Pavel Chesnokov

Pavel Chesnokov (1877–1944)
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All-Night Vigil op.44
An Evening Victim op.24№6
AppleTree op.14№3
Arise O God op.48№2
Bless My Soul, Lord op.27№1
Blessed art Thou, O Lord op.39№ 3
Blessed is The Man op.11№2
By diligently to the Mother of God op.43№7
Cherubic Hymn op.42№4
Cherubic `On Rejoice` for mixed choir op. 7№1
Choir a cappella `Long Live Russia` (V. Knyazev)
Choir `Night` for female / children`s voices and piano (to lyrics by A. Pleshcheev) op. 2№1
Choir `Peasant Party` for women / children voices and piano (to lyrics by A. Koltsov) op. 2№3
Choir `Uncompressed strip` for female / children`s voices and piano (to lyrics by N. Nekrasov) op. 4№1
Choirs a cappella op.13
Choirs a cappella op.28
Choirs a cappella op.29
Choirs a cappella op.31
Choirs a cappella op.32
Choirs a cappella op.35
Do not reject me in the time of old age op.40№5
Dubinushka op.31№3
Glory the The Only Begotten Son op. 9№ 2
God Is with Us op.40№6
Green Noise op.14№6
Hours of Holy Pascha
I Believe op.16
Intercessor Diligent op.43№6
Joyful light op. 9№21
Kheruvimskaya pesn (Sofronievskaya). Cherub`s Song op.27№5
Let My Prayer Come True op.24№6
Let us pray to the Holy Virgin op.43№5
Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom op.42
Make haste to intercede op.45№4
Memorial Service for male chorus op.39a
Molitvami rodshiya iz Panikhidy op.30№6
Now Lettest op.50№4
O, Mother of God
On the bed of suffering op.45№1
Open to me the door of repetance
Opera (poem) `Flood` ( `Heaven and Earth`)
Ot younosti moeya op.48№1
Our Father
Praise the Lord from the Heavens op.42№9
Priidite ublagim Iosifa op. 9№28
Save Us, the Mighteous Lord!
Six concertos for soloists and chorus op.40
Small Doxology
So svyatymi upokoi/Give Rest with the Saints op.39№12
Sunday dogmatist of the 5th voice `In the darkness of the sea`. Znamenny chant op. 9№16
Teplitsya zorka for mixed choir op.28№1
The cycle `In days of battle` . `O Sweet and All-Euthan Jesus` op.45№2
The eternal council op.40№2
The funeral service № 2
The Great Doxology (Znamenny Chant) op. 3№4
The night for mixed choir op.31№1
The Penitent Thief op.43№3
To Thee We Sing op.27№6
To Thee, The insurmountable Wall op.45№3
To your favour we resort
`Hymn to the Holy Virgin` op.43№4
`The Angel Cried Out` for soprano and choir op.22№18

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