(Bach) Transcription of Chromatic Fantasia and Fugue in D Minor BWV 903 for Cello and Piano  |
KiV B 38
(Bach) Transcription of Concerto for harpsichord and strings No. 1 in D minor BWV 1052 for Two Pianos  |
KiV B 30
(Beethoven) Benedictus from `Missa solemnis` for violin & orchestra  |
KiV B 49
(Beethoven) Cadenza to First Movement of Piano Conncerto No. 4  |
KiV B 1, ¹1
(Beethoven) Cadenzas to Violin Concerto in D Major, Op. 61  |
KiV B 3
(Beethoven) Transcription of Six Écossaises WoO 83 for piano  |
KiV B 47
(Brahms) Cadenza to Violin Concerto in D Major Op. 77  |
KiV B 5
(Brahms) Cadenza to Violin Concerto in D Major Op. 77 |
KiV B 5
(Brahms) Piano Transcription of Choral Prelude for Organ `Es ist ein` Ros` entsprungen` Op.122, No. 8  |
KiV B 50, ¹3
(Brahms) Piano Transcription of Choral Prelude for Organ `Herzlich tut mich erfreuen` Op.122, No. 4  |
KiV B 50, ¹1
(Brahms) Piano Transcription of Choral Prelude for Organ `Herzlich tut mich verlangen` Op.122, No. 9  |
KiV B 50, ¹4
(Brahms) Piano Transcription of Choral Prelude for Organ `O Welt, ich muss dich lassen` Op.122, No.11  |
KiV B 50, ¹6
(Brahms) Piano Transcription of Choral Prelude for Organ `Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele` Op.122, No. 5  |
KiV B 50, ¹2
(Brahms) Piano transcription of the Chorale Prelude for organ “Herzlich tut mich verlangen` Op.122, Nr.10  |
KiV B 50, ¹5
(Cramer) 8 Etudes for piano (1897)  |
KiV B 53
(Liszt) Piano Transcription of Fantasy and Fugue on the Theme of Choral `Ad nos, ad salutarem undam` (S.259)  |
KiV B 59
(Liszt) Piano Transcription of Mephisto-Waltz S.110 No. 2  |
KiV B 61
(Liszt) Transcription of Hungarian Rhapsody No.19 for piano  |
KiV B 73
(Liszt) Transcription of Valse oubliée No. 1 (S.215) for Cello and Piano  |
KiV B 69
(Mendelssohn) Symphony No. 1 In C Minor, Op. 11 - arr. For Two Pianos/Eight Hands  |
KiV B 77
(Mozart) Piano Transcription of Andantino from Piano Concerto No. 9 `Jeunehomme` K. 271  |
KiV B 84
(Mozart) Piano Transcription of Symphony No. 30 in D Major  |
KiV B 78
(Mozart) Piano Transcription of Symphony No. 32 in G Major  |
KiV B 79
(Mozart) Piano Transcription of Symphony No. 37 in G Major  |
KiV B 80
(Mozart) Two cadenzas for Piano Concerto No. 20 in D minor  |
KiV B 7
(Mozart) `Fantasy for a Barrel-Organ, K. 608` for two pianos  |
KiV B 91
(Novacek) Piano Transcription of Scherzo from the String Quartet No. 1 in E minor  |
KiV B 95
(Schoenberg) Transcription of Piano Piece Op. 11 No. 2  |
KiV B 97
(Schubert) Piano Transcription of Five German Dances with Coda and Seven Trios D. 90  |
KiV B102
(Schubert) Piano Transcription of Overture in B-Flat Major D. 470  |
KiV B100
(Schubert) Piano Transcription of Overture in D Major D. 26  |
KiV B 99
(Schubert) Piano Transcription of Overture in D Major D. 556  |
KiV B103
(Schubert) Piano Transcription of Overture in E minor D. 648  |
KiV B104
(Schubert) Piano Transcription of Overture in Italian Style in C Major D. 591  |
KiV B106
(Schubert) Piano Transcription of Overture in Italian Style in D Major D. 591  |
KiV B105
(Schubert) Piano Transcription of Overture `Der Teufel als Hydraulicus` D. 4  |
KiV B 98
