals and piano |
The child of Bohemia, song for vocal and piano |
The death of Joan of Arc, cantata for soprano solo, chorus and orchestra |
The Desperate Ballad for alto, et Récitant (narrator) violin, cello, piano |
The kiss of Suzon, opera |
The Star, song for voice, piano |