A Prince so young  |
Ah Heaven! What is I hear  |
Air in C major for Organ  |
An Ode on the death of Mr. Henry Purcell (1695)  |
And is my Cavalier returned  |
Arms, arms, be delight in arms  |
As on Septimius painting Breast  |
At Looser hours, at the Shade  |
Be merciful unto me O Lord  |
Behold, O God our defender  |
Blessed is the man  |
Bring Shedherds, bring the kids  |
Cantate Domino in A  |
Cantate Domino in E minor  |
Catch on the battle at Hailbron  |
Clarona lay aside your Lute  |
Cloe Found Amyntas Lying  |
Come fill the Glass, fill the high  |
Cornet Voluntary in D Minor  |
Couched by the Pleasant Heliconian  |
Deus misereatur in A  |
Deus misereatur in E minor  |
Employ`d all the day still in publick  |
Fugue in g-moll  |
Glory be to the Father  |
Go Perjur`d Man  |
Go, go Perjur`d Maid  |
God is our hope and strength  |
God spake sometimes in visions  |
Ground in c-moll  |
Ground in d-moll  |
Happy the Man who languishing  |
Her Charming Strains  |
I beheld and lo, a great multitude  |
I was in the spirit  |
If I my Celia cou`d perswade  |
If mighty Wealth That gives the Rules  |
It is not that I Love you less  |
Jubilate Deo in A  |
Jubilate Deo in E minor  |
Jubilate Deo in G  |
Kyrie in A  |
Kyrie in E minor  |
Kyrie in G  |
Kyrie in G (triple time)  |
Lately on yonder swelling Bush  |
Let my prayer come up  |
Let thy hand be strengthened  |
Lifander I persue in vane  |
Lysander I Pursue  |
Magnificat and Nunc dimittis in G  |
Make Bright your Warrior`s Shield  |
Mark how the Lark and Linnet sing  |
Marriage Ode  |
Morpheus the humble God that  |
Musick`s the Cordial of a troubled  |
My days are gone like a shadow  |
My God, my God, look upon me  |
Nicene creed in A  |
Nicene creed in E minor  |
Nicene creed in G  |
Nicene creed in G (triple time)  |
O God, wherefore art thou absent  |
O Lord, I have sinned  |
O Lord, thou hast searched me out  |
O pray for the peace of Jerusalem  |
O sing unto God  |
O turn not those fine Eyes away  |
Of all the Torments  |
Oh Venus!  |
Oh! Nigrocella  |
Oh! when ye powers  |
On the king`s coming home  |
Orithea`s Bright Eyes, does all  |
Phylander, do not, do not  |
Poor Celadon, be sighs  |
Praise the Lord, ye servants  |
Prelude in C major for Organ  |
Prithee, die, and set me free  |
Psalms for the Organ  |
Rise mighty Monarch and ascend  |
Sabina has a thousand Charms  |
Salvator Mundi  |
Save me O God  |
Shepherds deck your crooks  |
Sing, sing ye Muses  |
Siong `Lovely Selena, innocent and free`  |
So ceas` d the rival crew  |
Sonata in A-dur  |
Strike The Viol  |
Suite in G-dur  |
Sweetness Of Nature  |
Te Deum in A  |
Te Deum in E minor  |
Te Deum in G  |
Tell me no more you Love  |
The Lord hear thee  |
The opera `Venus and Adonis` (1683)  |
The self banished  |
The sullen years are past  |
To me you made a thousand Vows  |
Turn thee unto me  |
Voluntary in C-dur  |
Welcome, welcome, evry guest  |
What is`t to us who guides the State  |
When Artists hit on Lucky  |
When I drynk my Heart is possest  |
Whence, Galatea, Why so Gay  |
Whilst on your Neck, no Rival Boy  |
Why does my Laura Shun me  |
Why Flavia, why so wanton still  |
Why is Tarpander pensive grown  |
Why Weeps Asteria  |