Friedrich August Bungert

Friedrich August Bungert (1845–1915)
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After the night, song for vocal and piano
All` meine Herzgedanken, song for vocal and piano
Bäckerlied for vocal and piano
Bei diesem kalten Wehen, song for Voice and piano
Beim Scheiden, song for vocal and piano
Beim Spinnen, song for vocal and piano
Calafat, song for Voice, Piano op. 36
Cheerful girl, song for vocal and piano
Die Liebende schreibt, song for Voice and piano
Dramas in Songs, 2 songs for Voice, Piano op. 35
Es steht in Deutschland eine Lind, song for vocal and piano
Falk flieget hoch, song for Voice and Piano
Fisherman song for vocal and piano
From Young Days, piano pieces op. 9
Gefangene Nachtigall, song for vocal and piano
Gemma 1, song for vocal and piano
Gemma 2, song for vocal and piano
German dances for Piano 4-hands op. 16
Girl and horse, song for Voice and Piano
Girl`s dream, song for vocal and piano
I have a ring from you, song for vocal and piano
I see you in dreams, song for vocal and piano
In the Rheingau, song for voice and piano op. 68a
In the rose arbor on the Rhine, song for vocal and piano
It looks like a rose bush, song for vocal and piano
It smells like homesickness, song for vocal and piano
Jünglingsklage, song for vocal and piano
Jetzt kauf ich mir einen Degen, song for vocal and piano
Leid um dich, song for vocal and piano
Leonore, song for vocal and piano
Luck, song for Voice and Piano
Maria at the cradle, song for vocal and piano
Maurerlied, song for vocal and piano
Mein Rhein, 6 songs for vocal and piano op. 37
Minnelied for vocal and piano
Morgenthau, song for vocal and piano
Myn Leevsten, song for Voice, piano
Nachtigall, song for vocal and piano
Night Song for vocal and piano
Now it`s time for me to be smart, song for Voice, piano
O wär ich ein See, song for vocal and piano
Oh, how beautiful is the spring time!, song for vocal and piano
On the green Rhine, song for vocal and piano
On the Wartburg, Symphonic poem for orchestra op. 29
Oratorio `Mystery` (1908) îð. 60
Piano Quartet op. 18
Rauschende Bäche quellenden Lebens, song for vocal and piano
Seh` ich deine zarten Füsschen an, song for vocal and piano
Sie sagten ihr Glück nicht leise noch laut, song for vocal and piano
So dark are the streets, song for vocal and piano
Soldier Death, song for vocal and piano
Sonata for violin and piano in F Sharp Minor (1880?)
Songs of a Queen II for Voice, Piano op. 44
Stage Music to Faust (1903) op. 58
Summer afternoon, song for Voice and piano
The Bückeburg hunters, song for vocal and piano
The bumblebee, song for vocal and piano
The golden age, song for vocal and piano
The Lord`s Prayer for vocal and piano
The Odyssey, opera op. 30
The shoemaker, song for vocal and piano
The sweetheart, song for vocal and piano
The thought, song for voice, piano
The two old people, song for Voice and piano
Trunkene Hände, song for Voice and piano
Und gestern Not und heute Wein, song for vocal and piano
Variations and Fugue for piano op. 13
Vom sonnigen Kinder-Eiland, song for Voice and piano op. 63
Wärst du krank, dass ich dich könnte pflegen, song for vocal and piano
Walk with a prince, song for vocal and piano
Wenn ich auf dem Lager liege, song for vocal and piano
Why are the roses so pale?, song for Voice, piano
Widmung, song for vocal and piano
Wie schön blüht uns der Maien, song for vocal and piano
Yearning for the Rhine, song for vocal and piano
You are like a flower, song for vocal and piano
`Aurora`, overture for orchestra (1884) op. 23a

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