(Schubert) Song `Erlkînig`, arr. for voice and orchestra (1860)  |
(Weber) `L’invitation à la valse` (îð. 65) - arr. for Orchestra (1841)  |
H 90
8 Scenes de Faust (1828-29)  |
H 33
Adoremus (Dmitri Bortniansky, arr. Berlioz)  |
Ballade `Sara la Baigneuse` for choir and orchestra  |
op. 11 (H 69)
Canon libre à la quinte (1818-22?)  |
H 14
Cantata `Herminie` for soprano and orchestra (1828)  |
H 29
Cantata `La Mort d’Orphée`  |
H 25
Cantata `L`impériale`  |
Cantata `Sardanapale` (1830, fragment)  |
H 50
Chansonette Monsieur de Vailly for voice and piano (1835)  |
H 73
Chant des chemins de fer  |
Cléopâtre, scène lyrique for soprano and orchestra (1829)  |
H 36
Fleure du Tage, romance for voice and guitar (1817?)  |
H 5
Fugue (a 3 sujets) for organ (1829)  |
H 35
Fugue for Organ (1826)  |
H 22
Grande symphonie funèbre et triomphale (1840)  |
op. 15
Hymn `Invitation a louer Dieu`  |
Hymne pour la consécration du nouveau tabernacle (1859)  |
Hymne pour l’elevation (1844)  |
La Marseillaise - arr. for tenor, chorus and orchestra (1830)  |
H 51a
Le cinq mai, Ñhant sur la mort de l’Empereur Napoléon (Pierre-Jean de Béranger)  |
op. 6 (H 74)
Le temple universel - for double chorus & organ (1861)  |
H137a (op. 28)
March of Rakoczi for orchestra (1846)  |
March of the Trojans for Orchestra (1864)  |
March to the last scene of Hamlet (1844)  |
Messe solennelle (1824)  |
H 20
Morning Serenade (Aubade) for tenor (or soprano), cornet and horns (1839)  |
H 78
Motet `Veni creator` (1860-68)  |
Nocturne a deux voix  |
H 31
Opera dilogy `Les Troyens` (1856-58)  |
Opera dilogy `Les Troyens` (arias, fragments)  |
Opera `Béatrice et Bénédict` (1862)  |
Opera `Beatrice and Benedict` (overtures, arias, fragments)  |
Opera `Benvenuto Cellini` (1838)  |
op. 23 (H 76a)
Opera `Benvenuto Cellini` (overtures, arias, fragments)  |
Overture `King Lear` (1831)  |
op. 4 (H 53)
Overture `Le Corsaire` (1846-51)  |
op. 21 (H 101)
Overture `Les Francs-juges` (1826)  |
op. 3 (H 23a)
Overture `Rob Roy` (1831)  |
H 54
Overture `Roman Carnival` (1844)  |
op. 9 (H 95)
Overture `Waverly` (1827-28)  |
op. 1 bis (H 26)
Parts of compositions  |
Pater noster (Dmitri Bortniansky, arr. Berlioz)  |
Quartetto e Coro dei maggi for Choir & Orchestra in F-dur (1832)  |
H 59
Rêverie et Caprice for violine and orchestra (piano) (1823)  |
op. 8
Requiem for tenor, choir and orchestra (1837)  |
op. 5
Resurrexit  |
H 20b
Romance `Amitié, reprends ton empire` (1818-22?)  |
H 10b
Romance `Je crois en vous` for baritone and piano (1834)  |
H 70
Romance `La Dépit de la bergère` (1818-22?)  |
H 7
Romance `Toi qui l`aimas, verse des pleurs` for voice and piano (1822-23?)  |
H 16
Sérénade agreste à la madone sur la thème des pifferari romains (1844)  |
H 98
Sacred Trilogy `The Childhood of Christ` (1853-54)  |
op. 25
Song Cycle `Feuillets d`album` (1850)  |
op. 19 (H 121)
Song Cycle `Fleurs des Landes`  |
op. 13 (H 124)
Song Cycle `Les Nuits d`été` (1841)  |
op. 7 (H 81)
Song Cycle `Les Nuits d`été` (excerpts)  |
Song Cycle `Tristia`  |
op. 18, H 119
Song `La belle Isabeau` (1843-44)  |
H 94
Song `La Captive` for voice and piano (or orchestra)  |
op. 12 (H 60)
Song `Le chasseur danois`  |
Song `Le maure jaloux`  |
H 9
Song `Le montagnard exilé` (1822-23?)  |
H 15
Song `Nessun maggior piacere`  |
Song `Pleure, pauvre Colette` (1818-22?)  |
H 11
Song `Prière du matin` (1846)  |
Symphonie fantastique (1830)  |
op. 14
Tantum ergo for 2 Sopranos, Alto, Female Chorus & Organ (1860-68)  |
Toccata for Organ in C Major (1844)  |
H 99
Two Choirs (Cantata) `Vox Populi` (1849)  |
Valse chantee  |
`Harold in Italy` - symphony for Viola and Orchestra (1834)  |
op. 16
`Ireland` (nine Irish songs, 1829)  |
H 38 (op. 2b)
`Lélio, ou le retour à la vie`, monodrame lyrique for narrator, tenor, baritone, chorus and orchestra (1831/1855)  |
op. 14b
`La Damnation de Faust` (arias & fragments)  |
`La Damnation de Faust` - Dramatic Legend for Soloists, Chorus and Orchestra (1846)  |
op. 24
`La révolution grecque`, scène héroïque (1825-26)  |
H 21a
`Le ballet des ombres` for choir and piano (1829)  |
op. 2a
`Roméo et Juliette`, symphonie dramatique for chorus, soloists and orchestra (1839)  |
op. 17
`Te Deum` for tenor, 2 mixed chorus, boy`s choir, organ and orchestra (1848-1849; 1852, 1855)  |
op. 22