William Byrd

William Byrd (1543–1623)
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A Fancie BK 46
A Fancie, for my Ladye Nevell BK 25
A Galliards Gygge BK 18
A Gigg BK 22
A Grounde BK 9
A Grounde BK 43
A Grounde BK 86
A Horne Pipe BK 39
A Verse BK 28
A Voluntarie BK 27
A Voluntarie for my Ladye Nevell BK 61
Ah silly soul
All in a garden greene BK 56
Alma redemptoris mater a 4
Alman BK 11
An Alman BK117
An Almane BK 89
Attollite portas
Audivi vocem de caelo a 5
Ave verum corpus
Beata viscera Mariae Virginis
Callino Casturame BK 35
Christ Rising Again
Christe qui lux es a 5
Christe redemptor omnium a 4
Christe, qui lux (Es et dies) BK121
Civitas sancti tui
Clarifica me, pater BK 49
Clarifica me, pater (II) BK 48
Cloria tibi trinitas BK 50
Constant Penelope
Content is Rich
Courant BK 45
De lamentatione Jeremiae prophetae a 5
Deo gratias
Domine quis habitabit a 9
Domine secundum actum meum
Echo Pavan and Galliard BK114
Fair Britain Isle
Fantasia BK 13
Fantasia (FVB 52)
Fantasia (FVB 8)
Fantasia a3 (I)
Fantasia a3 (II)
Fantasia a3 (III)
Fantasia a4 (I)
Fantasia a4 (III)
Fantasia a5
Fantasia a6 (I)
Fantasia a6 (II)
Fantasia a6 (III)
Fantasia in C BK 26
Fantasia in G BK 62
Fantasia in G BK 63
Fantasia No. 2 a 6
Fantasy ¹ 3
First pavan and galliard (My Ladye Nevells Booke, 1591)
Fortune my Foe, Farewell Delight BK 6
Galiardas Passamezzo
Galiardo Mistris Marye Brownlo BK 34
Galliard BK 53
Galliard BK 73b
Galliard BK 77
Galliard a 6
Galliard `for the Victorie` BK 95
Galliard `Harding`
Go from my window BK 79
Gypseis Round BK 80
Haec dicit Dominus
Haec dies
Have Mercy Upon Me, O God
Have with yow to Walsingame BK 8
How vain the toils
Hugh Ashton`s Grownde BK 20
Hughe Ashton`s ground
If my complaints (Pyper`s Galliard) BK118
In Angel`s Weed
In nomine a4 (I)
In nomine for 4 viols (II)
In Nomine No. 2 a 4
In Nomine No.5 a 5
Infelix ego
Jhon come kisse me now BK 81
Justorum Animae
La Volta BK 91
La Volta L. Morley BK 90
Lachrymae Pavan BK 54
Lady Monteagle`s Pavan BK 75
Laudibus in sanctis Dominum
Lord Willobies Welcome Home BK 7
Lullaby `My Sweet Little Baby`
Mass for five voices
Mass for Four Voices
Mass for Three Voices
Miserere BK 66
Miserere BK 67
Miserere mei, Deus
Monsieur`s Alman BK 44
Monsieur`s Alman BK 87
Motet `Ave Vertum Corpus`
Motet `Ne irascaris Domine`
My Ladye Nevell`s grownde BK 57
My mind to me a kingdom is, Sonnets and pastorals
My Mistress had a little dog
Ne perdas cum impiis a 5
O God, the proud are risen (Anglican Music)
O Lord, bow down thine heav`nly eyes
O lord, how vain
O Lord, make thy servant Elizabeth (Anglican Music)
O Lord, within thy tabernacle, song
O Mistris myne, I must BK 83
O quam gloriosum est regnum BK119
O quam suavis
O you that hear this voice, Sonnets and Pastorals
Omni tempore benedic Deum a 5
Out of the Orient Crystal Skies
Parludam BK115
Parson`s In nomine BK 51
Passamezzo Pavana
Pavan BK 76
Pavan a 6
Pavan and galliard BK 4
Pavan and galliard BK 16
Pavan and galliard BK 23
Pavan and Galliard BK 29
Pavan and galliard BK 30
Pavan and galliard BK 31
Pavan and galliard BK 33
Pavan and Galliard BK 52
Pavan and galliard BK 60
Pavan and galliard BK 71
Pavan and galliard BK 72
Pavan and Galliard BK100
Pavan and Galliard a5
Pavan and Galliard a6
Pavan and galliard `Bray` BK 59
Pavan and galliard `Johnson`s Delighte` BK 5
Pavan and galliard `The Earle of Salisbury` BK 15
Pavan and galliard `The vi, Kinbrugh Good` BK 32
Pavan in A minor
Paven BK 73a
Peccavi super numerum a 5
Praeludium in g BK 1
Prelude BK 24
Prelude BK 12
Prelude `to the Fancie`
Propers for Lady Mass in Advent (Gradualia, 1605): Rorate caeli/Tollite portas/Ave Maria/Ecce virgo
Quadran Pavan and Galliard BK 70
Qui passe, for my Ladye Nevell BK 19
Recorder and Drum
Rejoice Unto The Lord
Salvator mundi BK 68
Salvator mundi BK 69
Sanctus a 3
Sellinger`s Rownde BK 84
Sermone blando a 4
Sing joyfully unto God (Anglican Music)
Sixth pavan and galliard
Susanna Fair
Sweet and Merry Month
Teach me, O Lord
The Barley Break BK 92
The Battell BK 94
The Bells BK 38
The Carman`s whistle BK 36
The Eighte Pavan BK 17
The funeral songs of that honourable Gent., Sir Phillip Sidney, Knight: ¹ 2 `O that most rare breast`
The Ghost BK 78
The Great Service (Anglican Music)
The Hunt`s Up BK 40
The III Pavan BK 14 (?)
The Marche before the Battell BK 93
The Mayden`s Songe BK 82
The Passinge Mesures Pavan BK 2
The Queenes Alman BK10
The Second Ground BK 42
The Tenthe Pavian, Mr. W. Peter BK 3
The Woods So Wilde
Though I Be Brown
Three French coranto`s BK 21
Tregian`s ground
Triumph With Pleasant Melody
Truth at the first
Ut, mi, re BK 65
Ut, Re, Mee, Fa, Sol, La BK 58
Ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la BK 64
Vide Dominum quoniam tributor a 5
Viri Galilaei
Visita, quaesumus Domine
While Phoebus Us`d to Dwell
Will yow walke the woods so wylde BK 85
Wilson`s Wilde BK 37
With Lilies White
Wretched Albinus
Ye sacred Muses, Elegy on the death of Thomas Tallis
`The driver is whistling`


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