(Schumann) Transcription of Introduction and Concert Allegro Op.134 for Two Pianos  |
KiV B109
(Schumann) Transcription of `Abendlied` Op.85, No.12 for Clarinet and String Quartet  |
KiV B107
(Spohr, Ernst) Introducion and Elegy for Clarinet and String Quartet  |
KiV B110
(Wagner) Piano Transcription of Funeral March from `Götterdämmerung`  |
KiV B111
24 Preludes  |
BV181 (op. 37)
4 Bagatelles for violin and piano |
op. 28
Album vocale for Vioce and Piano (1884)  |
Albumblatt for Flute and Piano in E minor  |
An Babylons Wassern  |
BV202 (op. 15, ¹2)
An die Jugend - ¹ 1 Preludietto, Fughetta ed Esercizio  |
BV254, ¹ 1
An die Jugend - ¹ 2 Preludio, Fuga e Fuga figurata (Studie nach Bach)  |
BV254, ¹ 2
An die Jugend - ¹ 4 Introduzione, Capriccio (Paganinesco) e Epilogo  |
BV254, ¹ 4
Andante con moto e-moll, for clarinet and piano (1877)  |
BV 72
Andantino for clarinet and piano in B-dur (1879)  |
Anhang zu Siegfried Ochs `Kommt a Vogerl g`flogen` (five variations), for piano (1886)  |
Antiphon `Ave Maria` for Baritone and Orchestra (1882)  |
Antiphon `Ave Maria` for Voice and Piano (1877)  |
BV 67
Antiphon `Ave Maria` for Voice and Strings (1878)  |
BV 67a
Antiphon `Salve Regina` for mezzo-soprano and strings (1877)  |
BV 68a
Arrangement of Mozart`s Overture to Idomeneo  |
KiV B 85
Ballet Episode for Piano  |
BV197, ¹ 3
Ballettszene ¹ 2 for Piano  |
BV209 (op. 20, ¹2)
Berceuse elegiaque (1909)  |
BV252a (op. 42)
Canonic Variations and Fugue  |
BV 40
Canzone for Piano (1873)  |
BV 1
Capriccio in G Minor for Two Pianos (1879)  |
Character Pieces for Clarinet and Piano  |
Concertino for Clarinet and Orchestra  |
BV276 (op. 48)
Concerto for Piano and String Quartet (1878)  |
BV 80
Concerto for piano, orchestra and male choir in C major  |
BV247 (op. 39)
Danze antiche - ¹ 1 Minuet  |
BV126 (op. 11, ¹ 1)
Danze antiche - ¹ 2 Gavotte  |
BV126 (op. 11, ¹ 2)
Danze antiche - ¹ 3 Gigue  |
BV126 (op. 11, ¹ 3)
Danze antiche - ¹ 4 Burre  |
BV126 (op. 11, ¹ 4)
Des Sangers Fluch, for Voice and Piano  |
BV 98
Die Brautwahl, musikalisch-fantastische Komedie in 3 Akten und 1 Nachspiel (1905-1912)  |
Divertimento for Flute and Orchestra  |
BV285 (op. 52)
Duettino concertante after the Finale of the Piano Concerto No. 19 in F major, K. 459 (transcr. for two pianos four hands)  |
KiV B 88
Duo for Two Flutes and Piano (1880)  |
Eine Lustspielouverture for Orchestra  |
BV245 (op. 38)
Elegies for piano (1907)  |
Elegy for clarinet and piano in Es-dur (1919-20)  |
Etude in the form of variations for piano  |
Fairy Tale for Cello (Clarinet) and Piano (1879)  |
Fantasia after J. S. Bach ( In memory of my father)  |
Fantasia contrappuntistica for piano solo  |
Fantasia contrappuntistica for two pianos  |
Fantasy on motives from The Barber of Baghdad by Peter Cornelius for Piano  |
KiV B 52
Fantasy, Fugue, Andante and Scherzo (based on the works of J. S. Bach)  |
BV 42
Finnish folk songs for piano 4 hands  |
BV227 (op.27)
Five Pieces for Piano  |
BV 71
Four Bagatelles for Volin and Piano  |
BV229 (op. 28)
Four lyric poems for the male choir and orchestra - No. 1 `Spring `  |
BV191 (op. 40, ¹ 1)
Four lyric poems for the male choir and orchestra - No. 2 `Summer `  |
BV191 (op. 40, ¹ 2)
