Niccolo Castiglioni

Niccolo Castiglioni (1932–1996)
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Alef, for Oboe (1965)
Altisonanza, for Orchestra (1992)
Apreslude, for Orchestra (1959)
Attraverso lo specchi, radiopiece after Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There by Lewis Carroll (1961)
Cangianti, for Piano (1959)
Cantus planus. Prima pars, for two Sopranos and Ensemble (1990)
Cantus planus. Seconda pars, for two Sopranos and Ensemble (1991)
Come io passo l`estate, suite for the beginner (1983)
Concerto for Orchestra (1963)
Consonante, for Flute and Chamber Orchestra (1962)
Daleth, Sonatina for Clarinet and Piano (1979)
Das Reh im Wald, for Piano (1988)
Dickinson-Lieder, for Soprano and Piano (1977)
Divertimento, electroacoustic music. 1961
Dulce refrigerium, Six Spiritual Songs for Piano (1984)
Elegy in Memory of Anne Frank for Soprano and Ensemble (1957)
Filastrocca, for Wind Quintet (1989)
Fiori di ghiaccio, Piano Concerto (1983)
Gruezi, Romanzetta for Oboe (1990)
Gymel for Flute and Piano (1960)
Gyro (Erdkreis), for Mixed Choir and Ensemble (1963)
HE, for Piano (1990)
Hymns for Twelve Voices (1988-89)
In principio era la danza, for Piano (1989)
Inizio di movimento, for Piano (1958)
Intonazione, for Ensemble (1992)
Inverno in-ver, for Chamber Orchestra (1972)
Le favole di Esopo, Oratorio for Choir and Orchestra (1979)
Liedlein, for Children Choir and Chamber Orchestra (1991)
Momenti musicali (1991)
Morceaux lyriques, for Oboe and Orchestra (1982)
Movimento continuato, for Piano and Ensemble (1959)
Musica vneukokvahja, for Flute (1965-81)
Octet for Winds (1993)
Prelude, Chorale and Fugue for Piano (1994)
Quickly, for Ensemble (1994)
Quilisma, for Piano and String Quintet (1977)
Quodlibet (da `Figure`), for Soprano solo (1965)
Quodlibet, concerto for piano and chamber orchestra. 1976
Rima, for Oboe and Piano (1984)
Risognanze, for Chamber Orchestra (1989)
Romanze for String Quartet (1990)
Romanzetta, for Flute (1990)
Sequence for Orchestra (1959)
Seven, for Soprano and Orchestra (1995)
SIC, for Flute and Guitar (1992)
Sinfonia con rosignolo, for Soprano and Orchestra (1989)
Sonatina for Piano (1985)
Synchromie, for Orchestra (1963)
Terzina, for Soprano and Ensemble (1992-93)
Three Pieces for Piano (1978)
Tropi, for flute, clarinet, violin, cello, piano and percussion (1959)
Undici danze per la bella Verena, for Violin and Piano (1996)
Vallis clausa, for Soprano and Ensemble (1993)

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