Louis-Albert Bourgault`Ducoudray (1840–1910)
À Saint Herbot, Esquisse for piano |
3 Pièces for violin (or cello) and piano |
7 Song of Brittany for vocal and piano |
A mother`s song, Mélodie for vocal and piano |
Abergavenny, Suite de Thèmes populaires Gallois for Flute, 2 violins, viola, cello |
Anthem to the sea, duet for 2 voices and piano |
Cambodian Rapsodie for Orchestra (1882) |
Contemplation of Stars, sketch for piano (1905) |
During the storm, duett for 2 voices and piano |
Farewell!, Mélodie for Baritone voice and piano |
Gavotte for piano, Op.3 No.1 |
God, our divine father, Cantique for vocal and piano |
Harmony! Harmony!, Mélodie for vocal and piano |
In the moor, Esquisse for piano |
Madame la Marquise, Berceuse for Baritone voice and piano |
Passe-pied for piano |
Remembrance of Prades, piece for piano |
Rondel for Voice and piano |
Shepherds at the manger, piece for English horn and piano |
Simple melody for piano (c. 1906) |
Sketches from Nature, 5 pieces for piano |
Spring, songs for voice and piano |
Stabat Mater for 4 solo voices (SATB), mixed chorus (SATB) and organ Op. 5 |
Symphonic sketches for piano |
Thamara, opera (1891) |
The conjuration of flowers, opera (1883) |
The fishermen`s song, duett for 2 voices and piano |
The funeral of a virgin, piece for strings (?) (ca. 1889) |
The song of those who go to sea, Mélodie for vocal and piano |