Four lyric poems for the male choir and orchestra - No. 3 `Autumn `  |
BV191 (op. 40, ¹ 3)
Four lyric poems for the male choir and orchestra - No. 4 `Winter `  |
BV191 (op. 40, ¹ 4)
Fourth Ballet Scene in the Form of a Concert Waltz  |
BV238 (op. 33a)
Fugue on the Folksong `O Du Lieber Augustin` for two pianos (1886)  |
Gavote in F Minor for Piano (1880)  |
Gavotta for Piano (1878)  |
BV 89
Giga, Bolero e variazione (1909)  |
Great Fugue for Piano (1910)  |
Gyspy Song `Im Nebelgeriesel, im tiefen Schnee`  |
Hunter`s Song for Piano (1874)  |
BV 12
Ich sah die Thrane  |
BV202 (op. 15, ¹1)
Improvisation uber Bachs Chorallied `Wie wohl ist mir` for Two Pianos (1916)  |
In der Art eines Choralvorspiels  |
Indian Diary, Book I  |
Indian Diary, Book II  |
Indianisches Erntelied (1911)  |
Inno-Variations for Piano (1875)  |
BV 16
Introduction and Allegro for Piano and Orchestra in D Minor  |
Klavieruebung (1925)  |
La Campanella, Etude transcription Franz Liszt  |
KiV B 68
Lied des Brander  |
Lied des Unmuts  |
Little Suite for Cello and Piano in D Minor  |
Macchietta medioevali, Six Pieces for Piano  |
Marcia di paesani e contadine (1883)  |
Marcia funebre in C minor (1874)  |
BV 9
Minuet for Piano  |
BV 77
Missa in honorem Beatae Mariae Virginis (1880)  |
Nine Variations on a Chopin Prelude  |
Nocturnal Dance for Piano (1882)  |
Noveletta for clarinet and piano (1879)  |
Nuit de Noel  |
Opera `Doctor Faustus`  |
Opera `Turandot`  |
Orchestral Suite from the Opera `Choice of the Bride`  |
Orchestral Suite from the Opera `Turandot`  |
Overture from the opera `The Magic Flute` by Mozart. Arrangement for Two Pianos  |
KiV B 83
Perpetuum Mobile  |
Piano Sonata in F Minor  |
Piano transcription of Bach ``In dulci jubilo``, BWV 751  |
KiV B 46
Piano transcription of Bach`s Chaconne from Partita ¹ 2 in D minor (BWV1004)  |
KiV B 24
Piano transcription of Bach`s Chorale `Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland` (BWV599)  |
KiV B 46
Piano transcription of Bach`s Chorale `Durch Adam`s Fall ist ganz verderbt` (BWV637/705)  |
KiV B 27, ¹7
Piano transcription of Bach`s Chorale `Herr Gott, nun schleuss den Himmel auf` (BWV617)  |
KiV B 27, ¹6
Piano transcription of Bach`s Chorale `Ich ruf`zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ ` (BWV639)  |
KiV B 27, ¹5
Piano transcription of Bach`s Chorale `In dir ist Freude` (BWV615)  |
KiV B 27, ¹8
Piano transcription of Bach`s Chorale `Jesus Christus, unser Heiland` (BWV665)  |
KiV B 27, ¹9
Piano transcription of Bach`s Chorale `Komm, Gott Sch opfer, Heiliger Geist` (BWV667)  |
KiV B 27, ¹1
Piano transcription of Bach`s Chorale `Nun freut euch, lieben Christen gemein` (BWV734)  |
KiV B 27, ¹4
Piano transcription of Bach`s Chorale `Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme` (BWV645)  |
KiV B 27, ¹2
Piano transcription of Bach`s Fantasia and Fugue in C minor (BWV906)  |
KiV B 37
Piano transcription of Bach`s Little Prelude and Fugue in E minor (BWV533 )  |
KiV B 26
Piano transcription of Bach`s Prelude and Fugue in B flat major `St Anne` (BWV552)  |
KiV B 22
Piano transcription of Bach`s Prelude and Fugue in D Major (BWV532)  |
KiV B 20
