After the night, song for vocal and piano |
All` meine Herzgedanken, song for vocal and piano |
Bäckerlied for vocal and piano |
Bei diesem kalten Wehen, song for Voice and piano |
Beim Scheiden, song for vocal and piano |
Beim Spinnen, song for vocal and piano |
Calafat, song for Voice, Piano |
op. 36
Cheerful girl, song for vocal and piano |
Die Liebende schreibt, song for Voice and piano |
Dramas in Songs, 2 songs for Voice, Piano |
op. 35
Es steht in Deutschland eine Lind, song for vocal and piano |
Falk flieget hoch, song for Voice and Piano |
Fisherman song for vocal and piano |
From Young Days, piano pieces |
op. 9
Gefangene Nachtigall, song for vocal and piano |
Gemma 1, song for vocal and piano |
Gemma 2, song for vocal and piano |
German dances for Piano 4-hands |
op. 16
Girl and horse, song for Voice and Piano |
Girl`s dream, song for vocal and piano |
I have a ring from you, song for vocal and piano |
I see you in dreams, song for vocal and piano |
In the Rheingau, song for voice and piano |
op. 68a
In the rose arbor on the Rhine, song for vocal and piano |
It looks like a rose bush, song for vocal and piano |
It smells like homesickness, song for vocal and piano |
Jünglingsklage, song for vocal and piano |
Jetzt kauf ich mir einen Degen, song for vocal and piano |
Leid um dich, song for vocal and piano |
Leonore, song for vocal and piano |
Luck, song for Voice and Piano |
Maria at the cradle, song for vocal and piano |
Maurerlied, song for vocal and piano |
Mein Rhein, 6 songs for vocal and piano |
op. 37
Minnelied for vocal and piano |
Morgenthau, song for vocal and piano |
Myn Leevsten, song for Voice, piano |
Nachtigall, song for vocal and piano |
Night Song for vocal and piano |
Now it`s time for me to be smart, song for Voice, piano |
O wär ich ein See, song for vocal and piano |
Oh, how beautiful is the spring time!, song for vocal and piano |
On the green Rhine, song for vocal and piano |
On the Wartburg, Symphonic poem for orchestra |
op. 29
Oratorio `Mystery` (1908) |
îð. 60
Piano Quartet |
op. 18
Rauschende Bäche quellenden Lebens, song for vocal and piano |
Seh` ich deine zarten Füsschen an, song for vocal and piano |
Sie sagten ihr Glück nicht leise noch laut, song for vocal and piano |
So dark are the streets, song for vocal and piano |
Soldier Death, song for vocal and piano |
Sonata for violin and piano in F Sharp Minor (1880?) |
Songs of a Queen II for Voice, Piano |
op. 44
Stage Music to Faust (1903) |
op. 58
Summer afternoon, song for Voice and piano |
The Bückeburg hunters, song for vocal and piano |
The bumblebee, song for vocal and piano |
The golden age, song for vocal and piano |
The Lord`s Prayer for vocal and piano |
The Odyssey, opera |
op. 30
The shoemaker, song for vocal and piano |
The sweetheart, song for vocal and piano |
The thought, song for voice, piano |
The two old people, song for Voice and piano |
Trunkene Hände, song for Voice and piano |
Und gestern Not und heute Wein, song for vocal and piano |
Variations and Fugue for piano |
op. 13
Vom sonnigen Kinder-Eiland, song for Voice and piano |
op. 63
Wärst du krank, dass ich dich könnte pflegen, song for vocal and piano |
Walk with a prince, song for vocal and piano |
Wenn ich auf dem Lager liege, song for vocal and piano |
Why are the roses so pale?, song for Voice, piano |
Widmung, song for vocal and piano |
Wie schön blüht uns der Maien, song for vocal and piano |
Yearning for the Rhine, song for vocal and piano |
You are like a flower, song for vocal and piano |
`Aurora`, overture for orchestra (1884) |
op. 23a