John Blow

John Blow (1649–1708)
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A Prince so young
Ah Heaven! What is I hear
Air in C major for Organ
An Ode on the death of Mr. Henry Purcell (1695)
And is my Cavalier returned
Arms, arms, be delight in arms
As on Septimius painting Breast
At Looser hours, at the Shade
Be merciful unto me O Lord
Behold, O God our defender
Blessed is the man
Bring Shedherds, bring the kids
Cantate Domino in A
Cantate Domino in E minor
Catch on the battle at Hailbron
Clarona lay aside your Lute
Cloe Found Amyntas Lying
Come fill the Glass, fill the high
Cornet Voluntary in D Minor
Couched by the Pleasant Heliconian
Deus misereatur in A
Deus misereatur in E minor
Employ`d all the day still in publick
Fugue in g-moll
Glory be to the Father
Go Perjur`d Man
Go, go Perjur`d Maid
God is our hope and strength
God spake sometimes in visions
Ground in c-moll
Ground in d-moll
Happy the Man who languishing
Her Charming Strains
I beheld and lo, a great multitude
I was in the spirit
If I my Celia cou`d perswade
If mighty Wealth That gives the Rules
It is not that I Love you less
Jubilate Deo in A
Jubilate Deo in E minor
Jubilate Deo in G
Kyrie in A
Kyrie in E minor
Kyrie in G
Kyrie in G (triple time)
Lately on yonder swelling Bush
Let my prayer come up
Let thy hand be strengthened
Lifander I persue in vane
Lysander I Pursue
Magnificat and Nunc dimittis in G
Make Bright your Warrior`s Shield
Mark how the Lark and Linnet sing
Marriage Ode
Morpheus the humble God that
Musick`s the Cordial of a troubled
My days are gone like a shadow
My God, my God, look upon me
Nicene creed in A
Nicene creed in E minor
Nicene creed in G
Nicene creed in G (triple time)
O God, wherefore art thou absent
O Lord, I have sinned
O Lord, thou hast searched me out
O pray for the peace of Jerusalem
O sing unto God
O turn not those fine Eyes away
Of all the Torments
Oh Venus!
Oh! Nigrocella
Oh! when ye powers
On the king`s coming home
Orithea`s Bright Eyes, does all
Phylander, do not, do not
Poor Celadon, be sighs
Praise the Lord, ye servants
Prelude in C major for Organ
Prithee, die, and set me free
Psalms for the Organ
Rise mighty Monarch and ascend
Sabina has a thousand Charms
Salvator Mundi
Save me O God
Shepherds deck your crooks
Sing, sing ye Muses
Siong `Lovely Selena, innocent and free`
So ceas` d the rival crew
Sonata in A-dur
Strike The Viol
Suite in G-dur
Sweetness Of Nature
Te Deum in A
Te Deum in E minor
Te Deum in G
Tell me no more you Love
The Lord hear thee
The opera `Venus and Adonis` (1683)
The self banished
The sullen years are past
To me you made a thousand Vows
Turn thee unto me
Voluntary in C-dur
Welcome, welcome, evry guest
What is`t to us who guides the State
When Artists hit on Lucky
When I drynk my Heart is possest
Whence, Galatea, Why so Gay
Whilst on your Neck, no Rival Boy
Why does my Laura Shun me
Why Flavia, why so wanton still
Why is Tarpander pensive grown
Why Weeps Asteria

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