Piano transcription of Bach`s Toccata, Adagio and Fugue in C major (BWV564)  |
KiV B 29, ¹1
Piano transcription of Bach`s Tokkata and Fugue in D minor (BWV565)  |
KiV B 29, ¹2
Piano transcription of Bach`s: Capriccio on the departure of beloved brother (BWV992)  |
KiV B 34
Piano transcription of the chorale by JS Bach `Nun kommt, der Heiden Heiland` (BWV 659)  |
KiV B 27, ¹3
Prelude and Fugue  |
Prelude and Fugue for Organ in A Minor  |
Prelude and Fugue for Piano  |
BV197, ¹ 2
Prelude and Fugue in C Major for Piano (1881)  |
Prelude and Fugue in C Minor for Piano (1878)  |
BV 85
Prelude and Fugue in C Minor for Two Pianos (1878)  |
BV 99
Prelude et etude en arpeges (1923)  |
Prologue  |
Racconti fantastici for Piano  |
Rhapsodie espagnole (After Liszt`s S. 254)  |
KiV B 58
Romance and Scherzo for Piano and Orchestra (1921)  |
Rondo arlecchinesco for Voice and Orchestra  |
Rural Holiday, Six pieces for piano  |
Scherzo for Piano  |
BV197, ¹ 1
Schlechter Trost  |
Sequence `Stabat Mater` (1879)  |
Serenade (Mozart, Don Juan)  |
Serenade for Cello and Piano in G Minor  |
Serenade for clarinet and piano B-dur (1879)  |
Seven Short Pieces for the Cultivation of Poliphonic Playing (1923)  |
Six Etudes for Piano  |
Six Pieces for Piano  |
Sonata for Clarinet and Piano in D major, BV 138  |
Sonata for Violin and Piano No.1 in e-moll  |
BV234 (op.29)
Sonata for Violin and Piano No.2 å-moll  |
BV244 (op.36a)
Sonatina No. 2 (1912)  |
Sonatina No. 4 (1917)  |
Sonatina No. 5 (1918)  |
Sonatina quasi sonata for Piano (Fragment)  |
Sonatina [ No. 3] ad libitum infantis (1915)  |
Sonatina [ No. 6 ] super Carmen (1920)  |
Sonatina ¹ 1 (1910)  |
Song `Bin Ein Fahrender Gesell`  |
BV167, ¹2
Song `Es ist bestimmt in Gottes Rat`  |
BV216, ¹2
Song `Lied des Monmouth`  |
BV216, ¹1
Song `Unter den Linden`  |
BV207, ¹2
Song `Wer Hat Das Erste Lied Erdacht`  |
BV167, ¹1
Song `Wolhauf! Der Kuhle Winter Ist Vergangen`  |
BV207, ¹1
String Quartet No. 1 in C Major  |
String Quartet No. 2 in D Minor  |
Suite campestre for Piano (1878)  |
BV 81
Suite for clarinet and piano (1878)  |
BV 88
Suite for Clarinet and String Quartet  |
Suite No. 2 for Orchestra  |
BV242 (op. 34a)
Symphonic Nocturne in C Major  |
Symphonic Poem  |
BV240 (op. 31a)
Symphonic Suite No. 1  |
BV201 (op. 25)
Tanzwalzer  |
BV288 (op. 53)
Thee Pieces in antique style for piano - No. 2 Sonatina  |
BV159 (op. 10, ¹ 2)
Theme and Variations in C major for Piano (1873)  |
BV 6
Three Albumleaves (1917, 1921, 1921)  |
Three Pieces in antique style for Piano - No 3 Gigue  |
BV159 (op. 10, ¹ 3)
Three Pieces in antique style for piano - No. 1 Minuet  |
BV159 (op. 10, ¹ 1)
Toccata: Prelude, Fantasy, Chaconne for Piano, BV287 (1921)  |
Trascrizione di concerto sopra motivi dell’opera `Merlino`  |
KiV B 55
Two Dances for Piano  |
Two Studies for `Doktor Faust` for orchestra  |
BV282 (op. 51)
Violin Concerto  |
BV243 (op. 35a)
`Arlecchino` (oder `Die Fenster`)  |
BV270 (op.50)
`Dramatic solo` for clarinet and piano in B flat minor (1879)  |
`Indian` fantasy for piano and orchestra (1913)  |
BV264 (op. 44)
`Kultaselle`, Variations on a Finnish Solksong for Cello and Piano (1889)  |
`Song of Mephistopheles` for voice and piano  |