Harry Burleigh (1866–1949)
5 Songs of Laurence Hope for Voice, Piano  |
Ain`t Goin` to Study War No Mo`, song for Voice, Piano  |
Allegretto grazioso for Violin, piano  |
Allegro for Violin, piano  |
Andante for Violin, piano  |
Apart, song for Voice, Piano  |
Balm in Gilead, song for vocal and piano  |
By an` By, song for Voice, piano  |
Deep River, song for Voice, Piano  |
Don`t You Weep When I`m Gone, song for Voice, Piano  |
From the Southland, 6 pieces for piano  |
Go Down, Moses, song for voice, piano  |
I Don`t Feel No-Ways Tired, song for Voice, piano  |
I Stood on de Ribber ob Jerdon, song for Voice, Piano  |
I Want to be Ready, song for Voice, piano  |
John`s Gone Down on de Island, song for Voice, Piano (1917)  |
My Lord, what a Mornin`, song for Voice, piano  |
My Way`s Cloudy, song for Voice, Piano  |
Nobody Knows de Trouble I`ve Seen, song for Voice, Piano  |
O Rocks, Don`t Fall on Me, song for Voice, Piano  |
Oh Peter go Ring-a dem Bells, song for Voice, piano  |
Oh, Didn`t it Rain, song for Voice, Piano  |
Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child, song for Voice, Piano  |
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot, song for Voice, Piano  |
Tis Me, O Lord, song for Voice, Piano  |
Weepin` Mary, song for Voice, piano  |