Shirvani Chalaev (Born 1936)
Cello Concerto No. 1  |
Clarinet Concerto, 2013  |
Harpsichord (Piano) Concerto  |
I am home again  |
Kazaki, the opera on the novel by Leo Tolstoy  |
Let not meet love, vocal cycle, 1974  |
Lullabies for the Heart (poems by A. Fet) for Contralto, Cello and Piano  |
Moon Songs (1986) for Contralto and Cello, poems by F. G. Lorca  |
Oh, My Native Russia, romance on the poem by S. Esenin |
Road in Oman, for symphony orchestra  |
Seven Lak Songs  |
Sinfonietta  |
Small youthful Trio on Karachai themes  |
Song about Tatarkhan, 8 pieces for violin and cello based on Karachai songs  |
Violin Concerto No. 2  |
Violin Concerto No. 6  |
`Dedication` Poem for mixed choir. Lirics by A.Pushkin and M.Lermontov.  |
`Incomprehensible God`, cantata for contralto, chorus and orchestra on poems by G. Derzhavin, M. Lermontov, L. Mey, and canonical church texts  |