About Flowers  |
Alcido, opera (1778)  |
Amen. Fugue for Choir and Strings (1760?)  |
Anthem Singer in the Camp of Russian Soldiers, the poem by V. Zhukovsky (1812)  |
Blagoslovi Gospod, yako uslusha Glas, Russian sacred music  |
Blessed is the man who always fears the LORD,  |
Cherubic Hymn ¹ 7 for chorus  |
Cherubim Song ¹ 1 for chorus  |
Cherubim Song ¹ 2 for chorus  |
Cherubim Song ¹ 3 for chorus  |
Cherubim Song ¹ 4 for chorus  |
Cherubim Song ¹ 5 for chorus  |
Cherubim Song ¹ 6 for chorus  |
Concert ¹2 `Triumph today`  |
Concert ¹26, `Lord, God of Israel`  |
Concerto for Harpsichord and Orchestra in D Major  |
Concerto No.10 Sing to God, Sing Praises  |
Concerto No.16 `Lift Thee, my God, my King`  |
Concerto ¹ 15 `Come, Let us sing, ye people`  |
Concerto ¹ 17 `If Your villages beloved`  |
Concerto ¹ 22 `The Lord, my education`  |
Concerto ¹ 24 `Lifted up my eyes`  |
Concerto ¹ 25 Do not Keep Silent ever Virgin  |
Concerto ¹ 30 `Hear, O God, my voice`  |
Concerto ¹ 31 `All Languages`  |
Concerto ¹ 32 `Tell them, Oh Lord, the end of mine`  |
Concerto ¹ 34 `Let the God resurrect`  |
Concerto ¹ 4 Joyful Noise unto the Lord all the Earth  |
Creon, opera (1776)  |
Cupid with Wings  |
Ecco quel fiero istante. Canzonetta for Soprano and Strings (1770)  |
Falcon, opera  |
Festival of Lord, Overture to the opera  |
Gatchina March for 2 Oboes, 2 Horns and Bassoon in C Major (1787)  |
Glory in the highest to the God  |
Good-bye, Good-bye  |
Great Canon  |
Gryadi ot Livana nevesto, Russian sacred music  |
Helper and protector  |
How glorious is our Lord in Zion  |
Hymn to the Moon  |
In Convertendo, Motet for soprano, alto, baritone and chamber orchestra  |
Ismene believes me  |
La féte du signeur, opera (1786)  |
Larghetto in F Major  |
Le fils rival, ou La moderne Stratonice, opera (1787)  |
Let My Prayer Arise  |
Liturgy  |
Many Years  |
Montes vales resonate. Motet for Soprano, Alto, Choir and Orchestra (1778)  |
Motet `Lob, Preis und Dank sei dir` for chorus  |
Poor Cowboy  |
Quintet for piano, harp, violin, viola da gamba and cello (1787)  |
Quintus Fabius , Suite from the opera (1778)  |
Quintus Fabius, opera (1778)  |
Reche Gospod, Russian sacred music  |
Romance of Paul and Virginia  |
Romance of the beautiful Tirsis  |
Sacred concerto #18 `It is good thing to give thanks unto the Lord`  |
Sacred concerto for Double Choir #1  |
Sacred concerto for Double Choir #10  |
Sacred concerto for Double Choir #2  |
Sacred concerto for Double Choir #3  |
Sacred concerto for Double Choir #4  |
Sacred concerto for Double Choir #5  |
Sacred concerto for Double Choir #6  |
Sacred concerto for Double Choir #7  |
Sacred concerto for Double Choir #8  |
Sacred concerto for Double Choir #9  |
Sacred concerto No. 3 `Gospodi! Siloyu Tvoeyu vozveselitsya tsar`, Russian sacred music  |
Salve Regina, Motet for Soprano and Orchestra (1776)  |
Save Me, Mother of God, Virgin  |
Silent, Concerto for two Four-Voice Choirs  |
Sinfonia Concertante in B flat major (1790)  |
Sing, ye people  |
Sonata allegro in B flat major for clarinet, viola and basso continuo  |
Sonata allegro in F major for viola, two horns and basso continuo  |
Sonata F-dur (1784?)  |
Sonata ¹ 1 B-Dur (1784?)  |
Sonata ¹ 2 C-Dur (1784)  |
Spiritual Concert ¹ 12. God, I will sing you a new song  |
Spiritual Concert ¹ 13 Rejoice in God, Our Helper  |
Spiritual Concert ¹ 20. I hope in Thee, O Lord  |
Spiritual Concert ¹ 29. I am praising the name of my God with song  |
Spiritual Concert ¹ 7 `Come, let us rejoice the Lord`  |
Spiritual Concert ¹ 9. This is the day, it is created, the Lord  |
Spiritual Concert ¹14. I will belch my heart with the word good  |
Suite from the musical drama "Alcide" |
The concert No. 23 `Blazheny ljudie, vedushchii voskliknovenie`, Russian sacred music  |
The concert No. 27 `Glasom moim ko Gospodu vozzvakh`, Russian sacred music  |
The concert No. 35 `Gospodi, kto obitaet v zhilishchi Tvoem`, Russian sacred music  |
The concert No. 5 `Uslyshit tya Gospod v den pechali`, Russian sacred music  |
The concert No. 8 `Milosti tvoya, Gospodi, vo vek vospoyu`, Russian sacred music  |
Under your mercy  |
Vas orner le sein de Themire. Aria for Soprano and Strings (1778)  |
Vospoite Gospodevi, vospoite pesn novu, Russian sacred music  |
Vskuyu priskorbna esi dushe moya, Russian sacred music  |
We Worship the Power of Love for chorus  |
Worthily it is  |
Your Abode for chorus  |
Zhivyi v pomoshchi Vyshnyago, v krove Boga Nebesnogo, Russian sacred music  |
`Thee God we praise` for two choirs and orchestra  |
«Ave Maria» Es-dur  |